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John Pearce

Copyright stuck in horse and buggy era - 1 views

    "Search engines such as Google and popular cloud computing services may have been "sued out of existence" if they started in Australia, while consumers who make remixes or mash-ups of copyright songs and videos are also breaching the law. These are just some of the glaring issues with the Copyright Act that have been raised today by the Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) and copyright experts. The ALRC has released a new issues paper for its inquiry into whether Australia's copyright laws have kept up with the digital age."
Ian Guest

Copyright & Schools: photocopy, scan, screen or broadcast copyright resources in classr... - 5 views

    "The Copyright and Schools website is an information resource to help schools navigate copyright licensing and understand how copyright material can be used legally within a school - providing accessible, relevant and up to date information to support the curricular and extracurricular use of copyright content. "
John Pearce

Stop the pirates? Behind Brandis' copyright crusade - Delimiter - 0 views

    "Copyright has been firmly back on the agenda in recent months. We've seen the Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) release its report on copyright which recommended that Australia adopt a "fair use" exception to copyright infringement. Yet we've also seen the Attorney General, George Brandis, get more exercised about copyright piracy this month, and pledge to do something to address it:"
John Pearce

The Best Ways to Be Sure You're Legally Using Online Photos - 2 views

    "US Copyright laws may be years behind the fast-paced world of social media and blogs, but they still control how a copyrighted work can be used. And while there are aspects of Copyright law that have "gone digital," the Digital Millennium Copyright Act doesn't provide anything new when it comes to explaining how to properly use another person's photos or images online. And because most people won't read the law and even those who do may not understand exactly what it means, I offer you these to help you:"
John Pearce

Copyright in the digital age: Australia, ACTA and the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreeme... - 2 views

    In February this year, Attorney-General Nicola Roxon announced the Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) would conduct an inquiry into copyright law to make sure it was keeping pace with the digital age. The inquiry was initially flagged by former Attorney-General Robert McLelland in 2011. "Fifteen years ago no one used Google as an internet search engine, viewed YouTube videos on iPads or listened to music on their mobile phones," McLelland told the 15th Biennial Copyright Symposium on 14 October in Sydney.
John Pearce

Copyright and Creative Commons | Common Craft - 7 views

    "This video tells the story of a photographer who learns to use both Copyright and Creative Commons to accomplish her goals."
John Pearce

▶ Creationistas - Australian Copyright Is Broken - YouTube - 4 views

    "At this very moment, many people in Australia are breaching copyright. They are doing creative things, commonplace things, public interest things, things that are improving our community and culture, and they are breaching copyright, often without even being aware of it."
John Pearce

It's Time To Debunk The Myth That Copyright Is Needed To Make Money - Or That It Even M... - 0 views

    "One of the most persistent myths about the copyright monopoly has been that it's needed to make money. This assertion turns out to be false for a very large number of observed cases, but the plural of anecdote is never statistics. So let's look at some sound statistical evidence for policymaking on this issue."
Rhondda Powling

Larrikin Post | Who Owns Your Social Media Posts? - 1 views

    Who owns your social media posts? Former Australian Copyright Council employee, lawyer Ian McDonald considers the copyright issues
John Pearce

How copyright enforcement robots killed the Hugo Awards [UPDATED] - 1 views

    "Last night, robots shut down the live broadcast of one of science fiction's most prestigious award ceremonies. No, you're not reading a science fiction story. In the middle of the annual Hugo Awards event at Worldcon, which thousands of people tuned into via video streaming service Ustream, the feed cut off - just as Neil Gaiman was giving an acceptance speech for his Doctor Who script, "The Doctor's Wife." Where Gaiman's face had been were the words, "Worldcon banned due to copyright infringement." What the hell?"
Darrel Branson

Betchablog » Blog Archive » Copyright or Copywrong? - 2 views

    "I was in a staff meeting at school last week where we were given a presentation outlining 10 common myths about copyright.  I thought it not a bad summary of what many teachers just assume to be true.  Ironically, I'm reproducing it below basically word for word as it was presented to me, but I'm told on good authority that the original creator has authorised its use for reposting."
Ian Guest

Copyright: Forever Less One Day - 4 views

    YouTube video from C.G.P Grey on the origins of copyright and what you may and may not do.
John Pearce

A Copyright Tale | open thinking - 2 views

    George Couros posts about an inadvertent copyright tale
John Pearce

Explainer: Creative Commons - 2 views

    "The digital age has presented many and diverse challenges for copyright law. The rapid uptake of digital, networked technologies led to widespread online distribution of content, as well as the emergence of new practices and technologies that enabled digital content to be shared, reused and remixed on an unprecedented scale. But while technology provided the capacity for sharing and reuse of content to occur on a vast scale, legal restrictions on the use of copyright material hampered its negotiability in the digital environment."
Tony Richards

Copyright Flowchart: Can I Use It? Yes? No? If This… Then… | Langwitches Blog - 10 views

    "It is the responsibility of all educators to model good digital citizenship for their students. Especially when it comes to copyright, plagiarism and intellectual property." This post from @langwitches will help you explore these issues.
Russell Ogden

NOTHING BEATS THE REAL THING! Copyright Resource for Schools - 12 views

    A multimodal online resource for investigating aspects of copyright and film and TV piracy in Australian secondary classrooms
Ian Guest

Copyright for Educators SlideShare with Audio - 4 views

    from @wfryer
Tony Richards

Anonymous donors bring Hollywood production values to anti-MPAA video | Ars Technica - 0 views

    Great video about the challenges of US copyright policies and how repressive they are. Check it out.
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