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Rhondda Powling

Teachers Know Best - College Ready - 0 views

    "the Gates Foundation released a report surveying 3,100+ teachers (and 1,250+ students) on what they want from digital instructional tools. The report, entitled "Teachers Know Best: What Educators Want From Digital Instructional Tools," suggests that while many teachers support tech, only 55% of teachers reported available resources sufficient in helping students meet college- and career-ready standards. Educators also spoke to four instructional areas that lack usable digital tools..."
Aaron Davis

The Cyber-utopians - Future Tense - ABC Radio National (Australian Broadcasting Corpora... - 0 views

    "Call someone a 'cyber-utopian' and it's likely to be taken as an insult, according to leading media theorist Ethan Zuckerman. But we'll meet some self-confessed utopians (of the digital variety) who are out of the closet and proud! While cyber-utopianism - that is, the idea that the internet is the ultimate empowering force - can get a little disconnected from reality, cyber-utopians say that's what they like about it. It's a testing ground for future opportunities they say -- a way of encouraging us to think big and make the most of the Internet and new technologies."
Roland Gesthuizen

It Takes a Village - with Glenn McMahon - Educators' Guide to Innovation - 0 views

    "Educating our students is a collective responsibility. As educators and leaders in schools we often wonder if we are providing the best possible education for our students. This series of Professional Learning sessions will explore the complexities that we are faced with when working through these three main areas - * Learning Culture * Learning Paradigms * Learning Spaces"
    Helen has organised an interesting series of online workshops this year.
Roland Gesthuizen

Sleep Cycle alarm clock - 1 views

    "The Sleep Cycle alarm clock is a bio-alarm clock that analyzes your sleep patterns and wakes you when you are in the lightest sleep phase. Waking up in the lightest sleep phase feels like waking without an alarm clock - it is a natural way to wake up where you feel rested and relaxed. Since you move differently in bed during the different phases, Sleep Cycle uses the accelerometer in your iPhone to monitor your movement to determine which sleep phase you are in. "
    Now here is an innovative application for an iPhone accelerometer.
Roland Gesthuizen

Berners-Lee: Facebook 'threatens' web future * The Register - 6 views

  • He also warns against Phorm-style snooping and governments that restrict free speech on the web.
  • bemoans the proliferation of net-connected apps on the Apple iPhone and other smartphones
  • "continued grassroots innovation may be the best check and balance against any one company or government that tries to undermine universality."
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • He briefly warns of cable giants who may prevent the free flow of content across the net.
  • The goal of the Web is to serve humanity. We build it now so that those who come to it later will be able to create things that we cannot ourselves imagine.
    Tim Berners-Lee has dubbed Facebook a threat to the universality of the world wide web. Next month marks the twentieth anniversary of the first webpage - served up by Berners-Lee at the CERN particle physics lab in Geneva - and in the December issue of Scientific American, he celebrates the uniquely democratic nature of his creation, before warning against the forces that could eventually bring it down. "Several threats to the Web's universality have arisen recently,"
Shane Roberts

Epistemic Games - building the future of education - 6 views

    "Epistemic games are computer games that can help players learn to think like engineers, urban planners, journalists, lawyers, and other innovative professionals, giving them the tools they need for a changing world."
Russell Ogden

North Carolina 1:1 Learning Collaborative - 1 views

    This site has been developed for educators interested in 1:1 computing programs
Roland Gesthuizen

The problem with the iPad and Facebook « Esko Kilpi on Interactive Value Crea... - 3 views

  • Reach together with symmetry and equality were the things that made the Internet such a radical social innovation.
  • The real genius of Napster was the way it made collaboration automatic. By default, a consumer of files was also a producer of files for the network.
  • The big challenge for many organizations is to do things in a much, much simpler and more responsive way. The sad truth is that it is easier for managers to grasp the threat of competition than the risk of simply becoming obsolete.
    I believe that Napster gave us a glimpse of the future. The architecture it pioneered is going to be a viable model for the agile value constellations of the very near future. Client-server is not the only truth and Facebook is (just) a modern version of a Telco. Facebook is not the same as the Internet.
Roland Gesthuizen

Steve Jobs saved technology from itself - - 6 views

    Just imagine, for a moment, a world in which Steve Jobs had never lived. How might daily life be different?
Suz Arnott

Urgent Evoke - A crash course in changing the world. - 0 views

    some wicked problem solving in action
Roland Gesthuizen

5 IT Hiring Trends In 2014 - InformationWeek - 1 views

  • say goodbye to the traditional HR survey and expect new methods to assess, develop, and retain talent.
  • Big data demands a new breed of data scientists, and advancements in mobility, social, and sensing technologies rely on resetting the design and architecture of applications and user interfaces
  • Your social footprint can be a pro or con when you're looking for a new job, he said. Be wary of how you present yourself online, and take steps to improve your online presence.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • The goal, Burton said, is to provide Google and other search engines with a signal of your professional self rather than silence when recruiters or hiring managers search for you.
    "Expect the IT landscape to change ... Here's a look at five predictions on hot skills, evolving roles, and how social media will change recruiting"
Roland Gesthuizen

Join Us for a Maker Camp Field Trip to the White House Kitchen Garden | The White House - 0 views

    "Get ready to roll up your sleeves and get your hands dirty! White House Executive Chef Cris Comerford is inviting you to join a virtual Maker Camp Field Trip to the White House Kitchen Garden on Wednesday, August 13 at 2:00 p.m. ET. "
Rhondda Powling

Innovations in Education - From Technology Integration to Learning… by Design - 10 views

    A very well thought out table that contain some useful comments by Nancy White. It is useful because it moves from the technology use to integration to learning by design. Very interesting model and something worth considering.
Syed Amjad Ali

E-Templates - A new approach in Rapid E-Learning Course Development - 0 views

    Advanced eLearning Authoring Tools have made eLearning Development Easy The rapid and extensive advances in technology have brought on incredible innovation in all fields of human interest. The impact of the same can be seen in the e-learning space, and these days, this specialized segment is breaking new ground continuously.
David Dyer

Creating 3D map of ocean floor using Vernier & Excel - 0 views

This lesson helps Ss understand how bathymetric maps are created. Let me know what you think.

EdTech innovative earth science

started by David Dyer on 11 Apr 16 no follow-up yet
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