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    Water supply, infrastructure, Ocean acidification and dought

Unilever CEO: For sustainable business, go against 'mindless consumption' | Marketplace... - 0 views

  • "Most of the activity that actually touches society is happening in the supply chain," says Polman, "and that's why we take responsibility from sustainable sourcing to sustainable living." The company looks to find materials from sustainable sources, but then also looks to encourage sustainable choices on the consumer end.
  • A similar effort is aims at ending illegal deforestation. Unilever and other companies "made a commitment not to sell anything anymore from illegal deforestation by the year 2020 -- soy, paper, pulp, beef, palm oil. And if a big association representing $3-4 trillion of consumer sales makes that commitment, it sends a very strong signal into the whole value chain," he says
  • Unilever and other companies "made a commitment not to sell anything anymore from illegal deforestation by the year 2020 -- soy, paper, pulp, beef, palm oil.
    Unilever goal aims at ending illegal deforestation. Unilever and other companies "made a commitment not to sell anything anymore from illegal deforestation by the year 2020 -- soy, paper, pulp, beef, palm oil.

Hilton, Marriott, hotel giants get in bed to count carbon | - 0 views

    Hotels develop a Hotel Carbon Measurement Initiative and Hospitality Sustainable Purchasing Consortium.

The Surprising Role of CO2 in Changes on the African Savanna by Adam Welz: Yale Environ... - 0 views

    Recent studies show that many of the world's savannas, including famed southern African landscapes, are experiencing significant change as rising levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere favor the growth of trees over grasslands.

General Mills, Unilever Join Food Waste Challenge · Environmental Management ... - 0 views

  • Food waste is the single largest type of waste entering US landfills, according to EPA acting administrator Bob Perciasepe who says Americans throw away up to 40 percent of their food.
    General Mills, Unilever and the Food Waste Reduction Alliance have joined the USDA's Food Waste Challenge as founding partners.

Sustainable Apparel Coalition Adds Materials Web Tool · Environmental Managem... - 0 views

    Rates materials in apparel an footwear manufacturing for their environmental sustainability.

Why corporate water management needs to change | - 0 views

  • The World Economic Forum’s Global Risk Report 2013 placed water scarcity among the top four global risks, in terms of likelihood and greatest impact – ranking ahead of issues such as food shortages, terrorism and climate change. And water scarcity is already constraining the growth plans of many companies that desire to expand in emerging markets.
    The World Economic Forum's Global Risk Report 2013 placed water scarcity among the top four global risks, in terms of likelihood and greatest impact - ranking ahead of issues such as food shortages, terrorism and climate change! And water scarcity is already constraining the growth plans of many companies that desire to expand in emerging markets.

Deforestation Facts - What is Deforestation? | NRDC - 0 views

  • Yet, in the southeastern U.S., the massive fuel needs of these energy companies could double logging rates and increase carbon emissions significantly –- contributing to climate change at a time when we need to be rapidly cutting our carbon pollution
  • Burning whole trees is worse than burning coal
  • Our southern forests are exported to produce electricity overseas
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • U.S. utilities are also beginning to generate electricity from wood
  • Alternatives to burning trees are available
    Using forests to fuel power plants in Southeast US and Europe

Ford prepares for a water-scarce future | - 0 views

  • The automotive leader has a strong track record of water use reductions in its manufacturing operations and an aggressive goal to reduce water use even further – by 30 percent per vehicle by 2015. But many at Ford and a number of its stakeholders (including the company’s Ceres stakeholder advisory team) see growing water competition and scarcity as a potential economic game-changer – with big implications for the auto industry.
  • But water is critical to a number of manufacturing steps, including vehicle painting, where large volumes of water are traditionally used to rinse cars, ensuring that not a speck of dust ruins that perfect paint job. Water use also can be high in the automotive supply chain, particularly in making raw materials such as steel and aluminum. Ford also has identified that the energy sources used to power its vehicles (gasoline, electric power or biofuels) play an incredibly important role in determining the water footprint of its vehicles, because of the large amounts of water required for fuel production and power generation.

Bloomberg Plan Aims to Require Food Composting - - 0 views

  • requiring New Yorkers to separate their food scraps for composting
  • it is hiring a composting plant to handle 100,000 tons of food scraps a year
  • Sanitation officials said 150,000 single-family homes
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • New Yorkers who do not separate their food scraps could be subject to fines, just as they are currently if they do not recycle plastic, paper or metal.
  • 100 high-rise buildings
  • 600 schools
  • on the curb for pickup by sanitation trucks
    Mayor Bloomber is starting a program to make food composting a requirement. Residents will sort trash in their homes and place food sraps in a brown trash can for curbside pick up. Going to start trial phase soon with actual residents and school

SHFT | Keystone XL: The Iconic Climate Battle - 0 views

    Answers to the question, "Why is the Keystone Pipeline such a focal battle in the war on climate legislation?"

After Dump, What Happens To Electronic Waste? : NPR - 0 views

  • Recyclers can make money from selling scavenged metal from electronic
  • equipment,
  • the process to retrieve usable metals is typically extremely toxic
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • These so-called recyclers have found that that they can make a lot more money just exporting this material, because the U.S. laws completely allow it to happen
  • is first looking to see if old equipment can be reused
  • reputable recyclers will use mechanical shredding and a high-tech
  • Basel Action Network
    NPR 2010 waste ending up in different countries where it is toxic to the env. and workers.

Basel Action Network (BAN) : Developing Countries Rally to Prevent Industry Efforts to ... - 0 views

  • repairable electronic waste to be exempt from the international Basel Convention hazardous waste trade control procedures.
  • developing countries cannot control the junk electronic computers, faxes, printers and TVs flooding into their countries from North America and Europe
  • digital dump
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Transboundary Movement of e-Waste in Geneva
  • all exports of hazardous electronic waste be notified to importing countries, and receive their consent prior to shipment.  
  • without lifting the established hazardous waste trade controls, reuse of used equipment would be inhibited
  • if manufacturers would make efforts to create non-toxic components, readily upgradable hardware and longer-lived products.
    Developing coutnries are trying to defeat a policy that would require knowledge and consent to hazardous waste material being shipped into that country

The 100 most endangered species in the world [Infographic] | MNN - Mother Nature Network - 0 views

    interactive infographic showing the 100 most endangered species in the world

Butterflies inspire anti-counterfeit technology | - 0 views

    Anti-counterfeiting techology using biomimicry - butterfly wings. Printed security images on products.
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