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ann stephens

Bloom's Taxonomy - 4 views

    This is an overview of a guideline for how learning occurs and how as teachers we can focus our lessons to this guideline. It is relevant in on-line education, as the on-line environment allows us to have different modes to provide information to our students. We can utilize everything from video to chat rooms.
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    This was so interesting, Ann! I was trained in Gifted Education and we used Bloom for all of our curriculum creation--I find the new version very appealing. It should also be easier to understand for people new to the taxonomy. I totally agree with your connection of its relevance to on-line learning.
    I found that fits with the animated video concepts about changing paradigms. Also, neither my youngest daughter or I finshed high school in the same way. I tested out after the 10th grade. She was unable to graduate after the 10th grade, even though her course work requirements were completed. She spent one year going to college and one year as a foreign exchange student before she could graduate, since she had to wait until her class did.
    Mary Ann - I hadn't realized the Bloom taxonomy had been revised and am not sure of the changes, but very much like the scaffold. I must admit, that it has taken me a while to use better questioning. It is more responsive to test information. Joy - Your point about how the education process was different for you and your daughter is interesting. Many students go for a foreign experience.
    The real difference in my educational experience was my total boredom with school and cliques. It was not relevant to me, so I dropped out after my tenth grade year. I did a GED test and passed. At 33 years of age, I began a nine year journey in universities. This ended after completing my course work on a Ph.d. When my professors in my doctoral committee told me they could not really direct me, since I was ahead of them on the material I was researching. I see now that someone has stumbled upon my thesis and completed a book on conflict theory. Slightly to the left, it was not acceptable in the 80s but is relevant today, almost thirty years later.
    Post Script-I was building a theory in a Pol Sci mode on the issue of the ill defined word terror and global attacks. If you can't properly define it, one might want to reexamine the current theories and definitions for the behavior...which is was what I was thinking at the time. Hence, I began a doctoral thesis on Conflict Theory and Transnational Terrorism. Looking deeper you may see how this ties into the Bloom Taxonomy concept and why I aborted the thesis project completely! You can deal with ignorance through education; but it is difficult to deal with the lack of desire to learn.
    Joy, people always tell me, it's never too late! I also didn't go back to finish my BS until after I had my daughter, when I was 29. I do not do well with traditional university classrooms, and made my way through my degrees by talking my instructors into letting me do alternative projects. I'm lucky I knew to do that, and had instructors who were open-minded enough to accept it. Your thesis sounds like something that would have been quite valuable. with your interest in relationships, technology, and communication, I'd imagine you'd thrive in a program studying network clustering coefficient in an identified population. There are stunning statistical modeling and visualization tools that just blow my mind. Thanks for sharing so much of your interests and background with us!
    Ann, do you have any tools or taxonomies that have helped you develop those questioning skills? And have you got any experience using the SOLO taxonomy?
    I have not had experience with SOLO - Structure of Observed Learning Outcomes - but from the bit of investigation I have done, it is similiar to Bloom's in that it is based upon the notion that a studen'ts ability to grasp more abstract concepts, is based on more fundamental understandings and that you need to make sure you are not too advanced for where the student is. It reminds me of Piaget's concept that you can only learn something that is slightly more advanced than where you are (my paraphrase). As for my experience with help in developing questioning skills, which I feel is an excellent example of elearning, is that my company had us first take an interactive tutorial on Bloom's taxonomy. The "final" was taking a math problem and providing questions for each level of the taxonomy. We posted this on a dedicated discussion, with the teacher providing her response for everyone to see and learn from. We have since started another topic where teacher can post specific questions they are using and have tried and this will eventually be collected into a reference document. For example, one idea that was shared was that you after you have tested your student on a fundamental, you can ask them to give you a problem. My experience is that I often get back something I didn't expect. Like if adding decimels, they will return with a problem that might be in the millionths rather than the tenths. What I found most useful was not these specifics or having a question for each level, as much as the consciousness raising it did for me to think more creatively in helping the students. I have found that an elearning platform is very helpful in this regard. For example, they might take a lesson on adding or subtracting fractions and another on adding or subtracting decimels. I will then give them a problem in adding both - example - 1/2 + .25 = . By having an interactive whiteboard I can see how they convert the fraction to a decimal to add them and offer guidan
Jennifer Dalby

Learning Styles Don't Exist - 6 views

    "Professor Daniel Willingham describes research showing that learning styles are a myth." Interested in your thoughts on this...
    I agree that you don't have to adjust your learning style for each student; because if I just speak for myself, I learn from all three. I read, listen and set out to do a task. If I have a question I go to the source or instructor for clarification. If that is not available, I look for other sources of information that might help.
    I've seen this video before -- this summer when we were discussing learning theories. What makes it more interesting this go round is what I read in the Wiggins textbook about understanding...can they apply what they understand. Willingham clearly states we need to foucs on meaning rather than the audio/viisual learning style. Also, he makes the point about the use of a good analogy to help the student 'understand'...ties in with the metaphor activity.
Jennifer Dalby

Advice about the Use of Learning Styles: A Major Myth in Education - 4 views

    "The authors' goal in this paper is to initiate a dialogue among educators who continue to make assertions about the usefulness of identifying students' learning styles with little or no research support. They discuss the status of learning style instruction and the unsubstantiated claims made by authors of learning style instruments and by instructors. They explore a number of key questions: (1) Are learning style instruments valid and reliable?; (2) Do students benefit when the type of instruction matches their preferred learning style?; and (3) More specifically, is there evidence that understanding one's learning style improves concentration, memory, self-confidence, and reduces anxiety, and leads to better grades? They conclude that learning style instruments have not been shown to be valid and reliable, there is no benefit to matching instruction to preferred learning style, and there is no evidence that understanding one's learning style improves learning and its related outcomes. They urge instructors to reconsider their instructional practices, especially the advice they give students about learning styles, and base their practices on sound research."
    This was a well written article with a definite point--the answering of the authors' questions about the efficacy of using learning styles as an indicator of increased learning and performance. I agree with their assertion that research does not support continued concentration on LS as teachers design their instructional tasks. What I do know from my own experience, though, is that the teacher needs to invest a major portion of his/her time in learning how their particular students learn best, employing strategies that get at the meat of the subject for each student. I have a very simplistic motto that I use in my life and in my work: "It works best when it works". On the surface, these words mean absolutely nothing, but with a deeper probe, they are pretty profound. A highly capable high school student and graduate of Cal Tech that I worked with many years ago, coined this phrase. It was perfect then and still applies today.
Jennifer Dalby

RSA Animate - 21st century enlightenment - 5 views

    Matthew Taylor explores the meaning of 21st century enlightenment, how the idea might help us meet the challenges we face today, and the role that can be played by organisations such as the RSA.
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    Well loving that animation got me searching and going! I am still munching on the concepts he presented. Not certain if I am ready to swallow or not.
    He seems to be debating both sides - i.e., 21st century enlightment is about taking a global, universal view and yet says how a small group of committed people are needed to move things. To me, what has evolved the most in society and world is the ability to be autonomous and the lack of a community with history about its members. We can connect over the web, but can easily be whoever we want. We often live geographically distant from our families and where we grew up, so there is not as much of an inherent support group.
    I think you made a good point on that micro blog Ann. I cannot help but feel something isn't quite right in the cyber world; but I cannot put my finger on it yet.
    I know I am certainly "split" on the internet - sharing more detailed information with family and friends, than professional acquaintances. For example, I have two Facebook accounts with different emails. Its not so much the boundaries are different, but how I implement them and the time and overhead I take to do it.
    Ann, it's important that you feel empowered to have that kind of control over your participation online. I hope we'll start to see more of that. I love to introduce people to new technologies, and share how they affect me, but everyone has a different experience, and it's so important that we respect the way others choose to engage.
Jennifer Dalby

First lady surprising tours at The White House - 1 views

    You might not get this while it's still streaming, but I thought I'd add it anyway. I'm watching the live feed with the First Lady surprising the visitors on the White House tour.
Mary Ann Simpson

21st Century Skills - 6 views

I posted an URL for an article discussing this topic. I am really interested in hearing from and/or discussing with any of you, its application in your professional lives. Learning how you have s...

started by Mary Ann Simpson on 20 Jan 11 no follow-up yet
Jennifer Dalby

In Florida, Virtual Classrooms With No Teachers - 3 views

    What do you think about this?
    A novel way to address shrinking school budgets that mandate class size. Usually elearning means there is a price tag for setting and maintaining the computers, programs, and internet. Maybe there was a different part of the budget that paid for the environment. I agree with the comments at the end of the article - primarily because of my own experience and just common sense in thinking about it - that a blended environment is probably the most effective.
    A study by the US Government has concluded hybrid classes are the most productive learning environments for elearners. Florida's virtual studies are counter to logic. I for one would not want to be a student in that classroom. I would revolt!! Ahhh...not to be confused with starting a revolution ( which just might be needed).
ann stephens

Copyrights and Copy Wrongs - 2 views

    As an adjunct to disccusion Jennifer began in the post on Getting our Values Around Copyright, this article was from the the first course in our eLearning class - 281. I think it is a good, concise overreview of the U.S. copyright system.
    This was part of the first class on Intro to eLearning. I learned a lot about Copyright Law. I have a blog about this, actually two blogs:, which states my thoughts on that subject!
Jennifer Dalby

The Human Factor: Do You Speak Video? - 1 views

    "Video has become relatively inexpensive to produce, and because we all have a lifetime of experience with watching video, it's easy to believe that we understand how to communicate reasonably well using video as a medium."
    Its an interesting thought that all video, including those for elearning objectives, is really story-telling and one must utilize the medium - such as panning the camera - is important. I hadn't thought of video as story-telling, but it is a good way to think about how to structure a video lesson. A story has a beginning, middle, and end and it needs to engage the "listerner".
ann stephens

Howard Reingold: Crap Detection 101 - 3 views

shared by ann stephens on 17 Jan 11 - Cached
    The emphasis of this article, is that we can get in information overload, which impacts the verasity of the data we get. He discusses deliberate biases in websites and the need for us to use filters in the information we receive. To me, it is not just the information we receive, but how we ask the question. Using a different search engine or how a question is phrased can often provide a different answer. When I am trying to research something, I often will not only read the first couple of references, but randomly go to a later page and some of the references there.
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    I tend to agree with this. Without a crap detector, what you write in research or a blog may lose it's importance because of your primary and secondary resource validity.
    Ann, This great article by Howard Rheingold (with lots of useful bs detector tips) hits close to home for me. One of the biggest challenges for me and other instructors I've talked to, is how to filter and sort out fact from fiction on the Web. There's a ongoing debate regarding Wikipedia, for example. Students have a tendency to use it like a one stop information shopping mall. This bad for a couple reasons. It promotes academic laziness, and always raises the question of credibility/validity. Consequently, I don't let students use Wikipedia as a cited source for their written work. Rheingold makes the point that printed materials sitting on library shelves has been vetted by professionals, and can be considered valid sources of information. In my experience, only a portion of my students actually rely on printed materials from the library - just about everything seems to come from the Web. I know Bellevue College librarians have been working on a variety of solutions to this business of "crap detection". The BC library offers a wide variety of online journals, newspapers, magazines, as well as services such as Books 24/7 - which actually provides a large library of up-to-date and digitized textbooks, novels, and how-to publications. It also has a service called "Ask A Librarian", where you can ask an information question of a live librarian night or day.
    Bruce, I'm always surprised when people think the library resources are too difficult to navigate and therefore don't put in the effort. I can't count how many times I've shown people Books 24x7. It really should be promoted more to faculty and staff. I find it's one of the best ways for me to quickly dive into a new technology.
    Library science has definitely evolved from the time of index cards and Dewey decimel system, as the only real tools we had to find information and books required physical interaction with the printed page. It is great to have access to more data, but makes filtering more challenging. I personally, still like reading words from the printed page, but find that I do much of my reading/getting information via the web or in some type of visual form. I think the ebook products are just the start. I do look forward (and I know it is beginning) when text books for our students will be primarily electronic and they don't have carry around such heavy bookbags. Also, as a new BC student, thanks for letting me about Books 24/7 and Bruce, your comment, about how the librarians are starting to use electonic means for "crap detection" in electronic media is good.
    Just saw this posted by the Cybrarian who supports our MEDIT students.
Jennifer Dalby

TEDxNYED - Dan Meyer - 03/06/10 - 3 views

    Dan Meyer teaches high school math outside of Santa Cruz, CA, and explores the intersection of math instruction, multimedia, and inquiry-based learning. He received his Masters of Arts from the University of California at Davis in 2005 and Cable in the Classroom's Leader in Learning award in 2008. He currently works for Google as a curriculum fellow and lives with his wife in Santa Cruz, CA.
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    Interesting concepts. I am still standing at the checkoutwith the 19 items, waiting to see if the other line gets done before me. I had the day off!
    Like K. Robinson, Dan Meyer knows how to deliver his message with a sense of humor. I particularly like his suggestion that "the formula for the design of the problem is often more important than finding the answer." Math teachers need to first redesign the problem itself. As an advocate for integrating the arts, using multi-media and videos to teach math concepts and thinking strategies could certainly help to engage the learner. However, watching elementary teachers work with their students (WASL prep) on breaking down a written math problem is an important learning strategy. Seems to me, this deciphering skill has real-world applications, too! Guess I'm "on the fence" about his message.
    The articulation of math education by "economics" - i.e., our students who are the next generation need to learn math process skills (he separates out this reasoning from math computation) are not relating to government-mandated math education. By use of visuals, he illustrates how to better engage the student in that process, using an example of a ski-lift to explain slope or a curve. I was thinking that internet education could easily be adapated to this, where there are math problems that the students could individually be guided through problems like this.
Jennifer Dalby

RSA Animate - Changing Education Paradigms - 5 views

    This animate was adapted from a talk given at the RSA by Sir Ken Robinson, world-renowned education and creativity expert and recipient of the RSA's Benjamin Franklin award. For more information on Sir Ken's work visit:
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    Spot on! I have a MS; but have never had a job using my academic skills. In fact, the workplace has penalized me and on several jobs told me I have no skills to obtain other jobs or be advanced. In fact, I have been told NOT to put my academic degrees in a resume. So, I am a honor student with 9 solid years of academic education, and a work force retard. What do you suppose is going on here? Unfortunately, there a several varibles at work in my case. The "glass ceiling," discrimination, ignorance of what education means and is (or maybe a better grasp); no knowledge of what tranferrable skills are and as we brain storm the list goes on, especially as I get older.
    I hear you. I turn 40 this year and I can't help but wonder if I'd be better able to support my family if I had a marketable skill, instead of knowledge about knowledge :) I fantasize about raising goats and alpaca and selling soap and sweaters. :)
    Joy and Jennifer--EVERYTHING you shared hits home with me. I find myself in both of your places (as expressed in your comments) so I am now trying to enhance my resume and become more marketable as I age!--I'm already "too old and too expensive" to fit into the traditional classroom in either private or public schools so. . . thanks for being there for me and helping me learn new skills that are so needed in the domain of 21st century education.
    I recently submitted my resume for an education software training contract and this was the response. "I read through your resume and realized that most probably our position would bore the heck out of you." I replied that I enjoy working with people and it's always a challenge and not boring. He responded with the other issue; salary. I told him that was very low for this area. His response was, "Most probably I'll be finding someone younger (less experience) or someone older (semi retired)."
    Ouch that is discrimination! The "semi retired: comment was even worse!!! In the first case he stated you were over qualified; and in the second paying lower wages to "semi retired" people is even more discriminatory! His verbal behavior disgusts me!
    One resource to join the movement against age discrimination is typing into a search engine...Gray or Grey coalition.
    AMEN, Sisters! I'm totally appalled at what happened to you, Jen--the whole thing was discrimination!! Thanks for the link, Joy--I'm looking into it!
    WOW! The RSA Animate visualized version of Robinson's talk is terrific for a variety of reasons - I'm just trying to unpack it all! First the presentation provides an instant visualization of Robinson's talk - a shorthand for thinking and remembering his ideas. The animation is engaging, entertaining and memorable. Since it's on YouTube, you can go back and watch it all, or portions of it. The perspective moves from close up to big picture, and changes on the fly. What's especially powerful, however is the central idea that Robinson is talking about - a real elephant in the room. He says our educational system, which was created for a different time and economic era, is outdated. It's a factory system, arising originally from the Industrial Revolution, that to many students seems irrelevant to their own futures and careers in the 21st Century. It divides students into two camps - academic professionals (ie. "smart people"), and vocationals (blue collar, "not-so smart people"). In one memorable section, he distinguishes between "aesthetic" experiences - which enliven and engage human attention, and "anesthetic" experiences which deaden curiosity and passion. He associates these "anesthetic" experiences with our current educational process. The fact that he delivers these heavy hitting criticisms with such a light hearted, though well articulated sense of humor, is especially powerful.
    Three points come to mind. 1. Presentation. The way the information was presented was totally engaging had me wanting to believe the message without question. I would have appreciated having the sources of his information indicated. As we've commented on in other posts as well, the verasity of information is always an issue. I tried finding the prescription distribution used in the tape, but could not find specific information to support the claim (although I'm sure it is somewhere on the internet.) 2. Education Model. Although his model definitely resonated with me, I think of education or I should say the educational system as having two goals - to train us to be academics (as he describes) and to prepare us for jobs. Some jobs do require specifc answer knowledge. 3. On-line learning. One of his earlier points about the educational system is that there was a paradigm shift when free, state-sponsored education became a reality. His description of education prior to that seemed to fit what we often see in "internet" learning - more individual driven learning.
    Jennifer - I am so glad you included Sir Ken Robinson in your syllabus. I love his unique perspectives, especially about our educational systems. His talk about the importance of educators fostering creativity in the culture of the classroom is very powerful. I also finished reading Downes article about the role of the educator and I see his points regarding how technology has redefined/redesigned our roles. I find it very exciting. Regarding the value of"divergent thinking." As a teacher, I always encourage and appreciate this capacity in my students. However, I also ask they reflect upon this process of divergent thinking. "What led you to think this might be a possibility?" I often find asking students to be reflective and to articulate about meta-cognition frustrates them. In our overstimulating and quick answer/fix culture, is it wrong to ask how their ideas came about? "Could you follow your train of thought?" Also, (and not directly related) did anyone click on the game Downes referenced called "Evoke." What an amazing on-line game - a "designed, learning community" posing serious, real-life problem solving about starvation in Africa. Wow! I can see how a learning tool such as this would make a course very exciting, but I can also see where some basic geography, social studies and other content should be woven into the syllabus.
    Ann, it is completely engaging. I recognize your concerns about sources. When they create the RSA Animates, they do take the talk out of the original context, and also add creative interpretation. It's interesting to see how those things can be mixed together for such a powerful effect. I've never taken the time to dig too deeply into them to find the original context and determine whether there's a publication with sources.
    Helen, I like Sir Ken Robinson's stuff, but I do take it with a grain of salt as well. Like Gladwell, he's a good storyteller and can inspire, but everything's got to be taken in context. I love that you ask your students to follow their train of thought. I do that with my kids, and find I often have to explain my own train of thought to others. I like the way you are in tune with the benefits and risks of reflective practice. It can get messy, and it isn't always the best thing for every student. It sounds like you take extra steps to make sure they understand the value of it.
    Helen, thanks for underlining the Evoke game. I did find it - - and was impressed by what a great representative of eLearning this was. Organized, engaging, lots of information - but what I liked most was that it led to action - i.e., the gaming playing is not just on the computer - but actions you take or are encouraged to take to make a difference.
Jennifer Dalby

Jay Cross Informal Learning Blog - 1 views

    If you're interested in corporate eLearning, and informal learning, Jay Cross is an interesting person to follow. I really appreciate the way he's brought attention to informal learning. I used to have his poster on my office door
Jennifer Dalby

Stefana Broadbent: How the Internet enables intimacy - 0 views

    We worry that IM, texting, Facebook are spoiling human intimacy, but Stefana Broadbent's research shows how communication tech is capable of cultivating deeper relationships, bringing love across barriers like distance and workplace rules.
Jennifer Dalby

Blogging Prompts for Teachers - 4 views

    Alec Couros started this collaborative document today, and in no time people were filling it with prompts. Feel free to add yours, or borrow from it for inspiration.
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    I thought the questions were thought provoking and resonated with me. For example, the one on whether you should facebook with your students. I teach junior level high school students on-line and although, facebook participation does not come up, I often receive personal questions. Part of this dialog keeps the students interested in staying connected, but both in terms of privacy and needing to stay focused on the lesson, it is something I am conscious of. I find, though, that this type of document that has lots of questions, can be overwhelming. I don't really have the time to think through the issues.
    I read this doc with great enthusiasm--so many excellent questions were posted--I want to refer to this one often so I can better wrap my head around the issues we face with on-line learning in the 21st century.
    Here's a bit more about how they put it together. I'm sure there will be hundreds of collaborators, like he's had on other documents. He just posted the link on Twitter and people jumped in.
    Another interesting read.
    His comment about why he wanted this collaboration - to have a focus for his students - put the exercise in context for me in a way that made it more meaningful. I also agree with him that it was great to have everyone collaborate so quickly and thoroughly.
Jennifer Dalby

Stephen Downes: The Role of the Educator - 5 views

    I started a thread in the student discussion area, but realize that this might be a more appropriate place to post. I agree with Downes that the on-line environment broadens the view of what a learner is, but it also brings up the issue of standardization and safety. Students working with a teacher on polar bears collaboratively is engaging and exciting, but how does this fit into education standards, for example.
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    Ann, your comment reminded me of this list of cognitive biases. Your point is so relevant. I always worry when I see teachers teaching kids the easy way to search and find things right away. It's scary to think how much we're capable of filtering out of our lives.
    Jennifer, this goes to your point made in the other article you pointed us to - Crap Detection by Reingold. When you are learning something, your maturity level on the subject is minimal, so filtering what you are learning is difficult and we have a tendency once we have some information to not go further. When I teach, I am not only trying to impart information, but the analytical process for learning and absorbing the information.
    I definitely meant to put that comment on the other article :)
    All this accessibility to information is one of the greatest strength and weaknesses of online technology. You really can explore and be motivated by all the information available, but it can be overwhleming at times. There is a term "data mining" that refers to finding the information you need - mining through all that is available. If I think of the metaphor as someone looking for gold, you can often find "fool's gold", yet the difference here is how do you know what you have is real?
    I think part of the challenge is in overcoming ego, or our desire to confirm our own beliefs and stay in our comfort zones. Maybe we need to give students assignments to write about something completely off the wall, but find the sources to back it up. Then they can see how easy it is to confirm just about anything. I'll add some more resources on media literacy and see what everyone thinks.
    I think confirming beliefs is wrong. If you start with a hypothsis and do not know what the answer will turn out to be, you can set aside your biases and research for an answer. Stats give you a way of looking at data. They are testable at the ratio level and the big T for truth never happens. Only the small t for the strength of the correlation between cause and effect.
Jennifer Dalby

EDUC 251 - Module 1, Behind the Scenes - 8 views

    My first "Behind the Scenes" reflection for the course.
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    The logistical work that goes into an on-line course is more complex that in-person classes. There are so many options and technology that needs to be lined up. My own experience over the past week or two, where I have been computer challenged and had a delay in class participation. I liked the method that Jennifer used by allowing extra time for the first assignment, so as to minimize her (the teacher's need) for interaction on the daily things that impact our lives.
    An Interesting read.
    When I was planning, I was reflecting on past experiences with that first week. It's always so hectic. It seems if you require the introductions and orientation and also expect engagement with materials, students become overwhelmed. I'm supporting instructors and students in 3 other courses right now. For those, we introduced new technology (Posterous) and expected introductions, a face to face meeting and engagement with the content. We had a lot of frustrated students and instructors, and several students dropped. (We had serious issues with Posterous.) The slower start allowed me to send more messages to the group and work individually with people who contacted me outside the course.
Joy LaJeret

Where do Good Ideas Come From? - 0 views

    After watching Jen's post RSA Animate-21st Century Enlightenment, I saw this video and thought...hmmmm. Ideas develop because two minds are better than one! Or, we need each other and interaction on the WWW. Also, ideas can be tested to see if they work!
Jennifer Dalby

Debunking the Digital Native - 7 views

    This is a nice collection of papers debunking the myth of the Digital Native. My personal belief is that this myth has been extremely harmful. If you have a chance to read Selwyn's article, I highly recommend it.
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    I've always been somewhat skeptical of Marc Prensky, who made the original distinction between Digital Natives and Immigrants. The skepticism comes from my impression that he's built a financially successful career out of promoting this distinction. Not to say there isn't some level of truth to it, but I'm not ready to throw the baby out with the bath water. The written word, for example - which has been a cornerstone of stored knowledge and communication - is as important now as it ever was.
    Some of the things I believe hurt the most, are when we make sweeping assumptions about access to technology. In many cases, it is the privileged who have the opportunity to be "digital natives." I also think the digital immigrant idea is completely false. I used to advertise to help senior citizens with technology. I found they were some of the most eager and enthusiastic learners, because we learned things that interested them. The digital immigrant idea has also allowed us to write off senior faculty, waiting for them to retire, rather than connecting them with technologies that suit their needs. We're at a point of convergence. You don't have to understand all the technologies in order to use them. One person can compose in email, and the material can be viewed on any kind of device. I just wish the damage hadn't already been done, to so many who now feel they don't have the ability to participate because of their age.
    Okay I am depressed. If we have been wiped out after being the ones that created this knowledge and technology in the first place, there is no hope for me to ever teach on line!!!
    Joy, what we need are people willing to stand up and say that whatever your level of skill with technology, we all need to be able to communicate. We will all need to compromise and sacrifice. That could mean knocking on doors or hanging out on front porches, or it could mean learning a new language, or reduction of a language :)
    I still don't understand where the labels are coming from. It seems like these labels are simply a way of discriminating against seniors. Now, the truth is, we were using computers before these generations were a light in their parents eyes. Some of us were designing the technology they are using today. Ok, looks like I am going to be on a lot of porches like the neighborhood dog looking for a handout! As for knocking on doors, I might need to invest in a good battering ram! Anyone ever watch the Capital One commercials? Maybe those folks are for hire!
    The Digital Native/Immigrant theory came from Mark Prensky in 2001, but there's debate about whether or not he was the first to use the terms.
    Hmmm...after reading that Wiki explanation, I feel a bit of frustration and anger. White middle class youth are probably digital natives if one wants to put a label on it. But, after reading articles on the subject, many lower income families with high school and college age students do not have the funds for technological devices & services: computers; IPADs; laptops; Kindles and the list goes on. I am even more certain youth in other countries do not have access nor would they have high speed internet access on as broad a scale as we have in the US. I suspect they could not afford it either. So this label probably only applies to a small percentage of millennials or digital learners.
    Or I should have stated, for those labelled as digital learners...they are only a small percentage of the worlds's millennials and even GenX. Ithink sociological studies would support this conclusion. I prefer using statistics to test hypothesis. Then one can thread these into a theory and test it statistically.
Jennifer Dalby

The Comprehensive Math Assessment Resource - 1 views

    Dan Meyer's interesting process for math assessment.
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