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Free Software Foundation - Wikipédia - 0 views

    La Free Software Foundation (FSF) (littéralement « Fondation pour le logiciel libre »), est une organisation américaine à but non lucratif fondée par Richard Stallman le 4 octobre 1985, dont la mission1 est la promotion du logiciel libre et la défense des utilisateurs

Apache Software Foundation - Wikipédia - 0 views

    L'Apache Software Foundation (Fondation Apache) est une organisation à but non lucratif qui développe des logiciels open source sous la licence Apache, dont le renommé serveur web Apache HTTP Server. Elle a été créée en juin 1999 dans le Delaware aux États-Unis
Cyrielle Casse

TEDxMarin - John Perry Barlow - YouTube - 0 views

    John Perry Barlow is a retired Wyoming rancher (and native), a former lyricist for the Grateful Dead, and the co-founder of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a civil liberties organization which has been protecting the free flow of information on the Internet since 1990.
Thanasis Priftis

BitBeat: Stellar Takes a Step Into the Microfinance World - MoneyBeat - WSJ - 0 views

    ""There's no way for microfinance companies to communicate with each other," said Joyce Kim, executive director at the Stellar Development Foundation. The combined Oradian/Stellar product would allow microfinance companies to quickly send money to each other. "There's something like 100,000 microfinance institutions, how do we connect them? How do they get the kinds of efficiencies that will change their lives?" The partnership is going to move slowly, beginning with a pilot program in Nigeria, where moving money often physically carrying cash on a 12-hour bus ride. Stellar could, obviously, change that dynamic."

Vint Cerf - - 0 views

    "Vint Cerf, now the chief Internet evangelist at Google, helped lay the foundations for the internet as we know it more than 30 years ago."

Electronic Frontier Foundation - Wikipédia - 0 views

    c´est une organisation non gouvernementale internationale à but non lucratif, fondée en 1990 aux États-Unis par Mitch Kapor, John Gilmore, et John Perry Barlow, connu pour être l'auteur de la Déclaration d'indépendance du cyberespace.
Thanasis Priftis

About | FreedomBox - Personal Server at Home - 0 views

    "FreedomBox is a joined effort of people to regain control and privacy in the digital world by dragging it into the physical. Our vision is to use free software running on cheap hardware to replace services that are not under our control. Today's cost of CPU power and network bandwidth make hosting your own services affordable. We unite the efforts of countless contributors from the free software world by building on top of Debian GNU/Linux. Our biggest contribution is to be the easy to use administration tool that takes care of otherwise challenging administrative tasks to keep your FreedomBox updated and running. If you want to join the effort of our volunteers or support the non-profit Foundation behind them - get in touch with us."
Thanasis Priftis

Munich commits to "Public Money? Public Code!" - 0 views

    "The FSFE welcomes the "Public Money? Public Code!" policy by the new Munich government. After the last government of SPD and CSU had distanced itself from the prior progressive Free Software strategy this is now a positive signal again. Public administrations following the principle of "Public Money? Public Code!" can benefit from collaboration with other public bodies, independence from single vendors, potential tax savings, increased innovation, and a better basis for IT security.", says Matthias Kirschner, President of the Free Software Foundation Europe."

Next Decade Manifesto | the Document Foundation - 0 views

    Support the preservation of mother tongues , allow users of office productivity software to retain the intellectual propertyin the documents they create. The home for our activities should be an independent self-governing democratic foundation. They reject A closed software development process where errors can lie hidden and poor quality is accepted

Franklin Weng | The Document Foundation - 0 views

    Deputy Chairman of The Document Foundation (Libreoffice). involved in the Taiwanese open source community since 1993, and since 2015 he is the President of the Software Liberty Association Taiwan (SLAT)

John Gilmore | Electronic Frontier Foundation - 0 views

    Co-founder of Cygnus Solutions, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, the Cypherpunks, the DES Cracker, and the Internet's "alt" newsgroups. Advocate of encryption policy. Currently on the boards of EFF, Usenix Association, CodeWeavers, and ReQuest.

Lawrence Lessig - Creative Commons - 0 views

    Proponent of reduced legal restrictions on copyright, trademark, and radio frequency spectrum, particularly in technology applications. In 2001, he founded Creative Commons. He is a former board member of the Free Software Foundation and Software Freedom Law Center; the Washington, D.C. lobbying groups Public Knowledge and Free Press; and the Electronic Frontier Foundation.

e Foundation - deGoogled unGoogled smartphone operating systems and online services - y... - 1 views

    "We build desirable, open source, privacy-enabled smartphone operating systems.".
Thanasis Priftis

The Imminent Decentralized Computing Revolution - The Accelerators - WSJ - 0 views

    "Decentralization transfers that power from individuals and corporations to technology and immutable math, leading to reduced overheads, improved security, more resiliency and higher efficiency. There are three technologies that will form the foundation of the decentralized computing stack - mesh networks (decentralized networking), block chain (decentralized transactions) and autonomous agents (decentralized decision making)."
Thanasis Priftis

Mapping Digital Media: Global Findings | Open Society Foundations (OSF) - 3 views

    "Is a world where there are almost as many mobile phones as people, more than half the globe can access digital TV signals, and almost 3 billion people are online a better place for journalism? The Global Findings of the Mapping Digital Media project assess these and other forces affecting digital media and independent journalism worldwide. Researched and written by a team of local experts, the 56 country reports, from which these Global Findings are drawn, examine the communication and media environments in 15 of the world's 20 most populous countries, covering more than 4.5 billion of the world's population, and in 16 of the world's 20 largest economies."

Comment Apache Software Foundation gère sa communauté ? - YouTube - 0 views

    Bertrand Delacretaz de la fondation open source Apache est interviewé par Jonathan Le Lous d'Intelli'N TV lors de L'Open World Forum.
Thanasis Priftis

GNU Kind Communications Guidelines - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation - 0 views

    "GNU Kind Communications Guidelines"
Thanasis Priftis

Contract for the Web - 0 views

    Now for the first time ever, we have a global plan of action - the Contract for the Web - created by experts and citizens from across the world to make sure our online world is safe, empowering and genuinely for everyone. We invite governments, companies, civil society organizations and individuals to back the Contract and uphold its principles and clauses. The Contract for the Web will become a strong mechanism for each party to be held accountable for doing their part to build an open and free web.
Thanasis Priftis

Behind the One-Way Mirror: A Deep Dive Into the Technology of Corporate Surveillance | ... - 0 views

    "Trackers are hiding in nearly every corner of today's Internet, which is to say nearly every corner of modern life. The average web page shares data with dozens of third-parties. The average mobile app does the same, and many apps collect highly sensitive information like location and call records even when they're not in use. Tracking also reaches into the physical world. Shopping centers use automatic license-plate readers to track traffic through their parking lots, then share that data with law enforcement. Businesses, concert organizers, and political campaigns use Bluetooth and WiFi beacons to perform passive monitoring of people in their area. Retail stores use face recognition to identify customers, screen for theft, and deliver targeted ads."

Tim Berners-Lee - World Wide Web - 0 views

    Inventor of the World Wide Web, professor at the MIT, director of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), co-founded the World Wide Web Foundation, named in Time magazine's list of the 100 Most Important People of the 20th century. Launched Contract for the Web, a campaign initiative to persuade governments, companies and citizens to commit to nine principles to stop "misuse"
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