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Learning Technologies » Blog Archive » Mindmapping with Mindmeister - 4 views

    Screencast om mindmapping med mindmeister. Generelt, også MM og dysleksi

EasyBib: Free Bibliography Maker - MLA, APA, Chicago citation styles - 4 views

    Verktøy for kjelder og kjeldelister

Avholde en presentasjon på to skjermer ved hjelp av presentasjonsvisning - Po... - 4 views

    Hold presentasjon med to skjermar, eller med videokanon. Du ser alle lysbileta, manus og tidsbruk, tilhøyrarane ser berre slide.

Gratis ressurs med mengder av fakta og research om ungdom - Fremsikt Nano - forbrukertr... - 4 views

    Gratis ressurs med mengder av fakta og research om ungdom

DLMF: NIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions - 4 views

    The NIST Handbook of Mathematical Functions, together with its Web counterpart, the NIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions (DLMF), is the culmination of a project that was conceived in 1996 at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). The project had two equally important goals: to develop an authoritative replacement for the highly successful Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables, published in 1964 by the National Bureau of Standards (M. Abramowitz and I. A. Stegun, editors); and to disseminate essentially the same information from a public Web site operated by NIST. The new Handbook and DLMF are the work of many hands: editors, associate editors, authors, validators, and numerous technical experts.

10 Best LEGO Music Videos on YouTube - 4 views

    Fantastiske musikkvideoar gjenskapt i lego

Mind - Research Upends Traditional Thinking on Study Habits - - 4 views

  • Take the notion that children have specific learning styles, that some are “visual learners” and others are auditory; some are “left-brain” students, others “right-brain.” In a recent review of the relevant research, published in the journal Psychological Science in the Public Interest, a team of psychologists found almost zero support for such ideas.
  • We have yet to identify the common threads between teachers who create a constructive learning atmosphere
  • many study skills courses insist that students find a specific place, a study room or a quiet corner of the library, to take their work. The research finds just the opposite.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • What we think is happening here is that, when the outside context is varied, the information is enriched, and this slows down forgetting
    Interessant kritikk av de rådende idéene om god studieteknikk, læringsstiler mv.

The Innovative Educator: Think you're a Digital Immigrant? Get Over It! - 4 views

  • We have learned to become helpless; most likely by playing the traditional game of ‘school’
  • For me ‘Learned Helplessness’ is the attitude that many of the self-described ‘digital immigrants’ adopt. It still surprises me to this day when I hear teachers bleat out with a certain sort of pride that they are a ‘digital immigrant’. To me they are saying that they have learned to be helpless, and they are proud of that.
  • educators must take ownership of their learning rather than waiting for/relying on others to provide it
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Teachers do not need to be technology experts to allow students to use it to retrieve information, collaborate, create, and communicate.
  • Those stuck in the past... those who are not developing their own personal learning networks... those not taking ownership for their learning... are doing a great disservice to our students and themselves.
    Er mange lærere innlært hjelpeløse? Kan de avvise bruk av IKT i klasserommet fordi de ikke har fått opplæring i bruk? Nei hevdes det her, lærere må ta ansvar for og eierskap over egen læring.

Kreativ og smart bruk av Google Sketchup - 4 views

    Google Sketchup i trafikkopplæring, imponerende!

Lenke og embedding - same-same but different? - 4 views

    Opphavsrett og juridiske betenkninger over forskjellen på lenking og embedding fra NRK beta.

21 Things That Will Become Obsolete in Education by 2020 - THE DAILY RIFF - Be Smarter.... - 4 views

  • '21 Things That Will Become Obsolete in Education by 2020'.
    • Monika Solvig
      Schools are slow "changers". Do we think or hope (fear?) that some of these will appear within 9 years?

- PC er ikke brukervennlig nok for skolen - NRK Trøndelag - NRK Nyheter - 4 views

    I teknobyen Trondheim er PC allerede avleggs i skolen. Nå er det Ipad og andre nettbrett som gjelder.

Tidslinje - Maler - Microsoft Office - 4 views

    Malar til word, powerpoint og excel for tidlinjer

Spill om klasseledelse - 4 views

    nå kan du laste ned Dataspill i klasseledelse fra hjemmesiden til UiN: Info om spillet:

Blogg om teknologi og design i skolen - 4 views

  • Varmesokker med strømførende tråd og batterier

Norske brukere i sosiale medier - Halogen - 4 views

    Hvor mange nordmenn finnes i de forskjellige sosiale mediene?
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