/DNP Collaborative Projects/Journal of Nursing Administration Article: Advancing the Evolution of Healthcare: Information Technology in a Person-Focused Population Health Model
Journal of Nursing Administration Article: Advancing the Evolution of Healthcare: Information Technology in a Person-...- 2 views
George Velianoff, PhD, RN, AACHE, ANEF, the author of this article makes the point that a "robust information systems with the capabilities to push information and provide valid analytics and decision support utilizing point-of-care data are required to achieve a complex, person-centered, lifetime-focused model." This is necessary as systems adjust to comply with the Affordable Care Act; health systems transformation which evaluates Triple Aim outcomes. Data collected on the population being served can provide real time feedback which impacts individuals. He provides useful schematics to depict the population health model, person- focused framework and access points. First steps in movement towards obtaining the data desired is to define what is the evidence desired for best practices, documentation to be obtained at point-of-care, data entry and how information will be gathered. Example of diabetes is provided. IS must support the complex model of care.
The author is an Executive, Cerner Corporation so the information could be biased although he doesn't reference Cerner specific products.
The information is useful as IS is not my expertise and vitally important to tracking outcomes. It is particularly relevant to my Case Study bc IS platform, as pointed out in the article, pulls together what is taking place in a complex system (including multidisciplinary care) and allows the opportunity to analyze outcomes and adjust in real time.
Velianoff, G.D. (2014) Advancing the evolution of healthcare: information technology in a person-focused population health model
After reading this article, I do agree this is the utopia in which we would all like to exist; however, until we can place these system interfaces together, then even the models the author cites can not be implemented. Being compliant with HIPAA, and developing the secure system interfaces that will allow the robust sharing of data among providers, pharmacies, patients, social workers etc appears to be huge barriers to successful implementation. Discovering the basic why and working on that fix may yield more in the future that developing the how.
The author is an Executive, Cerner Corporation so the information could be biased although he doesn't reference Cerner specific products.
The information is useful as IS is not my expertise and vitally important to tracking outcomes. It is particularly relevant to my Case Study bc IS platform, as pointed out in the article, pulls together what is taking place in a complex system (including multidisciplinary care) and allows the opportunity to analyze outcomes and adjust in real time.
Velianoff, G.D. (2014) Advancing the evolution of healthcare: information technology in a person-focused population health model