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. cupidsbow

AVOS Backtracking Like Whoa - 43 views

If they bring back basic functionality, I will be much more open to the new stuff they are planning. Some of it actually sounds fun, just not at the expense of being able to use the site as a socia...

AVOS discussion delicious

Stasha .

A New Flavor…Still Delicious | AVOS - 17 views

    "Back to Beta: ...Much more work will be needed..." <--- No kidding.
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    But why? Whhhhy? Why build "functionality" that makes it harder to search your own site? :( I'm still hoping that I've missed some cunningly hidden link that will allow me to search my subscription feed without having to recreate it.
    Well I appreciate that they're keeping the site open and that they want to improve things. I just wish they didn't think that meant they need to take away features we all love to make those "improvements". I'm glad I've backed all my bookmarks up to Diigo and Licorize just in case the "new flavor" causes Delicious to explode in a fireball that can be seen from space.
    *clicks over to Delicious* ... Holy mother of... I'm really glad I exported my bookmarks the day before the switch was finalized - the handful I've cautiously bookmarked since then can be recreated easily enough - since I'm not sure *what* it would export now. Wow. Just... wow. Not good. I really, really wish that Diigo imported the complete contents of my comment fields. As it is, I'm going to have to try bouncing between Pinboard (4,356 bookmarks with complete descriptions) and Diigo (network). This is not happy making.
    Ugh, so they took a great functioning site and decided to build it from the ground-up, meanwhile taking away all the features that made it stand out from its competitors and went from a no-nonsense layout to a cutesy pale immitation of diigo? Where is my network, my tag bundles, a good search function, etc etc!!!
Stasha .

Delicious Relaunches: Exclusive Q&A With CEO Chad Hurley - Liz Gannes - Social - AllThi... - 30 views

    "How is this different from the original Delicious? It became hard when people were adding all this information, tags and links...."
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    *facepalm* They can't actually have said that. *goes to look at the trainwreck*
    train wreck indeed.
    Wow, just wow.
    "The new Delicious retains a lot of visual elements from the old site, but it tweaks the core user activity to be about creating "stacks" of content." No it doesn't, it looks almost nothing like the old Delicious. Besides, who cares what it looks like if it functions poorly?
. cupidsbow

delicious beta status - 12 views

    Delicious have updated their blog; there are a lot of bugs fixed already. I just looked for /tag/jared/jensen and got back what looks like a useable list of fic to read (although there's still some info missing -- like who bookmarked each link).
    I'm one of those who were outraged of the changes on delicious. Now that I've calmed down and exported my links, I am more open to give them the benefit of the doubt and I will be awaiting if the situation in delicious will improve in the coming days or weeks. This update in beta status leaves me hope that it will.
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