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Jennifer Clark Evans

IP Reports - 50 views

  • copyright
  • also meant to protect the rights of users in order to promote creativity, innovation, and the spread of knowledge
  • not on how much of a piece of copyrighted work that we use, but instead on the ways in which we use it.
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  • fair use requires judgment.
    • Jennifer Clark Evans
      which is why it is so crucial to examine in our classrooms-helping our students develop fair judgment when using technoligies.
  • if the user “transforms” the material in some way, repurposing it in a new media composition, for instance, then fair use likely applies.
  • or did it just repeat the work for the same intent and value as the original?
  • Students’ use of copyrighted material should not be a substitute for creative effort.
    from NCTE's Monthly Intellectual Property Reports, Troy Hicks writes: "In November 2008, educators were introduced to the "Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for Media Literacy Education," and our concept of how to deal with copyright issues in the classroom has, literally, been transformed. As the official policy of NCTE related to fair use in the teaching of English, it is a document worth our attention as students learn to comprehend and compose texts utilizing a variety of forms of media."
Trevor Cunningham

Connect your classroom to the world | Skype in the classroom - 86 views

  • connect with classes from around the world
    • Nancy White
      Exciting new way to find teachers and classrooms to connect with!
    • Joan Joan
      Let's see next year!
    Social Network for teachers looking to connect with classrooms around the globe.
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    "Skype in the classroom is a free community to help teachers everywhere use Skype to help their students learn. It's a place for teachers to connect with each other, find partner classes and share inspiration. This is a global initiative that was created in response to the growing number of teachers using Skype in their classrooms."
    Social Network for teachers looking to connect with classrooms around the globe.
    Digital citizenship reinforcement: Use live synchronous video interaction rather than hiding behind text.
Susanna Livingston

yolink - About yolink: the Web's finest find tool - 102 views

    Great tool for teaching students how to become efficient online researchers! Download the installation guide, sign up for webinars, check out minilessons... Don't pass this one up!
Jennie Snyder

Why schools must move beyond 'one-to-one computing' | eSchool News - 114 views

  • Adding a digital device to the classroom without a fundamental change in the culture of teaching and learning will not lead to significant improvement.
  • “one-to-world.”
  • The planning considerations now evolve from questions about technical capacity to a vision of limitless opportunities for learning.
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  • As soon as you shift from “one-to-one” to “one-to-world,” it changes the focus of staff development from technical training to understanding how to design assignments that are more empowering—and engage students in a learning community with 24-hour support.
  • learning how to manage the transition from a learning ecology where paper is the dominant technology for storing and retrieving information, to a world that is all digital, all the time.
  • Leaders must be given the training to: Craft a clear vision of connecting all students to the world’s learning resources. Model the actions and behaviors they wish to see in their schools. Support the design of an ongoing and embedded staff development program that focuses on pedagogy as much as technology. Move in to the role of systems analyst to ensure that digital literacy is aligned with standards. Ensure that technology is seen not as another initiative, but as integral to curriculum.
  • In a one-to-world approach, the critical question is not, “What technology should we buy?” The more important questions revolve around the design of the culture of teaching and learning.
  • t’s essential to craft a vision that giving every student a digital device must lead to achievements beyond what we can accomplish with paper.
    Thoughtful article by ed-tech consultant, Alan November. 

From Farm to Table | Orion Magazine - 23 views

  • “Farmers’ markets aren’t sexy anymore
    • bheath
      Read on and tell me why Farmers markets have failed to advance the sustainable and local food movement.
  • What we need is a system of local “food hubs” that can process and bundle local foods and deliver them to the places where America eats.
  • Perhaps the only thing all these food hubs share is a conviction that there is value in preserving regional identity, artisanal character, and sustainable practices—in saving some products from the great meat grinder of industrial food distribution.
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  • Some simply bundle the produce of multiple small farms to reach the consistent volumes and product diversity required to supply local markets. Some are purely virtual marketplaces that allow chefs to find available produce from regional farms and buy it directly. Some have a social mission to not only bring foods to underprivileged neighborhoods but to increase food literacy as well, or to guarantee fair prices to farms and farmworkers. And some specialize in incubating new producers like Pete
  • See an audio slide show about the Mad River Food Hub at the Reimagining Infrastructure series homepage,
Martin Burrett

Publish your own newspaper - 153 views

    A useful site that lets you create newspapers with templates. Just type your text, paste your picture and print.
Sharin Tebo

Building Attention Span - The New York Times - 75 views

  • ou toggle over to check your phone during even the smallest pause in real life. You feel those phantom vibrations even when no one is texting you. You have trouble concentrating for long periods.
    • Sharin Tebo
      This is a connection for me to the technology and devices article we read today and did a quotation mingle around during our Disciplinary Literacy Institute. No kidding that we get a shot of dopamine or 'high' when our phone goes ding, or it vibrates. 
  • Online life is so delicious
  • You live in a state of perpetual anticipation because the next social encounter is just a second way.
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  • xpert online gamers have a great capacity for short-term memory, to process multiple objects simultaneously, to switch flexibly between tasks and to quickly process rapidly presented information.
  • Fluid intelligence
    • Sharin Tebo
      I've never heard this before!
  • Research at the University of Oslo and elsewhere suggests that people read a printed page differently than they read off a screen. They are more linear, more intentional, less likely to multitask or browse for keywords.
  • Crystallized intelligence
    • Sharin Tebo
      Something else i have never heard of.
  • Crystallized intelligence accumulates over the years and leads ultimately to understanding and wisdom.
    • Sharin Tebo
      So maybe this kind of intelligence, then, is the "learning is a consequence of thinking"?
Katie McClintic

12 Of The Best Vocabulary Apps For Middle & High School Students - - 65 views

  • The AWL (Academic Word List) was developed by Averil Coxhead at the world renowned School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies at Victoria Univ. of Wellington, New Zealand. The list of words were selected because they appear with great frequency in a broad range of academic texts.

Digital Note Taking Strategies That Deepen Student Thinking | MindShift | KQED News - 57 views

    • nancysylaprany
      The power of the search feature in your own notes.
    • nancysylaprany
      Yes, I have found this feature in Evernote increasingly important. Where I can easily type my own notes, add links, video, images and audio.
    • nancysylaprany
      Yes, I have found this feature in Evernote increasingly important. Where I can easily type my own notes, add links, video, images and audio.

Is the digital divide entirely different from what we think it is? | eSchool News - 40 views

    digital divide,
    This is a great illustration of why students need to be creators in order to truly build their digital literacy.
Chad Evans

Response: Advice From The "Book Whisperer," Ed Week Readers & Me About Teaching Reading... - 1 views

    • Chad Evans
      Highlighting text is really easy with Diigo. And adding a sticky note is very simple is well. It can be made private or shared with groups of people who are working with the same document
  • Other ways I encourage these kinds of discussions includes having students choose their own groupings and books for independent book "clubs" and using the Web as a vehicle to create audio and/or video "book trailers."
    • Chad Evans
      From a technology end, our kids are beginning to do more and more with tools like voicethread, animoto, imovie, etc. Digital storytelling is a great way for students to be creative, share insights and show what they know and can do. 
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  • One facet of our reading instruction that cannot be overlooked is the importance of teacher readers in building a classroom reading community. According to Morrison, Jacobs, and Swinyard (1999), "perhaps the most influential teacher behavior to influence students' literacy development is personal reading, both in and out of school."
    • Chad Evans
      I wonder how open ALL teachers are about what they are reading? How much conversation do teachers as a whole have about what they are reading? 
  • If we don't read, why should our students?
  • Share your reading life with your students. Show your students what reading adds to your life. If you are reading a nonfiction book at the moment, tell them what you are learning. Pass the children's books you are reading to them when you are done. Describe the funny, sad, or interesting moments in the books you read. When you read something challenging, talk with your students about how you work through difficult text. It will surprise them that you find reading hard at times, too, but choose to read, anyway.
  • Many students in today's world do not read books outside of school. When they do read, it is text-messages, web pages or homework assignments. For students who did not grow up in homes with books, with adults who read and who read to them, this time to read in school is both necessary and pleasurable. Many of my students need catch-up time when it comes to "hours-in" reading. The 10 minutes at the beginning of each period that I allow my juniors each day equals hours of reading across the months of the school year. My most dedicated readers begin books in the classroom, finish them at home, and return to the classroom/school library to check out new books.
    • Chad Evans
      This is an important distinction in that I believe (and research indicates) that our kids ARE reading more than ever before. But it comes in non-traditional forms. We must acknowledge that web based reading is still reading, but it differs. Research also indicates that when kids read digitally, they read in a different pattern. In traditional reading, they read in a z pattern down a page. Digital reading is more of an F pattern,indicating skim and scan. 
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