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Patient Safety and ED Census - 4 views

A retrospective study that finds the number of patients simultaneously present in an ED is a moderate predictor of unsafe waiting times. The authors conclude that it would be beneficial to look for...

ED Safety Quality Care Wait Time Triage

started by ebiscone on 26 Sep 14 no follow-up yet
Phyllis Wright

Journal of Nursing Administration Article: Advancing the Evolution of Healthcare: Infor... - 2 views

After reading this article, I do agree this is the utopia in which we would all like to exist; however, until we can place these system interfaces together, then even the models the author cites ca...

Leadership Information Technology

Kristy Martyn

Evidence based tool for Triage - 9 views

Erin, sorry I changed your post. Still learning!

DNP leadership projects triage evidence based obstetrical


Companies Try to Escape Health Law's Penalties - 3 views

    With companies set to face fines next year for not complying with the new mandate to offer health insurance, some are pursuing strategies like enrolling employees in Medicaid to avoid penalties and hold down costs. This is the first sentence in the WSJ article that published on 10/21/14. It also discusses how some employers are adopting bare bones insurance plans, changing their work force to part time to minimize those needed to be covered or accepting the fines for not covering their employers.
Phyllis Wright

Journal of Nursing Administration Article: Managing Organizational Complexity: It's A... - 3 views

This was a very interesting article using the short/long flow of biological systems. The most alarming fact to me was the concurrence that branching patterns of nurse's workflow is increasing (shor...

DNP leadership

Phyllis Wright

Shaping Humane Healthcare Systems - 2 views

The author does offer a common sense approach, and sadly to see this article was written 7 years ago reflects what little progress we have made in flattening hierarchies and including patients in...

Leadership Mission and Values

Phyllis Wright

Care Coordination - 6 views

It was interesting in this study that there were not statistical improvements between the two units, specifically pointing to lower costs of care and and quality outcomes. Also telling was the last...


Phyllis Wright

Wall Street Journal Article: May Take: Chasing the Vision of Safe, High -Quality, Effec... - 3 views

For our informatics folks, this is a great "so what" article. Improving analytics and giving one a synopsis of care is truly meaningful, however from the clinical improvement perspective, perhaps w...

Leadership Information Technology EHR MU


The habits of an improver: Thinking about learning for improvement in health care. - 0 views

    "At a time of heightened interest in education and training, this paper offers curriculum designers and all those providing initial or continuing professional development a new way of thinking about education for improvement."
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