IP Reports - 50 views
also meant to protect the rights of users in order to promote creativity, innovation, and the spread of knowledge
not on how much of a piece of copyrighted work that we use, but instead on the ways in which we use it.
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from NCTE's Monthly Intellectual Property Reports, Troy Hicks writes: "In November 2008, educators were introduced to the "Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for Media Literacy Education," and our concept of how to deal with copyright issues in the classroom has, literally, been transformed. As the official policy of NCTE related to fair use in the teaching of English, it is a document worth our attention as students learn to comprehend and compose texts utilizing a variety of forms of media."
After creating same-gender classes, boys' test scores on rise at Chandler school - 15 views
Connect your classroom to the world | Skype in the classroom - 86 views
connect with classes from around the world
Social Network for teachers looking to connect with classrooms around the globe.
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Social Network for teachers looking to connect with classrooms around the globe.
Digital citizenship reinforcement: Use live synchronous video interaction rather than hiding behind text.
Mass New Literacies Institute - 1 views
Why schools must move beyond 'one-to-one computing' | eSchool News - 114 views
Adding a digital device to the classroom without a fundamental change in the culture of teaching and learning will not lead to significant improvement.
The planning considerations now evolve from questions about technical capacity to a vision of limitless opportunities for learning.
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From Farm to Table | Orion Magazine - 23 views
“Farmers’ markets aren’t sexy anymore
What we need is a system of local “food hubs” that can process and bundle local foods and deliver them to the places where America eats.
Perhaps the only thing all these food hubs share is a conviction that there is value in preserving regional identity, artisanal character, and sustainable practices—in saving some products from the great meat grinder of industrial food distribution.
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Publish your own newspaper - 153 views
A useful site that lets you create newspapers with templates. Just type your text, paste your picture and print. http://ictmagic.wikispaces.com/English
Persuasive texts - 121 views
Building Attention Span - The New York Times - 75 views
ou toggle over to check your phone during even the smallest pause in real life. You feel those phantom vibrations even when no one is texting you. You have trouble concentrating for long periods.
Online life is so delicious
You live in a state of perpetual anticipation because the next social encounter is just a second way.
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12 Of The Best Vocabulary Apps For Middle & High School Students - - 65 views
The AWL (Academic Word List) was developed by Averil Coxhead at the world renowned School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies at Victoria Univ. of Wellington, New Zealand. The list of words were selected because they appear with great frequency in a broad range of academic texts.
Response: Advice From The "Book Whisperer," Ed Week Readers & Me About Teaching Reading... - 1 views
Other ways I encourage these kinds of discussions includes having students choose their own groupings and books for independent book "clubs" and using the Web as a vehicle to create audio and/or video "book trailers."
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