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Dagens kampbegivenhet: Skolen mot IT-avdelingen | - 4 views

    Fantastisk skildring av noko mange lærarar møter når dei kontakter IT-avdelinga.

Periodesystemet by Rune Mathisen on Prezi - 4 views

    Fantastisk prezi om grunnstoffa. Inneheld videoar. Det periodiske system

IKT for elever - 3 views

    IKT-kurs for elevar, utvikla av Stavanger og Kristiansand kommune.

Lesson Plans - EDTECH: Focus On K-12 - 3 views


Lanserer IKT i Skulen - kva, kven, korleis og kvifor « Eva 2.0 - 3 views

  • digital kompetanse, sosiale medier, LMS osv – kort sagt litt om IKT og IKT-ferdigheter man bør kunne
  • “matnyttige” – skrive enkle tips, og med noen tips til hvordan man kan bruke det i undervisningen
  • laste ned “boka” gratis som pdf. 
    Bok om digital kompetanse, sosiale medier, LMS og IKT-ferdigheter ein bør kunne.

Att bygga ett bullshitfilter « - 3 views

    Dr Po blogger om en viktig oppgave for skolen

Kvalitetiskolen - home - 3 views

    Wiki med fokus på kvalitet i skulen.

Google For Educators - Web Search - 3 views

  • Google Web Search - Classroom Lessons and Resources

How to Use Movie Clips for Learning | - 3 views

    Korleis bruker ein videoklipp i undervisinga?

StatPlanet Map Maker - Interactive Mapping & Visualization Software - 3 views

    "StatPlanet is a browser-based interactive data visualization and mapping tool. It is used by international organizations such as UNESCO and SACMEQ, NGOs, Fortune 500 companies, government departments, schools and universities for a wide variety of purposes. It can be used to easily and rapidly create interactive thematic maps, interactive graphs, and feature-rich interactive infographics. StatPlanet is also available as a stand-alone application which can be used as free educational software. It comes with up-to-date statistics on demography, economy, education, environment & energy, gender and health, for most countries in the world."

How the iPhone Could Reboot Education | Gadget Lab | - 3 views

  • I watch it when I need it and in ways that I need it. And that makes a huge difference.”
  • “About five years ago my students stopped taking notes,” Rankin said. “I asked, ‘Why are you not taking notes?’ And they said, ‘Why would we take notes on that?…. I can go to Wikipedia or go to Google, and I can get all the information I need.”
  • Then, using polling software that Abilene coded for the iPhone, students can answer the questions anonymously by sending responses electronically with their iPhones. The software can also quickly quiz students to gauge whether they’re understanding the lesson.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • It’s a lot more interactive for those who aren’t as willing to jump up and throw out their answer in class. Instead, you push a button on the iPhone
  • Rankin declined to disclose exact figures for money invested in the iPhone program, but he said the initiative only takes up about 1 percent of the university’s annual budget. To offset costs, the university discontinued in-dorm computer labs, since the vast majority of students already own notebooks.
  • For us, it isn’t primarily about the device,” Rankin said. “This is a question of, how do we live and learn in the 21st century now that we have these sorts of connections?…. I think this is the next platform for education
    Det handlar ikkje om dingsen, det handlar om mulighetar og kommunikasjon. iPhone til vurdering av undervising? Avstemming?

YouTube - What digital natives want from their library - 3 views

    Hva barn som vokser opp i dag ønsker seg.
    Hva barn som vokser opp i dag ønsker seg av det digitale
1More - Vurderings- og sensorveiledninger - vgo - 3 views

    Vurderingsveiledninger til eksamen
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