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Joseph Edore

GetNetWise | Safety By Age 14-17 - 0 views

  • Safety By Age 14 to about 17: This can be one of the most exciting and challenging periods of a child's (and parent's) life. Your teen is beginning to mature physically, emotionally, and intellectually and is anxious to experience increasing independence from parents. To some extent that means loosening up on the reins, but by no means does it mean abandoning your parenting role. Teens are complicated in that they demand both independence and guidance at the same time. Teens are also more likely to engage in risky behavior both online and offline. While the likelihood of a teen being abducted by someone he meets in a chat room is extremely low, there is always the possibility that he will meet someone online who makes him feel good and makes him want to strike up an in-person relationship. It is extremely important that teens understand that people they meet online are not necessarily who they seem to be. Although it's sometimes difficult to indoctrinate teens with safety information, they can often understand the need to be on guard against those who might exploit them. Teens need to understand that to be in control of themselves means being vigilant, on the alert for people who might hurt them. The greatest danger is that a teen will get together offline with someone she meets online. If she does meet someone she wants to get together with, it's important that she not go alone and that she meet that person in a public place. It's important for parents to remember what it was like when they were teenagers. Set reasonable expectations and don't overreact if and when you find out that your teen has done something online that you don't approve of. That doesn't mean that you shouldn't take it seriously and exercise appropriate control and discipline, but pick your battles and try to look at the bigger picture. If your teen confides in you about something scary or inappropriate that he encountered online, your first response shouldn't be to take away his Internet privileges. Try to be supportive and work with your teen to help prevent this from happening in the future. And remember that your teen will soon be an adult and needs to know not just how to behave but how to exercise judgment, reaching her own conclusions on how to explore the Net and life in general in a safe and productive manner.
Steve Madsen

Parents get sext message - Technology - - 1 views

    Australian focus: Schools to be sent fact sheets that will go to parents and students.
    A NSW State Government campaign starting this week will remind youngsters and their parents that the growing practice of sending saucy pictures through cyberspace can have lifetime consequences.
brooke s

digiteen2008 - Digital Law - 0 views

  • This is the electronic responsibility for actions which says if something is ethical or unethical. The responsibility of the digital law deals with the ethics of technology as a whole. Digital Law deals with four main topics: copyright, privacy, ethical issues, and piracy. Unethical use of computers can form into theft or crime like piracy. People that are ethical in the use of their computers may actually be the ones being hurt by those who are not following these protective laws. A student should not be allowed to mess with other peoples work or identity with rules being applied. We have the digital Law to basically protect us; since most people don't follow it, the internet is becoming a very dangerous place.
    • brooke s
      this paragraph explains the four main topics dealing with the "Digital Law"
  • . There are so many new illegal ways to get what you want and not get caught that it is very hard to find the causes of viruses and other crimes. Some problems with Elementary students are that they can get on sites too mature for their age. The information on these sites may be inappropriate for their age group. Another problem may be that older people may harass them. There are also some problems with Middle/High school aged students. They may get on sites such as MySpace or Facebook and lie about their age, name, or any other aspects of their lives. This is not a very smart act considering that later they may be abused. They may use bad language on the internet or chat rooms. Predators can trick some teens that are unaware of such dangers into meeting up with them. Parents/guardians are unaware of what teens are looking at and/or doing and therefore cannot stop them from seeing and/or doing inappropriate things.
    • brooke s
      This paragraph explains the dangers on the internet.
  • Some teens download illegal music such as Limewire or Bearshare.This affects not only the artist, but record producing companies.
    • brooke s
      using internet wrongly could hurt other people financially, such as music artists and producers.
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  • There are also some problems with adults. Using bad language, harassing and trapping youth, and the buying and selling of illegal merchandise are just some of the problems the adult generation faces today. Many adults are very sneaky and can use tricks to socialize with young adolescents. Some adults use Facebook, Myspace, or chatrooms to trick younger people into meeting up with them. These are just some of the main problems our generation of all different ages faces in this day and time.
    • brooke s
      More dangers of the internet.
  • Breaking the law: On the internet you will come upon websites that will be breaking the law and you can report this to "NETALERT" www.neralert.vic.a, they will contact the authorities and put a stop to the website. Another problem is copyright. There is an easy solution to this problem though, and this solution is creative commonscreative commons is a site that lets you easily make your own copyright laws for your work. There are rules like no one can make money off of your work, no one can change the appearence of your work, and many more. By making it a law that people have to use creative commons to put anything on the internet, you can reduce the amount of copyright laws broken. Making adults aware of the consequences of their actions should help the problem dramatically. Most adults break digital laws thinking, " Oh yeah, sure, I'm not going to get into any trouble." when in fact they are on the verge to getting very serious legal punishment.
    • brooke s
      more on breaking the internet law
  • There is a very interesting controversy brewing in Orange County, Florida. A 13-year-old girl Alisha Dean has a MySpace page that portrays herself as a 19-year-old divorced woman. She has been accused about lying to two men — Morris Williams, 22, and Darwin Mills, 24, about her age in two separate incidents. Both have been convicted and sent to jail for statutory rape. Digital Law for Middle School students not only has to deal with privacy but copyright and piracy.
    • brooke s
      controversy with young people lying about their age
Becca B

BPL Kids Page- Netiquette - 0 views

  • Some tips about netiquette for kids: 1. Avoid hurting someone's feelings with e-mail. Sometimes, online, people can't tell that you are joking. When you write an e-mail message, make sure the person you're sending it to will know whether you are happy, sad, angry, joking, etc. You can do this by using smileys, such as :). 2. Respect other people's online rights. People on the Internet have rights just as they do in everyday life. If someone sends you a threatening letter, or makes crank phone calls to your house, it can be annoying and sometimes very scary. The same is true on the Internet. If someone sends you e-mail which threatens you or makes you feel uncomfortable, talk to a parent or other adult right away. 3. Avoid insulting someone unless you want to start a flame war. A flame war is when angry people try to punish each other with e-mail. Sometimes this can be done by sending so many messages that a mailbox gets jammed, and sometimes this is done by sending a few very nasty messages meant to hurt someone's feelings. If you insult someone with e-mail, they will probably get angry just as they would if you insulted them face to face. 4. If someone insults you, be calm. Starting a flame war is serious business on the Net. Even if you are angry with someone, you don't need to take things any further. Try being calm, ignoring the message, or sending a polite message asking for them to explain what they meant. It may have been a misunderstanding
  • 5. Avoid "crashing" discussion groups or forums. People on the Net frequently get together online to talk about things they may have in common. This can be done on a listserv, a bulletin board, a chat group, etc. If you join the discussion just for the fun of "crashing" it, or ruining it, people will definitely get angry. 6. Respect the privacy of other people. If someone tells you something secret, it should be kept secret. This includes passwords, full names, addresses, or interests. Sharing your own password with someone else, even someone you like, is never a good idea. Passwords and personal information are private, and are never safe to share with others. 7. Be responsible online. When you are at the computer, you are in control. Avoid using the computer to harm other people. Taking things which are not yours (such as files, passwords, or credit card numbers), spreading rumors about other people online, and infecting other computers with viruses (on purpose) are examples of harming other people online. 8. Help other people learn more about the Net. Chances are someone else taught you a lot of what you know about the Internet. The Net is growing quickly, and it's difficult to keep up. Other kids, or even your parents and teachers, may need help understanding what it's all about. Try to help them if you can. Who knows? They might show you a thing or two someday!
    This is a a summary for kids for on netiquette when they are using the internet
Vicki Davis

Online, teachers walk a fine line | | FLORIDA TODAY - 0 views

  • And some districts -- from South Dakota to New Jersey -- are starting to limit what teachers can do on the sites.
  • "It is the responsibility of all individuals associated with the Foundation to act in a manner that will ensure the public's trust as well as the trust of colleagues and peers.
  • he has heard that some teachers have "risqué" photos on their accounts, but he hasn't actually seen any.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Last month, district officials investigated an e-mail from an unidentified "concerned parent" that included pictures of a woman clad in only a bra and underwear. The photo allegedly was taken from a Sunrise Elementary teacher's MySpace page. The teacher was not identified, and the photos did not show the woman's face.
  • "Teachers are role models, and they don't stop when school gets out," said Credle, whose daughter attends Lockmar Elementary in Palm Bay. "If you don't want people to see it, why post it? Odds are it's going to get out."
    Teachers have a different standard. It is fascinating to read this newspaper article and also the responses. Our students on Flat Classroom project and Digiteen will be reviewing this information because teachers are held to a higher standard online.
Liz D

UK online safety expert proposes Pet Society feature as dangerous to children - 2 views

  • Conway, a self-touted "online safety expert,"
  • stranger danger"
  • By being in the Cafe, you're bound to meet strangers. Even though all you can do once you get to another pet's home is some pre-set actions (e.g. hug, kiss, dance, laugh, and punch), there's also the option to visit the real Facebook profile of a someone you might not know at all. Conway demonstrated this by creating an avatar named "BunnyPig" to demonstrate to a group of foster care and social workers.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Because Facebook games require players to have lots of friends to earn virtual money and goods, Conway concludes that kids will be tempted to friend strangers
  • And in turn, he estimates that malevolent strangers can scope out kids who play the game. This "Go to profile" option is clearly a valid concern and does exist in the game.
  • kids under 13 years-old could still lie to Facebook about their age just to have a Facebook account.
    This article is by Charles Conway. He says that children must friend a lot of people to get coins or money for Pet Society , a fast growing Facebook game. This means children under the age of 13 are becoming interested in this website. They might even lie to create an account. Adding people they do not know will be a bad habit for children at this youngof age.
Margaret O.

How Students Use Technology to Cheat - 0 views

  • How Students Use Technology to Cheat
  • Academic dishonesty—ahem, cheating—has only gotten easier in the digital age. Students have Wolfram Alpha, Google, and crowdsourced question-and-answer sites like Quora at their fingertips. Students have cameras on their phones that let them take pictures of a test in an instant. Even Microsoft Word has built-in functionality that helps them game the system.
  • There's an old saying that students who cheat in their academic work are only cheating themselves. Today's professors still largely agree with this statement, with one telling me that it's like weight-training: "I can give them the information and I can coach them through the process, but if they don't put in the work, they will never see results."
    "I can give them the information and I can coach them through the process, but if they don't put in the work, they will never see the results." Students who cheat in their academic work by using technology to get past teachers who don't understand it are only cheating themselves.
Kerrie D

mtvU: Putting a Stop to Bullying, On and Offline - 0 views

  • "I wanted to team up with a problem or issue that I can contribute and relate to," Guadagnino explained. "I think people will listen to me because of who I am."
  • This tragedy was inspiration for one of the principal story-lines in MTV's new original movie, "(DIS)CONNECTED," a story of digital drama created to combat the growing issue of cyber-bullying.
    Website stating how important to stop cyberbullying. MTV's new movie "(DIS)CONNECTED". "I wanted to team up with a problem or issue that I can contribute and relate to," Guadagnino explained. "I think people will listen to me because of who I am."
Ridge C

The Evolution of Cyberspace: Virtual Worlds | Science Enhanced Networked Domains and Se... - 0 views

  • Our virtual world will be our interface to the rest of the World Wide Web and people everywhere!  Cyberspace 2020 will likely be even more interconnecting and more social, but it will almost certainly change the way we live, work and play.
Vicki Davis

Neustar Launches Social Media Digital Citizenship Program for  Kentucky Schoo... - 0 views

    A program from Neustar to Kentucky schools about Digital Citizenship. Lots of people are jumping on this "bandwagon." I think my biggest concern is that: #1 It needs to be "real" and not based on preachy scare-based tactics #2 Students should talk with those who share the program - if it is just videos and worksheets, that doesn't cut it.  #3 To talk about and learn social media, you should be doing it. (That is what we do on Digiteen.) a major new initiative to bring social media digital literacy education to students across the state of Kentucky through a program called "My Digital Life." Neustar will partner with EverFi, Inc., a leading education technology company, to provide this innovative, online student experience to all Kentucky schools interested in teaching and certifying their students in digital literacy skills and responsibility. Most importantly, Neustar's partnership is making the cutting-edge program available free of cost to the schools and state.
Vicki Davis

Poke! Facebook Launches New App For Sending 'Self-Destructing' Messages -- AppAdvice - 1 views

    Facebook has launched its response to Snapchat, with Facebook Poke, the self destructing message deliverer? Why would you want a message to self destruct or delete itself if a person tried to do a screengrab on their phone? Well, so you can send goofy pics to your friends with no trace left behind! Never fear, however, teenagers are here. They've been talking to me about how they get around this - if you're snap chatting a friend and you have a friend with you - get the friend up close to be ready to take a picture with their camera phone and then post the pic on Facebook that was delivered with Snapchat. They think it is hilarious but admit that this app is also being used as a new way to "flash" others. How long will it take for everyone to learn that you can't ever really destroy anything any more? If it is done it is permanent - the easiest way to keep private things private is to never do them in the first place. This article goes into more about Facebook poke if you really get into that sort of thing or want to keep up with what the kids are doing.
Molly S

Global Competence Definition | Asia Society - 0 views

  • What is Global Competence? Help us better define global competence. Send in your students' work. Be a part of a ground-breaking effort to assess student global competence. We are collecting samples of work that demonstrate student global knowledge and skills at various developmental levels. Once the work is published, it will help teachers strengthen instruction and better evaluate student work and provide examples for students to help them strive for greater achievement. With each submission, you will be entered into a regular drawing for $500 Staples gift certificates. Learn more and get involved (PDF download). A globally competent student can Investigate the World Recognize Perspectives Communicate Ideas Take Action Students investigate the world beyond their immediate environment. Students recognize their own and others’ perspective. Students communicate their ideas effectively with diverse audiences. Students translate their ideas and findings into appropriate actions to improve conditions. Students can: Generate and explain the significance of locally, regionally or globally focused researchable questions. Identify, collect and analyze the knowledge and evidence required to answer questions using a variety of international sources, media and languages. Weigh, integrate and synthesize evidence collected to construct coherent responses that is appropriate to the context of issues or problems. Develop an argument based on compelling evidence that considers multiple perspectives and draws defensible conclusions. Students can: Recognize and articulate one’s own perspective on situations, events, issues or phenomena and identify the influences on that perspective. Articulate and explain perspectives of other people, groups or schools of thought and identify the influences on those perspectives. Explain how the interaction of ideas across cultures influences the development of knowledge and situations, events, issues or phenomena. Articulate how the consequences of differential access to knowledge, technology and resources affect the quality of life and influences perspectives. Students can: Recognize that diverse audiences may perceive different meanings from the same information. Use appropriate language, behavior and strategies to effectively communicate, both verbally and non-verbally, with diverse audiences. Explain how effective communication impacts understanding and collaboration in an interdependent world. Select and effectively use appropriate technology and media to communicate with diverse audiences. Students can: Recognize one’s capacity to advocate for and contribute to improvement locally, regionally, or globally. Identify opportunities for personal and collaborative action to address situations, events, issues or phenomena in ways which can make a difference. Assess options for action based on evidence and the potential for impact, taking into account varied perspectives and potential consequences for others. Act creatively and innovatively to contribute to improvement locally, regionally or globally both personally and collaboratively.
Morgan G

Cultural literacy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

    Cultural literacy is important because you need to know the importance of getting along with different cultures. Anyone can join social networks, so you need to learn how you can get along with everyone. "Cultural literacy is familiarity with and ability to understand the idioms, allusions, and informal content that create and constitute a dominant culture. From being familiar with street signs to knowing historical references to understanding the most recent slang, literacy demands interaction with the culture and reflection of it. Knowledge of a canonical set of literature is not sufficient in and of itself when engaging with others in a society, as life is interwoven with art, expression, history, and experience. Cultural literacy requires familiarity with a broad range of general knowledge and implies the use of that knowledge in the creation of a communal language and collective knowledge. Cultural literacy stresses the knowledge of those pieces of information that content creators will assume the audience already possesses."
Morgan G

How do people who are from different cultures live and get along with each other in NYC - 0 views

    The thing that stood out to me the most here, is the word respect. Everyone should have respect for different cultures online. Having respect can get you a long ways in life. "The best way I would believe would be open communication, respect for others beliefs, ethnicity, privacy, and the rights of an individual in general. An action of one person can make a negative or positive impact on society as a whole. If someone chooses to belittle another for something as serious as their beliefs or as trivial as the way they dress, they set in motion negative responses which will inevitably affect many others"
Vicki Davis

Regulators shut down global PC 'tech support' scam | Politics and Law - CNET News - 0 views

    Scareware. Yes, it is a term. Scaring people into thinking they have a virus. Knowledge is power and it will also save you money. Being educated about computers pays over your life. It is time for all of us to be educated and savvy. I know someone taken by this scam. "English-speaking consumers in the United States, Canada, Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, and the U.K. were targeted in the global scam, regulators said. Most of the scammers were based in India, but some also came from the U.S. and U.K. The scam involved cold callers who claimed to work for major technology companies, such as Microsoft or Google, and who told consumers they had viruses on their PCs, according to regulators. The callers would attempt to dupe users into giving them remote access to their computers, locking the user out while attempting to "fix" the malware that the scammer claimed was on the machine."
Maggie H

Internet addiction will soon be classified as mental illness | GlobalPost - 0 views

  • UK acts on kids addicted to online porn
  • Australia was one of the first countries to offer official help for those suffering from video game addiction problems.
    Australia offered some of the first official help for internet addicts.
Savana R

Internet Stalking - 0 views

    Privacy is very important on the internet because you could have a stalker and the stalker could end up killing you. "Lately the news has been littered with cases of internet stalkers who hunt down, assault and even kill their victims. According to the National Institute of Justice annually 1.4 million American are victims of stalking. As a security specialist, I am often called upon to research and investigate internet related stories. I can say with certainty that most victims of stalkers never report their cases to the authorities. Moreover, there are factors that help contribute to a stalker's obsession; and, there are ways that everyone can participate in helping to ensure that the internet is safe for all. Using my experience as a security specialist, I will endeavour to detail this article with the signs you can look for; and, how you can stop internet stalkers. "
Morgan G

Can We All Get Along? « Science World - 0 views

    Getting along with different cultures online is very important. Even though you will have conflicts, you should still try to over come the conflicts to be able to have a friendly relationship with these different people. "An important part of life is being able to get along with each other. But conflicts and misunderstandings, unfortunately, do happen. While resolving disagreement and discord can be difficult for even those of us who share a common nation, language or culture, doing so between people who don't share such commonalities can be even harder."
William B

Cyber Bullying Statistics - Bullying Statistics - 0 views

  • Over half of adolescents and teens have been bullied online, and about the same number have engaged in cyber bullying. More than 1 in 3 young people have experienced cyberthreats online. Over 25 percent of adolescents and teens have been bullied repeatedly through their cell phones or the Internet. Well over half of young people do not tell their parents when cyber bullying occurs.
  • Over 80 percent of teens use a cell phone regularly, making it the most popular form of technology and a common medium for cyber bullying About half of young people have experienced some form of cyber bullying, and 10 to 20 percent experience it regularly Mean, hurtful comments and spreading rumors are the most common type of cyber bullying Girls are at least as likely as boys to be cyber bullies or their victims Boys are more likely to be threatened by cyber bullies than girls Cyber bullying affects all races Cyber bullying victims are more likely to have low self esteem and to consider suicide
  • Talks to teens about cyber bullying, explaining that it is wrong and can have serious consequences. Make a rule that teens may not send mean or damaging messages, even if someone else started it, or suggestive pictures or messages or they will lose their cell phone and computer privileges for a time. Encourage teens to tell an adult if cyber bullying is occurring. Tell them if they are the victims they will not be punished, and reassure them that being bullied is not their fault. Teens should keep cyber bullying messages as proof that the cyber bullying is occurring. The teens' parents may want to talk to the parents of the cyber bully, to the bully's Internet or cell phone provider, and/or to the police about the messages, especially if they are threatening or sexual in nature. Try blocking the person sending the messages. It may be necessary to get a new phone number or email address and to be more cautious about giving out the new number or address. Teens should never tell their password to anyone except a parent, and should not write it down in a place where it could be found by others. Teens should not share anything through text or instant messaging on their cell phone or the Internet that they would not want to be made public - remind teens that the person they are talking to in messages or online may not be who they think they are, and that things posted electronically may not be secure. Encourage teens never to share personal information online or to meet someone they only know online. Keep the computer in a shared space like the family room, and do not allow teens to have Internet access in their own rooms. Encourage teens to have times when they turn off the technology, such as at family meals or after a certain time at night. Parents may want to wait until high school to allow their teens to have their own email and cell phone accounts, and even then parents should still have access to the accounts.
    Many people get Cyber Bulling over online activities. People need to make their websites and pages private and know how to use it. "Over half of adolescents and teens have been bullied online, and about the same number have engaged in cyber bullying. More than 1 in 3 young people have experienced cyberthreats online. Over 25 percent of adolescents and teens have been bullied repeatedly through their cell phones or the Internet. Well over half of young people do not tell their parents when cyber bullying occurs."
Jenna A

The Importance of Fluency - All Info About Reading - Promoting Literacy for All - 0 views

    " Reading fluency is a measure of how quickly, smoothly, and easily text is read. Fluency means that words are read quickly and accurately, with little or no stumbling. It allows complete comprehension because less effort is needed for decoding. More thought power is available for understanding the author's message. Fluent readers read with expression and follow the punctuation cues. They read in sensible phrases, with pauses in natural places. Fluent readers are able to read aloud without attracting attention to the reading process, and listeners get the sense that the reader has a good grasp of the author's intent. Many reading students fall short of fluency. They read well enough to get by, but not well enough to enjoy what they are doing. Struggling readers often have a very large gap between the level at which they read fluently and their grade placement level or the demands of their day-to-day life. Most find this very frustrating, and they will try to avoid reading tasks. "
    This tells you what reading fluency is and how kids fall short of it.
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