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Brianna Crowley

What's Right With Our Schools? - Rick Hess Straight Up - Education Week - 44 views

    Third grade teacher and Arkansas Teacher of the Year Justin Minkel writes about how we empower every student and every teacher in our school communities to recognize his/her strengths and share them with the community. Powerful and inspiring!
Brianna Crowley

Professor: Why Teach For America can't recruit in my classroom - 64 views

    "[TFA] use[s] teaching in high-poverty areas as a stepping stone to a career in business."
Brianna Crowley

This Year's MetLife Survey: Good News for Teacherpreneurs | transformED - 34 views

    How can education stem the rising tide of teacher dissatisfaction? Recent MetLife survey states it is down 23% since 2008. This post has some ideas. 
Brianna Crowley

Me! Me! Me! (And My Issues) - Teacher in a Strange Land - Education Week Teacher - 2 views

    This article questions why teachers do not proclaim their expertise in a way that causes those in power to listen. Why do we not take pride in our accomplishments and accolades?
Brianna Crowley

Education Week: Why I Left Teaching - 88 views

  • There is a difference between learning and education. Learning is a slow, disciplined process, while education is about producing results.
  • I believe I will be happier for having quit teaching. I will make more money. I will have more time. I will no longer sacrifice myself for the sake of others' children. I would like to go back someday when the system finally figures out how lucky it is that people are so dedicated to teaching.
    This is sad but so true in many places. We need to revive the profession in ways like suggested in the book Teaching 2030. 
Brianna Crowley

Adam Kirk Edgerton: Why I Quit Teaching - 53 views

  • Who orders books? A classroom teacher. Who writes the curriculum? A classroom teacher. Who handles discipline? A classroom teacher.
  • Evaluations are done by peers, and the tools are developed by teachers. Teachers are hired by other teachers. There are no outside consultants, no central office administrators, and no superintendents.
  • Let it be the person who pays the electrical bill, who makes sure everyone gets paid, who is a sounding board for teachers. Let it be someone who still has to lesson plan, grade and walk in front of a room of children every day and figure out what's best for them, one day at a time.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • If we continue to treat our teachers like children, what will become of our children?
  • given leadership positions while remaining in the classroom for their entire careers.
  • I quit teaching because I was tired of feeling powerless. Tired of watching would-be professionals treated as children, infantilized into silence. Tired of the machine that turns art into artifice for the sake of test scores. Tired of being belittled, disrespected and looked down upon by lawyers, politicians, and decision-makers who see teaching as the province of provincials, the work of housewives that can be done by anyone.
    "If we continue to treat our teachers like children, what will become of our children?" Although this article is very confrontational, it does offer some solution-focused thinking. Teachers should be pushing our profession in these ways--prompting dialogue and debate among our communities and our faculties. 
Brianna Crowley

Education Week: Job Roles Shifting for Districts' Central Offices - 1 views

  • Mr. Nadelstern recently wrote a paper for the University of Washington center on how New York created networks of autonomous schools. He said rather than fight the heterogeneous practices taking place behind closed doors at schools, central-office administrators should embrace them. "The people closest to the kids in the classroom—the principal, the teachers in consultation with parents—are the best people to make decisions," he said.
  • "It's a value for us not to get caught up in one school type as being preferable to another," she said. "We try to focus not on the differences between these schools but the similar goals."
Brianna Crowley

Transforming Teaching - Rick Hess Straight Up - Education Week - 0 views

  • Teachers around the country embrace accountability when it comes with the equivalent authority in decision making.
  • For us, "accountability" doesn't simply mean counting test scores - and "autonomy" definitely does not mean that teachers get to close their doors and do what they want.
  • Real change will come teacher by teacher.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • We must redefine accountability as relational rather than numerical. Accountability isn't about the numbers we achieve on a test. Real accountability is accepting the trust the public has in America's teachers and embracing our professional and individual responsibility for student learning and well-being.
Brianna Crowley

Teachers Can Do Harm | transformED - 51 views

  • Teaching is a professional craft. Thinking that any high-scoring college student could come in and excel demeans it as a profession. No one would consider letting smart English majors perform surgery on low-income patients, or allowing cum laude math majors to do legal work for poor clients.
  • Stuffing under-prepared rookies’ ears with confidence and sending them into the fray doesn’t have a net neutral impact on our students or our national conversation on education.
    Teaching is a professional craft. Thinking that any high-scoring college student could come in and excel demeans it as a profession. No one would consider letting smart English majors perform surgery on low-income patients, or allowing cum laude math majors to do legal work for poor clients.
Brianna Crowley

Hot Button Issue: What is "fair" in teacher evaluation? | CTQ - 73 views

    A collection resources by teacher writers and educational policy experts on the controversial topic of teacher evaluation.
Brianna Crowley

Trance Encounters - Michelle Rhee is Wrong - 68 views

    After Michelle Rhee posted a completely misleading op-ed in the Seattle Times, this teacher (also a lawyer) dismantles the fallacies of her argument. Excellent example for AP language teachers. Essential read for ALL teachers who care about the impact of standardized testing in our schools. 
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