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Karly D

Should Teachers Friend Their Students? | Powerful Learning Practice - 2 views

    Everyone has different opinions on this controversial subject.
Valerie B.

How to Follow Proper Netiquette Rules - YouTube - 2 views

    a video on netiquette
Valerie B.

Internet Safety PSA -- Instant Messaging - YouTube - 2 views

    Instant messaging safety
Valerie B.

| Common Sense Media - 2 views

    Digital footprints video
Valerie B. - 2 views

    Commonsense animation
Caitlin Roberts

Be Web Aware - Cyberbullying - 2 views

  • Cyberbullying
  • In school ... you don't want anyone to think of you as a "gossip" or someone who says things about other people. Everyone wants to be "nice." You don't have to be nice if you don't want to online. 13 year old girl, Edmonton
  • There is little doubt that cyberbullying, which can be the equivalent of "social death" for many young people, is traumatic. It differs from traditional, face-to-face bullying in that it is relentless and public and at the same time anonymous. Cyberbullying has turned the usual image of "the bully" on its head; it's no longer only the "tough kids" who may act aggressively – it can just as easily be the shy, quiet types, hidden behind their computers. Added to this is the potential presence of countless, invisible witnesses and/or collaborators to the cyberbullying, which creates a situation where victims are left unsure of who knows, and whom to fear.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Technology also extends the reach these young people have, enabling them to harass their targets anywhere and at anytime. While these situations should be reported, it can be difficult for young people to step forward: how do you report an attack that leaves no physical scars and is committed by a nameless attacker? Will the consequences of telling an adult that you are being cyberbullied be worse than the bullying itself? Adults want to help, but many feel ill-equipped to handle bullying in a digital world.
  • On social networking sites, you can now tag images with the names of people who are in the photo. This simple act can lead to cyberbullying, as these photos will appear in any search into this person’s name and it could be that misappropriated profile settings do not protect access to them.
  • Multiplayer online games and virtual worlds can be venues for harassment and cyberbullying when kids are playing or using the chat features to talk to other players. According to a 2008 Pew Internet & American Life Project report, more than half of teens who play games report seeing or hearing “people being mean and overly aggressive while playing”; a quarter of them report that this happens “often.”
    Students need to know that cyberbullying is dangerous: it can take lives, it can ruin lives, and it is not acceptable behavior for us. We are supposed to be the enlightened generation, so why don't we act like it?
  • ...2 more comments...
    Cyberbullying is probably one on the worst kinds of bullying. Its a type of bullying that never stops and never goes away. Bullies who are online can cause people to take their own lives. This isnt acceptable behavior for anyone.
    I agree with Brenna Edwards. It is one of the worst also because at school, only a hand full of people may see it, but online everyone can see it. No one should cyberbully
    I think that Brenna is right. It is really bad that people bully on the internet.
    Cyberbullying is probably one of the worst types of bullying because you can't figure out who the bully is to put a stop to it. Cyberbullies don't know how serious this is, people take their own lives because of it.
Merritt D

Let's keep children safe in the cyber age | - 2 views

    I firmly believe as a child of a very "nosy" mother, that I is the parents duty to keep their children in check, but I do not agree with this! If you don't trust you child enough to NOT read their messages, then maybe they don't need one! All this does is give them doubts of your trust, they will feel as if you are invading their privacy, and will be deleting things constantly. Parents need to understand that trust works both ways. This conversation is going to be award and neither the parents nor the child wants to have it, but you need to. It's one way of protecting your child without destroying their trust and doubting yours! Quotes: "I routinely check the texts and photos on their cell phones," says Susan Kain." "let's all talk to our children about Internet safety, social networking sites and "sexting."

Free Bieber campaign aims to stop S.978′s violent clampdown on online copyrig... - 2 views

    not a Bieber fan but this bill needs to be more well known:                         it would be illegal to put a video of yourself singing a copyright song, the same way Bieber shot to fame                                                                    "A new campaign, titled Free Bieber, has been launched to raise awareness of, and try to stop, bill S.978"
Garrett E

Habit Watcher - Free Habit Tracking tool that helps you achieve your goals - 2 views

    Online tool that tracks habits.
Lindsey B

Children's Online Privacy: A Resource Guide for Parents - 2 views

    Children's online Privacy tips
Lindsey B

Tips on privacy settings on Facebook - 3 views

    Tips on keeping your privacy safe on Facebook.
H McConaghy

Xbox Parental Control | Xbox Family Settings | Xbox Privacy - - 2 views

  • lets you customize and manage your family's access to games, movies and television
    this article talks about parental controls for xbox.
Asa N

How to Control Kids' Video Games Playing with PC Video Game Parental Control | Boss Att... - 4 views

    Speaks about addiction.
Nolan C

What Are The Bad Effects Of Using A Computer? - 2 views

    This tells bad affects on your body when you use a computer.
    Computers Question: What Are The Bad Effects Of Using A Computer? There are quite a few negative effects of using a computer. One of the prime ill effects of using a computer is the radiations emitted
Julia B

MAY 10-Tips for Raising Globally Aware Children - 2 views

    10 tips
Maggie B

It's Confirmed: Driving's a Full-Time Job - How Texting Impairs Driving Performance - T... - 2 views

    The study consisted of three major steps. First, participants typed a story of their choice (usually a simple fairy tale) and also read and answered questions related to another story, both on their smart phone in a laboratory setting. They were trying to prove that texting while driving impairs your ability.
    Researchers and safety advocates have known for years that driving performance worsens when the driver is texting. Now we know just how much worse. Federal statistics suggest that distracted driving contributes to as much as 20 percent of all fatal crashes, and that cell phones constitute the primary source of driver distraction.
Jacob M

Copyright Overview - FindLaw - 2 views

    Information on Copyright
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