Now they claim they are working to add back in things like "tag bundle functionality", increasing the amounts of links per page, and fixing the RSS feeds issues. (
All of which begs the question: why the HELL didn't they leave those things alone to begin with?!?
It's a train wreck. I know I should just look away, but there is a creepy sort of fascination with the whole thing.
"Speaking of feedback, we were thrilled to get so much of it today."
Well, that's putting a positive spin on it. Everywhere I looked (and not just in fandom LJs, but on twitter and the comments on their stacks youtube vid, etc) people were NOT PLEASED.
IF they restore the functionality that made the site what it was (subscriptions, network aggregation, searching that works, tag bundles, and the ability to see and manipulate your own bookmarks and tags) then people will continue to use it. Basically, they're on probation.
If they bring back basic functionality, I will be much more open to the new stuff they are planning. Some of it actually sounds fun, just not at the expense of being able to use the site as a social bookmarking site. Yanno?
I know that a knee-jerk negative reaction to change is normal, but I've been really surprised over the last year or so at how badly some of the big players have misjudged and mismanaged their launches of Web 2 stuff (coff Google+ coff). And with AVOS coming from the YouTube team, this is their business, so why so poorly launched?
All of which begs the question: why the HELL didn't they leave those things alone to begin with?!?
It's a train wreck. I know I should just look away, but there is a creepy sort of fascination with the whole thing.
Well, that's putting a positive spin on it. Everywhere I looked (and not just in fandom LJs, but on twitter and the comments on their stacks youtube vid, etc) people were NOT PLEASED.
IF they restore the functionality that made the site what it was (subscriptions, network aggregation, searching that works, tag bundles, and the ability to see and manipulate your own bookmarks and tags) then people will continue to use it. Basically, they're on probation.
I know that a knee-jerk negative reaction to change is normal, but I've been really surprised over the last year or so at how badly some of the big players have misjudged and mismanaged their launches of Web 2 stuff (coff Google+ coff). And with AVOS coming from the YouTube team, this is their business, so why so poorly launched?