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Mirren M

NZ-Russia free trade deal remains elusive - 0 views

    Russia and its partners (Belarus and Kazakhstan) are looking to seal a free trade deal with New Zealand. However, the articles talks about external issues to consider that will affect or be affected by the deal. The main concern of both parties is the current negative state of the global economy and how they intend to overcome this by trade. " "The priority goal is to fight protectionism together in all its forms; traditional and new alike ... It is important to build bridges, not walls," he said. "
Nadiya Safonova

Radio New Zealand : News : National : Cheese and butter prices to rise again - 1 views

    This article discusses the rising problem in New Zealand, of rising prices on dairy products. We can see a distinction in this article between milk, on one hand, and on the other, butter and cheese. Milk in relatively inelastic, because it is a necessity for a healthy diet (especially for growing children), however milk and cheese are relatively elastic, because they are not as vital for a good diet, and their demand will likely drop a lot more than the demand for milk.
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