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Luciano Ferrer

France to End Disposal of $900 Million in Unsold Goods Each Year - 1 views

    "France plans to outlaw the destruction of unsold consumer products, a practice that currently results in the disposal of new goods worth 800 million euros, or more than $900 million, in the country each year. By 2023, manufacturers and retailers will have to donate, reuse or recycle the goods, Prime Minister Édouard Philippe said on Tuesday of the measure, which the government billed as the first of its kind. "It is waste that defies reason," Mr. Philippe said at a discount store in Paris, according to Agence France-Presse, and he called the practice "scandalous." Under a new measure that will be part of a bill set to be debated by the government in July, destroying unsold goods could result in financial penalties or prison time. The practice - widespread across the retail and consumer industry as a way to free up warehouse space or prevent unwanted items from being sold at a significant discount - has received bad press in France recently. ..."
Luciano Ferrer

The Good Country - ¿Cómo medir el aporte, o no, de un país? - 0 views

    We're not making moral judgments about countries. What we mean by a Good Country is something much simpler: it's a country that contributes to the greater good of humanity. A country that serves the interests of its own people, but without harming - and preferably by advancing - the interests of people in other countries too.
Luciano Ferrer

The Challenge - A Good Life For All Within Planetary Boundaries - 0 views

    "No country in the world currently meets the basic needs of its citizens at a globally sustainable level of resource use. Our research, recently published in Nature Sustainability (and summarised in The Conversation), is the first to quantify the national resource use associated with achieving a good life for over 150 countries. It shows that meeting the basic needs of all people on the planet would result in humanity transgressing multiple environmental limits, based on current relationships between resource use and human well-being. The chart below demonstrates the profound challenge nations currently face. National performance on seven environmental sustainability indicators is plotted against eleven minimum social thresholds for a good life (see About page for further details). Ideally, nations would be located in the top-left corner with no biophysical boundaries transgressed and all minimum social thresholds achieved."
Luciano Ferrer

Who's Asking? - Alfie Kohn - 0 views

    "It seems only fitting to explore the role of questions in education by asking questions about the process of doing so. I propose that we start with the customary way of framing this topic and then proceed to questions that are deeper and potentially more subversive of traditional schooling. 1. WHICH QUESTIONS? To begin, let's consider what we might ask our students. The least interesting questions are those with straightforward factual answers. That's why a number of writers have encouraged the use of questions described variously as "true" (Wolf, 1987), "essential" (Simon, 2002), "generative" (Perkins, 1992; Perrone, 1998), "guiding" (Traver, 1998), or "fertile" (Harpaz & Lefstein, 2000). What the best of these share is that they're open-ended. Sometimes, in fact, no definitive right answer can be found at all. And even when there is one - or at least when there is reason to prefer some responses to others - the answer isn't obvious and can't be summarized in a sentence. Why is it so hard to find a cure for cancer? Do numbers ever end? Why do people lie? Why did we invade Vietnam? Grappling with meaty questions like these (which were among those generated by a class in Plainview, NY) is a real project . . . literally. A question-based approach to teaching tends to shade into learning that is problem- (Delisle, 1997) and project-based (Kilpatrick, 1918; Blumenfeld et al., 1991; Wolk, 1998). Intellectual proficiency is strengthened as students figure out how to do justice to a rich question. As they investigate and come to understand important ideas more fully, new questions arise along with better ways of asking them, and the learning spirals upwards. Guiding students through this process is not a technique that can be stapled onto our existing pedagogy, nor is it something that teachers can be trained to master during an in-service day. What's required is a continual focus on creating a classroom that is about thinking rather
Luciano Ferrer

Cuadro comparativo de las Teorías de Aprendizaje Gestalt Piaget Vygotsky Ausu... - 1 views

    "En las manifestaciones del comportamiento humano pueden distinguirse dos grandes tipos de conducta: una innata y otra adquirida o aprendida. En los animales inferiores, toda su conducta está determinada por tendencias innatas, sin embargo en el hombre la mayor parte de su actividad es resultado del aprendizaje. Existen distintas definiciones de aprendizaje. Una es la de Kimble, que lo define como el cambio más o menos permanente de la conducta que ocurre como resultado de la práctica. Good y Brophy lo definen como un cambio relativamente permanente en la capacidad de ejecución, adquirida por medio de la experiencia. En todas las definiciones se recogen las tres características fundamentales del aprendizaje: * El aprendizaje es un proceso que produce un cambio. Sin cambio no hay aprendizaje. Sólo podemos inferir que ha habido aprendizaje si un individuo, en circunstancias similares, manifiesta una conducta diferente a la que se producía antes de que tuviera lugar el proceso o dejar de producirla. Para los conductistas era un cambio de la conducta externa y observable. Para los cognitivistas es un cambio interno, en las capacidades o disposiciones del individuo que le permiten responder adecuadamente a una situación concreta. Este cambio puede consistir en un aumento de la capacidad que se tiene para hacer algo o en una modificación de las actitudes, intereses y valores. * Se adquiere como resultado de la experiencia. No todos los cambios que tienen lugar en el individuo son aprendizaje, sino sólo aquellos que se adquieran a través de la práctica o la experiencia. Se excluyen tres tipos de cambios: los debidos al desarrollo físico: altura, peso…, los debidos a la maduración del individuo, y los debidos a fatiga, drogas o adaptaciones sensoriales. En cuanto a la maduración es una consecuencia de la edad y el aprendizaje interactúa con ella, pero son dos cosas distintas. Hilgar y Bower afirman que la maduración es un competidor del aprendizaje
Luciano Ferrer

Why children ask 'Why?' and what makes a good explanation | 3tags - 0 views

    ¿Por qué los niños preguntan por qué? Qué hace a una buena explicación (artículo en inglés)
Xavier Abilla

20 Places to Educate Yourself Online for Free - 0 views

    It seems like these days you can learn just about anything online for free, but of course some of that information is better than others. The good news is there are plenty of reputable places to educate yourself online for free, and here's a good 20 of them to get you started.
    Webs útiles para el autoaprendizaje
    Cursos online gratuitos.
Ana María Maxiá Jiménez

One-Minute "Ask Smithsonian" Videos Are Good To Watch & Are Useful Models For Student C... - 1 views

    The Smithsonian has a series of one-minute "Ask Smithsonian" videos that answer questions on a variety of topics. Ideal for Social Studies classes.
Luciano Ferrer

Using Twitter in the classroom - my firsthand experience - Mr Kemp - 0 views

    "As an educator who is addicted to Twitter I have always read about students getting introduced to Twitter and wondered how it would work. After reading and reading I have finally decided to give it a go. Here is my introduction to Twitter in my classroom. Last Tuesday, the day started like any other. Roll call, discussion, introduction to an activity and a bit of a laugh with my Year 7 and 8 Technology class. We had been discussing the importance of being an active online user and being a positive digital citizen (the students are preparing some presentations for Year 2-3 children later in the term). The conversation moved into learning environments and we discussed the small and "un-student friendly" (their words) environment that they were currently sitting in. "Take the teachable moment and run with it" my inner, energetic teacher yelled from my shoulder. So there we were talking about the "Ultimate Learning Environment", when one of my students asked me "Why is social media so big?". Good question I thought, why is it 'so big'. So we unpacked that question and broke it down. We talked about Social Media and what it was and how it worked, they gave me excellent examples and we tied it back into our discussion about digital citizenship. From this point, as a class, we decided we would use social media to help us with our learning. The students had no idea how it could work. I suggested twitter and how I use it. We pulled up my profile and saw how it worked (discussion only). The decision was then made -> Let's ask the twitterverse to help us!! On rolled Monday 5th May and in our first class (I see this group twice a week) we decided that tomorrow would be the day, we would ask twitter for their advice on "What makes a GREAT learningenvironment?". The students already have some fantastic ideas and a plan of where they want to see their environment heading but they needed some depth to their plan and some other opinions outside of
Luciano Ferrer

Aprender a hacer: de los contenidos a las competencias, por @c_magro - 0 views

    + video aquí: "La pregunta circuló rápidamente por la red y llamó mi atención mientras pensaba en esta intervención. Las primeras respuestas tardaron apenas unos minutos en aparecer. En la versión estadounidense del debate predominaron las respuestas que tenían que ver con conceptos como creatividad y emprendimiento, pero también hubo algunas centradas en la necesidad de más habilidades y de desarrollar la capacidad de resolver problemas. "I wish someone told me that learning skills and getting real-world experience is infinitely more valuable than good grades. The world is looking for problem-solvers who help them push forward, not people who can regurgitate answers on a test", decía una especialmente clara. "No es tanto el qué, como el cómo", respondían rápidamente en el debate hispano. "Más que los contenidos lo que falla son las metodologías, los enfoques" continuaba ese mismo participante. "Me hubiese encantado que alguien nos hubiese enseñado a poder desenvolvernos mejor en el mundo real. Enseñar a trabajar en equipo y potenciar lo mejor de cada uno para conseguir un fin colectivo. Dejar de educar en masa para centrarse en las cualidades específicas de cada individuo. Que hubiesen quedado atrás los sistemas individualistas de educación ya que nos vuelven a todos más egoístas" aportaba varios comentarios más abajo Mireia. "Me hubiera encantado aprender a aprender y no que me enseñaran a memorizar datos que olvidaba después del examen. Aprender a tomar mis propias decisiones y a equivocarme", respondía en la misma línea Casilda."
Luciano Ferrer

Educated Hope in Dark Times: The Challenge of the Educator-Artist as a Public Intellectual - 0 views

    "... Reclaiming pedagogy as a form of educated and militant hope begins with the crucial recognition that education is not solely about job training and the production of ethically challenged entrepreneurial subjects and that artistic production does not only have to serve market interests, but are also about matters of civic engagement and literacy, critical thinking, and the capacity for democratic agency, action, and change. It is also inextricably connected to the related issues of power, inclusion, and social responsibility.[2] If young people, artists, and other cultural workers are to develop a deep respect for others, a keen sense of the common good, as well as an informed notion of community engagement, pedagogy must be viewed as a cultural, political, and moral force that provides the knowledge, values, and social relations to make such democratic practices possible. In this instance, pedagogy needs to be rigorous, self-reflective, and committed not to the dead zone of instrumental rationality but to the practice of freedom and liberation for the most vulnerable and oppressed, to a critical sensibility capable of advancing the parameters of knowledge, addressing crucial social issues, and connecting private troubles into public issues. Any viable notion of critical pedagogy must overcome the image of education as purely instrumental, as dead zones of the imagination, and sites of oppressive discipline and imposed conformity. ..."

Top 10 SEO Tips That'll Improve Your Ranking |Universal Business Council - 0 views

    SEO is all about improving your website ranking in the search engine results and standing ahead of the competition. A good SEO strategy is required to make every further digital marketing campaigns successful. Today in the world occupied by the internet people's first experiences comes from the internet
Luciano Ferrer

Exxon Predicted 2019's Ominous CO2 Milestone in 1982 - 0 views

    "... The prediction is a pretty damn good one. The world is now about 1 degree Celsius (1.8 degrees Fahrenheit) warmer than it was and carbon dioxide levels are at 415 ppm. The estimate was part of Exxon's "high case" scenario, which assumed fossil fuel use would quicken and that the world would be able to tap new reserves in the late 2000s from at the time unreachable shale gas. The memo also warned that the extra carbon dioxide would enhance the greenhouse effect and that an "increase in absorbed energy via this route would warm the earth's surface causing changes in climate affecting atmospheric and ocean temperatures, rainfall patterns, soil moisture, and over centuries potentially melting the polar ice caps." Honestly, it gave me chills re-reading the memo 37 years later. The company clearly described all the horrors we're facing now. The only thing its scientists got wrong was that what they called "potentially serious climate problems" wouldn't emerge until the late 21st century. So much for that. ..."
Luciano Ferrer

Drowning in plastic - 0 views

    "Around the world, almost 1 million plastic bottles are purchased every minute. As the environmental impact of that tide of plastic becomes a growing political issue, major packaged goods sellers and retailers are under pressure to cut the flow of the single-use bottles and containers that are clogging the world's waterways. "
Félix Pueyo

Some Very Good Tools to Help You Create A Website or Blog for Your Class - 0 views

    Algunas herramientas útiles para crear webs o blogs educativos.
Luciano Ferrer

Acto de bondad. Actividad de tutoría para trabajar la resiliencia - 0 views

    "La Real Academia de la Lengua en su primera acepción define el término favor como 'Ayuda, socorro que se concede a alguien', mientras que define bondad en su segunda acepción como 'Natural inclinación a hacer el bien'. Personalmente, creo que hay una diferencia considerable entre hacer un favor y realizar un acto de bondad. En muchas ocasiones las personas hacen un favor a otras porque se lo han pedido, es decir, no tiene por qué salir de nosotros mismos, mientras que el acto de bondad se distingue precidamente por ser una acción natural, espontánea y que nosotros hacemos por propia iniciativa y, por suspuesto, sin esperar nada a cambio. Sé que puede parecer una definición muy simple, pero creo que vale la pena explicarlo así a nuestros alumnos para el correcto desarrollo de la actividad de tutoría Acto de bondad. ¿En qué consiste la actividad de tutoría Acto de bondad? Cursos: Primaria y Secundaria. Duración: Explicación en una sesión lectiva y una semana para ir llevando a cabo la actividad por parte de los alumnos. Participantes: Alumnos del grupo y el tutor o tutora que también participa de la actividad. Material: Hojas de colores y una caja cerrada con una ranura en la parte superior (urna). Desarrollo de la actividad de tutoría Acto de bondad. El tutor explica en clase la diferencia entre un favor y un acto de bondad. A continuación les explica a sus tutorandos que repartirá por sorteo un papel en el que figurará el nombre de un compañero de clase. Será a ese compañero al que deberá realizar el alumno un acto de bondad o aquellos que crea precisos. Para llevar a cabo un acto de bondad tendrá toda la semana. Hay que explicarles que el acto de bondad debe ser una acción muy sencilla, espontánea, fácil de realizar, sin coste alguno y, a ser posible, sin que el otro compañero se dé cuenta. Ejemplos de actos de bondad: Levantar una hoja o un lápiz del suelo. Dejar pasar primero al compañero.
Luciano Ferrer

Country Comparisons - A Good Life For All Within Planetary Boundaries - 0 views

    "Select a country to view its environmental sustainability and social performance relative to the "safe and just space" framework and see how it compares with other countries. Blue wedges show social performance relative to a threshold associated with meeting basic needs (blue circle), green wedges show resource use relative to a biophysical boundary associated with sustainability (green circle), while grey wedges show indicators with missing data. Wedges with a dashed edge extend beyond the chart area. Ideally a country would have blue wedges that reach the social threshold and green wedges within the biophysical boundary. See the tables below for country-specific details."
British School Of Languages

English Speaking Institute in Kanpur - BSL - 1 views

    If you don't know English or If you know but you are not fluent enough to do long conversations in English and because of these things you are facing the problem of low self-esteem and low confidence, then you don't have to worry because the British School of Language is here to help you out. So join BSL and learn....... We all know that Having a good knowledge and fluency of English help you in many ways, such as getting a better job opportunity and other many things if you want to know more power of English visit here:
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