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John Pearce

BornYet - 0 views

    "BornYet is a delightfully easy birth announcement service" Yes BUT!!!!!!

Side Effects of Birth Control Pills | pregnancy Tips | - 0 views

    The oral contraceptive pill is a form of hormonal contraception taken by roughly 12 million women in the United States every year to prevent pregnancy.
John Pearce

Are Youth as Digitally Savvy as We Think? | YOUmedia - 9 views

    "While the term has become controversial since Prensky penned the phrase, the idea is still relevant-and the social perception of the "new students" Prensky was talking about continues to shift with the birth of new digital tools. However, the question that many experts are asking remains: does a fluency in new media tools like Facebook and Apple TV equate to digital savviness?"
Roland Gesthuizen

Not every blog has its day - 2 views

  • Companies that have gleaned the most from the technology have managed it actively through training, monitoring user behaviour and constant adjustment
  • it's important to go where users want to go
  • Collaboration tools also need sponsors - people entrusted with advancing their cause.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • If you don't put tribe leaders in place, the community will fall away," he says, adding that the tool needs to be relevant to individual users.
  • the time has come for companies to stop locking down computers and observe which social technologies are preferred and engaged by employees. "We need to focus on the human being part of the equation,"
  • Today's collaboration tools need to be intuitive, work in short bursts and have a robust databank that is easy to search,
    "Still trying to get your employees to embrace the company wiki and other recent collaboration tools? Sorry, the world has moved on. Four years since the birth of "Enterprise 2.0", many wikis have been abandoned, as companies find it takes more to enthuse staff to share than just building a platform and expecting them to come."
    Intesting refection about enterprise applications of web2.0 tools that could be applied to the Ultranet.
Disability Loans

Loans for Disabled People-Disability No More... - 0 views

    Loans for Disabled People-Disability No More Hurdle for Getting Fiscal Aid Disability can be of mental or physical that most people face by birth and due to some disease or accident. In such...
John Pearce

The birth of the Internet in the UK - YouTube - 1 views

    "A conversation between four of the early pioneers describing how they brought the Internet to the UK.  This was filmed on 1st July at Google, as part of an event celebrating the UK's computing heritage. Speakers include Roger Scantlebury and Peter Wilkinson, who worked at the National Physical Laboratory and helped develop the NPL network, the first internet like thing in the UK. They were joined by Peter Kirstein, then from UCL and Vint Cerf, at that time at UCLA/Stanford/DARPA. As well as describing what they did, context is given to the NPL's role and to the political and bureaucratic challenges at the time."

Some Interesting Health Facts You Must Know. - 0 views

1. When you are looking at someone you love, your pupils dilate, and they do the same when you are looking at someone you hate. 2. The human head is one-quarter of our total length at birth but on...

health quiz facts

started by puzznbuzzus on 15 Feb 17 no follow-up yet

Teach your kids how to use social media - 0 views

    Most networks are prohibited to children under 13 years old. Many young people still fill their profile with fake birth dates ... Do not accept it and watch your child. In case of problems, if you request social networks (for example for the deletion of data), you will be asked for an identity card to prove that you own the account. If the information does not match, such as age, the site may refuse to cooperate.

Buy Verified Revolut Account-Standard, Premium, or Metal.... - 0 views

    Buy USA Verified Revolut Account Our Company Sells Revolut Accounts. You Must Go Through A Number Of Steps To Get Your Revolut Account Validated. We Are At Your Service To Free Up Your Time From These Additional Hassles. You Are On The Right Website If You Were Looking For A Confirmed Revolut Account. For Our Cherished Clients, We Provide Legitimate, Pre-Made Revolut Accounts. Whenever And Wherever You Need, You Can Easily Purchase The Necessary Account(S) From Us. Why Will You Purchase My Service? ➤ 100% Customers Satisfaction Guaranteed ➤ Phone Validated And Have Access ➤ Full SSN Provided ➤ Date Of Birth Provided ➤ Driving License Scan Copy ➤ 100% Verified Revolut Account ➤ Personal & Business Revolut Accounts ➤ USA, UK, Canada, AUS Other Countries Revolut Account ➤ 100% Money-Back Guarantee
    Buy Verified Revolut Accounts Revolut account represents a significant shift in the way individuals and businesses manage their finances. Its features and benefits, combined with a user-friendly app, have made it a popular choice for those seeking cost-effective, flexible, and innovative banking solutions. As the fintech industry continues to evolve, platforms like Revolut are likely to play an even more prominent role in shaping the future of finance and banking. To buy verified revolut account, place your order in Revolut account is a digital banking solution that offers a wide range of financial services and features through a mobile app. If possible buy USA revolut.Revolut aimed to disrupt traditional banking by providing users with more control, flexibility, and cost-effective options for managing their finances. It operates on a mission to help customers improve their financial health, give them more control, and connect people seamlessly across the world. So, buy verified revolut accounts.
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