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Jennifer Dalby

RSA Animate - Changing Education Paradigms - 5 views

    This animate was adapted from a talk given at the RSA by Sir Ken Robinson, world-renowned education and creativity expert and recipient of the RSA's Benjamin Franklin award. For more information on Sir Ken's work visit:
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    Spot on! I have a MS; but have never had a job using my academic skills. In fact, the workplace has penalized me and on several jobs told me I have no skills to obtain other jobs or be advanced. In fact, I have been told NOT to put my academic degrees in a resume. So, I am a honor student with 9 solid years of academic education, and a work force retard. What do you suppose is going on here? Unfortunately, there a several varibles at work in my case. The "glass ceiling," discrimination, ignorance of what education means and is (or maybe a better grasp); no knowledge of what tranferrable skills are and as we brain storm the list goes on, especially as I get older.
    I hear you. I turn 40 this year and I can't help but wonder if I'd be better able to support my family if I had a marketable skill, instead of knowledge about knowledge :) I fantasize about raising goats and alpaca and selling soap and sweaters. :)
    Joy and Jennifer--EVERYTHING you shared hits home with me. I find myself in both of your places (as expressed in your comments) so I am now trying to enhance my resume and become more marketable as I age!--I'm already "too old and too expensive" to fit into the traditional classroom in either private or public schools so. . . thanks for being there for me and helping me learn new skills that are so needed in the domain of 21st century education.
    I recently submitted my resume for an education software training contract and this was the response. "I read through your resume and realized that most probably our position would bore the heck out of you." I replied that I enjoy working with people and it's always a challenge and not boring. He responded with the other issue; salary. I told him that was very low for this area. His response was, "Most probably I'll be finding someone younger (less experience) or someone older (semi retired)."
    Ouch that is discrimination! The "semi retired: comment was even worse!!! In the first case he stated you were over qualified; and in the second paying lower wages to "semi retired" people is even more discriminatory! His verbal behavior disgusts me!
    One resource to join the movement against age discrimination is typing into a search engine...Gray or Grey coalition.
    AMEN, Sisters! I'm totally appalled at what happened to you, Jen--the whole thing was discrimination!! Thanks for the link, Joy--I'm looking into it!
    WOW! The RSA Animate visualized version of Robinson's talk is terrific for a variety of reasons - I'm just trying to unpack it all! First the presentation provides an instant visualization of Robinson's talk - a shorthand for thinking and remembering his ideas. The animation is engaging, entertaining and memorable. Since it's on YouTube, you can go back and watch it all, or portions of it. The perspective moves from close up to big picture, and changes on the fly. What's especially powerful, however is the central idea that Robinson is talking about - a real elephant in the room. He says our educational system, which was created for a different time and economic era, is outdated. It's a factory system, arising originally from the Industrial Revolution, that to many students seems irrelevant to their own futures and careers in the 21st Century. It divides students into two camps - academic professionals (ie. "smart people"), and vocationals (blue collar, "not-so smart people"). In one memorable section, he distinguishes between "aesthetic" experiences - which enliven and engage human attention, and "anesthetic" experiences which deaden curiosity and passion. He associates these "anesthetic" experiences with our current educational process. The fact that he delivers these heavy hitting criticisms with such a light hearted, though well articulated sense of humor, is especially powerful.
    Three points come to mind. 1. Presentation. The way the information was presented was totally engaging had me wanting to believe the message without question. I would have appreciated having the sources of his information indicated. As we've commented on in other posts as well, the verasity of information is always an issue. I tried finding the prescription distribution used in the tape, but could not find specific information to support the claim (although I'm sure it is somewhere on the internet.) 2. Education Model. Although his model definitely resonated with me, I think of education or I should say the educational system as having two goals - to train us to be academics (as he describes) and to prepare us for jobs. Some jobs do require specifc answer knowledge. 3. On-line learning. One of his earlier points about the educational system is that there was a paradigm shift when free, state-sponsored education became a reality. His description of education prior to that seemed to fit what we often see in "internet" learning - more individual driven learning.
    Jennifer - I am so glad you included Sir Ken Robinson in your syllabus. I love his unique perspectives, especially about our educational systems. His talk about the importance of educators fostering creativity in the culture of the classroom is very powerful. I also finished reading Downes article about the role of the educator and I see his points regarding how technology has redefined/redesigned our roles. I find it very exciting. Regarding the value of"divergent thinking." As a teacher, I always encourage and appreciate this capacity in my students. However, I also ask they reflect upon this process of divergent thinking. "What led you to think this might be a possibility?" I often find asking students to be reflective and to articulate about meta-cognition frustrates them. In our overstimulating and quick answer/fix culture, is it wrong to ask how their ideas came about? "Could you follow your train of thought?" Also, (and not directly related) did anyone click on the game Downes referenced called "Evoke." What an amazing on-line game - a "designed, learning community" posing serious, real-life problem solving about starvation in Africa. Wow! I can see how a learning tool such as this would make a course very exciting, but I can also see where some basic geography, social studies and other content should be woven into the syllabus.
    Ann, it is completely engaging. I recognize your concerns about sources. When they create the RSA Animates, they do take the talk out of the original context, and also add creative interpretation. It's interesting to see how those things can be mixed together for such a powerful effect. I've never taken the time to dig too deeply into them to find the original context and determine whether there's a publication with sources.
    Helen, I like Sir Ken Robinson's stuff, but I do take it with a grain of salt as well. Like Gladwell, he's a good storyteller and can inspire, but everything's got to be taken in context. I love that you ask your students to follow their train of thought. I do that with my kids, and find I often have to explain my own train of thought to others. I like the way you are in tune with the benefits and risks of reflective practice. It can get messy, and it isn't always the best thing for every student. It sounds like you take extra steps to make sure they understand the value of it.
    Helen, thanks for underlining the Evoke game. I did find it - - and was impressed by what a great representative of eLearning this was. Organized, engaging, lots of information - but what I liked most was that it led to action - i.e., the gaming playing is not just on the computer - but actions you take or are encouraged to take to make a difference.
Jennifer Dalby

Instructional Design: On the road to learning: The New Age Instructional Designer - 4 views

    Hmmmm. . . .I'm digesting this one to determine its relevance to instructional design for elementary and middle school students. More later.
    (Oops! Please disregard my accidental "bookmarking." I have been having problems with my Diigo site not listing the "comment" button. I was fooling around with it this morning.) Thanks, Jennifer for finding this wonderfully concise blog on the role of ID's in training and education. I have been volunteering to design a training product simply to learn more tech skills and have been thinking about ID work. Although I can easily make the distinction between a "training course" and an on-line course, there remain some fundamental considerations for how instructors "deliver" information and "design" learning activities which influence both professions. When blogger, Syreya Dutta, states " . . . the fact is that the way people are learning today has changed phenomenally due to the increased access to social media tools and advanced mobile devices. Twitter, blogs, wikis, and discussions have become the new age learning methods." So my question - "If social media networks enable better knowledge feedbacks, do educators have to be active users of each and how many should be incorporated into the learning activities of the courses they design ?"
hyerin suk

Washington State eLearning Network - 3 views

    There is a website that shows about the eLearning network in Washington state! :)
    The trend for businesses to go online with learning seems to have really taken hold. I know University of Washington also uses an on-line training system, both for optional and mandatory training.
    Interesting. I don't remember ever seeing that before. I'll have to check it out some more.
Jennifer Dalby

Presentation Zen - 8 views

    This is my favorite site to learn about powerful presentation techniques.
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    Not only is this a good site to teach more about the art of presentation, but Mogi, the presenter is an amazing man! I was in love with his slides that spoke about the need to keep "the sense of wonder" alive and that "curiosity" is what has brought us to this point. These are the very same words that I always used with my science students in middle school and college! I even had them in my syllabus! I've always held that we all come into this world as scientists because we all share the one common characteristic that all practicing scientists have: CURIOSITY. Kids were pretty amazed that they were already scientists before they even embarked on the great science learning adventure! Rachel Carson, the famous environmental scientist of the '60's wrote a book titled, "The Sense of Wonder" in which she expounded on the idea that every child needs at least one person (adult) to nourish and share his/her innate sense of wonder in order to keep it alive. I resonated with this man and now plan to read/see more of his stuff! Moreover, the new learning module in my ED250 class is a collaborative presentation of a topic using Google Presenter. I think the Presentation Zen site I just looked at may have some implications for that assignment! Thanks once again, Jennifer! I find myself thoroughly enchanted!
    The concept of maintaining curiosity as the catalyst for true education and joy in life resonates. The challenge for me is the line between enterntainment and education. One of the comments to this article restated the debate is education to train one for a profession or to be educated and think. Why can't it be both?
    I believe it can be both, Ann! Sometimes the "Experts R Us" and not those folks out there engaging in philosophical debates!
    Ann and Mary Ann, I think you've touched on one of the challenges we find so frequently in discussing these things. It's not black and white. There isn't necessarily a right or a wrong. It's like potato salad. (Holy cow! I just made that up.) How many recipes are there for potato salad? People will argue about what it "should" have in it, but what really matters is the experience. And the experience isn't just in the taste. There's context around making it. There's a different context around the environment where we eat it, and our emotional state. We're not just training someone for a profession or to be educated and think. And even if those are our goals, where is the agency? What is the student's responsibility for learning? These are all complex issues, and I'm glad to see you all opening your minds and expressing both your gut reactions, and your own values. (Please forgive me for the potato salad. I maybe leaned to far on the entertainment side this time...)
    The potato salad metaphor is a good one. In reading the post, it got my attention in a way that dry message might not. There is so much information (noise) out there, that it is important, maybe even mandatory, that information has something to catch us. What is a challenge for me as an educator, also with limited time, is the how much effort I put in to this "rising above the noise".
    Great now I am hungry for potato salad!! Actually, a little humor now and then would be nice! Even songs need a hook and that is what I hear you saying Ann. I argee with that concept. Set up a "hook!"
    I like the idea proposed by the potato salad metaphor. However, I may not forgive you Jen...LOL! I still want it! I like mine bland, no vinegar!
    I want it too, and the more you keep saying it, the more I want it! I want mine with bacon and spicy mustard! You may just have to take a diet break, while we develop a collaborative potato salad recipe. P.S. Will you hate me if I post the site I used when I learned to make croissants from scratch?
    Wonderful! Now I want potato salad and croissants! Okay I am open to recipes. Now I hope this does not get us off our intellectual track of study. Slogging through recipes might side track the ladies in the group: and reduce me to a helpless food addicted, potato salad craving croissant vixen. ::::sigh::::I am suffering from brain overload!
    My philosophy is that I'm happier when I'm chubby and doing things I want, then (than?) I would be if I were torturing myself and trying to resist temptation. It's a balance thing. Do I beat myself up more for breaking a goal, or for having to haul my bigger clothes out of the basement. (Just did that.) This isn't an intellectual track of study. It's play. People learn by playing. In fact, I'm going to inject some more fun in this course. (If I ever catch up on the grading.)
    Looks like a good site to go back to for good techniques for our presentations.
    I think it is than...
    I'm a little slow on the uptake, but the potato salad discussion was great!! I like bacon and sour cream in mine--but on the serious side--life, education, teaching, learning, ad infinitum, are rarely black and white; you are so correct, Jennifer, in the longer comment you addressed to Ann and me about the challenge centering around these things not having to be one way or the other because there are so many other factors involved.
Susan Kolwitz

eLearning Blog - 1 views

    This website is geared more toward corporate training vs. higher education. I found it interesting and helpful for me in my role at work.
    This seems to have a great support on tools, which is always needed and helpful.
Jennifer Dalby

104-Elluminate_Live__Participant_Quick_Reference_Guide.pdf (application/pdf Object) - 1 views

    Elluminate Live! Quick Reference Guide for Participants
    This guide will help you get started with Elluminate Live!
ann stephens

Bloom's Taxonomy - 4 views

    This is an overview of a guideline for how learning occurs and how as teachers we can focus our lessons to this guideline. It is relevant in on-line education, as the on-line environment allows us to have different modes to provide information to our students. We can utilize everything from video to chat rooms.
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    This was so interesting, Ann! I was trained in Gifted Education and we used Bloom for all of our curriculum creation--I find the new version very appealing. It should also be easier to understand for people new to the taxonomy. I totally agree with your connection of its relevance to on-line learning.
    I found that fits with the animated video concepts about changing paradigms. Also, neither my youngest daughter or I finshed high school in the same way. I tested out after the 10th grade. She was unable to graduate after the 10th grade, even though her course work requirements were completed. She spent one year going to college and one year as a foreign exchange student before she could graduate, since she had to wait until her class did.
    Mary Ann - I hadn't realized the Bloom taxonomy had been revised and am not sure of the changes, but very much like the scaffold. I must admit, that it has taken me a while to use better questioning. It is more responsive to test information. Joy - Your point about how the education process was different for you and your daughter is interesting. Many students go for a foreign experience.
    The real difference in my educational experience was my total boredom with school and cliques. It was not relevant to me, so I dropped out after my tenth grade year. I did a GED test and passed. At 33 years of age, I began a nine year journey in universities. This ended after completing my course work on a Ph.d. When my professors in my doctoral committee told me they could not really direct me, since I was ahead of them on the material I was researching. I see now that someone has stumbled upon my thesis and completed a book on conflict theory. Slightly to the left, it was not acceptable in the 80s but is relevant today, almost thirty years later.
    Post Script-I was building a theory in a Pol Sci mode on the issue of the ill defined word terror and global attacks. If you can't properly define it, one might want to reexamine the current theories and definitions for the behavior...which is was what I was thinking at the time. Hence, I began a doctoral thesis on Conflict Theory and Transnational Terrorism. Looking deeper you may see how this ties into the Bloom Taxonomy concept and why I aborted the thesis project completely! You can deal with ignorance through education; but it is difficult to deal with the lack of desire to learn.
    Joy, people always tell me, it's never too late! I also didn't go back to finish my BS until after I had my daughter, when I was 29. I do not do well with traditional university classrooms, and made my way through my degrees by talking my instructors into letting me do alternative projects. I'm lucky I knew to do that, and had instructors who were open-minded enough to accept it. Your thesis sounds like something that would have been quite valuable. with your interest in relationships, technology, and communication, I'd imagine you'd thrive in a program studying network clustering coefficient in an identified population. There are stunning statistical modeling and visualization tools that just blow my mind. Thanks for sharing so much of your interests and background with us!
    Ann, do you have any tools or taxonomies that have helped you develop those questioning skills? And have you got any experience using the SOLO taxonomy?
    I have not had experience with SOLO - Structure of Observed Learning Outcomes - but from the bit of investigation I have done, it is similiar to Bloom's in that it is based upon the notion that a studen'ts ability to grasp more abstract concepts, is based on more fundamental understandings and that you need to make sure you are not too advanced for where the student is. It reminds me of Piaget's concept that you can only learn something that is slightly more advanced than where you are (my paraphrase). As for my experience with help in developing questioning skills, which I feel is an excellent example of elearning, is that my company had us first take an interactive tutorial on Bloom's taxonomy. The "final" was taking a math problem and providing questions for each level of the taxonomy. We posted this on a dedicated discussion, with the teacher providing her response for everyone to see and learn from. We have since started another topic where teacher can post specific questions they are using and have tried and this will eventually be collected into a reference document. For example, one idea that was shared was that you after you have tested your student on a fundamental, you can ask them to give you a problem. My experience is that I often get back something I didn't expect. Like if adding decimels, they will return with a problem that might be in the millionths rather than the tenths. What I found most useful was not these specifics or having a question for each level, as much as the consciousness raising it did for me to think more creatively in helping the students. I have found that an elearning platform is very helpful in this regard. For example, they might take a lesson on adding or subtracting fractions and another on adding or subtracting decimels. I will then give them a problem in adding both - example - 1/2 + .25 = . By having an interactive whiteboard I can see how they convert the fraction to a decimal to add them and offer guidan
Jennifer Dalby

The Human Factor: Do You Speak Video? - 1 views

    "Video has become relatively inexpensive to produce, and because we all have a lifetime of experience with watching video, it's easy to believe that we understand how to communicate reasonably well using video as a medium."
    Its an interesting thought that all video, including those for elearning objectives, is really story-telling and one must utilize the medium - such as panning the camera - is important. I hadn't thought of video as story-telling, but it is a good way to think about how to structure a video lesson. A story has a beginning, middle, and end and it needs to engage the "listerner".
Susan Kolwitz

eLearning Guild - 3 views

    This is an organization for eLearning, mostly geared toward corporate training vs. academic. There is some very good information through this web site to include many good articles. They have different levels of membership, one of which is at no cost.
    This is a great site! One of the posts was about mLearning (mobile device learning as opposed to eLearning -online). It made me consider how electronic learning could be more encompassing.
Jennifer Dalby

How To Become A Certified Virtual Classroom Teacher - 1 views

    I'll withhold judgment on this. What do you think?
    I have one thought about this. California has been ahead of WA when it comes to turning out online teacher/instructors for community colleges. I could get the training I am now, at the U of CA (not certain which one) and at U of Utah; but this program on BC is new.
ann stephens

eTeacher Assessment Example - 5 views

    This week the focus is on assessment and evidence of understanding. The emphasis is, of course, on how we assess our students. However, eteachers can be more easily observed, so I thought the community might find it interesting as to how I, as an eteacher, am assessed. (The students do an automated self-paced lesson and then take a practice quiz. If they have questions during the lesson or in order to go the next one, we interact. Based on the quiz and other questions/discussions we have, I pass them to the next lesson. I have up to 4 students in one session.) Once a month, my supervisor listens to one of the recorded sessions and writes up an assessment. What I find interesting that is unique to elearning, is that my use of the technology environment goes into my assessment. I need to be logged in on time, I need to effectively switch among my students, etc. Also, if an area is weak, a request by my supervisor to re-take an automated class I have taken before - such as effective questioning - might be assigned.
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    I found those examples interesting and am reserving judgement and evaluation until I learn more about assessment.
    Ann, Many thanks for this assessment form!
    Great example of a very thorough assessment! It is also of interest that your supervisor logs in on a regular basis to assess your instruction--quite a good strategy to ensure exceptional delivery by the school's online teachers. Thanks for sharing this form, Ann!
    The online environment provides for easy capture of the session. The requirement for teaching include having a degree and a background check, but not a teaching certificate. I feel the monitoring is an extra check and balance on both how we are teaching and our online presence. We go through training and have guidelines on what we can and cannot discuss with the students - such as sharing emails, contacts outside of class, etc. Recently this has come into focus, as the regular school teachers at the school I am tutoring with (we are a scheduled once a week class during the school year) encouraged the students to ask where we live, etc., to feel more connected. On our teacher platform, the teachers and our supervisor were able to post and share with each other on how they were and should be handling this. It is a balance - just as in a regular classroom - to be connected, yet have privacy. I do not find what information I should and should share or ask to be a problem for me, but the time focus is. The students are used to texting all the time and feel comofrtable with using the time that way. I have now developed my own transitions - from the explicit: "we've chatted enough for right now, please go on with your lesson" to a softer transition by using the information in our dialog to set-up a problem: You got so much snow! So if you had eight snowballs and split them evenly....".
    This is fascinating! I've honestly never seen an instrument for a supervisor to evaluate an online teaching session. (Or maybe I just don't remember.) For distance education at BC, instructors/divisions can opt in to the online student evaluations. I don't know if Norma signed up to have this course included in the evals. If so, you may have received access to that today. As far as I know, that's the primary way teachers are evaluated here. It compares to how they are evaluated in f2f classes. For me, I like to get constant feedback from students, and that's why you see me poking around a lot, sending lots of email, and including self-checks. It's always an awful feeling to get to the end of a course and discover you could have made changes early on that would have made a big difference in learning. (But I always expect to discover some of that at the end, as well!) Thanks for sharing this!
Susan Kolwitz

Online Community - 2 views

The eLearning Guild is "a community of practice for eLearning professionals." Within the Guild, there are communities you can join based on your interest. They offer different levels of membership,...

#EDUC251 elearning #7Activity7.2 OnlineCommunity

started by Susan Kolwitz on 01 Mar 11 no follow-up yet
Joy LaJeret

Module # 8 Portfolio My Blog Activity for this Week/ Meeting Online Course Standards - 3 views

    I have made some personal comments on obtaining the skills and not being able to get the job one trains for.
    To elaborate on your: " My point is this, giving my student the skills to do the job they hope to do in the future is not the end of the learning process." School has the dual purpose of both enlightening us as people and preparing us for a profession. As this article points out, obtaining a degree or going to school does not guarantee of a job. It may not guarantee a job, but without you can't have the insight or credential to eventually get there.
    What deeply saddens me is technical and community colleges may give you the skills; but then they may drop the ball by not helping beyond that point. Without internships and situations for obtaining cannot overcome the obstacle of needing experience in the field. Same goes for my hope to teach...which may just be a dream I am holding onto with no basis in reality. Then the feds paid for the courses, the college got the money and I am in fact the loser.
Bruce Wolcott

TED talk: Salman Khan talks about the "One world classroom" - 3 views

shared by Bruce Wolcott on 22 Mar 11 - No Cached
    Salman Khan talks about how and why he created the Khan Academy, a carefully structured series of educational videos offering complete curricula in math and, now, other subjects. He shows the power of interactive exercises, and calls for teachers to consider flipping the traditional classroom script -- give students video lectures to watch at home, and do "homework" in the classroom with the teacher available to help. He says students from around the world can tutor each other. This presentation was just given a few days ago.
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    Now that is an interesting concept! A bit backward isn't it?
    Bruce, I have to say that this TED video posting you put up is the most interesting post I've looked at all quarter! Salman Khan talks about a very unique "backwards design" for education now and in the future with his suggestion that the "lectures--videos" be watched at home and the "homework" be done interactively with the teacher at school. In reality, this concept is the very one I was trained to do way back when I was getting my teaching credential for elementary school. In that model, teachers interact consistently all day long with small and large groups of students and individual students as well, helping them with what they need to understand until some sort of mastery comes. The only appreciable difference that I can see is the use of today's technology tools. A good teacher, no matter if face to face in a classroom or remotely in cyber space, will take the time with each individual student until he or she learns what is being taught. Self-paced learning such as what the TED video centered on was practiced years ago with SRA reading modules and similar modules for math. They fell out of fashion in many schools when districts began standardizing learning and "no child left behind" came along with its requirement that all students meet a particular standard in a particular way. Perhaps I'm over-simplifying things a bit, but I feel compelled to share this. Someone once said, "There are no new ideas under the sun, just new ways of implementing them." Anyway, thanks for this posting--I will eagerly look forward to how the Khan University develops!
    Wow...thanks for sharing this link. I've watched the documentary "Waiting for Superman" and was blown away about how our education system is failing so badly. Here's an example of what person can do and change the way we learn.
Joy LaJeret

Training Educators to Build Courses that Meet Quality Matters Standards - Part II - 2 views

shared by Joy LaJeret on 10 Mar 11 - No Cached
    Hybrid Class QM video. About an hour long.
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    Joy, Thanks for locating and posting these Quality Matters videos. I won't be able to get to this hour long one until this weekend.
    Your very welcome Burce. I have to admit I only watched 1/3 of the video and will continue this weekend, myself!
    This is a great example of student response to posting an hour long video. I've found most students don't want to take the time to watch something for an hour. If you are in instructor and would like students to watch a long video, how do you motivate them to do it? And how do you decide whether the long video is the best way to help them learn? Also, how do we balance the amount of resources we provide learners, with giving them time to find things on their own?
    First of all, it is a video that you have to want to view. Students may or may not view it. It shoud be informative; but not mandatory. That way, those who are truly interested will watch and those that are not will not. The same can be said about those who have the time. There is a little nav tool under the video to Fast Forward as well. Hour long videos should be presented to those who want an official or gov reponse to a need or issue. Resources are optional or can be made optional. I would not want to limit the possibilities of my learners!
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