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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Mr. Carver

New Year New Classes - 21 views

started by Mr. Carver on 14 Sep 09 no follow-up yet

Education Week: Research Shows Evolving Picture of E-Education - 0 views

  • Research shows that virtual schooling can be as good as, or better than, classes taught in person in brick-and-mortar schools
  • But that broad conclusion, which comes mainly from a couple of research syntheses published in 2001 and 2004, masks a lot of variation in the designs of online classes and in who takes them
  • to figure out under what conditions, what scenarios, in what content areas, and with what students.”
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • draw students at the extremes of the academic spectrum
  • high-performing students tend to be younger,
  • the best academic records in online classes tend to be in that high-ability group
  • adaptive-intelligence technology
  • “more a matter of learning style.”
  • “Whether that’s 24-hour technical support, tutorial support, parental vigilance, or face-to-face site coordinators or mentors,”
    • Mr. Carver
      Probably the most important thought in the whole aritcle. Technology (as with anything) is useless on its own. Support needs to be there.
  • “You pay attention to what’s going on,” she says, “and you respond to them as individuals.”
    • Mr. Carver
      Isn't that a standard practice of good teaching?
  • But research has far to go to identify exactly what factors make an online course effective.

The rise of the Digital Refuseniks - Newspaper Tree El Paso - 0 views

    Refusenik is a good term for those who refuse to integrate technology. Luddite is another good term.

What Arne Duncan Thinks of No Child Left Behind - US News and World Report - 0 views

  • the problem by developing better tests.
    • Mr. Carver
      So apparently they are not going to revise much, just change the company writing the tests.

SecEd | Features | Teaching parents technology - 0 views

  • A survey by Becta found that 95 per cent of parents think that the effective use of technology can help their children to learn, while 77 per cent of parents think that using technology well can help engage their children in difficult subjects. Parents are the key to achievement.
  • parental involvement diminishes as the child gets older. While this is a natural part of growing up, parents can continue to play a strong role in their child’s education and development at school and it has been shown that this has a significant impact on attainment
  • online reporting
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • online reporting:
  • By making it as easy as possible to see information about their child, it can encourage some parents to become more involved, and by changing the attitudes of parents, the whole school can benefit.
  • joined forces with the North East e-Learning Foundation to develop a Computers in Homes scheme.
  • Members of the local community can now visit the school’s drop-in cyber cafe and music recording studio after school, at weekends and during the holidays.
  • ‘wireless cloud’, providing blanket internet connectivity to the local area
  • Parents are rightly concerned about e-safety. The best way to protect children is to teach them how to use the internet safely.
  • they have also set up a Saturday morning club.

[Help needed] Diigo V3.5 closed alpha testing - 21 views

started by Maggie Tsai on 24 Mar 09 no follow-up yet

Text Note Suggestion - 79 views

started by Matthew Clobridge on 23 Dec 08 no follow-up yet
  • Mr. Carver
    Along the lines of research I think have any bookmark or annotation come with a citation. If you copy into notebook programs (like Google NoteBook and OneNote) the citation comes with it. The temptation for straight plagarism is high with this type of annotation.

    Matthew Clobridge wrote:
    > It would be nice if students were able to add a simple text "bookmark" independent of a web site. We still want to teach students research from print material. If they had the ability to enter the notes from their print-based research to the same location that they bookmarked the websites they used it would make things much easier. No more bookmarks in Diigo or another platform as well as a separate notebook for print resources -- everything can be one place.
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