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Contents contributed and discussions participated by lauraellenprado


Companies Try to Escape Health Law's Penalties - 3 views

    With companies set to face fines next year for not complying with the new mandate to offer health insurance, some are pursuing strategies like enrolling employees in Medicaid to avoid penalties and hold down costs. This is the first sentence in the WSJ article that published on 10/21/14. It also discusses how some employers are adopting bare bones insurance plans, changing their work force to part time to minimize those needed to be covered or accepting the fines for not covering their employers.

Leadership class: Article on how to create culture for improved patient safety - 3 views

started by lauraellenprado on 25 Oct 14 no follow-up yet
  • lauraellenprado
    Auer, C., Schwendimann,R., Koch, R., DeGeest, S., Ausserhofer, D. (2014). How hospital leaders contribute to patient safety through the development of trust. The Journal of Nursing Administration. 44:1 pp23-39

    A survey given to European nurses working in a hospital showed an positive relationship of support for patient safety from hospital managers and the increased perception of safety and trust in hospital management by the nurses of the hospital. This study was done with the knowledge that most errors occur because of system failures rather than due to individuals lack of concern. This concern for patient safety is done through a blame free culture, active participation of management on the floors, open communication and and feedback.

Evidence based tool for Triage - 9 views

DNP leadership projects triage evidence based obstetrical
started by ebiscone on 10 Oct 14 no follow-up yet

Nurse practitioner and physician assistant scope of practice in 118 acute care hospital... - 3 views

    Interesting article comparing NP and PA's in the input setting and how they functioned. Each was rated by the medical officers and nurse managers. Each had strengths and weakness.

Nursing students and learning - 7 views

started by lauraellenprado on 26 Sep 14 no follow-up yet
  • lauraellenprado
    An article discussing results of a questionnaire given to nursing students regarding learning styles.

    Hallin, K. (2014). Nursing students at a university - A study about learning style
    preferences. Nurse Educ Today. doi: 10.1016/j.nedt.2014.04.001
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