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Intex Cloud S9 Price, Specifications, features and Release date - Gadgets World - 0 views

    Intex Cloud S9, Intex Cloud S9 price, Intex Cloud S9 Specs, Intex Cloud S9 Features, Intex Cloud S9 launch date, Intex Cloud S9 release date, Cloud S9 Mobil
John Pearce

The Truths, Untruths, and Fuzzy Truths of Cloud Security - 2 views

    I recently wrote two articles about the growth of cloud computing: The Perfect Storm for Cloud Computing, and Enough Already! Cloud Computing Is Here to Stay. Both articles were written with the intention of concreting the fact that businesses and IT professionals need to begin, now, to develop their cloud strategy. The articles, read by over 23,000 people at the time of this writing, opened a floodgate of comments about the security concerns of cloud computing. So now I am going to address the truths, the untruths, and the fuzzy truths of security in the cloud.
Roland Gesthuizen

Getting Started with Google Cloud Print - 8 views

    "Google Cloud Print is built on the idea that printing can be more intuitive, accessible, and useful. Using Google Cloud Print you can make your printers available to you from any Google Cloud Print enabled web, desktop or mobile app. To get started printing using Google Cloud Print, connect a printer to your account. Google supports both cloud ready and classic printers: "
    Printing via the cloud, fascinating idea I can hardly wait to tryout.

Buy Google Cloud Account - Best & Cheap Price - 2023 - 0 views

    Buy Google Cloud Account Introduction A subscription to a number of Google's cloud computing services is known as a Google Cloud account. On Google's infrastructure, customers can deploy and manage apps using these services. What Is a Google Cloud Account? A Google Cloud account is a subscription to a number of Google's cloud computing services. Users can deploy and manage apps on Google's infrastructure using these services. Buy Google Cloud Account Organizations of various sizes use Google Cloud accounts to host websites, store data, and run apps. Users of Google Cloud services only pay for the resources they really utilize because they are pay-as-you-go.

Intex Cloud Q11 4G With Selfie Flash, 4G VoLTE launched - Technology hub - 0 views

    Intex on Wednesday unveiled the successor to the Cloud Q11 smartphone, the Cloud Q11 4G, in India. Priced at Rs. 6,190, the new Intex Cloud Q11 4G will be available exclusively via Amazon India
John Pearce

3 Infographics About Cloud Computing - ReadWriteCloud - 0 views

    "There are any number of ways to look at cloud computing. Three infographics illustrate how differentt the subject is viewed. The works demonstrate the diversity of the communities interested in cloud computing. All three appeal to people with little or no knowledge about the topic."
Roland Gesthuizen

2010: the year of the cloud - Home - Doug Johnson's Blue Skunk Blog - 6 views

  • that relationship of the technology department with other departments will need to change as hardware and software support, maintenance, and even planning take a back seat to the role of enabler of other departmental and district objectives.
  • This is the beginning of the end for school-supplied, school-controlled computer access. - of the tech department's primary task of keeping individual work stations configured and running and the end of the futile attempt to keeps kids away from their own technologies while they are in school.
  • For libraries, 2010 will be seen as the last time that buying any reference materials in print made sense at all.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Implementing GoogleApps for Education for the staff about a year ago and for the students last fall was a huge jump to the cloud for our district. Our dependence on our own local file servers is lessening each year.
  • I've used GoogleDocs both at work and for my professional writing more than I have used Word
  • I read almost exclusively e-books on both the Kindle 3 and the iPad.
  • Cloud computing, out-sourcing support, and low-maintenance Internet devices will allow me to adopt a similar mission as the head of a technology department - to create technology users who can focus on their real jobs - teaching and learning and leading - just fine without me.
    "2010 was the year the cloud's impact became clear, permanent and more far-reaching than this slow-thinker had previously realized. Few things we did in my school district have not been in some way cloud-related - and those projects on the horizon look to be as well. My own personal technology use for both work and leisure has changed significantly this year due to ubiquitous cloud access and the devices meant to take advantage of it."
    Interesting to consider some of the 2011 trends identified in this blog entry.
John Pearce

Moving to the Cloud? What should you consider? | Lucacept - intercepting the Web - 3 views

    "What I gained from this exercise was a thorough understanding of issues surrounding Cloud Computing and the information I needed to be able to speak confidently with my school community about the move we were making. If you're a school looking to move into the Cloud Computing space, then measures like this are necessary. If you're an Australian school looking for links to assist you with the process, then take a look at the following."
Rhondda Powling

CloudCanvas - 10 views

    Cloud Canvas is a free online image editing and image creation tool. Cloud Canvas fits in a niche somewhere between a simple drawing tool and a full-blown image editor like Aviary. If all you need is a tool for drawing simple pictures and diagrams, Cloud Canvas has you covered
Rhondda Powling

Tracking Cloud Adoption in Schools [Infographic] | EdTech Magazine - 1 views

    The post  incorporates an infographic  that contains information about the trend toward cloud computing in K-12 and higher education.
John Pearce

In the clouds… | Mr Duncan's Blog - 4 views

    Many of our staff have access to iPads and are keen to use these as part of their teaching. Some are exploring the use of Google Docs, some are exploring the Ultranet and some are exploring other options. The question of privacy and security of information was raised with regards to access to information that is stored within 'the cloud'. This lead to me completing a bit of an investigation of DEECD and Victorian Government policies on where we stand with regards to storing information online using Google Docs, Evernote and other web based applications.
John Pearce

Dropbox vs. Google Drive vs. Amazon vs. Skydrive: Which One Is Fastest? - ReadWrite - 3 views

    "As cloud computing services become ever more popular, you might begin to wonder how much you can really trust them to perform when you need them? I decided to find out - by testing the top file-transfer/file-storage/file-backup services."
John Pearce

Get off my cloud: when privacy laws meet cloud computing - 0 views

    "What does privacy mean in an age of ongoing privacy breaches? With new privacy law coming online in Australia on March 12, our Privacy in Practice series explores the practical challenges facing Australian business and consumers in a world rethinking privacy."
Darrel Branson

Tagxedo - Tag Cloud with Styles - 3 views

    You can have some great control over the tag/word clouds you create. "Tagxedo turns words -- famous speeches, news articles, slogans and themes, even your love letters -- into a visually stunning tag cloud, words individually sized appropriately to highlight the frequencies of occurrence within the body of text."
Kathleen Morris

Word Cloud: How Toy Ad Vocabulary Reinforces Gender Stereotypes | The Achilles Effect - 2 views

    Word clouds of words used in ads for boys and girls toys
    Word clouds of words used in ads for boys and girls toys.
Ian Guest - 0 views

    " is a free online word cloud generator and tag cloud creator."
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