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John Pearce

Google Maps Gallery - 3 views

    A number of organizations offer public map data through Google Maps, but finding it can be tricky -- if you even know it exists. That may not be an issue now that Google has just launched its Maps Gallery. The web portal showcases location info from both Google and a slew of its Maps Engine partners, ranging from the World Bank's internet usage stats to National Geographic's historical overlays. This is really just the start of the search firm's map discovery efforts, though. Google tells TechCrunch that it wants to surface public maps in regular search results, and it would also like to draw attention to Maps Engine Lite data created by amateur cartographers.
John Pearce

Free Technology for Teachers: How to Use Google Maps Engine Lite - A Short Video Tutorial - 0 views

    "Creating maps through the new Maps Engine Lite is a different process than the process used for creating maps in "classic" Google Maps. If you want to try your hand at creating a map with Maps Engine Lite, Bradley Lands has put together a nice tutorial to help you get started. That tutorial is embedded in the video below."
John Pearce

Map of the Internet 1.0. by JaySimons on deviantART - 2 views

    "Map of the Internet - First of its kind on such a scale, this map aims for succesful compendation of The Internet to scale suitable for standartized online navigation. This project is still underway, new versions of this map will be available in ulterior months. Due to the immense size of the Net, only a miniscule portion of it was chosen to represent it on the map.  Otherwise, this map would be unreadable and probably undrawable in entire lifespan of average human being. This poster includes one full map of the internet, 4 minimaps showcasing NSA surveillance, most used social networks, most used internet browser, and worldwide internet penetration, list of Alexa Top 500 websites, quick timeline of the Internet History, top software companies and much more! By Martin Vargic/Jay Jason Simons"
Shelly Terrell

Google Maps For Android Now Lets You Explore The Great Indoors (And Find The Nearest Re... - 0 views

    Google Maps for Android is fantastic. Between its free GPS Navigation feature, speedy downloads thanks to vector-based maps, and offline caching, the app is leagues ahead of the Maps app on iOS. Today, Maps for Android is getting upgraded to version 6.0, and it includes a long-anticipated feature that presents a huge technical challenge: indoor maps. Yes, you'll now be able to fire up Maps in some malls, airports, and department stores to get your bearings, complete with that 'little blue dot' that shows you where you are. 
John Pearce

How Apple's new vector-based Maps leave Google Maps looking jittery - RoughlyDrafted Ma... - 6 views

    "Apple isn't just declaring its independence from Google Maps with its new in-house backend for Maps in iOS 6. It has developed a superior way to deliver map data that relies on resolution independent vectors rather than Google's multiple zoom levels of bit mapped images. "
John Pearce

Free Technology for Teachers: A Short Guide to Google Maps for Educators - 6 views

    "In this guide you'll find directions for using the measurement tools in Google Maps, directions for creating your own maps, directions for sharing maps, and links to additional resources about using Google Maps in education."
John Pearce

Spotzi, spot, zoom in and explore - 8 views

    Spotzi shows you the world in a unique and astonishing way. It not only shows you street maps and high detail areal maps. That's just a starter. Spotzi goes beyond any political border and zooms in to any aspect of our planet. This has been made possible by the extent data resources at NASA, the World Bank and our own data warehouse. By clicking the themes at the left you can start browsing for almost any theme you might be interested in. Locations of animals, temperatures on earth and the grand tectonic plates are just some examples of the thousands of themes available. It is all map based. Why? A map tells you more than a thousand words. Each theme has its own map and will be activated by clicking on the theme of your interest.
Darrel Branson

Scribble Maps - Draw on google maps with scribblings and more! - 13 views

    "Scribble Maps is the quick and easy way to rapidly make and share maps! With Scribble Maps you can:- Draw shapes and Scribble!- Pace Markers and text- Create a Custom Widget- Save as KML/GPX- Send maps to friends"
Rhondda Powling

Try Freehand Mind Mapping With MindBoard Free - 2 views

    "A mind mapping application for Android devices. The app allows you to create mind maps through freehand drawing and or by typing on the screen. All of the mind maps that you create in MindBoard Free can be saved to your Google Drive account. Once the mind map is in your Google Drive account you can open it on any other device. One of the more thoughtful features of MindBoard Free is palm-input rejection which rejects accidental input from brushing your palm on the screen while writing."

Buy Google Maps Reviews - 100% Safe, Permanent, Cheap ... - 0 views

    Buy Google Maps Reviews Introduction It's not surprising that Google Maps is the most popular app on the App Store. It's a really helpful application that enables users to plan road trips as well as navigate a new city or municipality. How can I get Google Maps Reviews for my business? You may receive Google Maps evaluations for your company in a few different methods. You can either strive to make yourself more visible in the search results so that more people are likely to see and click on your listing, or you can actively encourage your customers or clients to submit reviews. Buy Google Maps Reviews Simply asking clients to submit reviews is one method to get their attention. You can do this in person or by asking for a review in an email or other communication you send to a client after they conduct business with you. When someone checks out or picks something up from your physical location, you can also include a reminder to post a review on Google Maps. Finally, you can promote your listing through additional means in an effort to improve your presence in the search results. You might, for instance, put a link to your Google Maps listing in your email signature or on your website. You can advertise to people who are looking for companies like yours or just share your listing on social media. Buy Google Maps Reviews
Ian Guest

David Rumsey Historical Map Collection - 4 views

    "The historical map collection has over 30,000 maps and images online. The collection focuses on rare 18th and 19th century North American and South American maps and other cartographic materials. Historic maps of the World, Europe, Asia, and Africa are also represented."
John Pearce

Science-Based Google Maps | KQED QUEST - 0 views

    Google Maps is an obvious fit in social studies lessons. But it's not always an obvious fit in science lessons. Last week during one of the New Hampshire Google Apps Bootcamps Alice Barr shared a good collection of Google Maps uses in science. KQED Quest has a collection of six examples of science based Google Maps. The collection includes examples of use in environmental science and geology lessons.
Roland Gesthuizen

40 Maps That Will Help You Make Sense of the World «TwistedSifter - 6 views

    "If you're a visual learner like myself, then you know maps, charts and infographics can really help bring data and information to life. Maps can make a point resonate with readers and this collection aims to do just that. Hopefully some of these maps will surprise you and you'll learn something new. A few are important to know, some interpret and display data in a beautiful or creative way, and a few may even make you chuckle or shake your head."
John Pearce

Apple vs. Google: Which Maps App Is Best? - 4 views

    Google Maps has been available on the iPhone since the device's launch, but on Monday Apple announced its own version of Maps for iOS 6 - one that will be replace the Google service on its smartphones. Google recently announced an update to its mapping service as well. While both services certainly have a lot in common, there are also quite a few distinctive differences between the two.
Ashley Proud

SpatialGenie Login Page - 1 views

    Search and discover map layers of Australia. You can view historical maps, early maps of capital cities and railway systems. You can also investigate many other map layers that show information such as bushfires, earthquakes and tsunamis.
John Pearce

Google Maps Mania: The History of Weather on Google Maps - 1 views

    "Weather Underground's WunderMap now allows the user to view historical weather records on a Google Map. A calendar control above the map allows the user to select a date and view the historical weather records for that day. The records include radar, storm reports and even weather related photographs and webcam images taken on that day."
John Pearce

Story Maps - 10 views

    "Story maps combine interactive maps and multimedia content into elegant user experiences. They make it easy for you to harness the power of maps to tell your stories."
John Pearce

Animaps - 2 views

    "Animaps extends the My Maps feature of Google Maps by letting you create maps with markers that move, images and text that pop up on cue, and lines and shapes that change over time. When you send your Animap to friends it appears like a video - they can play, pause, slow and speed up the action!"
John Pearce

How Google and Apple's digital mapping is mapping us | Technology | The Guardian - 2 views

    "Digital maps on smartphones are brilliantly useful tools, but what sort of information do they gather about us - and how do they shape the way we look at the world?"
Roland Gesthuizen

National Public Toilet Map - 2 views

    The National Public Toilet Map (the Toilet Map) shows the location of more than 14,000 public and private public toilet facilities across Australia. Details of toilet facilities can also be found along major travel routes and for shorter journeys as well. Useful information is provided about each toilet, such as location, opening hours, availability of baby change rooms, accessibility for people with disabilities and the details of other nearby toilets.
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