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Destiny T

NationMaster - Crime Statistics - 0 views

    this is a statistic of crimes in different countries in piracy
Julie Lindsay

Zero to Eight: Children's Media Use in America | Common Sense Media - 1 views

    The study shows that everything from iPods to smartphones to tablet computers are now a regular part of kids' lives, with kids under 8 averaging two hours a day with all screen media. Among the key findings: 42% of children under 8 years old have a television in their bedroom. Half (52%) of all 0- to 8-year-olds have access to a new mobile device, such as a smartphone, video iPod, or iPad/tablet. More than a third (38%) of children this age have used one of these devices, including 10% of 0-to 1-year-olds, 39% of 2- to 4-year-olds, and more than half (52%) of 5- to 8-year-olds. In a typical day, one in 10 (11%) 0- to 8-year-olds uses a smartphone, video iPod, iPad, or similar device to play games, watch videos, or use other apps. Those who do such activities spend an average of 43 minutes a day doing so. In addition to the traditional digital divide, a new "app gap" has developed, with only 14% of lower-income parents having downloaded new media apps for their kids to use, compared to 47% of upper-income parents. Clearly, media has become a staple in young kids' daily lives and influences them in ways we don't yet fully understand. But by getting involved in your kid's media life, you can help them create healthy lifelong patterns that will truly make a difference in their lives
Callie S

10 Ways Google Recommends You Stay Safe Online | Edudemic - 0 views

  • Passwords are the first line of defense against cyber criminals. It’s important to pick strong passwords that are different for each of your important accounts and to change them regularly. Here are some ideas to help create strong passwords. Use a unique password for all your important accounts. Use unique passwords for your accounts, especially important accounts like email and online banking. You are likely to have dozens of accounts across the web, and you cannot guarantee the security of all of them. Criminals target sites that lack strong security, in order to harvest usernames and passwords that they test against other popular sites. When you use the same password across the web, a cyber criminal can learn the password from a less secure site and then use that password to compromise your important accounts. Use a long password The longer your password is, the harder it is to guess. There are almost one quintillion possible 10-character passwords (that’s 4,000 times as many possibilities as if your password only has eight characters) … and that’s if you only use numbers and letters. Use a password with a mix of letters, numbers, and symbols Using numbers, symbols and mixed-case letters in your password increases the difficulty of guessing or cracking your password. For example, there are more than 6 quadrillion possible variations for an eight-character password with numbers, symbols, and mixed-case letters – 30,000 times more variations than an eight-character password with only lowercase letters. Try using a line from a song, film or play Some passwords are easy to guess or crack: Simple words or phrases like “password” or “letmein,” keyboard patterns such as “qwerty” or “qazwsx,” patterns such as “abcd1234” or personal information like your birthday or street name.So choose a combination of letters, numbers, or symbols to create a unique password that’s unrelated to your personal information.One idea you can try is to choose a line from your favorite song, film or play, like “To be or not to be: That is the question.” Then use numbers, symbols and mixed-case letters to recreate it: “2bon2bT1tq” is a password with quadrillions of variations. The more unusual the phrase you choose the better!Or you could pick a random word or phrase, and insert letters and numbers into the beginning, middle, and end, such as “sPo0kyh@ll0w3En.” Make sure your password recovery options are up-to-date and secure Make sure your recovery email address is up to date so that you can receive emails in case you need to reset your password. Sometimes you can also add a phone number to receive password reset codes via text message. Additionally, many websites (including Google Accounts) will ask you to choose a question to verify your identity if you ever forget your password. If you’re able to create your own question, try to come up with a question that has an answer only you would know. Try to find a way to make your answer unique – you can do this by using some of the tips above – so that even if someone guesses the answer, they won’t know how to enter it properly. Keep your password reminders in a secret place that isn’t easily visible Don’t leave notes with your passwords in plain site, on your computer or desk. If you do decide to save your passwords in a file on your computer, create a unique name for the file so people don’t know what’s inside. Avoid giving the file an obvious name, such as “my passwords.” If you have a difficult time remembering multiple passwords, a trusted password manager may be a good solution. Spend a few minutes checking out the reviews and reputations of these services.
    To stay safe you need a good password. If you follow these rules when making your password you will have a far less chance of cyber crimes.
Woody H

Digital Divide | Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project - 0 views

    Internet access is best understood as a spectrum, ranging from people who have never been online, to those who have dial-up or sporadic access, to those who have broadband at home and at work
October H

Surviving a Hack - 0 views

    "There's a topic that all web developers need to keep current on - regardless of whether you're a newbie or a veteran, if your site has been up for 10 years or for 10 minutes - and that topic is web site security and protecting yourself from hackers. What can be even more important than prevention is the cure in case your site is hacked."
    STOP! You might be hacked, don't panic read this blog and get that hacker off that site. It has different ways to help you stop hackers from getting inside your private life eon the internet.
Kellie C

In Defense of the Culture Clash - 0 views

  • Because of the internet, clashes between the sensibilities of different societies will only increase. Offended parties will press publishers to keep offensive communications off the network. However, if people only publish what's acceptable to most everyone in the world, then the internet will be a far less effective tool for social and political change than it might otherwise be.
    This website has more detail and is more specific about conflict and how it effects companies and how companies can cause conflict
Blakelee H

Technology: Virtual vs. Real Life: You Choose | Psychology Today - 0 views

  • I see two fundamental differences between connected life, that is, life through the lens of technology, and real life, the one in which we live (I realize that it could be argued that tech life is the real one in which many of us live, but I see that as a problem). First, wired life is not real, meaning experiences are created by technology with the aim of approximating and simulating actual experience. The problem with this "low-resolution" life is that, though it shares similarities to real life, it lacks the high resolution and the granularity of real life. For example, email can be a wonderful means of communication, but it lacks visual input (so important to effective communication), the nuance of facial expressions and body language, and clear emotional content. Second, digital life is mediated by the technology that makes it possible. There is always something between us and our experiences, whether a text message or a Wii sports game, and, as I just noted, a great deal is lost in the translation.
    Virtual life is not real. It creates a gap in communication and takes away from actual experiences in life.
Kellie C

How to Prevent Culture Clashes | Africa Magazine Online | ReConnect Africa - 0 views

  • Why do cultures clash? Culture clashes occur when we judge the behaviour of a person from another culture using our own values. For example, a British approach to time may be that there is never enough and so we use it carefully and make sure we don't waste it. Another culture may see time as something they don't need to control so strictly and see a flexible response to things as more useful. These two different approaches can quickly lead to clashes in a business setting.
    This website tells about how to prevent internet culture clashes.
Blakelee H

How Do Computers Affect The Social Behavior Of Children? | LIVESTRONG.COM - 3 views

  • Effects of Moderate Use A moderate amount of computer use and game playing doesn't seem to affect social development. The social behavior of moderate computer users and nonusers was roughly the same in terms of sociability and relationships with friends and family. However, heavy computer users tended to believe they had less control over their lives than their classmates, a possible indication of inadequate socialization. Increased Hostility and Aggression After the massacre at Columbine High School in 1999, researchers and educators paid more attention to violent video games such as Doom, the daily game of choice for one of the two teenage killers. Many studies show that violent TV shows increase aggression and hostility in both children and adults. It appears the same is true of computer games. The key variable appears to be a preference for violent games, rather than the amount of time a child plays such games. Even playing Mortal Kombat for a short time increases a child's hostility and aggression. Violent computer games also desensitize children, who show less empathy and willingness to help others, according to research cited in "The Future of Children." Brain Drain In a small study of 18 Chinese university students, published in the "PLos ONE" journal and reported on Mail Online, kids who played games on their computers at least eight hours a day, six days per week showed alarming amounts of atrophy in parts of their brain, as measured by MRI scans. The scans also found abnormalities in the white matter of the brain, which coordinate communication between different areas of the mind. On Mail Online, Dr. Aric Sigman of the Royal Society of Medicine called the July 2011 report a "wake-up call." Experts fear that in addition to cognitive damage, heavy Internet use might reduce the inhibitions and decision-making ability of children, leading to damaged relationships with family members, peers and authority figures.
    Moderate use of internet and computers do not affect young people. Heavy use, however creates increased hostility and aggression, and can cause one to become "brain dead."
Blakelee H

Positive Effects of the Internet - 0 views

  • Internet, as most of us know, is a large network of networks, which communicate with each other by means of data packets. Internet is regarded as the largest information base. Today, Internet has become an integral part of our daily lives. We depend on the Internet to update ourselves about current news and rely on the communication platform it offers to get in touch with our near ones. The information from all around the world is just a click away, thanks to the Internet. Internet has surely affected the society positively. With the onset of the Internet, access to information has become easy. Internet has served being an efficient and organized storage of information. Internet search engines are the best information retrieval systems that are functional over the Internet. Typing in a simple search query to a search engine fetches you thousands of search results. Moreover, the ranking strategies adopted by the search engines ensure that the most relevant results are delivered to you on priority. The search engines crawl over all the information that seems relevant to your search query. They retrieve the most relevant results in top order, thus helping you fetch the required information with great ease. Information is truly a click away! The Internet provides some of the most effective means of communication. Emails and instant messages have made online communication possible. Social networking and blogging websites and online discussion forums have proved being popular platforms of expression. People in different parts of the world can collaborate over the Internet. They can exchange views, share information and work together over the Internet. It was the development of the Internet that made online education and distance learning possible. Professionals working in physically distant locations can collaborate their efforts, thanks to the Internet.
    Internet can have positive results, such as easy access of information and communication
Blakelee H

Internet Addiction Left My Brother Homeless - Newsweek and The Daily Beast - 0 views

  • Internet addiction sounds like a punch line. But it ruined my brother's life. Print Email Comments (Page 1 of 3) Last Friday I walked into the most recent inpatient Internet addiction treatment center to open in the United States and asked a really dumb question. "Do you have Wi-Fi here?" I bumbled, prompting an awkward smile from the man who opened the door at the Fall City, Wash.-based ReSTART Internet Addiction Recovery Program. It was the equivalent of walking into an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting and asking for a single-malt Scotch.It was also revealing. I hadn't checked my e-mail, Facebook, or Twitter accounts for nearly 14 hours by the time I showed up at the wooded five-acre retreat, situated with some irony less than 15 miles from Microsoft Corp.'s Redmond headquarters. That drought had begun to eat away at me enough that by the time I walked through the door I was so fixated on plugging back in that my brain was able to push past the blatant insensitivity it took to ask such a question.Most of my friends smirked when I told them I was heading up to Washington to write a story about the newly opened center, which sits on a wooded parcel of property adorned with a 3,500-square-foot craftsman house, Western red cedar treehouses, chicken coops, and goat pens. We all kid about being hooked on Facebook, but it doesn't really seem like the kind of thing anybody would need to drop $14,000 (the cost of a 45-day stay at ReSTART) on to quit cold turkey. The fact is, though, I have believed for some time now that Internet addiction is a very real phenomenon. And not just because I've read stories about the well-established and at-capacity treatment centers in China and South Korea, or because I know antisocial kids who routinely put in 14-hour shifts playing World of Warcraft. Internet addiction is the reason my 36-year-old brother has been homeless for most of his adult life.I hadn't really understood this until recently, because having a homeless brother always terrified me too much to make any real effort to understand why Andrew could never get his life together. A couple of years ago I decided I'd protected myself from this depressing truth long enough. I contacted my brother and said I wanted to spend a day with him, from the moment he awoke to the time he went to sleep, to see what his life was like. I approached the trip with a journalist's curiosity and method—a pen and steno pad—but it was obviously going to be a personal expedition.Andrew, who is four years older than I am, sleeps in a roomy tent, atop three mattresses he's acquired from one place or another, between a set of railroad tracks and Oregon State Highway 99, in a clearing ringed by blackberry bushes. He lives most days the same way. He gets up when he feels like it, walks to the local Grocery Outlet, and uses food stamps to buy a microwaveable meal. Then he treks over to the local soup kitchen and enjoys a free lunch, answering the greetings of his other homeless pals, who speak to me highly of the obese, bearded man they call "Ace."When the rest of his buddies head off to the park to suck down malt liquor or puff weed, Andrew eyes a different fix at the Oregon State University computer lab, which is open to the public. He'll spend the next 10 hours or so there, eyes focused on a computer screen, pausing only to heat up that microwaved meal. He plays role-playing videogames such as World of Warcraft, but he's also got a page of RSS feeds that makes my head spin, filled with blogs he's interested in, news Web sites, and other tentacles into cyberspace. He goes "home" only when the lab closes. He's recently acquired a laptop, after much fundraising from sympathetic relatives, so he can now stay connected day and night, if he can find an open Wi-Fi hot spot.Through the day I peppered him with questions, all meant to answer this one: why had he failed to make something of himself, and I hadn't? It was a complicated question, but it
Haley M

Famous Copyright Infringement Cases - 2 views

  • Copyright Infringement means using the original piece without the permission of the copyright holder, as such or in parts (without attributing the part to the owner). According to the US copyright laws, one can face heavy penalties in cases of copyright infringement. The infringement may also lead to a jail term or a penalty followed by a jail term.
  • Princeton University Press v. Michigan Document Services (1996) Michigan Document Services was involved in creating packages of study material for the students of the University. A professor supplied the course material and Michigan Document services, a photocopying organization, took photocopies of the material and converted it into a booklet for sale to students at the University. There was a clause of "Fair use" in this case. The photocopying company could have paid a nominal fee to the University and then used the material. This was available to anyone who wished to use the material. However, the photocopying company paid for only the original and then started making photocopies of the study material. The court considered that it was not "fair use" and penalized the photocopying company. A & M Records vs. Napster (2001) This is one of the most famous cases of copyright infringement related to the music industry. As peer to peer file sharing increased, Napster started a website. This website offered downloads of songs of all genre – new and old. You may know someone who used it. A & M Records brought in a joint copyright infringement case which accused Napster of stealing music and making it available to people worldwide. Before closing the site in 2002, Napster had to settle USD26 million to different recording companies and songwriters. It could have even more if Napster had not apologized and folded the site. Several websites still thrive on offering free music to people who can download it at no cost. As mentioned in our article on "Internet Ethics and Copyright Laws", the music industry faces most copyright infringement cases. The Napster case, though an example of the consequences, still does not act as a deterrent for other music websites that offer free music downloads. We hope these famous copyright infringement cases have clarified what is considered copyright violation to some extent. If you still have any questions, please free to contact us using the comments facility.
    On this website the author talks about what copyright infringement is and famous cases. Copyright infringement is when a person violates that intellectuals rights. Though once that copyright is sold it no longer belongs to them. This article discusses Feist Publications V. Rural Tele Services CO, Princeton University Press V. Michigan Document Services, A & M Records V. Napster.
    This article focuses on copyright infringement
Blakelee H

Internet and Computer Addiction: Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment - 1 views

  • Each person’s Internet use is different. You might need to use the Internet extensively for your work, for example, or you might rely heavily on social networking sites to keep in touch with faraway family and friends. Spending a lot of time online only becomes a problem when it absorbs too much of your time, causing you to neglect your relationships, your work, school, or other important things in your life. If you keep repeating compulsive Internet behavior despite the negative consequences in your offline life, then it’s time to strike a new balance
    social awareness health -habbits of managing online activity
Susan Davis

10 Best Rules of Netiquette - Associated Content from Yahoo! - - 3 views

  • 2. No "Flaming": Flaming is a form of verbal abuse when you intentionally attack or disrespect somebody for whatever reason.
  • Good internet etiquette (netiquette) is all about being courteous to others online to make the internet a fun experience for everyone.
    "1.The Golden Rule: Treat others as you would like to be treated. This rule is an oldie but a goodie and can get you through just about any situation, online or off! 2. No "Flaming": Flaming is a form of verbal abuse when you intentionally attack or disrespect somebody for whatever reason. Maybe you didn't agree with something they said, but there's a nice way to share a different point of view without name calling or attacking someone. Harassing or insulting someone will not likely help you gain many online friends! 3. Respect Others' Copyrights: There are wonderful things online, information for everyone on just about any topic! However, these things have copyrights and licenses. Copying the works of someone else without permission or saying it is your own will not only ruin your online reputation, but could land you with hefty fines and lawsuits! 4. DON'T TYPE IN ALL CAPS: It hurts our eyes. It makes people think you are shouting at them. It's okay to type in caps to accentuate a word or two, but please don't do it all the time everywhere you go. 5. Don't Spam: As a blog owner, I get hundreds of spam messages each day. Most of them aren't even legible, with things like "kjhgsawu" typed in the comments and links to sites with adult or inappropriate content. I don't appreciate it! Some spammers are getting really sneaky, as they use the same generic post over and over again like "I really like your blog" - if you own multiple blogs like I do though you can quickly identify these types of spammers! There's a fine line between spam and self-promotion, do it very carefully! "
Sophia O

Stories of Cyberbullying: What do they say? - 13 views

What can you do to stop cyberbulling


Vicki Davis

Where do you draw the line between having fun and being inappropriate online? Is it dif... - 0 views

    Information on this discussion is a great living example from our project about these issues.
    Another amazing discussion here on digital citizenship and appropriate behavior. So many teachable moments on this project.
Vicki Davis

eCommerce Blog :: Varien :: Open Source eCommerce Development and Consulting Firm - 0 views

    Parents should have different log in id's on each computer for their family to prevent saved passwords from letting their kids do things they don't want done.
    3 year old buys pink cadillac on ebay with "buy it now" feature
Ashley M

digiteen2008 - Digital Literacy - 0 views

  • Some teachers are trying to use digital literacy in there classrooms daily to try to help students become involved. Our teachers use overhead projectors, smartboards, and televisions.Many of us use computers in our classes. If we do not learn how to use computers we could soon be separated by the digital divide. The digital divide could end up leaving some of us jobless. We need to be able to use all of the technology we have access to so we can succeed. In a article called "Digitally addicted kids threaten to return to civilization to the dark ages" a girl named Megan Meier committed suicide due to Cyber bullying. A kid named Josh Evans did this, who later turned out to be Megan's ex boyfriends mom Lori Drew. There are so many examples of digital literacy. We use them in everyday life. We use computers all the time, don’t we? I know if you work in an office then you do. Also, Teens are in love with text messages, although text messaging can be very harmful. While texting you could be bullying someone. Like I said before about computers, not only do business people use them, but parents and teens, and maybe some younger children. Teens get in chat rooms all the time. Some probably don’t even know what they are getting into. In chat rooms people can be pushed to do something or even be bullied. Chat rooms and the use of text messaging can be harmful.
    • Ashley M
      This information is very informative.
  • The digital divide could end up leaving some of us jobless
    • Ashley M
      This sentence is very true. The information in the following paragraph explains how the digital divide could leave some of us jobless.
  • Tasks are being accomplished with the use of technology more than ever.
    • Ashley M
      I find this fact very true.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Relying too much on technology is a problem because it isn't always reliable.
    • Ashley M
      I also find this very true..The following statement explains how relying on technology too much could be a negative thing.
  • Digital literacy is trying to teach basic computer concepts and skills. Literacy isn’t being able to read and write, like used to be. It deals with being able to tell the difference between a real and fake website.
    • Ashley M
      This is a great definition of what Digital Literact is.
  • Teachers are beginning to use overhead projectors, clickers, and television more
    • Ashley M
      This statement explains how our world is relying more on technology each day.
    This page shows that things bookmarked digital_literacy through the group automatically go to the students in the project. The teachers (who all use diigo) just tag throughout the year to have things ready to go into the wiki when it is time for the project.
    This is last years information on digital literacy.
Tristan S

Virtual Worlds Review: What is a Virtual World? - 0 views

  • A virtual world is an interactive simulated environment accessed by multiple users through an online interface. Virtual worlds are also called "digital worlds," "simulated worlds" and "MMOG's." There are many different types of virtual worlds, however there are six features all of them have in common:
  • 1. Shared Space:
  • 3. Immediacy:
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • 2. Graphical User Interface:
  • 4. Interactivity:
  • 5. Persistence:
  • 6. Socialization/Community:
Rachel H

Video Game Addiction - Internet Gaming Addiction - 0 views

  • eased
  • rnet us
  • e is associated with
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • poor eating habits, lessened physical activity and behavioral issue
  • Though self-injurious behavior can be attributed to many different factors, such as depression, stressful life events or family problems, the study found that Internet addiction on its own can lead to teens harming themselves.
  • Internet addiction can also lead teens to cause themselves har
  • through pulling their own hair or hitting, pinching or burning themselves
  • ew study published in the journal Injury Prevention shows that
  • An Internet addiction is classified the same as other addictions, such as those to drugs, alcohol or gambling. If your teen simply goes on the Internet frequently, it is unlikely you have anything to worry about. But if your teen is exhibiting any of the following signs of an Internet addiction, you may want to take action: Excessive time spent devoted to using the Internet Depression, moodiness or nervousness when not online Fantasizing about or being preoccupied with being online A change in sleeping patterns or habits Sudden weight loss or weight gain Lying about time spent on the Internet or denying use Neglecting family, friends or activities they used to enjoy Using the Internet to avoid problems Internet addicts can also experience physical symptoms such as dry eyes, backaches, migraine headaches and carpal tunnel syndro
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