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Brody C

digiteen2008 - Digital Security and Safety - 0 views

  • Middle/ High School Aged Students A lot of middle and high school students are members of websites like Myspace and Facebook. To some teens, these websites become addictive and they become so obsessed with talking to people that they start talking to anybody. They need to learn to not put personal information on their page like their phone number or their address because some of the people who look at that would want to hurt them. Another problem with teens is that some of them download illegal music and videos. Two of the most common sites are Frostwire and Limewire. Another thing some teens do is download free software and then their computers run really slow. That's because spyware is usually packaged with the free software. Three ways to keep your computer safe is "only download free software from reputable sites, kids and teens should be told to ask permission before downloading anything, and you can eliminate most spyware by downloading the free Microsoft Windows Defender and scanning your PC." [2]
  • Many people don't realize how important it is to have a secure password. A password is like a key to the door of your personal space on the internet. It is extremely important to keep your password safe. Some ways to choose a secure password are to use a word(s) that is totally unrelated to you. DO NOT use your maiden name, your dogs name, your phone number, your birthday, or any other things that could be related to you. A word on its own isn't very strong, so to increase strength you can add numbers and or symbols. An example of this is if you use the word " apple ", on its own it won't be very secure. If you were to put some numbers and symbols, then it would make it " apple321 " and it would be more secure. If you were to make some of the lower case letters capitals, "aPpLe321 " then it would be even stronger. If you wanted the most secure password possible, then you could insert some symbols, making it " (aPpLe321) "After 30-60 days of using the same password, it would be wise to alter or change your password. You should also use different passwords for different applications. If you would like to test your password, click here
  • 2. How safety and security positively and negatively impacts people How safety & Security positively impacts people you can know where you can rely on some of the website or blogs you feel comfortable to talk to each other sometimes when you are in a reliable website you don't have to tell every single thing about yourself to people online How safety & Security negatively impacts people sometimes strangers can put weird/inappropriate pictures online of you in other sites without your permission you may accidentally reveal your personal information to other strangers and might get in danger people sometimes bully other people they don't know sometimes, the predators make websites to attack you. They make you think the website is reliable and forces you to tell them your personal information
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  • Cyber Stalking: This one of the most dangerous things on the internet; people every day are blackmailed into giving personal info like Accounts, credit card numbers, and others info. If you receive or see: · Threatening E-Mails · Post showing you differently to destroy your character · Info About your life posted on the internet
  • Middle/ High School Aged Students Teenagers everywhere use blogs such as Myspace and Facebook. They need to be safe and secure while they do these, as online predators with bad intents can find you if you give to much information. We as teens must obey online laws and common sense.When online teens usually disregard things there parents tell them. Sexual and online predators can ruin a person's childhood if they are able to find them. They can also put the wrong ideas into the minds of children, making them unwanted and bad for your health.
  • Middle/ High School Aged Students Teens use Myspace and Facebook to talk to their friends and stuff. Although, others that they don't know just might become interested in them. Online predators try their best to find out where you live. If they do, it can be bad for your health and childhood. On one website, I found a story in which a real life person fell in love with someone on the Internet. It turned out she left with him for a while and it turned out he was a sexual predator. Always be safe on the Internet.
  • Middle/ High School Aged Students One possible solution is to be safe while blogging. Also, never have a personal meeting. Never include your full name, address, or school, as they can look up your name and find you. Never put pictures online that could help online predators find you. If someone who talks to you online does not seem right or makes you nervous just stop talking to them and tell an adult. Just let them handle it because they are smarter and wiser in those kind of situations.
  • B. Middle / High School Aged Students Teens need to be safe and never give out information Be careful what they download. Be their selves because they don't need to be what they're not. Not talk to strangers.
  • Blogging Tips for Teenagers Being safe on blogs and other websites is very important. I have found some tips to help us be safer on the Internet, which is an important part of a teenager’s everyday life. The first way to be safe is to avoid posts that enable online predators to find and locate you. This means to not give information out like where you go to hang out, your name (last name especially), where your school is and its name, and especially where you live, because everybody can see what you write including the predator. Most people don't know this, but if you give out your phone number, than anybody, including a predator, can type your phone number into google and then they can see where you live. This helps a predator lead straight to you. If someone asks you for private information, DO NOT give it to them. It should be a red flag for you to ignore him or leave the chat room. Also, in chat rooms, if you feel something is going wrong and you feel uncomfortable with anything, leave the chat room immediately. Never have your screen name the same as a nick name. Online predators can sometimes track you down by screen names, which are private unless you give them out. Remember, if your going to have a blog or belong to a chat room, be safe and follow the rules. Also if you find something abnormal online, tell an adult you know and someone you can trust 100%. Always be yourself when on an online blog, which means never put fake information about yourself. In addition, always be respectful to others. If you write a bad comment, it might come back to you. Also, don’t put many pictures about yourself unless you can trust who your sending pictures to. It only helps online predators having a picture of you. Never, never have an in-person meeting. You never know if the person you are meeting has bad intentions. Be honest about your age. If there is an age limit on a chat room then there is probably a reason for one. You never know what you are getting into on the internet. The last tip is that you shouldn't meet anybody without your parent's permission. The reason is because even though you think you know very well the person by catting with them online for few years, it might be the predator that wants to harm you. The predator might told you the false information that he/she is the same age as you or live near your house. So you have to be careful if you are meeting the right person. Adults Although adults are able to have a form of independence, safety and security is very important. They have to be cautious about doing things like online banking or putting personal information online. Adults who put credit card numbers and other personal information should be aware of pharming and phishing. Many adults believe because they are experienced, they know how to be safe. They need to make sure the website they are putting personal information on is secure. You need to look for the "https" at the link of the website. When adults commonly think of online safety they think of online fraud. Identity takers feed off information given out online. If you are a victim of identity fraud it could have an effect on your future. Other than just internet fraud another thing adults have to worry about while online is cyber stalking. Cyber stalking is another way of harassment through the computer. Cyberstalking includes threatening emails, people posting private information about you for others to see, and posing as you online. Many adults seem to feel like they're older so they are less likely at risk for having predators after them. This is not the case. Websites such as and are websites that leave predators open to find people. If you do plan on meeting someone you meet at one of these sites you should make your date at a public place and make sure not to be alone.
  • Digital Security and Safety is an issue that relates to a person's well-being and safety on a computer. Safety and security are two topics that are closely related. Security is the condition of being protected against danger, loss, and criminals. Safety is the condition of being protected against non-desirable events. Some studies have shown "The odds of becoming a cyber victim have dropped to 1 in 6, from 1 in 4 last year.[1] Some examples of potentially unsafe sites online are Facebook and Myspace, which can sometimes can be dangerous because there can be bullying online. On facebook and myspace you can put your picture or pictures on and some people put inapporaite pictures on, which is not safe because thier are always predators out there on the internet and they could see your picture and ask to meet. If you agree to go and meet them then you could be injured.
RyanG_mca MCA

Communication - 0 views

    Students communicate digitaly at a young age students may struggle with writing, and be better understanding it in images, videos, and songs or music. Special education students may find it easier to express themselves by speaking or pictures instead of writing. It is create communication with sound, pictures and writing.
Margaret O.

Tech Talk with Tamika: Google+: The Educational Game Changer - 0 views

  • For the past few years educators have sought a way to utilize social networking to communicate and collaborate with other teachers, parents and students.  From Twitter to Facebook teachers have created streams to alert parents of upcoming assignments, Q&A pages and be available for students long after the school doors have closed
  • Security and privacy issues have run amuck with teachers ‘friending’ students on Facebook.  In fact, teachers have lost their job for placing school administratively deemed inappropriate photos on their wall. My school district has mandated that educators follow certain guidelines for teachers to adhere to when students or their parents attempt to become our social network friend. Some people may call this extreme but I view said guidelines as a form of protection for all involved.
    Teachers have lost their ability to teach effectively by friending their students online
Margaret O.

Global Classrooms Use Technology to Prep Students for Workforce - US News and World Report - 0 views

  • Global Classrooms Use Technology to Prep Students for Workforce
  • A library is no longer a place you go to read," says Jagmeet Sekhon, a political science and commerce student, who uses the new library several times a week for solo work and group projects. "These collaboration rooms are a reflection of what's really out there in the real world,
    Using technology in classrooms helps prepare students for the real world.

Fair Use Teaching Tools | Center for Social Media - 0 views

    used for teaching fair use to students "these clips allow students to practice explaining why something is fair use" "you could divide the class into groups and have every group discuss the same scenario and then come back together to see if groups agree. Or you could divide up the class and give every group a difference scenario to discuss. The groups could then report back and see if their classmates agree or disagree with them. Finally, you could choose one scenario and divide the class in half. Have one group argue for fair use and one argue against fair use. Whose argument is stronger and what does the class ultimately believe is the right answer? " "Have them give any and all arguments that they think explain why the video is fair use. "
    "The Center for Social Media has created a set of teaching tools for professors who are interested in teaching their students about fair use. The tools include power points with lecture notes, guidelines for in-class discussions and exercises, assignments and grading rubrics." the center of social media has created a set of teaching tools for teacher to teach their students about fair use.
Morgan S.

Drill Down: Gaming in Education -- THE Journal - 0 views

    "Drill Down: Gaming in Education" Over half the students at the middle school level believe that using games to go along with a concept could help them learn easier and faster. Virtual world environments provide benefits for teaching and learning. Look at these statistics! About six out of 10 middle school students think the use of games would help them understand difficult concepts. Greater engagement in subject matter is gaming's most widely seen benefit among high school students. At both the middle school and high school levels, connecting the real world to the subject matter received the fewest responses.
Margaret O.

Teaching About the Web Includes Troublesome Parts - - 0 views

  • Teaching About Web Includes Troublesome Parts
  • When Kevin Jenkins wanted to teach his fourth-grade students at Spangler Elementary here how to use the Internet, he created a site where they could post photographs, drawings and surveys.
  • And they did. But to his dismay, some of his students posted surveys like “Who’s the most popular classmate?” and “Who’s the best-liked?” Mr. Jenkins’s students “liked being able to express themselves in a place where they’re basically by themselves at a computer,” he said. “They’re not thinking that everyone’s going to see it.”
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  • The class listened as Mr. Jenkins read a story about a girl who got annoyed when her parents quizzed her about details from her online journal. Lucas Navarrete, 13, asked, “What’s their right to read her personal stuff?” “Maybe they’re worried,” suggested Morgan Windham, a soft-spoken girl. “It’s public!” argued Aren Santos. “O.K., O.K., if it was a personal diary and they read it, would you be happy?” Lucas asked. “They have no right, see?” Mr. Jenkins asked the class if there is a difference between a private diary on paper and a public online diary. But the class could not agree. “I would just keep it to myself and tell only people that were really, really close to me,” Cindy Nguyen said after class. “We want to have our personal, private space.” That blurred line between public and private space is what Common Sense tries to address. “That sense of invulnerability that high school students tend to have, thinking they can control everything, before the Internet there may have been some truth to that,” said Ted Brodheim, chief information officer for the New York City Department of Education. “I don’t think they fully grasp that when they make some of these decisions, it’s not something they can pull back from.”
  • And the Internet is where children are growing up. The average young person spends seven and a half hours a day with a computer, television or smart phone, according to a January study from the Kaiser Family Foundation. Considering that the time is mostly outside of school, the results suggest that almost every extracurricular hour is devo
  • “You want to light a fire under someone’s fanny?” said Liz Perle, editor in chief of Common Sense Media. “Have your child post something that is close to a hate crime.”
  • “The messes they get into with friends, or jumping onto someone’s site and sending a message,” she said. “They don’t know, sometimes, how to manage the social, emotional stuff that comes up.”
    Students are now growing up online: we need to know that things we post can and will affect our personal and future business lives. It's not private, and we need to know to treat each other online.
Molly S

Global Competence: Prepare Youth to Engage with the World | Asia Society - 0 views

  • This new reality helps us more clearly define the role that education must play in preparing all students for success in an interconnected world. The United States have invested unprecedented resources in education, betting that our outmoded, factory-age system can be fundamentally transformed to prepare students for the rigors of a global economy. 
  •  Globally competent students understand that audiences differ on the basis of culture, geography, faith, ideology, wealth, and other factors and that they may perceive different meanings from the same information.  They can effectively communicate, verbally and non-verbally, with diverse audiences.  Because it is increasingly the world's common language for commerce and communication, globally competent students in the US and elsewhere are proficient in English as well as in at least one other world language. Communicating ideas occurs in a variety of culturally diverse settings, and especially within collaborative teams.  Globally competent students are able to situate themselves in a variety of cultural contexts, organize and participate in diverse groups, and work effectively toward a common goal.
Abi W

ACLU, 12-Year Old Sue Minnesota School Over Facebook Incident - Technology News - redOrbit - 1 views

    A 12 year old student at a school in Minnewaska was forced to give up her password and username in order for her school to view comments made about the student. The ACLU filed a suit on behalf of the student against the Minnewaska Area Schools.  
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    A girl in Minnesota had her passwords and usernames forcefully taken from her by a school. The school said it was cyberbulling, but many people disagree. A rights group took up the case for the girl and i suing on the 4th amendment search and seizure and the 1st amendment right to free speech.
    Girl posts something about a hall monitor hating her on Facebook, school demands she gives them her username and password. The students parents were not present. No warrant was issued by the police. The student filed a law suit with the ACLU against the school.
    This article is about a 12 year old girl (R.S.) that had to give her Facebook username and password to her school because of a hall monitor she didn't like. The school didn't notify her parents, and her parents never said the school to take that action. The ACLU is suing the school under the first amendment law (Unlawful search and seizure). 
    This article is about a girl who was forced to give her username and password for her Facebook account, to her school. The school didn't have a warrant or permission of any kind to take her information, which violates her constitutional rights. The American Civil Liberties Union is suing the school for this violation.
    The article "ACLU, 12-Year Old Sue Minnesota School Over Facebook Incident" was about a 12-year old girl. The girl in this article was refered as R.S. Issues starting coming up when R.S. had something on Facebook that said the school's hall monitor hated her. The school forced her to give them her username and password then searched her page. After, a son's mom complained to the school that R.S. and her son were talking about sex online. Once the school demanded to go through her account again, the ACLU charged them for not giving her the freedom of speech and unreasonably searching though her stuff. This was violating the First and Fourth Amendment since the two incidents. In the end R.S. didn't get in trouble but the school did.
Julie Lindsay

Google launches YouTube curriculum to educate students on digital citizenship (video) -... - 2 views

    It is all very well to provide resources to learn about digital citizenship, but the BEST way for students to learn is to actually be online connecting and collaborating with others globally. This is where the Digiteen Project is SO powerful. It not only uses resources such as this one, but gets students putting expectations into practice.
Andreas Christodoulou

BBC News - Internet safety rights investigated - 0 views

    Digital Internet Safety Rights for students. A good BBC offering. Putting the trust back to students.
Margaret O.

What Scares Students and Parents This Time of Year? No, Not Spiders, Witches, or Ghouls... - 0 views

  • About Sylvan Learning: Sylvan Learning is the leading provider of tutoring to students of all ages, grades and skill levels with over 30 years of experience and more than 850 centers located throughout North America. Sylvan's trained and Sylvan-certified personal instructors provide individualized instruction in reading, writing, mathematics, study skills and test-prep for college entrance and state exams. For more information, call 1-800-31-SUCCESS or visit
    Students can benefit their learning by taking a technological approach on a personally fitted website
Merritt D

Attorney General Talks Online Safety With Students - Local News Story - KIFI Idaho Falls - 0 views

    Attorney General Talks to Middle School and High School students about online safety and sends home a DVD to take home to their parents to help guide them to social media and Internet lingo dictionary to help protect their children form online predators. Quote: "We live in a digital age. There are things facing our children/students that give them a lot more opportunities as well as a lot more challenges that they have to be prepared to deal with,"**and parents need to be prepared as well to be able to better protect their children*** Jefferson County Superintendent Dr. Ron Tolman said. ***add by me***
Morgan S.

ProfHacker - The Chronicle of Higher Education - 0 views

    "Inevitably, though, they listen - and they learn." I've found that using popular music in lectures also increases my credibility among students. They see music as their territory, and are often surprised when a professor understands something they are familiar with - or think they are.-ProfHacker Personally, I think this is really cool that teachers are branching out this far just to reach us and help us learn. Some music might not be appropriate for listening to in the classroom for a subject, so that means you would have to take time and experiment. These 4 characteristics will help you realize how just how helpful doing this could really be: Vocabulary. Music can help start discussions about language use and get students thinking about the way we use words and phrases. Imagery. Music videos offer an entrée into such things as gender and social roles, fashion and sexuality, not only through sound but through the accompanying images. Cultural references. Popular songs allude to many elements of popular culture, providing a means to explore current events, celebrity culture, politics and the boundaries of taste. History. Today's music evolves from yesterday's music, which evolved from previous music in the past. Finding those connections can be eye-opening.
Dru F

CEC | The Hidden Curriculum-Unwritten Rules that Students with Disabilities Often Miss - 0 views

  • Richard Lavoie described the hidden curriculum as important social skills that everyone knows but no one is taught. This includes assumed rules, adult or student expectations, idioms, and metaphors. Understanding the hidden curriculum is difficult for everyone, but it is especially so when compounded with a deficit in social interactions.
    This bookmark is about how hidden curriculum is a skill that everyone must learn on there own. It cant be taught it has to be observed and learned that way. "Richard Lavoie described the hidden curriculum as important social skills that everyone knows but no one is taught. This includes assumed rules, adult or student expectations, idioms, and metaphors. Understanding the hidden curriculum is difficult for everyone, but it is especially so when compounded with a deficit in social interactions."
Kelby W

Did the Internet Kill Privacy? - CBS News - 0 views

    IN my opinion, if you didn't want people to see it you shouldn't put it on Facebook.  "The pictures were exactly what you'd expect from a European summer vacation: Cafes in Italy and Spain, the Guinness brewery in Ireland. So 24-year-old Ashley Payne, a public high school English teacher in Georgia, was not prepared for what happened when her principal asked to see her in August 2009. "He just asked me, 'Do you have a Facebook page?'" Payne said. "And you know, I'm confused as to why I am being asked this, but I said, 'Yes.' And he said, 'Do you have any pictures of yourself up there with alcohol?'" In fact, the picture that concerned the principal - showing Payne holding a glass of wine and a mug of beer - was on her Facebook page. There was also a reference to a local trivia contest with a profanity in its title. Payne was told a parent of one of her students called to complain. And then, Payne says, she was given a choice: resign or be suspended. "He told me that I needed to make a decision before I left, or he was going to go ahead and suspend me," she said. She resigned. Attorney Richard Storrs is fighting to get Payne's job back. "It would be like I went to a restaurant and I saw my daughter's teacher sitting there with her husband having a glass of some kind of liquid," Storr said. "You know, is that frowned upon by the school board? Is that illegal? Is that improper? Of course not. It's the same situation in this case." But here's the really troubling part: Payne had used the privacy settings on Facebook. She thought that only her closest friends could see her vacation photos or her use of the "B" word. "I wouldn't use it in a classroom, no," she said. "But Facebook is not the classroom. And it's not open to the students of my classroom. They are not supposed to see it. I have privacy in place so they don't see it." Privacy? What Ashley Payne or anyone of us who uses the Internet has to realize is this: Today our private lives are no longe
Kelby W

Digital Literacy Resource - Privacy and the Internet - 0 views

    You should always think about what you are going to post before you do it.  "It's your profile, you can include what you want to include-right? Before you post, think. Are you prepared to have those words and images represent you for months, and even years to come? Your postings on profiles and to chats and blogs may have cyberlives much longer than what you might have imagined or intended, and may reach a much wider audience than you could have anticipated. This simple fact is illustrated in the following examples from around the country: Students who posted party photos online later found that those photos were used by their university's administration when it needed to make a case regarding alcohol abuse among minors. A student's application for a position as a resident advisor was rejected by university staff who reviewed the applicant's Facebook page and found the material there to be inappropriate. A graduate's job application was rejected when the hiring organization deemed objectionable some of the content he had posted online. Students were reprimanded for extreme and possibly libelous statements they made about a professor in Facebook postings. Are your online postings private? No, not at all. Many postings can and will be viewed by hiring committees, admissions personnel, marketing agencies, and other unintended audiences. Privacy is a complicated matter in American law, evoking everything from Fourth Amendment rights to civil rights. Explore the following topics to learn more about the ins and outs of privacy in the online environment."
Michael Kucharski

TeenTech Weekly: Research pledges, digital literacy, student tracking | ZDNet - 0 views

    This edition of TeenTech weekly rounds up Generation Y and student technology news that you may have missed. This week we've read about university research budgets, the result of Dharun Ravi's webcam case, student monitoring and the future of the digital economy.
jesse p

Social awareness + emotional skills = successful kids - 1 views

    Most U.S. Schools don't have good mental health or strong connections with friends and nurturing adults. data shows that only 29 percent of sixth-through 12th-grade students report that their schools provide caring, encouraging environments. another 30 percent of high school students say they engage in high-risk behaviors, such as substance use, sex, violence and even suicide attempts 
Peter J

International students express differences in cultures « The Online Reflector - 1 views

    This article discussed cultural differences in a school. Most of the differences were described in the differences of the different culture's foods. The students said they learned the value of diversity when they had a gathering of all the different cultures. 
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