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Diane Gusa

Everything You Need to Know About Web 2.0 - 6 views

  • . On this page, you'll find articles on a variety of Web 2.0 tools and technologies. We'll continue to update this page, so be sure to check back to learn about the latest technologies for your organization. What is Web 2.0 Anyway?
    Thanks for thinking of us. loved it! Carol
Diane Gusa

Learning Domains - 1 views

  • The affective domain is critical for learning but is often not specifically addressed.  This is the domain that deals with attitudes, motivation, willingness to participate, valuing what is being learned, and ultimately incorporating the values of a discipline into a way of life.  Stages in that domain are not as sequential as the cognitive domain, but have been described as the following: Receiving (willing to listen) Responding (willing to participate) Valuing (willing to be involved) Organizing (willing to be an advocate) Characterization (willing to change one’s behavior, lifestyle, or way of life)
  • Videos and audio clips are also excellent ways to engage the affective domain. These should be short and may include the following: Former students giving tips on how to be successful The instructor informing the students of the value of the course Professionals who are using the knowledge from the course in their lives An overview of the program with key support personnel and facilities visible to the student Streaming audio files throughout the course encouraging students and providing helpful tips Short video clips of the instructor explaining course content
Diane Gusa

Langwitches Blog | Archive | Social Bookmarking - 3 views

  • Remember that it is NOT about the tools we use with our students, but the skills we are exposing them to and want them to get proficient in.
    • Diane Gusa
      This is an important point!
carol filanova

Sign In - 3 views

    New to Animoto? It's quick, it's easy, and you'll be making your first video in about 30 seconds. Create a new account.
Diane Gusa

Ali's blog - 3 views

shared by Diane Gusa on 18 Jun 12 - No Cached
    • Diane Gusa
      Hi Ali, You need to still tag and categorize before leaving this class! Category would be for this post Module 3. Tags are important because this helps people read your posts for the information. Your tags for this blog are incorrect. Tags are like keywords. What tags do you think this blog should have?
    • Diane Gusa
      The teacher who inspired me was in college. I was first inspired by her deep knowlege, her humaness, and finally her reaching out to me, a very shy student.
    • Diane Gusa
      You speak of literacy skills, but not attitudes...the love of reading, the power of writing, reflective thinking.
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • First of all, the learning theory is a process that unites the cognitive, emotional and environmental influences and experiences for acquiring, or making changes in one’s knowledge, skills and values.
    • Diane Gusa
      Love this definition. Is it yours or do you need to contribute this to someone?
    • Diane Gusa
      So the learning theory is multiple intelligence. What about the other theories? Behaviorism=gold stars, working in groups=constructivism etc.
    • Diane Gusa
      I disagree here. Effort is important to learn, but inefficent effort that does not lead to outcomes stated in the objectives need to be adhered to.
  • I would never fail anyone unless they really did not put any effort into the class. As long as you put the effort in and tried your hardest, you would do well in my class.
  • Carol’s post
  • Nicole’s discussion
Nicole Frescura

Using Online Icebreakers To Promote Sutdent/Teacher Interaction - 3 views

    Icebreaker Rationale and 25 ideas
Nicole Frescura - 3 views

    from my Module 3 blog
Diane Gusa

Carol's EDU210 Blog | Just another site - 3 views

    • Diane Gusa
      Hi Carol, It's time to start blogging :)
Diane Gusa

An absolutely riveting online course: Nine principles for excellence in web-based teach... - 2 views

  • Principle 1: The online world is a medium unto itself.
  • Principle 2: In the online world content is a verb.
  • Principle 3: Technology is a vehicle, not a destination.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • Principle 4: Great online courses are defined by teaching, not technology.
  • Principle 5: Sense of community and social presence are essential to online excellence.
  • Principle 6: Excellence requires multiple areas of expertise.
  • Principle 7: A great web interface will not save a poor course; but a poor web interface will destroy a potentially great course.
  • Principle 8: Excellence comes from ongoing assessment and refinement.
  • Principle 9: Sometimes the little extras go a long way.
Alexandra DeLeo

College@Home Blog: 100 Helpful Web Tools for Every Kind of Learner - 2 views

  • With Quia, you'll be able to create your own online quizzes and educational games to help you study your materials in a more interactive fashion.
  • Teachertube is a great place to find instructional videos on just about everything. You can learn about the formation of mountains, world history and economics on this useful educational site.
Diane Gusa

Carol's EDU210/300 Blog | 2012 | July - 3 views

    • Diane Gusa
      What a beautiful page Carol! Mike Fortune is from my class last year, but I thought his blog is a another good example what we can do with blogging. You forgot this is also a synthesizing blog, where are your sharing of what your classmates taught you? Your blog voice has really developed, don't you think?
  • different learning environments
  • practice learning.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • I do not believe that a student thrives on just one theory.
    • Diane Gusa
      Maybe better said, one theory of all students.
    • carol filanova
      o k, thanks.
  • the importance of being balanced, mentally, physically and spiritually.
    • Diane Gusa
      holestic education, one approach...l
    • Diane Gusa
      Can a teacher really ensure?
    Thank you, I'm still trying to figure diigo out and I'll have to play with it over the rest of the summer. I love Mike's blogging style, I'll have to take some lessons from him.
Diane Gusa

How to Use Twitter in the College Classroom - 2 views

  • A user can be totally anonymous if that is their wish. This is an added bonus because as an instructor I would never want to involve my students in an activity that could cause them harm or make them feel uncomfortable in any way.
  • Use Twitter as an Announcement Board.
  • hey could just always have the Twitter in the background when they are at home and just look at it from time to time.
  • ...14 more annotations...
  • Web-Pages. One of the best and most useful features of Twitter is the ability to post URL links in your Tweets
  • Use Twitter to Ask Questions.
  • Use Twitter to Connect Students
  • The student did not sign up for an online course and those boundaries must be respected
  • Don't mix Personal Twittering with Classroom Twittering
  • Do "Block" users who try to Follow your Tweets and are not your students. Most people on Twitter are trying to sell something.
  • Do Tweet often
  • Do keep your Twitter page Public. Th
  • Do include a blurb on netiquette in your course Syllabus.
  • Do Tweet on topics related to the course
  • In fact you should probably Tweet daily. Just
  • Do keep your Tweets professional.
  • Do delete non-fact related Tweets between semesters
  • Do Re-Tweet your updates.
Diane Gusa

Bringing Life to Online Instruction with Humor - 1 views

  • Based on our experience using humor as an instructional strategy in traditional and online courses, we explain how instructors can incorporate humor into online courses
  • Of the personal dimensions of teaching, humor is the most human of them all. T
  • Humor is not a pedagogical panacea, and the mere inclusion of humor will not assure that learning will occur. I
  • ...18 more annotations...
  • simpler forms of humor that would “bomb” in a comedy venue, such as word-play (e.g., puns, oxymorons) and clever or witty observations, can be used successfully in online course
  • e, the educational purpose of the humor is the most important consideration. As a pedagogical device, humor can promote various objectives, such as to increase student interest and attention, facilitate the student-teacher relationship, provide students with a “mental break,” or promote the understanding and retention of a concept. In contrast to humorists, who gauge success by laughter, educators measure the effectiveness of humor by how it promotes learning. Although humor can be used to increase students’ overall enjoyment of the online experience, most of the humor incorporated into an online course should serve an instructional purpos
  • The challenge for instructors teaching online courses is to learn to use humor to create interesting and inviting virtual learning environments while minimizing any potential pitfalls of humor as an instructional device
  • nstructors recognize that potentially offensive humor, such as sexist or racist jokes, is not appropriate (Perlman & McCann, 1998). The safest target is the instructor, because self-deprecating humor avoids offending or alienating others, and allows students to view the teacher as more “human.
  • e, we strongly encourage instructors to consider the guidelines for pedagogical humor mentioned in the previous section. First, does the humor promote an educational objective? Second, will the students understand and appreciate the humor? Third, is the target of the humor appropriate for the course?
  • journals devoted to humorous research (e.g., Journal of Polymorphous Perversity, Annals of Improbable Research).
  • Visual humor is especially effective in online courses, and cartoons, illustrations, and photographs, can easily be integrated throughout the course
  • several ways that instructors can enhance visual humor for the online environment
  • For this type of humor to be effective, the visual punch line needs to be hidden behind a hyperlink.
  • We strongly believe that integrating personal photographs or “home movies” into online instruction adds a more personalized and intimate feel to the often sterile nature of online courses
  • use an extra-credit activity called the “Contributing Editor” that requires students to locate potential sources of humor on any course topic.
  • For a more detailed explanation of the techniques and principles of humor writing, instructors can refer to various comedy writing books (e.g., Carter, 2001; Helitzer & Shatz, 2005).
  • the most suitable joke formulas for the online course are word-play and exaggeration. A word-play joke involves the modification of a word, clichés, definition, common phrase, or concept. Examples of word-play pedagogical humor include silly names, funny unit subtitles, oxymorons, and factitious definitions. Word-play is a relatively simple form of humor, and instructors should expect smirks (or moans) rather than big laughs. Also, word-play jokes will only be successful when instructors follow the principle of “knowing your audience” (i.e., students must recognize the word, concept, or phrase that is being reformatted or embellished).
  • The final step of humor writing is to edit the joke by following the four principles of “aggressive editing” (Sankey, 1998)
  • The placement and duration of humor used in online lecture modules are critical to the flow of instruction.
  • Humor can allow students a brief “mental break” from an online lecture, and instructors can use transitions to illustrate a concept with topic-related tangents or self-deprecating stories.
  • ules as an opportunity to use humorous personal examples and commentary to expand on previously discussed lecture topics. By clearly identifying the tangent, students recognize that the rant is separate from the lecture
  • For instructors who are comfortable using humor in course examinations, there are several approaches for adding humor to multiple-choice tests. First, an additional distracter (e.g., choice “e”), such as a joke at the expense of the instructor, can be added to select items. Second, names that appear in items can be reformatted by inserting the instructor's name or creating fictitious names. Third, a “final” item can be added with the setup “The test is over and you...” with funny distracters targeted to the students, instructor, or course. (See Berk, 2000 for additional strategies for infusing humor into multiple-choice examinations.)
    Thinking back to our conversation on humor. (I was only a lurker in that conversation, but maybe now I have time to revisit this idea). Hope this adds to your thoughts.
Diane Gusa

Best practices modules - 1 views

  • Larry Ragan
  • Best Practices in Online Teaching
Diane Gusa

Teaching Today | How-To Articles | Social Bookmarking - 1 views

  • A social bookmarking site provides a way for students or teachers to save all of their links in one place on the Internet. These links are saved with one or more tags to help find the site in the future.  
  • According to Netcraft, there are more than 100 million Web sites on the Internet. Between 3 to 4 million new Web sites are added every month. How do educators keep this information organized? How do educators and students plod through this morass and separate the good from the bad and the ugly? Social bookmarking provides one way for users to get control of this information.
Diane Gusa

fresc101 - 1 views

    • Diane Gusa
      Don't forget to learning is one tag you could use
    • Diane Gusa
      Where is module 3 blog????
Diane Gusa

Father Guido Sarducci's Five Minute University - YouTube - 1 views

  • Sarducci's Five Minute University
Alexandra DeLeo

E-Coaching Tip 36: Cognitive Presence in Online Courses -- What is it? - 1 views

Diane Gusa

Nine Ways to Reduce Cognitive Load in Multimedia Learning - 1 views

    First, we propose a theory of multimedia learning based on the assumptions that humans possess separate systems for processing pictorial and verbal material (dual-channel assumption), each channel is limited in the amount of material that can be processed at one time (limited-capacity assumption), and meaningful learning involves cognitive processing including building connections between pictorial and verbal representations (active-processing assumption). Second, based on the cognitive theory of multimedia learning, we examine the concept of cognitive overload in which the learner's intended cognitive processing exceeds the learner's available cognitive capacity. Third, we examine five overload scenarios. For each overload scenario, we offer one or two theory-based suggestions for reducing cognitive load, and we summarize our research results aimed at testing the effectiveness of each suggestion. Overall, our analysis shows that cognitive load is a central consideration in the design of multimedia instruction.
Diane Gusa

Education-2020 - Who is the Teacher? - 1 views

  • In the video to the left teachers give a vision of 21st Century teachers. They are teachers who use Web 2.0 tools to facilitate social and collaborative learning.stress the importance of a global community and a community of learninguse interactive multimedia to engage studentsstress the development of critical thinking and problem solving skills in their studentshave their students construct their own knowledgehave students connect, communicate and create through multimedia projects using wikis, blogs, social media toolsuse differentiated instruction for different learning styleshave their students interact with others locally and globallyencourage students to be comfortable with uncertainty and nurture global confidenceprepare their students for the future not the past
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