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m silverstar

Fandom TAGS can cross time and virtual space! - 7 views

  • Fandom Tags! If we can all use the a few standard labels, we can find each other on other systems. I propose Fandom for pretty much everything fannish, then get more specific: LotRiPS, Star Trek TOS, The Last Airbender, Girl Genius, Merlin x HP crossovers, Wrestling, Bandom... . There's another facet, which is the kind of fanwork, so adding tags like fanfiction, fanart, fanvid, fan-music, fandom meta, even something like fan-larps...Adding a couple of tags to every fannish post or bookmark is a bit annoying, but it will be worth it!BTW I'm slightly obsessed with a tetris-clone called torus, and play it waaay too much. Sorry for so much radio silence. And now to bed.
    [removing junk]
. cupidsbow

MISC 'Social bookmarking sites' a Google Doc by many people - 11 views

    A list of pros and cons for each site, and still being edited on the fly.
  • ...6 more comments...
    Has anyone tried Licorize?
    No, I haven't tried Licorize. I've tried Connotea and Zotero for uni, but ended up choosing Diigo, because it was more flexible. I'm thinking about giving the Google bookmarking a go. Is it any good?
    I've just signed up for it. It has a really cute interface and looks like it might have a lot of applications as well. However, I'm not sure about the fandom aspects of's still uploading my bookmarks right now. I'll try to find out more. But I have a feeling that Diigo might be the site that everyone's eventually going to settle for (the money expense at Pinboard will probably be a detracting factor)
    Yeah, Diigo seems to be the frontrunner at the moment. It's already got a fair number of fannish users, and is handling the load okay so far too -- some of the other services are down altogther, or reporting very slowed service. I'm curious about Licorize now -- let us know what it's like. But I'm also considering Evernote and Google Bookmarks (I think this might be the easiest for a backup, even though it doesn't look so great for networking). I think I'll have a play over the next few days (too tired tonight).
    I'd prefer not to be dependent on Google, that seems like trouble around issues of pornography and copyright. Really, having a fandom-specific system would be so much safer.
    Yeah, I was thinking of using Google as a private backup, while looking for somethng better. But a fannish solution is the ideal one. If we have a service that lets us integrate OTW sites and DW with a social networking system, along with out existing libraries, it would be like fandom Nirvana. :)
    Google bookmarks is not a public, social, bookmarking tool. I use google bookmarks for things I don't care to share at all: research for stories, links for hacks, cracks, tutorials, stuff on my to-read pile. It is easy to use with bookmarklets, and a quick interface. You can export public lists, but they are static and do not update if new links are added with the exported label.
    Thanks for the update -- that was kind of the impression I had of Google bookmarks, but hadn't tried them out yet. I actually really like the combination of Diigo and Delicious -- they have complimentary strengths and I get a back-up with no extra effort. I think the only thing that would really tempt me to move to another setup (outside of one or both closing down or becoming unusable) would be a fannish sevice. For that, I'd rearrange everything.
dossier 1013

OMG, I miss my delicious subscriptions like burning already - 61 views

@cupidsbow the $9.43 I spent for a pinboard is the best $ I've spent in months. There's a few features that would be nice to have, but Maciej has already sent out a note to fandom asking what feat...

social-networking discussion

. cupidsbow

FANDOM 'Goddamnit [floating the idea of a fan bookmarking service]' by dreamyshade - 6 views

    Interesting call for discussion on how to create a fannish bookmarking service, perhaps something which links existing services like AO3 and DW, plus Pinboard, Diigo etc.
. cupidsbow

How to create subscriptions to tags in Diigo - 40 views

I've been playing around with Diigo's 'list' function and discovered that you can get something like a subscription feed to the community tags you want to follow. Here's my current feed: http://www...

social-networking tools fandom how-to

started by . cupidsbow on 19 Dec 10 no follow-up yet
. cupidsbow

kaigou | what's on your wishlist? - 7 views

    Kaigou is hosting a brainstorming post over on DW about what your dream bookmarking service would be like. This is not attached to an existing service (like the Pinboard googledoc is).
. cupidsbow

AVOS Backtracking Like Whoa - 43 views

If they bring back basic functionality, I will be much more open to the new stuff they are planning. Some of it actually sounds fun, just not at the expense of being able to use the site as a socia...

AVOS discussion delicious

. cupidsbow

the great delicious migration - 22 views

    A list of fans across various services. Public editable Google doc.
    Up to 247 fans and counting!
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