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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Cathy Stutzman

Cathy Stutzman

Teaching with Twitter - 71 views

    Steve Wheeler's blog. He gives a list of ideas for effective Twitter use in the classroom. 
Cathy Stutzman

Teaching and Learning in the Digital Age - 101 views

    This blog has tons of resources for using technology to teach content/skills in every subject area. Badenhorst gives advice as well as links to samples and how-to guides.
Cathy Stutzman

Op-Ed Columnist - The New Untouchables - - 20 views

  • “Our education failure is the largest contributing factor to the decline of the American worker’s global competitiveness, particularly at the middle and bottom ranges,”
  • But those who have the ability to imagine new services, new opportunities and new ways to recruit work were being retained. They are the new untouchables.
  • Those with the imagination to make themselves untouchables — to invent smarter ways to do old jobs, energy-saving ways to provide new services, new ways to attract old customers or new ways to combine existing technologies — will thrive.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • the right education
  • So our schools have a doubly hard task now — not just improving reading, writing and arithmetic but entrepreneurship, innovation and creativity.
    Article about public education and its role in fixing our economy through the teaching of entrepreneurship, innovation and creativity. 
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