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Fabio Cominotti

Classroom 2.0 - 0 views

shared by Fabio Cominotti on 03 Sep 12 - Cached
    This is a huge social networking site for teachers using technology in their classrooms as well as online. There are many like-minded individuals and resources here.
Hannah Clark

Idaho Digital Learning Academy - Home - 0 views

    IDLA is the current school I am teaching at and this is their main site. The best school to work for, ever!
    Our mission is to serve the students, school districts, and the State of Idaho by providing high quality public school education, aligned with state achievement standards, utilizing innovative e-learning methods of delivery.
Erin Horie

Communities of Practice - 4 views

  • he term community of practice was coined to refer to the community that acts as a living curriculum for the apprentice
    The "community of practice" is defined and there are examples. The characteristics are the domain, the community, and the practice. There are examples given and explanation of where the concept came from and where it is being applied.
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    This site goes over, in detail, what a community of practice is. I had a little trouble understanding what the concept was referring to from the class material, but after reading this site, I was no longer confused. It defines a Community of Practice and breaks it down on a basic level. It provides the three requirements and explains what a CoP basically does. It is very informative.
    Article describing communities of practice. Where they come from, and where they are being applied.
    Wenger 2006, I chose this article because I recognized his name from my 503 reading. He does explain CoPs well. Wenger states there are three charateriestics crucial to being a CoP. They are: domain or the common interest; community or the interaction, and practice or the fact that the members are practitioners. He coined the phrase community of practice in reference to the living curriculum of apprentices.
    Etienne Wegner is a leader in the field of CoP. He along with Jean Lave coined the term. This is his website and it provides a direct introduction to the concept and the application of communities of practice.
    This is the website of Etienne Wenger, one of the leading researcher's of communities of practice. This website contains an overview of his theory and links to his papers. Wenger studied the learning process in apprenticeship situations and found that most learning and sharing of knowledge actually takes place between the community of advanced apprentices and journeymen.
    Wenger defines what makes a CoP different from a group of friends who like some of the same things, people who share the same occupation, or 30-somethings who all like romantic comedies. CoPs must consist of a group of people who pursue a certain focus and help the members obtain more skills/knowledge in the process. He explains where the term came from and various ways in which it is applied today.
    I'm sure many people have listed this one but it does seem like the place to start; at the source. I do like that the wenger does speak in plain language, especially in the call out boxes.
    I agree with Richard, especially since the term gets used loosely and tends to mean many different things. One of the articles I found deals with contrasting four different definitions of Communities of Practice.
    In this Web site Etienne Wenger introduces the concept of "communities of practice" and defines them as "groups of people who share a concern or a passion for something they do and learn how to do it better as they interact regularly" and describes why they are useful for learning in many different contexts. A community of practice has 3 characteristics- 1) an identity defined by a shared domain of interest 2) a community of members that engage in joint activities and discussions, help each other, and share information and 3) members who are practitioners. These communities develop their practice through activities such as sharing information, problem solving, and mapping knowledge. Communities of practice are ubiquitous and can be small or large, local or global, meet face-to-face or online, informal or formal.
    Wegner describes three characteristics necessary for a community to be a "community of practice." These are the domain of interest, a community of members that engage in activities and discussions that allow them to learn from one another, and the actual practice or application of that learning. Wegner also describes what CoPs look like, the theory behind CoPs, and the environments in which they are used.
    This site by Etienne Wenger gives an overview of what a community of practice is. You will find definitions and descriptions, as well as applications. There are also resources listed concerning application and learning theory.
    Great article on Community of Practice. It is defined and there are examples listed. Its very basic.
    Wegner describes three important criteria for a community of practice, the domain, the community, and the practice. When the three criteria are combined, it creates the basis of a community of practice where interaction takes place and participants gain knowledge on a topic/topics.

Connectivism and Dimensions of Individual Experience. - 0 views

    Explores how personality affects interactions and perception of interactions amongst learners. Noting that there is sometimes tension between being connected enough to benefit from plethora of choices on the internet & still experience individual, personal development. An important component of understanding connectivism is to never assume that those who do not show overt involvement are not as engaged as those who do.

YouTube Pedagogy: Finding Communities of Practice in a Distributed Learning World - 0 views

    Presents a rather critical approach to Youtube as an educational tool. Explains that online video library is mostly maintained by a fan base as opposed to deliberate or intentional facilitation. This reduces its credibility as a teaching tool and lacks cohesive curriculum. It is asserted that if learning is encountering what you don't know, then Youtube is not effective for learning as users search their existing interests and for entertainment. Another noted disadvantage is that viewing and commenting on Youtube videos may provide marketing data and potentially undermines student privacy.

The Challenges to Connectivist Learning on Open Online Networks - 0 views

    Research primarily focused on exploring how online learners aggregate, relate, create, and share information. Noting that connections are made with people and/or resources. And that putting learners in charge of directing their own experience is dependent on confidence and competence with the tools at hand. When comfortable navigating the terrain of the internet, there is intrinsic motivation that results from steering your own learning.
ron gardiner

Using Technology to Support Reading Comprehension - 0 views

    It's a very interesting read if you are searching for ways to use technology to increase students' reading comprehension levels.

Half an Hour - 0 views

  • Hence, in connectivism, there is no real concept of transferring knowledge, making knowledge, or building knowledge. Rather, the activities we undertake when we conduct practices in order to learn are more like growing or developing ourselves and our society in certain (connected) ways.
  • This implies a pedagogy that (a) seeks to describe 'successful' networks (as identified by their properties, which I have characterized as diversity, autonomy, openness, and connectivity) and (b) seeks to describe the practices that lead to such networks, both in the individual and in society (which I have characterized as modeling and demonstration (on the part of a teacher) and practice and reflection (on the part of a learner)).
  • "Knowledge is not learning or education, and I am not sure that Constructivism applies only to propositional learning nor that all the symbol systems that we think with have linguistic or propositional characteristics. "
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  • Connectivism is not a representational theory.
  • it denies that there are bits of knowledge or understanding, much less that they can be created, represented or transferred.
  • Well, it's kind of like making friends.George talks about deciding what people make useful friends, how to make connections with those friends, building a network of those friends.
    A brief overview of Connectivism by Stephen Downes.
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    This is Stephen Downes blog post explaining connectivisim. He asserts that knowledge is actually those connections created by actions and experience; the connections are not intentional. He discusses connectivism as the activities of connection rather than transferring, making, or building knowledge.
    Stephen Downes must be an interesting fellow. I admit this article had me lost more than once, but, it was useful and kept my interest. I am starting to recognize the Downes from this assignment. I like his take on knowledge is grown rather than acquired. This is more a conversation than an article but offers good argument.
    This is Stephen Downes' blog and gives a brief description of connectivism. It also includes Downes' responses to various comments related directly at connetivism.

Personal Learning Networks for Educators - 3 views

    YouTube video giving great reasons for the PLN, the role of the PLN and an overview of one person's PLN.  Gives one a pretty good understanding of the 'why' and 'how' of Personal Learning Networks.
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    How a PLN can be beneficial and what resources you could include in your own Personal Learning Network.
    How a PLN can be beneficial and what resources you could include in your own Personal Learning Network.
    This short, engaging video provides two excellent reasons for educators in particular to create a PLN: accessibility and responsibility. The author mentions that educators need to be more responsible for their own professional development. This video switches from the "why" to the "how", but the "why" portion is an excellent resource on its own.
    This video begins by describing the reasons why you should create and maintain a PLN. It goes on to describe that a PLN is a 'two-way' street where you not only absorb information but also share with others your expertise. The author goes on to describe his PLN which includes ways to find answers to questions he doesn't know, how to collect information from other experts and also how to share your own expertise.
    I think the author makes a great point with the "two-way street" analogy. It helps differentiate the qualities of PLNs versus PLEs and reminds us that we can be a valuable resource in others' PLNs.
    In this video, the author explains the reasons educators should focus on building their Personal Learning Networks. This guy is pretty funny and does a good job explaining why PLN's are important.
Terrence Shaneyfelt

What is a PLN? Or, PLE vs. PLN? | open thinking - 0 views

    This blog post is an attempt to discover the definition of a Personal Learning Network as compared to Personal Learning Environment.  Ironically, the author uses his PLN to help determine the definition. Great example of a PLN in action.
    Excellent blog post in which the author ponders what a PLN really is. He asks for a definition and compares PLNs to PLEs. Worth a read and review of the comments.
Nate Cannon

Personal Learning Networks - YouTube - 0 views

    A brief but excellent look at the need for PLN in school.  Give a good description of why teacher's need to be involved as students develop their existing PLN's and why they need to develop their own.
    Everyone's network is going to look different. It is more of a process than just being in a room with those you interact with every day. It is an independent function that you need to engage in! We have to create our own PLN so that we can connect with our students who already have one.
    Everyone's network is going to look different. It is more of a process than just being in a room with those you interact with every day. It is an independent function that you need to engage in! We have to create our own PLN so that we can connect with our students who already have one.
Stacie Barker

PLN's on Pinterest - 6 views

    This Pinterest page is more of a menu of materials associated with Personal Learning Networks.  Numerous links to PLN resources are provided.
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    Pinterest Personal Learning Network portal with a wealth of PLN information available from theory to practice and everything in between.
    I realize this is a bit outside the scope of being a "theory" based link, but I had to post it none the less. This is a creative use of Pinterest, a social networking site, to share PLN resources.
    I just loved this - someone has created board on pinterest for personal learning networks. Social media at its best. :)
    Great visual representation of PLN's. Reminds me of symbaloo which I use for bookmarking.
    I found this one too and posted it! I love the idea of using a personal learning network to explain a personal learning network. :)
    okay, who doesn't love Pinterest? Well here is a TON of information on PLNs on Pinterest. Many resources here.
    I am a huge fan of Pinterest so I thought I would check there first for more information on PLN's. I really had no prior knowledge of what PLN's were so I thought this was a great starting point. There are several websites about PLN's.
    Pinterest is awesome, except for the fact that it is a total time sucker. At least I get some good ideas for my classroom and recipes for dinner from it. I also posted this link because it had quite a few websites that talked about PLN's. I'm new to PLN's but I am certainly learning a lot more about them this week.
    I wondered if anyone would find something on Pinterest. One of the articles that I read mentions the idea of framing, or putting a personal interpretation on someone else's material. Pinterest is a classic example of this. Without framing, though, I don't think we would all see the value in what others pin.

Connectivism and Dimensions of Individual Experience - 3 views

    The authors postulate that within connectivist communities, the roles that people take (lurker, leader, expert, etc.) have as much or more to do with personality traits than the desire for engagement or ability levels of the participant. They use massive open open courses (MOOCs) as a testing ground and Personality and Self-determination theory as the prisms through which to view learner interactions within these communities.
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    The paper outlines 4 key principles for connected learning - autonomy, connectedness, diversity, and openness. The authors' point of view is that all four principles can be "expanded to recognize individual and psychological diversity within connective environments." They conclude by saying that it is in the "context and recognition of the engagement" that makes connectivism a "viable framework for learning, offering great potential..."
    In 2011, George Siemens and Stephen Downes launched a massive open online course called "Connectivism and Connected Knowledge" (CCK11.) The article defines Connectivism as "network-based pedagogy" and discusses why these authors value "the process" over "the product." Specifically, why the process of taking the course would be in itself much more important than what learners may have learned. Additionally, they offer 4 major components: aggregation, remixing, repurposing, and feeding forward. In the nutshell, the article argues that, as far as connectivism in concerned, knowledge is not something that can be "neatly packaged and passed along as a finished product"; rather, it is "complicated, distributed, mixed with other concepts, looks differently to different people.."
    Interesting to see the authors explaining connectivism in light of personality theory and self-determination theory rather than trying to argue it as a learning theory akin to behaviorism, cognitivism, or constructivism. I appreciated their inclusion of Downes' four key components of connectivism: autonomy, connectedness, diversity, and openness. As I read their discussion of autonomy, my mind was drawn to Daniel Pink's explanation of intrinsic motivation, which is comprised of three key aspects: Autonomy, Mastery, and Purpose. [See Pink, D. (2009). Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us. New York, NY: Riverhead Books.] This piece was a helpful read with a very different perspective than I had previously encountered for connectivism.
    This article begins by defining constructivism as the principle that all learning starts with a connection, be it neural, conceptual, or social, and that learning is the ability to construct and traverse connections. The authors acknowledge that it is widely recognized idea but not yet accepted as a formal learning theory. The paper focuses on four key principles for learning that exist within connectivism: autonomy, connectedness, diversity, and openness. The authors also examine different theories regarding personality and self-determination and look at how these affect the individual's experience within connectivism.
    Here, the author describes connectivism as the proposed learning theory for a digital age and is "based on the principle that all learning starts with a connection." Additionally, "learning in connectivism terms is a network phenomenon" and strongly emphasizes learners making connections. The concept of autonomy is also discussed in depth.
Clayton Mitchell

Role of Teacher in Personal Learning Environments - 0 views

    The authors review the literature over the last 10 years of Personal Learning Environments (PLE) to come up with an idea or the roles that teachers play within these environments as well as the skills needed to be successful in these roles. They have put forth 5 broad areas that teachers must take on in order to be successful in facilitating student PLEs: Planning and Design, Instruction and Learning, Communication and Interaction, Management and Administration, Use of Technology.
Clayton Mitchell

Online Learning Environments in Higher Education: Connectivism vs. Dissociation - 0 views

    The authors offer a brief look at connectivism in relation to distance and blended learning in higher education. They point out the the landscape is changing from a knowledge transmission to a knowledge acquisition system and that connectivist theory is a guide to help in this transition. They also offer a counterpoint in that the way a good number of online courses are conducted is in a knowledge delivery system that dissociates the learner. They point out the instructor interaction is mandatory to counteract the dissociation that can occur.
Clayton Mitchell

A Self-Directed Dynamic Web-based Learning Environment: Proposal for personalized Learn... - 0 views

    The authors point out that today's learners are different from learners previous generations and as such, have different needs. Connectivist theory helps to serve as a roadmap for these learners needs. The authors offer a framework to the reader in which to to help build student's personalized learning environments (PLE). They conclude that it is the role of the educator to select the tools and resources that best enable students to maximize their learning potential.
Clayton Mitchell

Connectivism: A new pathway for theorising and promoting mobile language learning - 0 views

    The authors of the paper postulate that traditional learning theories do not adequately cover the use of mobile technologies, particularly phones in a learning context. This paper looks at a class of native Arabic speaking students learning English as a second language through the use of mobile phones and facebook. They conclude that in this context, connectivism fully accounts for the interactions that their students naturally gravitated towards when interacting in english thus furthering their study of interest.
Clayton Mitchell

Using Communities of Practice to Foster Faculty Development in Higher Education - 0 views

    This paper looks at the use of specific communities of practice (CoP) created at McMaster University designed to promote informal teacher professional development (TPD). They found that the CoP's that were specifically created to foster teacher interaction affective, were not only effective but that several additional CoPs were organically created by the faculty during the writing of the paper. They use this as evidence of the effectiveness of CoPs for TPD.
Clayton Mitchell

Communities of practice a brief introduction - 0 views

    This article is a good definition of what a community of practice (CoP) is and how they are used. It is not specific to online/social networks but offers good background on how communities are formed and what they are used for. With this general knowledge can be applied to many specific domains such as a personal learning network, a google circle or an anime club.

Connectivism: Its place in theory-informed research and innovation in technology-enable... - 1 views

    This article explains connectivism by taking a hard look at the other learning theories that set out to explain the way in which the world learns now. It explores research scenarios that allowed people to "cope with rapid change in the "information ecology"". I think that that is a great talking point for connectivism because it does act as a way to do this. It explains how this theory is expanding the development of new pedagogies that view a less important role of the facilitator and more important role on the autonomy of the student. The author states that connectivism is not the catch all of learning theories and needs to have more studies done in order to really evaluate its importance in the classrooms and virtual classrooms.
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    This was one of the most helpful articles to read because it not only showed connectivism as theory but also its limitations. It explores connectivism as theory and as a phenomenon because detractors feel like it does not fit the qualifications for a theory. However Mr. Bell does show how if not a theory connectivism certainly does have merit. He also compares other theories to connectivism to show that merit in today's digital learning.
    This article looks at Connectivism and explores if is a learning theory. The article also addresses how technology has created the need for researchers to move beyond more traditional learning theories and develop theories that relate to the use of technology in learning.
    This peer reviewed article is compelling because it provides a historical look at the evolution of Connectivism while considering what detractors say are the inherent flaws in the theory. Additionally, the authors provide relevant discussion of the rise of and failures of MOOCS. Finally, 5 scenarios are provided to illustrate the discussion.
    This article first discusses how the internet plays a role in connectivism, but also how it is not equal across the world as far as internet use or access. The article then goes on to state that connectivism has replaced behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism because all three of those had some limitations. After explaining this, it then goes into different situations in the classroom and depending on what is going on within the classroom, relates it to the theory of connectivism or another theory. It discusses how some say connectivism is insufficient in the classroom, but the writer goes on to explain that there still isn't one single theory that can do it all in the context of learning within the classroom.
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