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Patient Safety and ED Census - 4 views

ED Safety Quality Care Wait Time Triage

started by ebiscone on 26 Sep 14
  • ebiscone
    A retrospective study that finds the number of patients simultaneously present in an ED is a moderate predictor of unsafe waiting times. The authors conclude that it would be beneficial to look for other causes of unsafe waiting times, as well as devise system wide strategies for adaptation when the ED census is high.

    Bergs, J., Verelst, S., Gillet, J., Deboutte, P., Vandoren, C., Vandijck, C. (2014). The number of patients simultaneously present at the emergency department as an indicator of unsafe waiting times: A receiver operated curve-based evaluation. International Emergency Nursing. 22(4): 185-189. DOI: 10.1016/j.ienj.2014.01.002

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