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Nigel Robertson

The 5 Resources Model of Critical Digital Literacy - 0 views

    "The 5 Resources Model provides a framework to articulate the scope and dimensions of digital literacies. It is based on an established model of literacy which is underpinned by critical perspectives (the Four Resources Model of Critical Literacy, after Luke & Freebody). It has been adapted for the digital context. The model has been developed to encompass the varied perceptions and meanings attributed to digital literacy. On the one hand some stakeholders put a strong focus on ICT, i.e. the skills involved in using computers, software and digitally enabled devices; others emphasise the social and interpersonal, creative and communicative skills highlighted by social media and Web 2.0; there are also critical and intellectual approaches associated with the term digital scholarship. Different stakeholders tend to emphasise different skillsets. The model therefore provides an overarching framework against which groups can develop a shared sense of the parameters and scope of digital literacy. This can inform the curriculum and map to graduate attributes as well as contribute to staff development and employability agendas."
Nigel Robertson

Extending Bélisle's Three Models of Literacy | Digital Literacies Framework - 1 views

    Post looking at 3 approaches to literacy
Nigel Robertson

Digital Literacy - delivering the agenda within colleges and universities - 1 views

    "In the sixth episode of our online radio programmes - JISC On Air - we are exploring how universities and colleges can help teaching staff, researchers, support and administrative staff to develop their digital literacies - those capabilities which prepare an individual for living, learning and working in a digital society. In part two of the show, we will be looking at how digital literacy underpins the academic success and employability of students. The show highlights how colleges and universities are developing holistic approaches and strategies for supporting the development of these skills and capabilities."
Nigel Robertson

Universities must rethink their approach to student digital literacy | Higher Education... - 0 views

    Digital literacies are about communicating and critical reflection.
Nigel Robertson

Exeter CASCADE - Digital Literacies - 2 views

    CASCADE is designed to focus on the digital literacy of researchers - building on the University's strengths in research-led teaching. It also incorporates the concept of 'students as change agents', for which we  have national acclaim for our work involving undergraduate students in the design and delivery of the curriculum, and we intend to build on our experience of engaging Postgraduate Research students to cascade skills to undergraduates. How it will workA purpose-designed Exeter Digital Literacy Framework will underpin the project, and help us in refining our approaches, specifically with regard to digital literacy skills. A number of research-rich online and face to face activities will be developed and piloted in our five Colleges.
Nigel Robertson

Developing Digital Skills - Bringing staff and students together - 1 views

    The iChamp programme at Southampton which engages students in a partnership with staff to develop digital skills. Not a tech angels approach.
Nigel Robertson

Appreciative Inquiry - 1 views

    Appreciative Inquiry (often known as AI) was developed by David Cooperrider and Suresh Srivastva in the 1980s. The approach is based on the premise that 'organisations change in the direction in which they inquire.' So an organisation which inquires into problems will keep finding problems but an organisation which attempts to appreciate what is best in itself will discover more and more that is good. It can then to use these discoveries to build a new future where the best becomes more common.
Nigel Robertson

The Original Change Management Toolbook (Appreciative Inquiry (AI)) - 1 views

    Using Appreciative Inquiry to approach change in organisations.
Nigel Robertson

Digitally Literate Institutions - a holistic approach - 2 views

    JISC DigLit tools including link to the LLiDA audit tool.
Nigel Robertson

Enhancing the student digital experience: a strategic approach | Jisc - 0 views

    A substantial guide to improving the digital experience for students.
Stephen Bright

Digital Information Literacy: Supported Development of Capability in Tertiary Environme... - 3 views

  • Digital Information Literacy Taxonomy
  • Six aspects
  • Recognition (of the information needed);
  • ...20 more annotations...
  • Access (obtaining the information);
  • Evaluation (of the reliability of the information and the effectiveness of the tools and strategies);
  • Management (of the information found);
  • Application (to create new understandings); and
  • Ethical use of information.
  • The characteristics associated with knowing how to learn include:
  • The ability to “experiment or play” through “trial and erro
  • Be self-directed
  • Being able to “consult others” such as peers or a mentor
  • Capability Taxonomy
  • seven categories
  • Confidence (in own ability - self-efficacy);
  • Problem solving (identifies and works towards a solution);
  • Motivation (positive attitude to explore and adopt new approaches - including risk-taking)
  • Interaction (shares, collaborates and interacts)
  • Reflection (examines practices and thinking of self and others - including evaluation)
  • Technical aptitude (uses a wide range of tools and terminology)
  • Beliefs (values the ICT environment).
  • Definition of Digital Information Literacy
  • Digital Information Literacy (DIL) is the ability to recognise the need for, to access, and to evaluate electronic information.
Nigel Robertson

Universities must rethink their approach to student digital literacy | Higher Education... - 0 views

    Framing Digital Literacy as conversation. Not stunning but worth adding to the lists.
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