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Tony Richards

50 Ways to Use Wikis for a More Collaborative and Interactive Classroom | Smart Teaching - 0 views

    50 Ways to Use Wikis for a More Collaborative and Interactive Classroom "Wikis are an exceptionally useful tool for getting students more involved in curriculum. They're often appealing and fun for students to use, while at the same time ideal for encouraging participation, collaboration, and interaction. Read on to see how you can put wikis to work in your classroom."
John Pearce

Khan Academy and the mythical math cure - 1 views

    "So I'd like to get more specific about what I think is wrong about the Khan Academy approach by writing about things I see as wrong with the way we teach math in the US. No matter if we agree or not about Khan Academy, I'm fairly certain we can agree math learning is not going as well as we'd like (to say the least.) Too many people are convinced by the system that they "hate math", and even students who do well (meaning, can get decent test scores) are often just regurgitating stuff for the test, knowing they can safely forget it shortly afterward."
Roland Gesthuizen

Reading Writing Responding: Tinkering, Passion and the Wildfire that is Learning - 0 views

  • whether you are creating an environment where learning can take flight - dry kindling, tall trees - or are you creating an environment where, with a lot of damp branches, there is a lot of smoke, but little fire?
  • As +George Siemens suggests while talking about connectivism as an answer for the digital age, "learning is a process that occurs within nebulous environments of shifting core elements – not entirely under the control of the individual."
    "In a fantastic discussion as a part of +Ed Tech Crew Episode 240 focusing on what it takes to be an IT co-ordinator, +Ashley Proud spoke about the demise in tinkering amongst students. Although +Mel Cashen and +Roland Gesthuizen mentioned about taking things a part, giving the conversation a more mechanical theme, I feel that tinkering is best understood as a wider curiosity into the way things work."
Rhondda Powling

5 Awesome Resources for Badges in the Classroom - Shake Up Learning - 3 views

    The post briefly discusses how to recognise learning achievement by awarding students digital badges. The useful part is the annotated list of five useful technologies, that teachers could use to create their own badges, and they are not limited to a single device type.
Ian Guest

The Struggles and Realities of Student-Driven Learning and BYOD - 4 views

    Article on MindShift discussing some of the issues of BYOD in schools serving low-income communities
Rhondda Powling

12 Awesome Edtech Apps | Edutopia - 8 views

    "Every teacher should build an edtech teaching toolkit that works for you with reliable tools that suit your needs and circumstances. Learning should focus on content, not on figuring out how a tool works. In this post one Vicki Davis discusses 12 edtech tools in her toolkit,"
Ian Guest

Instruments for Natural Philosophy - 1 views

    "Bernard H. Porter's 1939 map depicting Physics as a continent, with rivers corresponding to its principal branches. " Blog post from The Quantum Pontiff
    Wonder what a 2012 version would look like? A challenge for your students maybe?
Tony Richards

Should all kids learn to code? - Daniel Donahoo - ABC Splash - - 0 views

  • Don’t get too caught up in the need to teach students actual code, and instead focus on getting them to think about the concept “if this happens, then that”. This is a first basic concept that is really powerful.
    Another piece to add to the debate about poetry vs. coding.
Tony Richards

Copyright Flowchart: Can I Use It? Yes? No? If This… Then… | Langwitches Blog - 10 views

    "It is the responsibility of all educators to model good digital citizenship for their students. Especially when it comes to copyright, plagiarism and intellectual property." This post from @langwitches will help you explore these issues.
Roland Gesthuizen

The truth about iPad: It's only good for two things | Tech Sanity Check | - 1 views

    "I've often said, "The iPad is only good for two things: Reading and Scrabble. Well, I've now come to some longer-term conclusions about the iPad. In truth, reading covers a lot of stuff, and the iPad is great at those reading and viewing tasks. The fact that it's instant-on and you can flip the screen around to show a colleague a web page, a chart, or a document just like you would a piece of paper gives the iPad a much more natural feel and a huge advantage over a traditional laptop for those business professionals who spend a lot of time in meetings."
    Interesting review. Of course we must not discount the power of just giving a student "instant on" access to web based resources, accessable and portable reading. The new dimension of using a multitouch interface offers some interesting social collaboration angles for schools.
Ian Guest

EmbedPlus - 6 views

    A flash tool for real-time reactions, chopping, movable zoom, slow motion, annotations, chapter / scene skipping, and more with embeds on your video site, blog, vlog, etc.
    Focuses students attention on the important bits ... or why not get *them* to recognise and comment on the important elements?
Aaron Davis

Richard Olsen's Blog › Why everyone should learn to code [eventually] - 0 views

  • The bigger question is what do students need to learn, period.
  • Curriculum is designed to predict need.
  • Authenticate problem solving, ideation and play in our digital world requires the ability to program.
    An interesting post discussing why everyone should learn to code. More fuel to the fire associated with the great poetry vs. coding debate.
John Pearce

iLearn Technology » Blog Archive » Hour of Code: 30 ways to get your students... - 1 views

    "Although is hosting the Hour of Code, you aren't limited to the resources you find there.  Below I've listed some of our favorite places to learn about coding at Anastasis Academy:"
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