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Student Who Created Facebook Group Critical of Teacher Sues High School Over Suspension... - 0 views

  • Student Who Created Facebook Group Critical of Teacher Sues High School Over Suspension
  • A former Florida high school student who was disciplined for "cyberbullying" a teacher on Facebook is suing the school principal on allegations of violating her free speech rights.
  • The case highlights the legal challenges facing courts and school administrators as they grapple with campus civil order and free expression in an online world.
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  • "We’re in the very first generation of this and there’s nothing ripe for the U.S. Supreme Court to hear," said Frank LoMonte, executive director of the Virginia-based Student Press Law Center.
  • The lawsuit, filed Monday in a Florida federal court, concerns Katherine Evans, now 19, who was suspended as a senior last year after creating a Facebook group devoted to her English teacher. The group was called "Ms. Sarah Phelps is the worst teacher I’ve ever met!," and featured a photograph of the teacher, and an invitation for other students to "express your feelings of hatred." After people’s comments derided Evans for the online stunt, and expressed support for the teacher, she deleted the group. But Pembroke Pines Charter High School, which did not respond for comment, suspended Evans for three days for "disruptive behavior" and for "Bullying / Cyber Bullying Harassment towards a staff member," according to the lawsuit, which is backed by the American Civil Liberties Union.
  • The lawsuit (.pdf) is one of about a dozen across the United States that are part of the fallout as schools confront cyberbullying and the explosion of social networking sites. A Texas high school volleyball coach in September went so far as to declare a ban on student Facebook and MySpace profiles, a decision the Northside Independent School District reversed (.pdf). Last month, Tennessee State University blocked the online gossip site JuicyCampus at the school firewall. In June, Missouri enacted a law against "cyberbullying" in the wake of the Megan Meier suicide tragedy, which was triggered by a hoax MySpace account.
  • There’s no bright-line rule on what constitutes free, student speech in the online world. And as schools start to regulate off-campus student speech on the internet, lawsuits are following.
    The internet bullying has got to stop. It's created a dogma for our government: they haven't seen anything like this before and they don't know how to handle it.

Internet.pdf (application/pdf Object) - 0 views

    This online pdf is a person telling about his own findings and research on internet culture differences.

OnLineRespect.pdf (application/pdf Object) - 0 views

    You may not mean something that you say online to someone but it still could hurt them. No one knows what someone they don't know is going through.

KimPapacharissi.pdf (application/pdf Object) - 0 views

    This website talks about how to present yourself in order to keep from online clashes.

1_Tuunainen.pdf (application/pdf Object) - 0 views

    Abstract Online social networking offers a new, easy and inexpensive way to maintain already existing relationships and present oneself to others. However, the increasing number of actions in online services also gives a rise to privacy concerns and risks. In an attempt to understand the factors, especially privacy awareness, that influence users to disclose or protect information in online environment, we view privacy behavior from the perspectives of privacy protection and information disclosing. In our empirical study, we present results from a survey of 210 users of Facebook. Our results indicate, that most of our respondents, who seem to be active users of Facebook, disclose a considerable amount of private information. Contrary to their own belief, they are not too well aware of the visibility of their information to people they do not necessarily know. Furthermore, Facebook's privacy policy and the terms of use were largely not known or understood by our respondents.

1stLL.pdf (application/pdf Object) - 1 views

    Article from L&L ISTE from Ribble and Bailey 2004
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    Appropriate Technology Use
    Digital citizenship can be defined as the norms of behavior with regard to technology use.
    This is the Definition of Digital Citizenship.

iTunes_U_Copyright_Overview.pdf (application/pdf Object) - 0 views

    this is a copyright overview of what copyrighting is in the US and the internet

Global Awareness whitepaper.pdf (application/pdf Object) - 0 views

    Global awareness and education

Global Competence Definition | Asia Society - 0 views

  • What is Global Competence? Help us better define global competence. Send in your students' work. Be a part of a ground-breaking effort to assess student global competence. We are collecting samples of work that demonstrate student global knowledge and skills at various developmental levels. Once the work is published, it will help teachers strengthen instruction and better evaluate student work and provide examples for students to help them strive for greater achievement. With each submission, you will be entered into a regular drawing for $500 Staples gift certificates. Learn more and get involved (PDF download). A globally competent student can Investigate the World Recognize Perspectives Communicate Ideas Take Action Students investigate the world beyond their immediate environment. Students recognize their own and others’ perspective. Students communicate their ideas effectively with diverse audiences. Students translate their ideas and findings into appropriate actions to improve conditions. Students can: Generate and explain the significance of locally, regionally or globally focused researchable questions. Identify, collect and analyze the knowledge and evidence required to answer questions using a variety of international sources, media and languages. Weigh, integrate and synthesize evidence collected to construct coherent responses that is appropriate to the context of issues or problems. Develop an argument based on compelling evidence that considers multiple perspectives and draws defensible conclusions. Students can: Recognize and articulate one’s own perspective on situations, events, issues or phenomena and identify the influences on that perspective. Articulate and explain perspectives of other people, groups or schools of thought and identify the influences on those perspectives. Explain how the interaction of ideas across cultures influences the development of knowledge and situations, events, issues or phenomena. Articulate how the consequences of differential access to knowledge, technology and resources affect the quality of life and influences perspectives. Students can: Recognize that diverse audiences may perceive different meanings from the same information. Use appropriate language, behavior and strategies to effectively communicate, both verbally and non-verbally, with diverse audiences. Explain how effective communication impacts understanding and collaboration in an interdependent world. Select and effectively use appropriate technology and media to communicate with diverse audiences. Students can: Recognize one’s capacity to advocate for and contribute to improvement locally, regionally, or globally. Identify opportunities for personal and collaborative action to address situations, events, issues or phenomena in ways which can make a difference. Assess options for action based on evidence and the potential for impact, taking into account varied perspectives and potential consequences for others. Act creatively and innovatively to contribute to improvement locally, regionally or globally both personally and collaboratively.

digiteen2008 - Digital Etiquette - 3 views

  • Good etiquette is shown by having a proper education, manners and a sense of tact.
  • Etiquette mainly appears when someone has guests, meets with other people, or during meals.
  • Etiquette: Key terms Etiquette: rules governing socially acceptable behavior. Propriety: correct or appropriate behavior. Manners: a polite or well bred social behavior or habits Proper: marked by suitability or rightness or appropriateness. Education: the activities of educating or instructing; activities that impart knowledge or skill. Respect: an attitude of admiration or esteem. Civilized: having a high state of culture and development both social and technological. Social: living together or enjoying life in communities or organized groups. Tact: the ability to speak without offending others. Polite: showing regard for others in manners, speech, behavior. Impression: mental picture: a clear and telling mental image. Cleanliness: the habit of keeping free of superficial imperfections, diligence in keeping clean. Sophisticated: having or appealing to those having worldly knowledge and refinement. Society: an extended social group having a distinctive cultural and economic organization.
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  • Digital Etiquette 1. Here is some tips that you should follow when talking online, texting, or emailing: 2. Say Hello before you start talking. It’s polite and it can make somebody happy knowing that somebody is nice enough to say hello. 3. Try to avoid replying “Sure”. A person will go crazy trying to figure out “Sure” what? Also, depending on who you are talking to online, the person may know little of your language and might not understand what you are saying, so be patient. 4. Avoid trailing off. If you stop responding to somebody all of the sudden they might think you’re ignoring them. If you have to go and do something say “BRB” or “one sec”. It will calm any worries, which the person has, who you are communicating to. 5. Don’t post people’s photos without their permission. Somebody might have a religion where they're not allowed to have they're pictures online. 6. Accept differences. Everybody has different beliefs. Don’t make fun of somebody’s religion or country because people can really get offended about what you say. 7. Talk about things that are appropriate. Chat rooms are for anyone who wants to talk to new people. One inappropriate comment can ruin it for everyone. You should always be aware to whom you are talking to and if they ask you to do anything which you feel uncomfortable about then tell an adult immediately so then the problem won't get out of hands. 8. Say bye before you leave the person whether its in person or online. You could seriously hurt somebody’s feelings if you just stop talking to them. 9. Be careful the way you type something. What you write can sound very different than what you mean. Read your writing before you press send. It could save you from an embarrassing situation. 10. Avoid writing in all capital letters. It looks like you're shouting. Wouldn't you think I was shouting if you saw this, DON'T WRITE IN ALL CAPITAL LETTERS.
  • Access Communication Literacy Student Environment Security and Safety Etiquette Rights and Responsibilities Student Life Outside Commerce Law Health and Wellness Class Actions American School of Madrid Spain Anand Vidya Vihar India Aspengrove School Canada Badshah Faisal Islami Institute Bangladesh La Grange USA Pahartali Girls High School Bangladesh Rani Bilashmoni Govt. Boys High School Bangladesh Troy Middle School USA Qatar Academy Qatar Wedderburn College Australia Westwood Schools USA Information Social & Ethical Issues Rubrics Teachers Template sj32 · My Wikis · · My Account · Help · Sign Out · Digital Etiquette page Details and TagsPrint PDF Backlinks Source Delete Rename Redirect Permissions Lock discussion (39) history notify me Details last edit Friday, 12:46 pm by kcaise - 124 revisions Tags none Type a tag name. Press comma or enter to add another. Cancel Table of ContentsDigital Etiquette 1. Overview/Description of the various aspects of the topic. Elementary Aged Students Middle/ High School Aged Students Email Etiquette: BE A SPORT, AND KEEP IT SHORT: NON MIND READERS FRIENDLY, PLEASE!: graTipos and.grammar! can caus cauz ishueezz? (typos and grammar... can cause issues!) BUISNESS FOR BUSYNESS!!! BE PLASTIC-ON-THE-SCREEN-CLEAR!!! A
  • Digital Etiquette or netiquette is a basic set of rules you should follow to make the internet a better place for other people and yourself.
  • When you instant message, chat, or email someone over the internet, that person can't tell if your just joking because they can't see your face. Don't say stuff over the internet that can be taken the wrong way or can hurt someones feelings
  • The internet takes over some peoples lives and people can get brain washed so easily when on the computer. Hacking other computers, using bad language, downloading illegally, and plagiarism are examples of having bad or no etiquette when it comes to the internet.
  • Etiquette is a set of rules dealing with exterior form
  • Middle/ High School Aged Students Teenagers these days are only on the internet to chat with their friends they know, or to look at cool videos or pictures.Myspace and Facebook are easy ways for teenagers to get access to the internet. These two websites have caused a lot of controversies over the internet because some teenagers will put bad pictures on the internet of themselves or other people. Every once in a while fights will occur between people who are trying to make each other look bad. It gives them a bad reputation and it ruins friendships all over the world. I just think that if teenagers would act mature then a lot of these things would not happen.
  • Online plagiarism is where internet users copy or use part of your or someone else's work. It is definitely not acceptable and is becoming a major issue. People need to have the right to place information on the internet knowing that it will not be copied for other people's work. Plagiarism is illegal but people still don't get the message. Plagiarism really could start major problems like people not writing the truth on the internet or making up information just to teach people a lesson. If someone is going to copy other people's work really they are better off handing the work in late or not at all. Using people's ideas is okay if you give them recognition or asked them. Plagiarism is equal to lying, if not worse. People are being generous by putting their knowledge on the internet to help people not to do it for people. Have courtesy and respect- don't copy peoples work use it as a guide and acknowledge them for their work and help. Plagerism- it's illegal so do the right thing.
  • ownloading illegally is one of the things not do in digital etiquette. Using file sharing programs such as KaZaA, Bit Torrent, iMesh, and Lime Wire to share or obtain copyrighted music, movies, games, and other software without the permission of the copyright holder is illegal. Stealing music has lots of effects once done. Some of the effects are listed below. Stealing music is against the law. Stealing music betrays the songwriters and recording artists who create it. Stealing music stifles the careers of new artists and up-and-coming bands. Stealing music threatens the livelihood of the thousands of working people—from recording engineers to Christian music retailers and their staffs —who are employed in this ministry.
  • Downloading Illegally
  • Some ways on avoiding stealing music are: Read user agreements carefully. Check the Web sites of the musicians, record companies, or movie studios to see if they allow distribution of their materials on the Internet. When purchasing music, movies, games, software, or other materials, read the license carefully to learn if you have permission to convert materials to other formats for personal use. Don't share or distribute materials unless you have permission. Of course, there are consequences to this kind of action. For one you can be fined of at least $500 dollars. The online infringement of copyrighted music can be punished by up to 3 years in prison and $250,000 in fines," the website said. "Repeat offenders can be imprisoned up to 6 years. Individuals also may be held civilly liable, regardless of whether the activity is for profit, for actual damages or lost profits, or for statutory damages up to $150,000 per infringed copyright. " To avoid these kinds of consequences you must avoid downloading illegally. I suggest that you follow the ways on avoiding these sort of consequences.
  • Some people have had both positively and negatively affected by internet etiquette. An example of negative etiquette on the internet is like if a person copies somebody's work without their permission and then the person who got copied goes and deletes that person's work
  • Don't type in all caps it looks like you're shouting which can offend some people which are on the other end of the computer because when you are talking to a person in face its easier to get your point across than talking online. Also if you try to do humor on the computer someone might not know that it is humor, and might take it as personal and you can get in trouble in all sorts of ways. Another thing is don't send rude messages or offensive e-mails to one another. It bad manners and it can get way out of hand in no time. Although you might be a pro at cyberspace be nice to the new comers. For a new comer on computers it is like learning a different language for them. Computers take a lot of practice and it is also called for mistakes. So be nice to everyone you meet and also try to help them if you can.
  • Another example is if you do something very funny and one of your friends got you on video tape and he goes and posts it on YouTube
    What etiquettet is
    "Digital Etiquette or netiquette is a basic set of rules you should follow to make the internet a better place for other people and yourself"

cultural awareness - Google Search - 3 views

  • [PDF] 1 CULTURAL AWARENESS I. INTRODUCTION Cultural awareness and ...
    I highlighted an interesting power point site about cultural awareness

Communication - 0 views

    Students communicate digitaly at a young age students may struggle with writing, and be better understanding it in images, videos, and songs or music. Special education students may find it easier to express themselves by speaking or pictures instead of writing. It is create communication with sound, pictures and writing.

Global Competence - 0 views

    a website to use as a reference.

Fair Use - Copyright and Fair Use - Library Guides at Polytechnic Institute of NYU - 0 views

  • What is Fair Use?Fair use is a concept embedded in U.S. law that recognizes that certain uses of copyright-protected works do not require permission from the copyright holder. (See Title 17, section 107) What Determines Fair Use?The following four factors are used to determine if a use is fair: The purpose of the use (eg. commercial vs. educational)* The nature of the copyrighted work The amount of the material used (the greater the amount copied, the less likely it is fair use) The effect of use on the potential market for or value of the work * Not all uses in an academic context are automatically considered fair use!  Fair Use in AcademiaThe Fair Use Doctrine is probably the most important exemption to copyright protections for educational settings, allowing many uses of copyrighted works for the purposes of teaching and research. The complexity of fair use and its importance in academia make it imperative that every member of NYU-Poly understands how to make judgements concerning fair use. Review these Common Scenarios to help you determine whether or not fair use is appropriate. Tools to help you Determine Fair Use Fair Use Analysis Tool:  guides users through the process of determining if a use is fair. Developed by The University of Minnesota Libraries. Fair Use Evaluator: helps users collect, organize, and document the information they may need to support a fair use claim, and  provides a time-stamped PDF document for the users’ records. Developed by the American Library Association, Office for Information Technology Policy.  

Protecting your information teenagers.ashx (application/pdf Object) - 0 views

    Personal information is disclosed to, and used responsibly by, many legitimate online businesses to conduct business and online social interactions. However, if not managed carefully, it is possible for personal information to be accessed and misused for marketing, identity theft or for cyberbullying or cyberstalking.
    Parents watch what your teens put online because other teens or older people could be stalking your child.

Offensive or illegal content teenagers.ashx (application/pdf Object) - 0 views

    Be mindful that some websites encourage harmful or illegal behaviours such as eating disorders and violent acts. Consider your teen's vulnerability to information and check what they are viewing online.
    Parents talk to your kids about what they are looking for online and how they are acting.

Computer Crime and Abuse Individual Awareness - 0 views

    Tips to avoid crime and abuse with individual awareness.
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