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Steve Ransom

ASCD Express 6.26 - Media Use Among U.S. Children: Where Are the Books? - 2 views

    "white youth consume an average of 8.5 hours of media content and black, Hispanic, and Asian youth each consume about 13 hours...But when asked how much time they spent using computers for schoolwork, the rates ranged from 16 to 20 minutes a day, according to the study."
Martin Burrett

Change4Life teaching resources help pupils cut back on sugar - 7 views

    "New Change4Life teaching resources will support teachers to use English and Maths lessons to help children cut back on sugar. This comes as Public Health England (PHE) reveals the average 10 year old has already consumed at least 18 years' worth of sugar.[1] While children's sugar intakes have declined slightly in recent years, they are still consuming around eight extra sugar cubes each day[2], equivalent to around 2,800 excess sugar cubes per year."
Betty Powell

Animal Games for Kids - Kids Corner - Sheppard Software - 0 views

    Animal games for kids. Lear about producers and consumers, the food chain, animal diets, habitats, endangered species and much more by playing the games at this website.
Florence Dujardin

Looking to the future: M-learning with the iPad - 1 views

    Might Apple's new iPad gain unprecedented traction in education, or is just another example of the over-hyping of new devices in a time of technological determinism (Postman, 2000)? This paper explores the potential affordances and limitations of the Apple iPad in the wider context of emergent mobile learning theory, and the social and economic drivers that fuel technology development. Against the background of effective teaching and learning, the functionality offered by the iPad, and its potential uses for learning, are discussed. A critical review of the way the iPad may support learning, that draws on learning theory, contemporary articles and e-learning literature, suggests that the device may offer an exciting platform for consuming and creating content in a collaborative, interactive way. However, of greater importance is that effective, evidence-driven, innovative practices, combined with a clear-sighted assessment of the advantages and limitations of any product, should take priority over the device itself.
Margaret FalerSweany

Living With Less. A Lot Less. - - 17 views

  • Somehow this stuff ended up running my life, or a lot of it; the things I consumed ended up consuming me. My circumstances are unusual (not everyone gets an Internet windfall before turning 30), but my relationship with material things isn’t.
Mr. Mohan

The Cost of Saving Lives in Bangladesh - Ben W. Heineman Jr. - The Atlantic - 13 views

  • if real reform is to occur on the ground, hard, complex questions must be asked and answered
    • Mr. Mohan
      what are these questions in your mind?
  • consumers across the globe looking for cheap prices
    • Mr. Mohan
      what is OUR responsibility?
  • global garment retailers who want the incur the lowest cost--and offer the lowest price--to compete in developed markets but who do not want to be complicit in publicized worker tragedies in developing markets
  • ...19 more annotations...
  • $38 dollars per month
  • whether Bangladesh has the means to enforce such laws
  • International Labor Organization
  • Inadequate government is a huge obstacle to change
  • only about one percent of Bangladesh garment factories have good standards.
  • garment factory owners are willing to allow workers to organize in unions or associations in order to have a voice in health and safety conditions
  • "who pays" and "who is accountable"
  • Approximately 60 percent of the clothing made there goes to United States or the European Union
  • there are several problems
  • standards may depend on local law
  • buyers may simply cut off the suppliers rather than helping them improve their practices
  • global buyers simply leave the country when they conclude that conditions are so bad
  • question then becomes whether international buyers are willing to go beyond imposition of standards and supplier cut offs and to pay, in some form, for the undetermined costs
  • actually implementing major substantive change
  • significant challenge in a weak state like Bangladesh.
  • Can a robust consumer movement arise among those shopping for discount clothing in response to the Bangladesh building collapse?
  • What are the standards? What is the cost? Who is accountable?
  • drawn an analogy between the collapse of the Rana Plaza in the Bangladesh Capital of Dhaka and the 1911 Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire in New York which claimed 146 lives
  • Rana Plaza catastrophe represents a more complicated set of fractured global relationships, responsibilities and financial capabilities.
Nigel Coutts

Beyond consumer based ICT - The Learner's Way - 23 views

    There is a change taking place in how schools approach ICT, one that has been coming for some time but is at the point of moving into the mainstream. A subtle but powerful shift that sees ICT build connections with the Maker Movement as a tool for solving what Bronwyn Moreton speaking at the ICT Educators of NSW conference describes as the 'I wish it would . . .' moment where a learner discovers that their technology doesn't do everything they wished it would.
Maureen Greenbaum

What It Takes to Move From 'Passive' to 'Active' Tech Use in K-12 Schools - Education Week - 51 views

  • U.S. Department of Education's new National Education Technology Plan, which places a premium on closing the so-called "digital-use divide." In the modern era, the plan says, schools must ensure "all students understand how to use technology as a tool to engage in creative, productive, lifelong learning rather than simply consuming passive content."
  • In other words, students should be making things and connecting with others and exploring the world, rather than staring at screens.
  • "In my class, each child decides what it is they want to work on,"
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • values and beliefs embedded in Craft's classroom projects—student agency, real-world problem solving, hands-on building and experimentation and creation, collaboration with peers and others, working for an audience outside their own classroom, and using technology as a means rather than an end—are what the experts are looking for.
  • students should be creating something, not consuming something.
  • ow educators can make that happen, South said, is by offering students choices in how they get to show what they know.
  • what does passive technology use look like? Why is it a problem
  • "digital divide" emerging, one that is more about how education technology is used than about who has access to it.
Martin Burrett

Marking: Why It Doesn't Work by @guruteaching - 27 views

    It consumed every evening and at least one day of the weekend. I had no life and the cycle repeated itself every week until the summer holidays. I hated marking. Oh, and by the way, it made no difference! I was ticking and flicking, leaving comments that were far too generic and the marking often went unnoticed or unacknowledged by the students. So, I've stopped. Or at least, I've stopped doing what I was doing. Now, my marking is less frequent but makes a much greater difference to the progress of my students.
Marc Patton

WOWparts Online Store - 2 views

    We're big fans of all the latest cutting-edge consumer electronics here. We also believe that A Good Cat Deserves A Good Rat. For this reason, we specialize in selling the good value accessories.
Mark Gleeson

Nik's QuickShout: Create Instant Interactive Text Based Activities - 11 views

    Creating computer based materials can be incredibly time consuming and also very frustrating as websites and web based content can change so quickly, that's why it is always so nice to discover tools like Textivate which can enable you to create instant interactivity using almost any text you find from around the web.
Michele Brown

SlideTalk - turn your presentations into engaging talking videos - 83 views

    "Share your powerpoint presentations, eLearning content, business presentations and tutorials as engaging talking videos, by using high-quality and multilingual text-to-speech technology, with no need for expensive and time-consuming voice recordings. "
Mark Gleeson

Overview | Pew Internet & American Life Project - 29 views

    Interesting discussion of survey results regarding the impact of digital tools on writing. The question for me is: what is making the greater impact the digital tool or our progress in adapting our writing curriculum to match the current state of how language is presented to and consumed by our students?
Marc Patton

Best Remote Desktop App | Access Computer from iPad | Splashtop - 47 views

    Splashtop aspires to touch people's lives by delivering the best-in-class remote desktop experience - bridging tablets, phones, computers and TVs. Splashtop technology empowers consumer and business users with high-performance, secure, interactive access to their favorite applications, media content and files anytime, anywhere.
Steve Kelly

Project Look Sharp :: K-12 & Higher Ed. Media Literacy Lesson Plans :: Ithaca College - 30 views

    This looks like a promising resource for getting students to think critically about the media they consume...
Lara Kessler

Alliance to Save Energy | Consumers | Kids - 0 views

    A great site about what other kids are doing to become more eco-friendly and energy effecient at homes and schools.
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