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Beth Transue

Intro-to-CoPs | Wenger-Trayner - 4 views

    This website provides an introduction and overview of Communities of Practice, created by the individual who coined the term.
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    I like this resource because it comes directly "from the source," Etienne Wenger, who came up with the terminology and brought the concept more into the forefront in education. The clear definition and examples of what a CoP looks like are also beneficial in reviewing the theory behind the concept. I also appreciate the background information Dr. Wenger provides in this resource, as it helps the reader to understand how communities of practice originated.
    I posted a link to another publication by Wenger, but found this resource to be more succinct in the discussion of CoPs. As a new student in education, this summary is especially helpful when attempting to understand the "theory behind the concept".
    This is a great foundational piece about communities of practice. I really like the definitions provided and noted that there does not have to be an intentional community of practice for one to occur anyway.
    Brief introductions are sometimes best. This link helped me furthur my understanding of CoPs. I'm still a little unsure, but I will do more research. I did like how it broke everything down so that it was easier to understand. I'm still serching for something that defines the difference between CoPs and PLNs though.

Communities, spaces and pedagogies for the digital age - 2 views

    Mostly poses questions about learning networks, and how technology tools and context influence learning. An intriguing notion of comparing the wisdom of a crowd with the stupidity of the mob is presented, but hardly explored.
    Very nice slideshow. The author touches on communities of practice, connectivism and PLNs all at once. On a slightly different note, I simultaneously find Slideshare stimulating and frustrating. It is frustrating because of its one dimensional nature. Too bad there isn't a way to hear and/or see the speaker too.
Cybil Hill

Course Hero | Study Guides, Lecture Notes, Flashcards, Practice Exams, Lecture Videos |... - 0 views

    This is a study guide website that includes flashcards, study guides, tutors, and videos. It seems to have a lot of options to help students study.
Lynette McDougal

WELCOME to DOC BROWN'S SCIENCE Biology Chemistry Physics gcse igcse A level HOMEPAGE do... - 0 views

    science resources for grade levels 6 and up
Randi Lembke

The Advantages of Instructional Software in the Classroom - 1 views

    Post by eHow that notes the benefits of instructional software integration. Most notable are changes in motivation and social interaction.
Jason Marconi

Communities of Practice - 1 views

    Smith, M. K. (2003) 'Communities of practice', the encyclopedia of informal education, . In this article, author, mike smith explains the beginning concepts that Jean Lave and Entienne Wenger developed for communities of practice. What I liked most about this article is it was the first reading I had that took communities of practice and put a learning centered spin on the theory. "Suppose learning is social and comes largely from our experience of participating in daily life. Their model of situated learning proposed that learning involves a process of engagement in a community of practice" (Smith, 2003). Mr. Smith defines and reiterates what Lave and Wenger argued, structure communities of practice. I also appreciated the time Mr. Smith took note the weaknesses that could be potential downfalls within their own research, such as "romanticizing communities of practice" as Mr. Smith puts it. "In their eagerness to debunk testing, formal education and formal accreditation, they do not analyze how their omission [of a range of questions and issues] affects power relations, access, public knowledge and public accountability" (Tennant 1997:79). He goes on to discuss organizational development and follows up with a conclusion that included the below phrase I really enjoyed. "Learning is in the relationships between people."(Smith, 2003) If you think about the history textbook version of what the authors and historians assumed thanksgiving was like and the weeks and days leading up to the day of thanks, you can see a great example of learning as a relationship between people.
Russell Nash

Communities of Practice - 4 views

    Authors present communities of practice (CoP) as groups with a common desire for change, as providing opportunities for collaboration and reflection, and as catalysts for development of societal products and tools. They note that CoP transcend traditional barriers/demographics and reach groups formed by individual selection. CoP, while also focused on collaboration and dialogue as well as the development desired outcomes, are more open to sharing with the broader community than other collaborative models. Discussion of use of CoP in context of early childhood intervention.
Russell Nash

Beyond Participation to Co-creation of Meaning - 2 views

    Authors discuss the random, fluid, and brief nature of most social media interactions, noting that these give little opportunity for meaning construction but facilitate information gathering and individual sense-making. The restrictive nature of social media interactions presents opportunities to find new means of utilizing the technology in learning. Circulating knowledge does not generate meaning, but collaboration does, especially on tight time scales. The authors further present and discuss the term, generative learning communities, which appear to be similar to communities of practice.
Emmett Wemp

Ple Conference - 1 views

    Lots of tools for creating a PLE, as well as all things PLE. *note - this is info from the 2010 PLE World Conference

A Simple Comprehensive Guide on The use of Personal Learning Networks in Education ~ Ed... - 4 views

    This article provides a concise look at personal learning networks in education. Benefits and reasons for educators and students to utilize are outlined.
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    Hanna, this is my favorite PLN article I have come across! I like how the information is organized and the graphics that depict the information. Also, there was a link to The Best Sticky Notes for Teachers - something that is recommended for one to organize information.I thought it was very useful.
    Hanna, Casey is right this is a great resource. I am going to use it in my own personal improvement. It lays out everything so clearly. I never thought of whether or not a PLN was safe but it is good to realize that it is and people are giving thought to that. I found this sight to be excellent and something to read again and again.
    Summary: This article provides a great introduction to PLNs. It shares what a PLN is, and why PLNs should be used in education; it also provides the benefits of PLNs and examples of PLN platforms that are available to teachers. Although touches on "how to" establish your own PLN I think it covers enough of the other areas to make it worthwhile, especially for PLN newbies. Presentations (videos, slide shows, etc.) on PLNs are also posted.
    This really is a simple comprehensive guide on the use of personal learning networks in education! I found it very easy to understand. The author discusses the originations of PLNs, how PLNs can be used in education, and gives you help on how to build your PLN. There are video tutorials (again, simple to understan) as well as a webliography!
    Great site, it really goes into detail on PLN's. I am also a PLN newbie and appreciate the thoroughness of the information.
    This guide provided the benefits to PLNs, and both teachers and students can use PLNs effectively. The benefits outlined were, student preparedness, engaging, students have to take ownership of learning, individualized instruction, problem-solving skills, safety, and saves time and money. Ways teachers can use PLNs are for resource allocation, collaboration, and help. Students can use PLNs to find credible information through RSS feeds, share blog postings, about reflections and offer feedback for improvement.
    This post is light on theory, but does a nice job explaining the whats, whys and hows of PLNs
jody lazarski

Connectivism Concept Map - 2 views

    This is a one-page graphic that describes the nuts and bolts to the connectivism theory. Produced by Western Education, it concludes that this theory was successful in a controlled study in which each student chose 10 modules to study from a longer list. With the use of a group to share ideas, each student became a vital cog in the experience, not just bystanders.
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    This graphic depiction of the Connectivist Theory gave me pause at first. I was not certain what I was going to gain. However, in the Conclusion portion I noted the group discovered Growth, Enrichment and Cognitive Dissonance. The conclusion found value in each group member and applied dissonance as part of the success through the study. It makes sense that if we all viewed things exactly as the other, or if we only kept to our specific content area, we would not see when the "Emperor is naked." Thanks for finding this, Kyle.
    Borrowing this from bluejayteacher as I think it's great... saving for my own future reference. Thanks!
    I love this concept map. I'm going to refer to it throughout this course, and I hope you don't mind but I saved it to my diigo also. (not for this assignment, but just for my reference). It's a useful, quick glance at Connectivisim and how it relates to learning. I can appreciate the smaller breakdown / explanation of each section too, incase (if you're like me) you forget what things mean sometimes.
    Great concept map! I really like that everything is included on one page and in a format that is easy to understand and follow.
    I wish I had stumbled onto this concept map a few courses ago! I like how it summarizes how connectivism flows through the cycle of a course into easy to digest chunks of information.
Melissa Getz

Making Content Relevant Using Connectivism - 6 views

So glad you found this link b/c it has one of my favorite YouTube videos- the one about college students today. I also appreciate the sentiment in the blog because it reminds us that teachers still...

education edtech543 teaching

Dennis Large

Personal Learning Environments - Measuring the Impact - 4 views

    The author of this article, Ilona Buchem, is a co-author of a PLE study titled Understanding Personal Learning Environments: Literature review and synthesis through the Activity Theory Lens. In the study the authors propose a framework they call the Activity Theory Triangle. The theory attempts to define the main dimensions of a PLE in order to study their impact.
    The true impact of PLEs needs to be measured/documented/observed/shared in order to ensure their sustainability. Great image and important components of documentation are noted.
Renee Phoenix

Why do academics blog? An analysis of audiences, purposes and challenges - 3 views

    A content analysis of 100 academic blogs that looks at reasons academics give for blogging and the connection it may have to community of practice.
    I really enjoyed reading this article as it provided further insight into the "why" teachers and higher ed professionals should engage in blogging. Three main ideas really jumped out to me and solidified the validity of blogging: "blogs are a way to expand and disseminate knowledge, make contact with potential collaborators, and have scholarly discussions on a global scale". By engaging in these blogs we enter into a CoP that promotes these virtues by nature as all those involved in the CoP have similar motivations and goals. The communities then function as an opportunity to collaborate on materials, subject matter, and other issues pertinent to the educators. One aspect that is noted is that blogs provide a specific function, thus different blogs will contain different topics, subject matter, and ideas that can be shared online.
    When I used to blog, I realized it was a passive-aggressive way for me to complain about my District. So, I stopped. However, I have found other academic blogs useful. One of my classmates in the EdD program blogs daily, and she is a great source of information. Blogs are also good starting points for research. Reading them often broadens my perspective which in turn helps me in my search for sources.

Looking at Connectivism as a New Learning Theory - - 6 views

    This blog post takes a detailed look at connectivism and breaks down the impact the theory has on learning. The author notes the change in thinking and learning and how the brain is being rewired because of technology.
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    Great share! I love the video of the student and how connectivism is being used as a learning theory. It also talks about the strategies one needs to be a learner within this theory.
    Thanks for sharing! I really like how this article is organized and discusses the implications of connectivism. I also found it interesting how the article emphasizes knowing where to look or find things as more important than knowing the actual "facts." Knowing where and how to look is essential in being a life-long learner and professional development.
    I simply enjoy how easy of a read this source is. Articles are so boring and make it hard for me to concentrate while I'm reading and this sources is still giving valuable information, but offers an easy to read layout and language.
    This is a blog entry, which can make me skeptical of the quality of the information. With digital use, our brain is rewired. If this isn't reason enough that we should not be teaching like it is 1980, I don't know what is.

Educators Are Ditching Traditional Conferences for Blogs and Twitter - InformED - 9 views

    This post explains how educators are becoming more sophisticated in their social media use which is leading to more shared information outside of the traditional conference or classroom.
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    This is a fascinating article! I was really inspired by at as I'm finding myself becoming more interested in making sure my social media connections are there to provide professional development (while mixing in some personal). As we become more tech centered, I can see there being value in collaborating online and learning through a variety of avenues, rather than sitting in a common area. I think this article can also be emphasized for student learning as we encourage them to learn and find connections to the content outside of the classroom.
    This was an awesome article about professional use of social media. I think that it is really interesting to talk about how fewer teachers are attending face to face conferences and are instead replacing those with the use of the internet and social media!
    Interestingly, I've found that in my field, Twitter has become a way to supplement the conference experience. Those who can't afford to attend are encouraged to follow along with what's happening (live) using session-specific hashtags. I can see librarian conferences eventually going by the wayside, and I'm not certain that I would be upset about that!
    This was an interesting read. I also find that many conferences are hard to attend due to funding. I like how many educational professionals are finding ways to connect using their PLNs through Twitter to participate in edchats. Social media has made the ability to connect with others in your field so much easier and cheaper. It also demonstrates the point how learning and professional development are becoming more self-directed to meet each educator's needs. Thanks for sharing!
    At my district professional development day this August, there was a session title Twitter for Teachers. While my district is not prepared to get rid of traditional PD, they can see the value in PLNs that allow for continuous professional growth. I think this article provides a great explanation of the transition from traditional PD and conferences to a digital world. The author also notes, however, that personalized learning could lead to "one-sided" information. I think that is why it may be important for districts to educate their teachers on PLNs to hopefully start them in the right direction.
Danielle Leone

Website #7- What are communities of Practice? - 8 views

Great article on Communities of Practice! I like how this article explains what makes up a community of practice, the domain, the community, and the practice. This is a great resource for people ...

education resources learning elearning teaching

Jill Miller

TEDxNYED - Mike Wesch - 03/06/10 - 4 views

    Wesch's TED Talk illustrates connectivism in various ways. First, he notes that when a society that is based on relationships becomes a "linear" society, the results can be less-than-desirable. In the classroom, when students are not learning by making connections, the results can also be less-than-desirable.
Josh Doyon

Scientific Revolution - 0 views

shared by Josh Doyon on 13 Oct 10 - Cached
    Notes and information on the Scientific Revolution
Josh Doyon

Renaissance - 0 views

    Notes, links and information on the Renaissance, links to what Renaissance did and some of major developments of age
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