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Marc Patton

SIAM: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics - 0 views

    Welcome to SIAM! Applied mathematics, in partnership with computational science, is essential in solving many real-world problems. Our mission is to build cooperation between mathematics and the worlds of science and technology through our publications, research, and community.
Peter Beens

PIPEDREAMS - Seeing with New Eyes - International Perspectives on Trust and Regulation ... - 16 views

  • This year, I was asked to attend as a Canadian Teacher Representative, along with Ontario Ministry Officer, Colette Ruduck and our Ontario Deputy Minister of Education, George Zegarac.
  • the theme of “Trust and Regulation”
  • my Canadian values of equality, diversity, safety and choice
  • ...21 more annotations...
  • high degree of trust for teachers, administrators and district decision makers
  • Our regulations are meant to encourage equality and diversity, choice, opportunity, innovation – fundamental values in our society.
  • In contrast to many of the other countries represented, our Canadian context was unique in that the regulations (organizations, federations, policies, curriculum) imposed actually tie in Trust and Relationship building and partnerships as key factors to increase capacity building with a wide range of stakeholders.
  • We need our profession to be respected, which includes paying us well, treating us fairly, supporting us with resources, nurturing our learning and leadership opportunities
  • systems of education can achieve and can be highly ranked without the use of formalized testing
  • We need to feel safe to make mistakes because we too are learners, especially in a profession that is changing so drastically in the 21st Century
  • We need to feel trusted and with that, we want our skills, our education, our talents and our passions to be respected so we -together – can become the creators of our own pedagogies
  • these passionate and experienced leaders agreed that such tests don’t work when used to rate, or punish teachers
  • can even sometimes do more harm then good
  • such tests are not always authentic
  • First and foremost, teacher voice needs to be heard and respected
  • As principals, we need to empower our teachers and community
  • the importance of the teacher/principal relationship came up over and over and over
  • Trust – allows me to teach in my style, developing my own curriculum
  • I wonder if there is a correlation between that supportive, trusting principal and the fact that we have incredibly dynamic teachers here, at Van Leer from all over the globe
  • We too need to think different because change can start with us
  • We need to make our voices heard by be socially active
  • By sharing and reflecting our learning openly and even by sometimes being vulnerable and asking for help and challenging the status quo
  • we need to recognize that our learning environments are changing and are very different from how we were once trained and educated
  • We need to remind our leaders that we are not just teachers of academics but we teach the whole person
  • Many of us struggle, without supports – to help impoverished families, students with mental health disabilities, learning disabilities, students that speak a different language, large class sizes, violence, inequalities
    The conference in Jerusalem, Israel that Van Leer hosts each year  is intended to encourage professional dialogue among educators, academics, representatives of the Third Sector, and policymakers from diverse areas and places in Israel and abroad.    This year, I was asked to attend as a Canadian Teacher Representative, along with Ontario Ministry Officer, Colette Ruduck and our Ontario Deputy Minister of Education, George Zegarac. With the theme of "Trust and Regulation" at the center of our discussions, it did not take long to realize that my context, as a Canadian Educator, a parent, and a student -  was one of privilege and opportunity.
Roland Gesthuizen

Is the Internet hurting children? - - 61 views

  • The explosive growth of social media, smartphones and digital devices is transforming our kids' lives, in school and at home. Research tells us that even the youngest of our children are migrating online, using tablets and smartphones, downloading apps.
  • All adults know that the teen years are a critical time for identity exploration and experimentation. Yet this important developmental phase can be dramatically twisted when that identity experimentation, however personal and private, appears permanently on one's digital record for all to see.
  • Howard Gardner, a professor and researcher at the Harvard Graduate School of Education who developed the concept of multiple intelligences, calls kids' use of digital media and technology "epochal change." He compares the revolution in digital media to the invention of the printing press because of its extraordinary impact on the way we communicate, share information and interact with one another. As a society, we have no choice but to engage with this new reality and work to ensure that it affects our kids in healthy, responsible ways.
    'Amid the buzz over the Facebook IPO, the ever-evolving theories about how Twitter is reshaping our communications and speculation about where the next social media-enabled protest or revolution will occur, there is an important question we've largely ignored. What are the real effects of all this on the huge segment of the population most affected by social media themselves: our children and our teens?'
Enid Baines

A Fair(y) Use Tale | Center for Internet and Society - 86 views

  • A Fair(y) Use Tale
  • Professor Eric Faden of Bucknell University created this humorous, yet informative, review of copyright principles delivered through the words of the very folks we can thank for nearly endless copyright terms.
    Cute video explaining copyright using clips from Disney movies. Could be hard to follow for some students though.
Matthew Henry

An Open Letter to Students: You're the Game Changer in Next-Generation Learning (EDUCAU... - 120 views

  • I'll be blunt here. It's going to be hard for you to be heard as a credible advocate if you don't first lay down the gauntlet. That happens when you own key educational responsibilities and make the demand that if you fulfill these, you expect your claim to your core educational rights to be taken seriously. Simply put, your doing so could change the conversation completely—to one that is more literally and figuratively constructive
  • Knowing your larger purpose enables you to do what comes next.
  • Engagement means literally transforming the way you think and committing yourself to building those skill-sets you don't currently possess.
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • you have to be willing to engage at a high level.
  • Our decisions, models, and innovations should be based, first, on learning.
  • learning-centered, data-rich, high-value pathways to your educational goal
  • not using technology
  • the learning-centered progression, one-on-one mentor model ensures that students and faculty engage on learning data early and often and that both regulate learning and navigate to completion
  • We in higher education should do the work to ensure that your learning is tied to the competencies expected in these career paths.
  • because of the rate of change in industry and society, we are probably preparing you for jobs that don't exist yet and life experiences you can't anticipat
Trevor Cunningham

No, algebra isn't necessary - and yes, STEM is overrated - The Answer Sheet - The Washi... - 69 views

    He said what?!
    Not learning algebra means you have shut the door on many careers. Sure you can lead a good life without it, but you have limited yourself. Math phobics are always looking for a reason to justify/validate their choice to avoid math. Trying to make math seem irrelevant to life is a common approach. Imagine saying learning English is overrated - many get by just fine without writing or reading much of anything in their daily lives. In fact, why do we need any education?
    It's an interesting article. The writer followed it up in his blog extending similar treatment to ALL subjects. It's more a treatise in how curriculum design and the current state of the system has failed society, rather than an attack on disciplines specifically. He actually has a STEM background, mind you.
tom campbell

Name That Asteroid! | The Planetary Society - 27 views

    Under 18 - Your in luck - Name that Asteroid looks like great fun for students
Peter Beens

Learning with 'e's: Content as curriculum? - 79 views

    I love the line "Education is not life and death. It's much more important than that." Great article.
Roland Gesthuizen

International Society for Technology in Education - Blog > Words of Wisdom from a Late ... - 5 views

    When I was a kid, one of my prize possessions was a big, red Swiss Army knife. It had everything from a plastic toothpick and a spoon to a bottle opener and screwdriver. I used it for all kinds of projects, and I always had it with me just in case someone needed to pry something open or tighten something down. Today I carry a more modern multipurpose tool-the smartphone.
Bruce Gurnick

Internet Access is not a human right - 108 views

    Op Ed piece for discussion
Elliott Cady

Risk of extreme climate change accelerating | Global Climate Change Information - 29 views

  • “Recent observations confirm that, given high rates of observed emissions, the worst-case IPCC scenario trajectories (or even worse) are being realized. For many key parameters, the climate system is already moving beyond the patterns of natural variability within which our society and economy have developed and thrived.
  • (
  • worst case scenario of the IPCC-2007 (AR4) is defined as “scenario A1F1″
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • A rise of mean global temperatures above 4 or 5 degrees Celsius would shift the atmosphere to pre-glacial/interglacial conditions, which dominated the Earth from about 34 million years ago (end-Eocene) (Zachos et al., 2008)

Inform Yourself: Social Networking and You - 85 views

  • academia is just scratching the surface about the implications of social networking and what exactly it is, what it means, and how it happens
  • scholarly speculation
  • "Has social networking technology (blog-friendly phones, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) made us better or worse off as a society, either from an economic, psychological, or sociological perspective?"
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • "students were using Facebook to increase the size of their social network, and therefore their access to more information and diverse perspectives. "
  • "Powerful new technologies provide great benefits, but they also change the way we live, and not always in ways that everyone likes. An example is the spread of air conditioning, which makes us more comfortable, but those who grew up before its invention speak fondly of a time when everyone sat on the front porch and talked to their neighbors rather than going indoors to stay cool and watch TV. The declining cost of information processing and communication represents a powerful new technology, with social networking as the most recent service to be provided at modest cost. It can be expected to bring pluses and minuses."
  • social networking technologies support and enable a new model of social life, in which people’s social circles will consist of many more, but weaker, ties
  • Social networking technologies provide people with a low cost (in terms of time and effort) way of making and keeping social connections, enabling a social scenario in which people have huge numbers of diverse, but not very close, acquaintances.
    A brief look at social networking theory with interesting views of SNs and where academia are "at" with regards to the emerging field. The post is a little old (Aug 2010) but much is still relevant and the link through to the Freakonomics blog is worthwhile following.
    I'm not sure how the connection between social networking and Chritianity will fit in a school environment.
Tricia Rodriguez

Education Week: Publishers Turn to Cloud Computing to Offer Digital Content - 47 views

  • struggling to strike a balance between print and digital curricula for students, textbook publishers are taking to the cloud to house new digital resources and curricula.
    • Tricia Rodriguez
      Just as with "hybrid education" schools must find a way to balance the types of resources we are providing our students. Funding is key here as well as the consideration of sustainability. 
  • cloud computing
  • dip their toes into
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • lack of resources
  • nformation and power available from servers hosted by a separate, off-site entity
  • bandwidth and hardware support,
  • cloud-based textbook is stored on the Internet by servers not operated by school districts themselves
  • Web 2.0 forma
  • start discussions with each other about the content, complete interactive assessments and activities, and search Google or Wikipedia for further information.
    • Tricia Rodriguez
      Students are able to interact with the content and not act as passive consumers. This is key as the classroom struggles to catch up with the true status of society.
  • [Cinch]
    • Tricia Rodriguez
      In actuality, this publishers has provided a CMS embedded with their curriculum. This is probably where text-book providers will need to move to in order to stay competitive. 
  • upgraded its online bandwidth
Tracy Tuten

The Irascible Professor on "The SAT that isn't (the death of aptitude.)" - 2 views

  • It used to be that the SAT was distinguished from its competitor the ACT by the fact that the former was seen as measuring aptitude and being effectively un-coachable, while the latter was a gauge of achievement in learning.
  • At the risk of sounding pejorative, I'd say that I was expecting the test to be a measure of who I was, while some of my fellow students and their parents treated it more as a test of how they could present themselves to admissions officers.  And while I wouldn't suggest that people tend to think of it in these terms, I believe that the latter perception relies on the academically damaging belief that an individual student's capabilities need not matter to what goals he sets for himself.  That perception leads people to believe that there is something inherently unfair about a test that you can't study for.
  • And if after four years of high school they haven't developed much skill for reasoning, that's okay – they can take preparatory courses to learn how to fake it for an exam, and let that be their stepping stone toward academic accomplishment.  As a society that values the promise of formal education more than the satisfaction of actual learning, we have precipitated the death of aptitude.  We are afraid to acknowledge that it exists, because aptitude, whether the product of inborn talent or effective rearing, makes some people better suited than others for certain goals.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Lori Gottlieb, writing in The Atlantic last year, claimed that child-rearing in the current generation has been excessively focused on preserving self-esteem.  As an illustration of one symptom of this, Gottlieb quoted clinical psychologist Wendy Mogel as saying that parents are actually relieved to be told that their struggling children are learning disabled, so that today "every child is either learning disabled, gifted, or both – there's no curve left, no average."  To claim a learning disability is the only way to set legitimate lower benchmarks for performance.  Kids are never just bad at anything anymore, because that's seen as being more harmful to self-esteem.
  • But my worries about the individual effects of the death of aptitude are dwarfed by my concern for its effect on the institutions of higher learning that those individuals are entering.  College is not a one-directional relationship of dispensing knowledge to young people.  The entire institution gains or loses value on the basis of what its students put into it.  By telling students with low aptitude and low interest that they can, should, and must strive to accomplish the same things as their higher-achieving peers, I fear that we're saturating higher education with people who subtract value from their institutions by committing minimum effort and lowering whatever curve still exists for the measurement of performance.
  • We all seem to agree that standards for college readiness need to improve, but you'll hear virtually no one asserting that when those standards are not met, the student ought to leave off college altogether, or to defer it until they have acquired, by sheer will or by natural intellectual growth, the aptitude to be successful at the proper level.  Indeed, just as common in criticism of education is the sentiment that we must see to it that more children enter and complete college.  But if those children don't have the aptitude to do so, the goal of improving college curriculum contradicts the goal of college-for-all.
  • We can't keep pretending that there is no such thing as aptitude and that every child has equal cause to vie for the topmost positions of intellectual esteem.  It does a disservice to the student and the school in kind.
    An essay on what the SAT says about society's view of education, accomplishments, aptitude, and self-esteem. 
Roland Gesthuizen

Step 1: give every kid a laptop. Step 2: learning begins? - 16 views

  • The state program works with teachers to change their lesson plans appropriately; the goal is to get students to think critically and engage with all subjects through creative work. "Since our beginnings, we've always looked at notions of creation," Mao said. "It's not about consumption of content, it's about the creation of knowledge."
  • making a laptop program effective is only 10 or 20 percent about the hardware itself, with the rest being about making sure the teachers know how to use them and how to lead students to proper learning goals
  • Bolting old lesson plans to new computers will do little, but future programs with strong teacher buy-in and excellent institutional support have the potential to do much more.
    Countries considering "one-to-one" laptop programs might also compare the OLPC experiences to a different program in Maine. At present, this northeastern state distributes a MacBook to every middle school student and to about half of high school students, for a total of over 70,000 laptops.

Display Content Printable Version - 33 views

  • old by Governor Harrison to place his faith in the good intentions of the United States, Tecumseh offers a bitter retort.
    • adler71
      A retort is a response. 
  • revitalize their societies so that they can regain life as a unified people and put an end to legalized land grabs.
    • adler71
      Revitalize.. .To bring back to life What does it mean to  regain life as a unified people? 
  • You wish to prevent the Indians from doing as we wish them
    • adler71
      You wish... Tecumseh is talking to Governor Harrison. 
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • unite and let them consider their lands as the common property of the whole.
    • adler71
      This is showing what Tecumseh wants to happen. 
  • ou take the tribes aside and advise them not to come into this measure.... You want by your distinctions of Indian tribes, in allotting to each a particular, to make them war with each other.
    • adler71
      What strategy is the United States taking to gain the tribes land? 
  • ou are continually driving the red people, when at last you will drive them onto the great lake
    • adler71
      What is happening to the tribes? What choices do they have?
  • endeavored
    • adler71
      Endeavored: Work to do something. 
  • this land that was sold, and the goods that was given for it, was only done by a few.
    • adler71
      Who are the people selling the land? What is the problem with this? 
  • If you continue to purchase them, it will make war among the different tribes,
    • adler71
      Why will the tribes fight amongst each other? 
  • If you will not give up the land and do cross the boundary of our present settlement, it will be very hard, and produce great trouble between us.
    • adler71
      What is Tecumseh asking Governor Harrison to do? 
  • the only way to stop this evil is for the red men to unite in claiming a common and equal right in the land,
    • adler71
      How will the tribes (red men) make improve their lives? 
    Use the prompts to help you summarize what is happening. 
Thieme Hennis

MOOCs: The cutting announcement of the wrong revolution | betrokken wetenschap - 27 views

  • A critical assessment of mainstream of higher education reveals that universities spent most energy on delivery of knowledge. Application of knowledge is dominated by ‘near transfer’, which means that students learn to give practical examples of theoretical concepts. ‘Far transfer’ originates from the analysis and solving of real problems, without prior exposure to cues regarding relevant knowledge. It occurs in Schools that deploy problem- or project-based learning. Exchange of codified and practical knowledge is absent in general. It might take place during internships, but projects outside the university are better and moreover, they offer opportunity for integration with other learning processes.
  • A balanced and integrated approach of the three learning processes mentioned above is occurring in only few universities. Elsewhere, students learn (and forget) lots of knowledge, have only limited experience with the application of knowledge and are ignorant of the clash between codified and practical knowledge. Consequently, the majority of our universities are disavowing their main goal, the development of ‘readiness for society’. It is this verdict that justifies a revolution in higher education.
    interesting comments about different types of transfer, and the role of MOOCs.
tom campbell

Education Resources: K-12 | The Center for Contemplative Mind in Society - 3 views

    Mindfulness resources for K-12 educators
Andrew McCluskey

Every scholarly article archived online | - 51 views

    Perma is a new archival project being undertaken by "some of the most prestigious institutions in the country" who are "taking efforts to create a new, permanent archive of scholarly work online."
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