John Perry Barlow is a retired Wyoming rancher (and native), a former lyricist for the Grateful Dead, and the co-founder of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a civil liberties organization which has been protecting the free flow of information on the Internet since 1990.
Vous avez l'impression que le monde est en train de devenir moins amical? Le sociologue Jonathan Zittrain ose être en désaccord. Il insinue qu'Internet est composé de millions de bonnes actions désintéressées, de curiosité et de confiance.
Language : english
Subtitles : french
Clay Shirky aborde le "surplus cognitif" - le travail collaboratif en ligne que nous effectuons grâce à nos cycles de cerveau disponibles. Tout en étant occupés à éditer Wikipedia, à poster sur Ushahidi (et, oui, à faire des LOLcats), nous construisons un monde meilleur et plus coopératif.
Clay Shirky argues that the history of the modern world could be rendered as the history of ways of arguing, where changes in media change what sort of arguments are possible -- with deep social and political implications.
Language : english
Subtitles : french
l´intervention d´Anne Novel at TEDxNantes: Une véritable CoRévolution est en marche. Portée par l'économie collaborative et une culture du partage réinventée par le numérique, une nouvelle société émerge, nous invitant à revoir notre pouvoir d'agir.
In his TEDxTalk a nurse presents how he helps simplifying organizational structures in healthcare. He explains how he succeeded in encouraging trust, while integrating simplification offers a great deal more for society than bureaucratic and pyramidal organizations, making daily work more meaningful and sustainable.
A TEDxNYED, l'ancien "jeune républicain" Larry Lessig parle de ce que les Démocrates peuvent apprendre du parti de l'opposition, considéré comme plus conservateur. Une vision surprenante sur la culture du remix.
Lawrence Lessig has already transformed intellectual-property law with his Creative Commons innovation. Now he's focused on an even bigger problem: The US' broken political system
Langueage : english
Subtitles : french
A TED2009, Tim Berners-Lee a lancé un appel pour "des données brutes, maintenant" - afin que les gouvernements, les scientifiques et les institutions rendent leur données publiques sur internet. A l'université TED en 2010, il montre quelques-uns des résultats intéressants que l'on obtient en reliant les données.
Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web. He leads the World Wide Web Consortium, overseeing the Web's standards and development.
Language : english
Subtitles : french
Richard Stallman shares how he has created the first free operating system, and explains how nonfree programs give companies control of their users and what users can do in order to recover control over their computing
Nowadays, computing is so important in society that the freedoms of free software are among the human rights that society must establish and protect.
Jacques Vallée, one of the co-creators of the Internet, explains how the acceleration of technology in an increasingly connected society is producing "impossible futures" that range from rapid collapse of major banks to the emergence of complex new forms of political power, with the Internet as both a tool and a victim.
[The KGB] arrested people at random, and brought them to their headquarters; they had one question for them: "who do you know? who do you talk to, and what do you talk about?" If somebody wanted to do that today, they would not need to arrest people, all they need to do is look at Facebook, Twitter, Google; we give this information everyday to the network and the superstructure above the web.
[nb: slightly shortened and simplified]
The connected world provides many examples of "Impossible" futures that create a dissonance between existing cultures or belief systems... and the sudden emergence of new facts. The impact cannot be ignored.