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Sebastian van Winkel

xbox live price hike a higher cost for microsoft - 3 views

    This article is about the fact that microsoft increased the price of their xbox live. This is a "subscription" so that you can play online, with friends and people all around the world, and the price has increased. I don't think that less people will buy it though. It was $50, now it's $60. People who really want to play online were willing to pay $50 so i don't think these $10 will make a change.
    In a way this makes microsoft out to be a bad comapny. It talks about how they have almost conned people into the purchase of the console, and how they can then determine the price of the xbox live. But, the customers are buying the console, in the knowledge that the price of the live play is not constant and can rise dependent on what microsoft feel is correct. Microsoft have tried to counter the price rise, with a reduced price in the common, years to try and deflect from the annual incraese in price that they are putting in place.
Dan Call

Microsoft's forgotten monopoly - 1 views

    This article is about the dominant electrical market brand of Microsoft and one of their forgotten monopolies which is their fonts. They have produced all the fonts we see used regullarly today, including Verdana and Arial, and this article beleives it is now time to break this monopoly
Lola Z

Off With Their Heads! The Fantasy Google Monopoly - Forbes - 2 views

    • Lola Z
      Here it deals with the concept of menacing monopoly. Google isn't doing anything "evil", but it is just so comprehensive that everyone can't help to use it.
  • . Microsoft’s impressive growth of Bing in a mere two or so years shows that new competition in search can come at any time.
    • Lola Z
      There is actually competitor of Google. It is Microsoft's Bing.
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • They rest on their laurels and do not innovate.
    • Lola Z
      If there is a monopoly in industry, consumers can be end up in disadvantage as the monopolist refuses to innovate and discourages other firms which can potentially innovate from entering the industry.
  • Google continues to innovate in many spheres of Internet and e-commerce activity, from mobile operating systems to books to social media.
    • Lola Z
      However, we can see that Google is innovating and giving consumers advantages. It is a benign monopoly.
  • Google search is a free product, supported by advertising. And that advertising is not priced by Google itself, rather through an auction among advertisers bidding on the use of search keywords. Google doesn’t control price, let alone raise prices.
    • Lola Z
      Here again, Google is shown to be a benign monopoly. Monopolists usually control the price freely, and raise the price as high as they can to earn profits. However, Google is free. Even if advertisers post commercials on it, the price is not set by Google.
  • Monopolists also have no incentive to reduce costs and increase efficiency, because the absence of competition assures them of selling products very profitably.
  • Google doesn’t act like a monopolist and shares none of the characteristics sheltering classic monopolists from competition. Its astounding success in Internet search is universally regarded as a consequence of better design, superior code, better products and plain old hard work.
  • an “evil” monopolist
  • Of course, it’s unlawful to monopolize a market, not to become a monopolist as a result of superior business acumen or execution.
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