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Alyssa Rose


    This article highlighted the different roles in constructivist theory and also helped me to really understand the role that knowledge takes in constructivist theory. It is described as a combination of ever changing experiences and information that provide a foundation for new experiences and knowledge. It also introduces PLNs as an open space that allows for intercepting and spreading competencies and skills by publishing, combining and correlating resources.
Daniel Oldham

Personal Learning Environments - the future of eLearning? - 8 views

    This article helped to explain why PLNs and Connectivist theory go hand in hand. It explained that theory and knowledge are linked in a PLN because they are accessible in the context they are applied. The nature of the learning in a PLN is all about applying knowledge and coming up with new ideas about its relevance to concepts. PLNs are all about creating as well as sharing as well as autonomy for its users. Connectivism is about working cooperatively, meaning independently but in a shared environment. This article really helped me to bridge a connection between the Connectivist theory and PLNs.
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    Here the author argues that Personal Learning Environments (PLEs) are not an application but an approach to learning. They require a radical shift in how we use technology, but they supply a holistic environment where students learn to take responsibility for their own education.
    This article presents the features and reasoning for personal learning environments in e-learning. It discusses reasons for its importance in e-learning and lifelong learning. The ways that "learning" is changing with new technologies and resources are considered. The social aspect of personal learning environments is also described, with an emphasis on the tools that are used to facilitate the connections.
    The author discusses the potential of learning environments in eLearning and how these LEs can bring together more authentic contexts for learning. The paper also reviews the different purposes and uses of Personal Learning Environments. Through PLE, individuals are responsible for many aspects of their own learning within the most useful contexts. Blogging was also covered as a way to incorporate informal learning. Attwell considers the challenges associated with continued LEs after a course is over, and points out the overarching questions regarding the responsibility for institutions or teachers to continue to support this ongoing learning.
    Attwell, G. (2007). Personal Learning Environments-the future of eLearning?. eLearning Papers, 2(1), 1-8. In Graham Attwell's article he offers some insight and ideas towards why personal learning Environments may be essential to learning in the future. . He details the technology behind the buzz surrounding personal learning environments and examples of how we can use them going forward. What I enjoyed about the article was the notion that everyone's learning environment, style, context, and situation are different and PLE's enable the learner to pace themselves and grow on their own terms. While detailing lifelong learning the author grabs the theory of self-driven education being helped by personal learning environments. Graham does a good job of not following into a common misconception that technology directly correlates to better learning, but rather approaches the aspect of what technology could do for learning as well as what personal learning environments could do for learning as well. From his own personal PLE list of software to explaining the next steps in adopting personal learning environments on a wider scale Graham makes sense of a complicated theory.
    This article discusses the foundational theory of how PLNs and PLEs influence learning. It discusses the new definition of what the PLE is for each student and how it is evolving with the web tools available to the student.
    I like the fact that the authors discuss that educators need to embrace emerging technologies. In addition, they point out that social networking turns the consumer into the producer-what an interesting concept; I think I will use this as I argue for a bit more technological freedom in my classroom.
Christina Modrell

Learning Networks and Connective Knowledge - 1 views

    This article really helped to define knowledge in the Connectivist theory. To know something, means that you are able to organize and connect ideas together. The author makes a brilliant point that the more connections you have to the idea, the stronger your knowledge of it is. It also states that it is more important to continue to search for more knowledge and connections than it is to be satisfied with what is currently known.
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    This is a scholarly paper where Stephen Dowes discusses Personal Learning Environments (PLE) centered around the theory of connectivism. His discussion suggests that web 2.0 is unsuitable and too limiting for online learning. He suggests that in the PLE "management of learning migrates from the institution to the learner" (p. 15). In this way, the learner consumes resources as well as creating them.
    I had a difficult time finding articles on PLN & PLE that were theoretical and not practical in nature. This article by Stephen Downes actually explores the connection between PLNs and Connectivism.
    This article discusses different learning theories. One of the theories was network semantics and connective learning. This section describes what it means to be a network. Then it connects networks to what it means to be connective.
    After reading this article I can get my head around how important PLN are and I applied it to my corporate job. Both my peers and the people who report to me connect in many ways.
Alyssa Rose

Connectivism and Connective Knowledge - 0 views

    This is a great video that showcases how Connectivism acts as a source for finding new information. The author shows an Etch a Sketch and gives a complicated puzzle to solve. The solution to her problem is also directly related to Connectivism because in order to obtain the information that she needs, she will have to connect with people outside of her "box".
Alyssa Rose

Connecting with George Siemens - 0 views

    This video uses a great metaphor of Rhizomes for learning. It is described as an uncontrollable pattern. It asserts that learning needs to make connections outside of the normal entities. For instance, there have been biology studies that have reached over into the realm of engineering. Although these are two separate subjects, it increases more lines of connection and hence more knowledge. This video also describes the ecology of learning and that connectivism acts as a tool that will continually adapt, change and move along with the flow of information.
Alyssa Rose

Communities of Practice A Research Paradigm for the Mixed Methods Approach - 0 views

    This article focused on how CoPs are beneficial in a mixed methods approach to teaching. The four ways in which these CoPs show a shift from the normal paradigms of research include: they center on a specific problem that are deemed significant to obtaining knowledge, CoPs are all about shared practice of knowledge, CoPs are also about a shared identity or people that are connected by a common goal/interest, and lastly CoPs are operating under the idea that they are research based. They encompass all of the fundamentally basic principles of good research. This helped me to connect CoPs and PLNs because I think that the reason why these CoPs are so effective is because they are using PLNs to engage each other across further distances and topics with the stroke of a key.
scott hogan

Knowledge Networks and Communities of Practice - 0 views

    This article explains why communities of practice are so important for the business realm. In one statement it explained that companies have now figured out that "knowledge = power, so share and it multiplies". This idea is synonymous with connectivism and the idea that in order to gain more knowledge more connections must be made through sharing, collaborating, creating, etc. This article also made the distinction between tacit knowledge that is rooted in people's life experiences with explicit knowledge that is deliberately shared outside of people. This distinction also helped me to really see the reason why connectivism, PLNs and CoPs work so well together. You have a group of people, connected by common interests and goals, that are expanding upon their knowledge by sharing their own collective experiences and goals in effort to connect with others that can share insight, collaborate with and add to their ideas, solutions and questions.
    Allee uses the term organizational intelligence to describe how CoPs are becoming more prevalent in the modern workforce. He talks about how he has consulted with various multinational companies to help them create CoPs and to get employees at various levels to share their expertise.
Nate Cannon

Mixing Art + Politics -- Integrated Studies in High School - YouTube - 0 views

    We are not teaching one subject, we should be teaching the student! This video shows how using a PLN and Connectivism, you can create more ideas from people outside the classroom. There are also many people willing to help you if you look for them.
    We are not teaching one subject, we should be teaching the student! This video shows how using a PLN and Connectivism, you can create more ideas from people outside the classroom. There are also many people willing to help you if you look for them.
Nate Cannon

Importance of a PLN in Education - YouTube - 0 views

    One of the main reasons WHY we should have a PLN. "Having an online network is important because it allows you to express your resources and opinions in Education through an online identity. It allows for collaborative learning, and with an online PLN there are no limitations to who you can learn from and share ideas with." "Learn from your learning network and with them!"
    One of the main reasons WHY we should have a PLN. "Having an online network is important because it allows you to express your resources and opinions in Education through an online identity. It allows for collaborative learning, and with an online PLN there are no limitations to who you can learn from and share ideas with." "Learn from your learning network and with them!"
Nate Cannon

Solution Tree: Rebecca DuFour, 3 Big Ideas of a PLC - YouTube - 1 views

    This video talks about the 3 Big Ideas we want to have in a PLN for educators
    This video talks about the 3 Big Ideas we want to have in a PLN for educators
Nate Cannon

RSA Animate - Changing Education Paradigms - YouTube - 0 views

    How our educational system was and is set up and what we could possibly do to help our educational system in the most stimulating time in our history. This is a little bit of connectivism but more about understanding the past and how it is shaping the future of our education and why we need a change!
    How our educational system was and is set up and what we could possibly do to help our educational system in the most stimulating time in our history. This is a little bit of connectivism but more about understanding the past and how it is shaping the future of our education and why we need a change!
Nate Cannon

Meet the Solution Tree Author: Will Richardson - YouTube - 0 views

    The goal of teachers in the digital age and how we can use PLN's to help. "No one is really asking teachers or school systems to change what they've been doing. They're basically asking them to basically do what they have been doing better. The huge barrier is trying to get people to acknowledge that this new world of learning exists and then starting a conversation around how can we make that effective for kids." - Will Richardson
    The goal of teachers in the digital age and how we can use PLN's to help. "No one is really asking teachers or school systems to change what they've been doing. They're basically asking them to basically do what they have been doing better. The huge barrier is trying to get people to acknowledge that this new world of learning exists and then starting a conversation around how can we make that effective for kids." - Will Richardson
Nate Cannon

YouTube - Twitter Kit - What is a PLN? Why is it important? - Module 1 part 1 - 0 views

    This video talks more about what a PLN is and how you can set it up to be "your own filtered TV station/programming."
    This video talks more about what a PLN is and how you can set it up to be "your own filtered TV station/programming."
    This is an interesting video which communicated the process of reciprocal learning well. Having the inclusion of text being pointed to with a highlighted mouse arrow was awkward for me to watch, but could be a tool to help engage the viewer.

Professional Learning Communities: What Are They And Why Are They Important? - 0 views

    SEDL gives an overview of Professional Learning Communities. In a series of articles, topics such as the history of PLC, the attributes of a functioning PLC, why they work, and what the expected outcomes of a professional learning community are.
    SEDL is a nonprofit research company dedicated to educational practices. This paper was in one of their publications about change. It details the importance of professional learning communities (networks). It is a great summary of the most critical aspects of creating a PLC.
Deborah Lyman

Professional Learning Communities: Communities of Continuous Inquiry and Improvement - ... - 0 views

    SEDL discusses some of the interpretations of PLC. Additionally, SEDL discusses the development and attributes of a functional PLC. SEDL also discusses the variety of configurations of professional learning communities.
Deborah Lyman

STEM Teachers in PLCs - 0 views

    This article reviews research on STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) teachers and PLC groups. Discusses principles of PLC and the implications of these groups in STEM classrooms.

Lessons Worth Sharing | TED-Ed - 3 views

    These are flipped TED lessons--a great resource for educators. Each video is professionally animated and narrated. Best of all, you can flip any YouTube video using TED Ed.
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    Great tool for flipping lessons.
    I love the Ted Ed website. It offers educators the opportunity to "flip" YouTube videos to enhance learning. You can use any video that make relate to your subject, share it, and have students watch. Then, students answer questions that you've made up specifically to go along with the video. There are also many "flipped" lessons already made up and available to use. It is a great site that helps integrate technology into curriculum.
    Absolutely love this website. TEDEd allows educators to create and share lessons built around YouTube videos. The embedded lesson creator allows users to 1) FIND video content through an integrated search panel, 2) SELECT a video or lesson to be customized, and 3) FLIP a video by adding questions, notes, and content. The TEDEd library is continually growing and is searchable and browsable by series and subject. Grades K-12. Tip: The best lessons are curated by volunteer teachers and TEDEd and compiled under the Best Flips tab. If you're looking for teaching inspiration, look no further!
    This is a great collection of videos and lesson plans for educational use. The videos are searchable by subject.
Kristen Taubman

Dialogue and connectivism: A new approach to understanding and promoting dialogue-rich ... - 0 views

    Here, Ravenscroft conducts a theoretical look at connectivism. He asks what the role of networked technolgies is in the digital age and suggests that tool selection, desired dialogue, and genre should all be considerations for networked learning. He says that "embracing connectivism means that we need to consider new design metaphors for future learning that place the person, their social behaviour, and their community at the centre of the design process and the resulting network technologies" (155).
    I found this to be a particularly interesting article. The authors propose the development of a new theoretical model that integrates the foundations of social constructivist thinking, with an emphasis on dialogue, with the connectivist approach to networking. This combination in turn is meant to illicit, support, and increase in collaborative inquiry. The dialogue game provides the students just enough structure necessary to facilitate a organic discussion and critical inquiry.
Kristen Taubman - 4 views

    In this scholarly article, Bessenyei discusses the current desire in education to decrease the alienation of traditional schools. He looks at connectivism and network theories as a way to decentralize learning into self-organizing networks. These networks allow information sharing to become more significant as students information sources are varied to include experts as well as other students from multiple institutions.
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    This article discusses the pedagogy and theory that is the foundation of connectivism. Discussed in detail is how connectivism impacts education in a 21sr century learning environment.
    Interesting article by I. Bessenyie if for no other reason than it was originally written in Hungarian and translated. But it does show that the idea of connectivism is making waves in educational communities around the globe and not just in the United States. This article also tackles some of the more specific elements of connectivism as related to Web 2.0 & E-learning.
    This article is a discussion of how network participation is making shared learning possible and the role of the traditional educational institutions.
    Thanks for including this article...I got confused for a second seeing the foreign language. Since connectivism seems to espouse the belief that students lead the learning, and should all be learning different things, would it mean the end of the traditional education system as we see it? Do you think connectivism sees any future for mainstream education?
    I posted a comment a few minutes ago, went away from the page, and when I came back my comment was gone. I haven't found diigo to be too comfortable to use yet. My main question was...connectivism preaches that students should be learning different things and leading their own learning experience. Does connectivism leave any room for a traditional education system?
    Hey Scott. that's a great question and a certain dilemma when it comes to implementation, For me, the real revaluation was in how I personally am a total connective learner. I access information as needed from multitudes of resources. it has changed what I am willing to embrace or not. From a teacher's perspective, implementing it is a totally different animal & considers much more of a balanced, blended approach. You have to ask the question, at what point is a student self-actualized enough to own their connectivness? it is safe to say that students are connective learners regardless of whether we are involved in that or not. I would love to find a way to harness their personal relevance in the classroom.
    This article focuses on elearning 2.0. Talks about how learning has evolved from long ago to today and how we used to learn from our elders and now we learn from "informally"
    This article discusses socialization and the accessing of information in the information age. The article claims, "A vast amount of spontaneous knowledge exchange is taking place on the interactive World Wide Web. It is on the basis of this that the theories of eLearning 2.0 and connectivism declare that network participation and access to information and to software that interprets and contextualizes information makes a completely new, cooperative, self-organising form of learning possible."
    In this article the author discusses the importance of connectivism that is dependent upon learning in a web 2.0 platform. As the influence of the web has spread so to has the importance the ability to share and distribute information to people all over the world. The premise of this article is that as costs continue to soar in education the connectivism platform offers an alternative way to disseminate learning. The web is now no longer a medium for learning, it is the platform and center for personal learning. One final point that is made is the importance in educating students how to use the available online resources to construct learning for future use because as online resources and CoP's continue to be the primary sources for information it is important to understand how to use and identify these resources for continued learning.
    Bessenyei takes an interesting look at the history of elearning as it relates to student learning requirements, societal norms and Connectivism today. The authors perspective on Web 1.0 to Web 2.0 and the policital development of elearning provides the reader with a new lens to look at the variety of social media that is used today.
Sarah Baughman

Unpacking Personal Learning Environments - 5 views

    This blog gives a very brief definition of a personal learning environment and then includes a video created by a seventh grade students that describes her personal learning environment.
    This is a blog post summarizing the annual ISTE conference in, I think, 2011. I really love the video here. It is of a 7th graders experience with her PLN. It shows how simple, fun, and rewarding a PLN can be.
    Cool resource told from the perspective of a 7th grader learning with PLNs. I also like how the post references PLNs importance by mentioning its place in the Horizon Report.
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