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Helping Students Develop Personal Learning Networks - Etale - Ideas that Matter - 4 views

    Ever considered PLN's for students, found this on Twitter. I really like the fishing analogy at the end. Great idea for creating student centered learning.
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    Interesting article on how PLNs relate to self-directed student learning. The author,Bernard Bull, provides some background on learning theory and self-directed learning to clarify how PLNs could be incorporated into any curriculum. The article includes a few how-to tips at then end.
    Really great article about helping students create PLN's and why they need them. It starts with some theory about PLN's and then discusses self directed learning and self blended learning. A student PLN really is a collection of connections to people and resources.
    I think PLNs are the cornerstone of self-directed student learning. As I read this article I kept thinking about how I could use this in a math classroom. The author states, "The idea of a PLN is simply a network of people and resources through which you learn and grow". He goes on to summarize key learning principles and accurately states, "a student personal learning network, which is a mix of connectivism, self-directed learning and self-blended learning". Great read Cheronne!
    The chart of self-directed and teacher-directed learning is great. Those questions are what educators should be asking themselves everyday before they teach a lesson. This helps us identify exactly what needs to be taught, how to evaluate it and to make sure it was taught successfully.
    This is a fantastic resource! I had never even thought of Personal Learning Networks for students, as I was so focused on it as professional development for teachers. By helping students create their own Personal Learning Networks you are able to shift from teacher directed learning to student centered learning.
    Not only defines PLN's and gives some background learning theory information, but gives some concrete ideas on how to help students develop their own PLN's.
    This article from Dr. Bernard Bull discusses ways that students (including all of us) can develop our personal learning networks. While we may have people that help us learn, there are different outreach possibilities to increase our PLN. He states that if students were to grow over time with their PLNs, the number of connections would be of more quality and quantity. He discusses this through the theory of Connectivism. He encourages including PLNs into the curriculum which then may allow for students over time to create personal teaching networks from the information they have learned.
    The author not only explains the benefits of Personal Learning Networks but also asks himself what would happen if learning communities and organizations made student personal learning networks an integral part of the learning experience. With the popularity of PLNs, the author believes that students may not only build a personal learning network, but also venture into starting their own personal teaching networks.
    This is such a fascinating article! I appreciated the explanation of what a PLN is, but also how to explain it to others and to even help them get started with one. I want to incorporate a great deal of technology with my f2f students this year as well as help them grow to being self-directed learners, so having this article as a resource of how to help students set up their own PLN is great! I hope this will intrigue them to become learners even outside the classroom.
    I like the idea of students creating their own personal learning networks. That is very 21st Century learning focused. It could open up a lot of opportunities for students and even educators. Nice source!
    This article focuses on the student PLN and how a global PLN would help students with there search for knowledge. This would also lead students to self directed learning. Students could use their PLN to push their own learning in the direction they want to take it.

Supporting Self-Directed Learning by Connectivism and Personal Learning Environments - 0 views

    This article states the importance of connectivism in the facilitation of self-directed and self-regulated components of education. Details of a study on introducing learners to this type of learning report the necessity of student support and scaffolding when planning to implement self-directed learning into a course.

Personal Learning Networks: Implications for Self-Directed Learning in the Digital Age - 4 views

    A chapter from Carter and Nugent at VSU which has a nice phrase, "Personal learning networks are based on the premise that learning occurs through interaction with multiple people and in multiple contexts through virtual communities." Somehow I like that. It goes into more detail and explores the, 'abstract concept that is learning.' A big read which take more time to go through but has some effective descriptions. Moves on to CoP as well. A chapter to return to.
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    Thank you for posting. The article was a little long, but I made it through. I like how it associates PLN to life long learning because that is absolutely what they encourage. I also enjoyed the combination of PLN and CoP. Thanks!
    This chapter by Carter & Nugent looks at PLNs, their interaction with self-directed learning, and ways educators can promote the use of PLNs among their students
    A detailed article about PLN's: their roots, ties to adult learning, self-directed learning, and communities of practice. I liked this quote from the abstract: "As learners participate in the multiple virtual communities of practice that comprise a PLN, they require new skills that merit reconsideration of the role of the educator in helping learners to become self-directed in both formal and informal learning contexts."
    Such an interesting article. I think many are under the impression that technology is going to replace the teacher in the classroom, which is part of what this paper explores in analyzing the impact of PLNs on the learning process. However, I don't believe the teacher's presence can ever be replaced. While certain aspects of the learning process may become more self-directed for student in the digital age, it doesn't invalidate the importance of the physical presence of a teacher. In fact, this article draws a strong conclusion that the question shouldn't be whether or not teachers are needed, but rather how are educators rethinking teaching and learning based "on a model of information and resource abundance." Educators need to be proactive in creating change in the methods and pedagogy of instruction.
    The article begins by addressing what a PLN is where a learner joins an informal, web-based communities and they create a network so they can learn whenever, wherever they would like. This article describes a PLN in the context of adult education and the role of the adult educator. The article describes what a PLN looks like. Last, it gives ways to help adults to learn in this type of culture and implications for this. As many articles do, this pushes for a change in education and change their model of teaching to fit this digital age.
    Here is a book chapter that details the theoretical implications of using PNL for Self-Directed Learners. This chapter talks about the different ways that learners learn within COP/PLN and how this learning takes place formally, informally and incidentally.

Supporting Self- Directed Learning by Connectivism and Personal Learning Environments - 4 views

    This article explores self-directed learning via connectivism and other learning theories.
    I appreciated this article for a couple of reasons - research on self-directed learning (Yay!) and one of the conclusions that indicates that this is one of the more challenging environments for students. That means that if we ask students to be more self-directed and use the tools and resources that are "out there" and freely available, we need to provide some strategies and guidance on where to look, how to evaluate the information and how to network for learning.
    I think that this is a good resource. It was really interesting to learn about connectivism and personal learning environments from a research study point of view. I believe that this source is a good way to learn about the growing needs of our students in the digital era. The source suggests that students need to be able to take control over their education in order to be truly successful.

Personal Learning Networks: Knowledge Sharing as Democracy | Open Education | HYBRID PE... - 0 views

  • instead constructed from knowledge distributed across networks and on the Web.
  • r assistive guides for self-directed learners—work to develop the fluency required to succeed in these spaces.
  • there is also evidence suggesting social communication strengthens human relationships, particularly for introverts, and has benefitted families, youth and businesses around the world.
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  • The PLN consists of relationships between individuals where the goal is   enhancement of mutual learning
  • The currency of the PLN is learning in the form of feedback, insights, documentation, new contacts, or new business opportunities. It is based on reciprocity and a level of trust that each party is actively seeking value-added information for the other.
  • Underlying the development of a PLN is the need for individual learners to be able to have the capacity for self-direction, which requires a higher level of learning maturity—an absence of which may represent a barrier for a percentage of adults to learn in this way.
  • play an important role in creating richness within a PLN, too. Learners who store important information in Web 2.0 tools such as wikis, blogs, microblogs, social bookmarking and on other platforms create quickly accessible resources.
    Seamon states in this article that there is evidence that social communication (PLN) can strengthen human relationships, particularly for introverts. It may help foster family and business as well. It encompasses learning from feedback, insights, new contacts, and is based in reciprocity and trust. It is needed to increase the chance of higher levels of learning maturity.
    The author addresses concerns about the feelings of isolation that can stem from the use of technology (in the sense that it is utilized to the exclusion of in-person connections) but makes sure to point out the benefits of technology as evidenced by Personal Learning Networks.

A Self-Directed Dynamic Web-based Learning Environment: Proposal for personalized Learn... - 0 views

    The authors point out that today's learners are different from learners previous generations and as such, have different needs. Connectivist theory helps to serve as a roadmap for these learners needs. The authors offer a framework to the reader in which to to help build student's personalized learning environments (PLE). They conclude that it is the role of the educator to select the tools and resources that best enable students to maximize their learning potential.

Communities of Practice in Graduate Education: The Learner's Perspective - 1 views

    The focus of this article is on how educators can help learners set up and discover value in communities of practice. Through working with adult educators it showed learners how their previous knowledge and experiences have great value to the community. They were able to discover the value of self-directed learning. Finally they realized the networking potential of COPs.

Building Your PERSONAL LEARNING NETWORK (PLN): 21st-Century School Librarians Seek Self... - 1 views

    This article discuss the different ways school librarians have access to self-regulated professional development opportunities in the form of online personal learning networks. Examples include discussion lists, webinars, blogs and twitter feeds. A twitter group was researched and was found beneficial.
    I didn't even consider how librarians could be brought into the PLN era. When thinking about my school librarian, the first thought is how she deals with books all day. Then you have to consider their use of online databases and the potential to converse with professionals all over the world.
    This was an interesting read because my soon-to-be sister-in-law works in a university library and I had a conversation with her last summer about how technology affects her work and how she uses technology to help her, instead of librarians becoming obsolete as many think they will.

Educators Are Ditching Traditional Conferences for Blogs and Twitter - InformED - 9 views

    This post explains how educators are becoming more sophisticated in their social media use which is leading to more shared information outside of the traditional conference or classroom.
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    This is a fascinating article! I was really inspired by at as I'm finding myself becoming more interested in making sure my social media connections are there to provide professional development (while mixing in some personal). As we become more tech centered, I can see there being value in collaborating online and learning through a variety of avenues, rather than sitting in a common area. I think this article can also be emphasized for student learning as we encourage them to learn and find connections to the content outside of the classroom.
    This was an awesome article about professional use of social media. I think that it is really interesting to talk about how fewer teachers are attending face to face conferences and are instead replacing those with the use of the internet and social media!
    Interestingly, I've found that in my field, Twitter has become a way to supplement the conference experience. Those who can't afford to attend are encouraged to follow along with what's happening (live) using session-specific hashtags. I can see librarian conferences eventually going by the wayside, and I'm not certain that I would be upset about that!
    This was an interesting read. I also find that many conferences are hard to attend due to funding. I like how many educational professionals are finding ways to connect using their PLNs through Twitter to participate in edchats. Social media has made the ability to connect with others in your field so much easier and cheaper. It also demonstrates the point how learning and professional development are becoming more self-directed to meet each educator's needs. Thanks for sharing!
    At my district professional development day this August, there was a session title Twitter for Teachers. While my district is not prepared to get rid of traditional PD, they can see the value in PLNs that allow for continuous professional growth. I think this article provides a great explanation of the transition from traditional PD and conferences to a digital world. The author also notes, however, that personalized learning could lead to "one-sided" information. I think that is why it may be important for districts to educate their teachers on PLNs to hopefully start them in the right direction.

Communities of Practice - 17 views

  • A primary focus of Wenger’s work is on learning as social participation – the individual as an active participant in the practices of social communities, and in the construction of his/her identity through these communities. From this understanding develops the concept of the community of practice: a group of individuals participating in communal activity, and experiencing/continuously creating their shared identity through engaging in and contributing to the practices of their communities.
    Great short clip that explains communities of practice for educators.
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    This is a great resource with videos about communities in practice. I really enjoyed the table about communities of practice vs teams.
    This resource had both videos and a visual table to explain communities of practice. I liked how they described it using the terms: "Communities of Interest and Communities of Action". I think that is important because people can access their own specific interest catered directly to them.
    I think this is a great resource to have for Communities of Practice. It provides a clear definition of Communities of Practice and also provides videos and visuals to provide further clarification.
    CoP's a great place to share ideas, resources, post questions/concerns with other professionals within your contetn area. Great video and explanation of CoP!
    This is a great place to get started because there are videos as well as text. The diagram toward the bottom of the page by Heather Smith and James McKeen from the School of Business at Queen's University is particularly useful. Often knowing what something is is easier when you know what it is not! Good stuff, thanks.
    This article discusses that the idea of communities of practice (CoP) is that learning occurs in social contexts that emerge and evolve when people who have common goals interact as they strive towards those goals. It mentions the negotiation of meaning which involves two components: reification and participation. The article also compares communities of practice with teams and community of practice as knowledge management.
    This article describes in detail the development of CoP and the work of Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger. There is a short video embedded that gives an example of CoP in the workplace at Caterpillar University. At the bottom of the article it shows a table that contrasts teams and CoPs. This gives a good visual on what the differences are in each category.
    I especially like the way that this resource outlines the difference between teams and CoPs. It makes complete sense and is very intuitive but it is extremely useful to have it outlined in the chart format.
    Lave & Wegner are the originators of the idea of 'Situated Learning' which is described as being fully engaged and "learning to talk instead of learning from talk." Within CoPs, participants engage in frameworks with structure. Alcoholics Anonymous was a good example from this article.
    Sometimes when I spend time researching and learning about new concepts, I get lost in the details of definitions and citations. What I liked about this article was the table comparing CoPs to Teams. It breaks it down and compares the two in a way that makes sense.
    As many have already commented on, this article gives a nice foundation for what CoPs are and their framework and purpose in society. I especially like the analogy chart made between CoPs and teams, showing what makes up each, how they may be similar, but how they are different.
    This article summarizes the work of Lave and Wenger on the theory of communities of practice. It discusses how participation in communities of practice leads to learning and contributing to community goals. The article also includes a helpful chart that outlines the differences between communities of practice and other types of teams or focus groups.
    This article explains the idea of communities of practice (CoP) and has some great videos to further explain giving examples. There is also a nice chart that shows the difference between a team and a CoP, which can be a common misconception that they are not the same thing.
    This article gives insight to Wenger's components of learning, and then discusses the differences between teams and CoPs. I found this very helpful, as it can be easy to confuse the two at first. Through this chart, one can better understand the objective, membership, organization, termination, value proposition, and management of CoPs and compare this information to that of teams.
    The communities of practice concept is explained in detail with many references to the work of Lave and Wenger. The article speaks to communities of practice as social learning in the workforce for organizational development, change management, and knowledge management.
    This article offers an introduction to communities of practice. It also examines impacts on learning, makes distinctions between teams and offers direction for benefits for knowledge management.
    Communities of practice, credited to Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger, is a concept that claims that learning occurs through social interactions when people have a common goal and they interact while moving towards obtaining the goal. These communities are best ran with reification and participation. The alignment of these two concepts are what directs the communities of practice to their common goal. A community of practice is different than a team. A team has a goal, but their goal is to finish a specific task or project while a community of practice's goal is to share knowledge and learning on a particular subject. Teams also have a leader and disperse once the goal is completed while communities of practice are self organized and only disband when there is no interest left in learning that topic.Communities of practice facilitate the exchange process of knowledge.
    A CoP evolves when people (educators) have common goals and collaborate to meet those goals. The chart comparing CoPs and teams was really helpful. The objectives, membership, and values are all distinctive differences when comparing CoPs and teams. Thanks for a great link!
    This short article outlines what communities of practices are and provides a useful table showing the differences between them and teams. This chart is from Heather Smith and James McKeen from the School of Business at Queen's University (2003). They discuss the objective, membership, organization, termination, value proposition and management through the lenses of communities of practice and teams.
    This article is a good, brief description of a CoP. I found analyzing the chart helpful for a a better understanding of a CoP. I previously considered a CoP to be a formal learning group. Now, based on the article you've provided, I can see how a CoP can be informal and include marginal group members.
    Re"construction of his/her identity through these communities" Finding your voice and place in a CoP is important, as you need to be an active member to achieve the greatest return.
    This brief but detailed summary of Wegner's 1998 idea of Community of Practice gives a basic understanding of the idea. The videos included can be useful for seeing how the idea can be helpful in education.
    This resource explains what CoP is and when the theory was developed. The concept of CoP was developed by Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger. The author uses quotes directly from their book to explain CoP. There is a video that illustrates how CoP can be used in a K-12 classroom and another video that shows how CoP can be applied in other fields. The article also differentiates between Communities of Practice and Team members. The categories include objective, membership, organization, termination, value proposition, and management. My take away from the chart was that the major difference between CoP and being a team member is this: what will be the outcome of the participant?

Perspectives in AE- "Typing Back": Social Media as Space For Critical Discourse - 3 views

    This article discusses the power that social media has in adult education. It discusses the ability for knowledge to be shared and discussed worldwide. The article also points out that social media is changing the way society communicates and networks, and that the world has become more interconnected than before. I appreciated the author also bringing up that consumerism, mostly in the form of advertisements, can be a downside of many free social media applications. The author argues that the ads could perpetuate harmful spending habits of users. I think this argument is one to take into account when using social media in primary and secondary education.
    Thanks for posting this article, which exposed me to a brand-new term: Pedagogy 2.0. Using social network tools, Pedagogy 2.0's teaching and learning practices advocate learner choice, self-direction, and flexibility in learning activities, which are key components to adult education. I also enjoyed the article's discussion of consumerism and power structures, which are engaging in "social surveillance."

The use of Twitter in the Creation of Educational Professional Learning Opportunities: ... - 4 views

    This study looked at how Twitter-using educators were using Twitter to collaborate, network, or engage in professional development
    Molly, I really enjoyed this article. It is especially relevant with this course. Honestly, I could never image using Twitter as any kind of professional resource, but after reading this and using Twitter for this class and one other, I can see how it would benefit educator to collaborate. It is also very easy to use. Thank you for sharing this article!
    Hi Molly, This is very appropriate for our class, especially since we are using Twitter to share articles and resources with each other - - in our own personal learning environment. I focused on the discussion portion of this article. I noticed that for educators, personal learning networks are important and useful for professional development. It was interesting that the study found greater use in high school environments (maybe because we are influenced by our students?). The benefits of Twitter and professional development, is that one can access and participate at any time and any location - - it is self-directed! I would be interested in finding out how to promote this type of professional development within a school. What type of training is needed for educators to get started? How would one track satisfaction and learning?

Personal Learning Networks Are Virtual Lockers for Schoolkids - 6 views

    Vicki Davis equates the student PLN to a virtual locker. The content in the virtual locker changes as students shift from one project to another. Whether it is an RSS feed or Twitter following, the students are developing networks to acquire the information. PLN allow student learning to become more self-directed. The article addresses the challenges for educators face as PLNs become more prevalent in the classroom.
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    Truthfully, you had me at the title with this one. Aside from the fact that I study good titles to make my articles more engaging, the metaphor was really powerful. I also liked the one student's comment about how iGoogle keeps her stuff organized. I'm going to look into that. I'd love a dashboard of sorts. I already have one with HootSuite, but it'd be nice to know what else is out there. Cheers! Buffy
    Great article! It is encouraging to see that like educators, students can also utilize PLNs in a meaningful way. Definitely going to check out iGoogle!
    Coming from a higher ed perspective I found this really interesting. I used an RSS feed for a 200 level undergrad blended format class and received terrible reviews on the use of the tool. I found this interesting and am still trying to understand what went wrong. I am moving toward the use of Twitter now but found loved this visual image of the locker!

The Challenges to Connectivist Learning on Open Online Networks: Learning Experiences d... - 5 views

    Summary: Although the paper identifies three challenges to Connectivist Learning (self-directed, presence and critical literacies) the findings, based on Kop's research, suggest that social networked learning does work. The paper includes students responses, both positive and negative, about their learning experiences. I found that aspect of the paper fascinating.
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    It seems to be a common misconception that "Connectivist Learning" is meant to replace traditional methods of instruction. I came across similar articles that focused on the challenges or "failings" of connectivist learning. They cited similar concerns that connectivist learning fails to provide scaffolding for new learners, that lack of instructor presence hinders students with low intrinsic motivation, and that it doesn't support learners whose critical literacy skills aren't highly developed. Conenctivism is just one of many models to consider when undertaking the task of teaching and learning.
    I agree with Angela's comment that connectivist learning theory is valuable, but it should be taken with other theories for a balanced learning approach. I found the section in the article about the need and role of critically assessing content as a part of successful learning in a connectivist approach most interesting. Who is producing the best content for learning networks to use? Are the networks themselves? How much depth do the most networks dive into any topic to produce critical literacy content? I think it is important to emphasize the quality of the production of content as well as the consumption of others' work.
    I found the discussion about the four major types of activity that enhance learning to be interesting 1) aggregation 2) relation 3) creation 4) sharing. I sense this being modeled in EdTech 543.
    This paper highlights current theories of learning and gives a critical analysis of connectivism ""within the context of its predecessors" in a attempt to establish whether this theory is indeed anything new to offer for teaching and learning in the digital era.
    This article looks at the challenges that could be faced by using PLEs and Connectivisim in social networking. The article breaks down the challenges to Connectivist learning and then explains the research methodology behind their findings.

Personal Learning Networks Are Virtual Lockers for Schoolkids | Edutopia - 14 views

  • Constructing a PLN is the essential skill that moves my students into the driver's seat of their own learning. It helps them sort through and manage the proliferation of online materials that jam the information superhighway. It is also indispensable to our project-learning curriculum, which includes challenging projects such as the Flat Cl
    Edutopia writer Vicki Davis discusses how PLNs have empowered her students to guide their own learning experiences. She discusses the weaknesses of PLNs and how they work.
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    Deborah, I love the idea of students guiding their own learning. It seems to be a great way to get them involved and motivated instead of just listeners in the classroom they are part of the learning network. Thanks for sharing!
    While this site leans towards the how-to aspect of a PLN, I found it illuminating simply for the fact that the students described in this article create a PLN for each project.  It emphasizes the fact that a PLN is personal and not the same for everybody.  PLNs are personal, can be permanent or temporary, and exist for the sake of the person to learn.  
    The website title really grabbed my attention and I wanted to find out what it meant. This was very interesting because it discussed netiquette and cyber-bullying as well. It helped to relate real-world with online by explaining how with a virtual locker it would change with what courses the students are taking. This really broke down what PLNs are and how they work. It was one of the better articles I have read. Thank you!
    I'm still a little hesitant to assign the term Personal Learning Network to an assembly of RSS feeds as describe din this piece. A great part of it, but only part of it, I think. That feels a little too "one-way" to develop the interactivity that seems to be so indicative of the PLN. An interesting idea that came from this for me was that each time a student started a new project (cyberbullying, understanding the Constitution, cancer treatment research, etc.) they would develop a new PLN. This underscored the idea that a PLN is not stationary, but, rather, a dynamic network that will continue to evolve as long as one is striving to learn. It almost becomes a technological reflection of oneself.
    Written by the Cool Cat Teacher, this article states that using PLNs allow her student to connect to informational sources and become self-directed lifelong learners. It moves students into the driver's seat and helps them sort through the plethora of information.
    In this post, an educator likens student's personal learning network to virtual lockers where they store what they learn and produce academically and otherwise.
    This article explains how students (teens) are using PLNs to organize and share their school work and projects. It also discusses the pros and cons of PLNs.
    This is an interesting take on how a PLE can work in a school environment. Students can use their PLN as a collection system for information when they are doing their projects.
    I appreciate the fact that they presented both sides to the story here. They discuss the advantages of PLNs but also raise questions on issues educators may be facing with them at this current time. As an educator, I like when others bring up concerns because then it allows me to brainstorm ways to circumvent the issues. It also assures me that I'm not the only educators facing issues implementing PLNs perfectly within my classroom. The authentic touch this article displays is refreshing to me. Don't get me wrong, I really love PLNs, but at the moment, there are kinks that need to be worked out to be fully effective in an elementary classroom setting.
    I like how this article focuses on student use of PLNs. I tend to focus on their use for teacher PD, but they are certainly something we should be teaching our students! I also like how the article describes some flaws of PLNs, this will help people think of ways to make PLNs even stronger.
    Interesting is that the focus is on RSS feeds and it feels very academic while middle school students are an upcoming demographic on twitter. Their use of twitter is of course social, but I wonder about using twitter as more immediate way to share information.
    While this blog posting from Edutopia does point to some "how tos" and practical application, it does offer key theoretical practices for setting the stage for applying the PLN model for student use. Vicki Davis, the teacher and author of the blog post, states that her students are familiar with breaking news due the development of their own PLN that acts as a "virtual locker." She goes on to discuss how their research builds the content of their PLN and the content changes based upon the assignment. The big idea is that the PLN model allows students to act as the orchestrator of their own learning and allows them to analyze information via an avenue that is personalized to student's learning needs. It also teaches students to embrace connectivism where they make connections between domains in order to form a more complete understanding.
    The article goes into the role of a PLN for students. Students can create their own networks to possess information at their fingertips on any topic they could ever desire. By establishing a networking system, the students don't necessarily have to go out and scour the internet for sources when their network could bring relevant information to them.

Commander Chris Hadfield, Canadian Hero and Education Disruptor - 0 views

    I thought some of you might find this blog post interesting as it explores how Hatfield has "disrupted" education as we know it ... all because of his approach to learning. In her view he has taught the author seven important concepts, such as the authentic use of social media, the importance of self-directed learning, and the need for curiosity to advance learning. He inspired her because she made him part of her PLN.
    This is a very interesting article! Thanks for sharing! I didn't see this one in my own search, as it seems I found the same ones as most everyone else! :)

The Challenges to Connectivist Learning on Open Online Networks: Learning Experiences d... - 1 views

    Two patterns have emerged in E-Learning - connection with people and connection with resources. The article includes descriptions on how self directed learning, the need for intrinsic motivation, and critical literacies all present challenges to a connectivist learning theory. When designing and teaching a course built around connected learning rather than a more traditional route special attention needs to be given to build in opportunities for students to interact with one another.

Education-2020 - Connectivism - 19 views

    SUMMARY: This page found on the Education 2020 Wiki details Connectivism theory and provides resources that help clarify the unique components of this theory compared to others. I found myself exploring the site more deeply and I appreciated the vast amounts of resources and clarifications available on this wiki. Feel free to get lost in it too!
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    Nice resource in that it includes an overview of the concept along with videos and slideshares.
    I love how this website breaks down connectivism with so many sources, examples, and videos.
    This wiki entry describes connectivism "a learning theory for a digital age" and links to resources created by George Siemens and Stephen Downes, promoters of this theory. It summarizes Siemen's Principles of Connectivism. Siemens suggests that learning is no longer individualistic. Rather, knowledge is distributed across networks and in a digital society the connections and connectiveness within these networks lead to learning.
    This is a great resource because it helps learners visually "witness" Connectivism in action with the "Networked Student" video.
    This Wiki Space from by Education 2020 is a great resource for all things education and learning, but includes some valuable resources regarding connectivism. The site is maintained by EduCitizenship 2020, which is an international consulting group that focuses on Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) and how they are changing traditional physical communities and creating more global and social networks.
    This article has several videos explaining what connectivism is and the relationship to personal learning. The author also includes a reminder that learning isn't done by an individual in isolation but through networked connections.
    This aritcle explains connectivism as learning within a network. Today, much if not most of our learning takes place on the internet, it states that learners recognize patterns, changes, chaos on the internet and a lot of that is out of their control. The article talks about how people are continually striving to learn more and do not focus on what they currently know.
    This site discusses Connectivism and the work of Stephen Downes and George Siemens. Connectivism is described as a "learning theory for a digital age" and looks at learning as a process that occurs through connections within networks. The site also provides a couple YouTube videos and presentations from Downes and Siemens.
    The page about connectivism on the Education 202 site thoroughly and plainly explains connectivism through text. It also includes videos (one with George Siemens in the flesh!) and presentations that help to further explain the theory and how it can be applicable to teaching and learning. This site beyond the connectivism page explains other learning theories, such as constructivism and project based learning. There are even lesson examples as well as many other excellent resources to help both learners and teachers.
    This article gives an overview of Connectivism. In our digital society, the connections and connectiveness within networks lead to learning. The article lists Siemem's principles of connectivism. This resource also includes a fifteen minute video of Siemen on Coonectivism: Socializing Open Learning, a five minute video on the Networked Student, a Slideshare on the elements of Connectivism, and a Slideshare on Connectivism and Personal Learning.
    Explains Connectivism and Siemen's Principles of Connectivism. Includes a great video of George Siemens discussing Connectivism and Socializing Open Learning. Also a very helpful video depicting a student and teacher's role in a Connectivist environment and a Slideshare describing the elements of Connectivism.
    This was a really clear article. One of the things that I became aware of is how all of these learning theories we're studying are interconnected. Connectivism has much in common with social learning, which is a constructivist concept. It seems that like a lot of things, the best approach is the "cafeteria approach;" a little constructivism, a little connectivism, a little behavioralism, etc.
    Downes & Siemens are the primary promoters of connectivism and say learning rests in the diversity of options, is a process of connecting specialized nodes, and may reside in non-human appliances. They believe that the capacity to know is more important than what is currently known and that nurturing relationships is needed to facilitate continuing education. They say the ability to see connections between fields, ideas, and concepts is a core skill. Up to date knowledge is the goal of all learning activities in this model and decision making is in itself a learning process.
    This wikispace provides a definition of what connectivism is and lists Siemen's Principles of connectivism. Sieman explains that connectivism is no longer an individual action but instead is dispersed among networks. Included in this site is various presentations to help you understand the networked student and connectivism.
    The break down on the networked students was a an eye opener. It simplifies what the students needs to do and how the teacher is important to facilitate the learning. Also the Youtube video by George Siemens- Connectivism: Socializing Open Learning was full of great points on why social network learning is important and how students can benefit more from socializing their learning rather regular structured learning.
    This wiki is a great summary of Connectivism and its principles. It explains the core ideas of Connectivism and its emphasis on network learning and continual learning. In particular, this wiki includes several informative videos from George Siemens, one of the founders of Connectivism, as well as links to Siemens and Downes's blogs. The straightforward explanations simplify Connectivism's principles and explain the importance of connection and connectedness given the current (and growing) impact of technology on learning.
    This is a wikispace dedicated the theory of Connectivism. A lengthy description followed by video and links are included. In this wikispace, connectivism is described as a group activity that is in a constant state of change. As new information is acquired by the group, old information may be altered or abandoned. It is connecting and educating in the digital age. "Whereas in the past learning was competitive, coercive and paternalistic, the new ethic of learning is collaborative, global and universal."
    This is a great resource Joanna! I really like the video of the "Networked Student" showing a great example of what connectivism could look like. I also like the list of bullets of what Siemen's Principles of Connectivism are.
    This page discusses the foundations of connectivitism and gives us a video and two slideshows of information. The principles of connectivism are outlined, and we understand how learning must be connected instead of an individual activity.
    The authors of this article explain what connectivism is and why it is so unique. Connectivism is "a learning theory promoted by Stephen Downes and George Siemens." Learning takes place through connections within networks. The information found is new, updated, and rapidly altering. The author shares Siemen's principles of connectivism, including that learning is a process of connections. Connections between fields, ideas, and concepts. Connections to facilitate learning, connections with decision-making, and maintaining and nurturing connections. Learning is the connections and connectiveness within networks.
    I found this site to be especially valuable with a wealth of information. Links to the slides and videos were an added plus.
    This article provides a detailed explanation of what Connectivism is and why it's currently relevant to learning. The article provides Siemen's Principles of Connectivism and provides supporting videos to further explain Connectivism.
    This wiki gives a short introduction to connectivism, including George Siemens 8 principles. There are 2 videos on the page concerning socializing open learning and networked students. In addition, there are 2 Stephen Downes slide presentations on the elements of connectivism and personal learning. There are also many links to other related websites. Socializing open learning, presented by George Siemens, shows that in this model, teachers are "arbiters of connection." Though he acknowledges that in stable bodies of knowledge, courses can be a part of education, he questions the validity of a "course" as the best way to foster connections. He calls grading tests, "sorting," rather than true evaluation. We've been having many conversations in my school setting about grades, so this interested me. He wants fluid, variable and contextual learning for students.
    This is a wikispace which discusses connectivism, a learning theory developed by Downes and Siemens. The author provides 7 principles of connectivism that help direct us to the idea that learning is no longer an individualistic activity. This site also provides two videos to further explain the theory of connectivism.
    General information about the theory of Connectivism, such as what it is and why it is so unique. Promoted by Stephen Downes and George Siemens, Connectivism allows learners to distribute knowledge across networks. Siemens theorizes that learning is now longer an individualistic activity and with the advent of digital resources, learners need to explore the informational chaos, network, and and self-organize. Siemens and Downes have experimented with Open Courses and both stress the importance of more open education.
    Learning takes place over networks, our learning stems from being connected. A good resource on Connectivism Theory. Has videos, slideshows, links, and other content on Connectivism.
    This was my starting point for research on Connectivism. This is a short read introducing the topic and its creator. Learning takes place when connections are made.
    This is a neat little article on connectivism. The best part is that it has a video contained within it by George Siemens that really helps you understand what this idea is getting at.
    Connectivism is learning for the digital age. This article does a great job at explaining the principles of connectivism."Learning is a process that occurs within nebulous environments of shifting core elements - not entirely under the control of the individual."
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