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karen sipe - 0 views

    With a view of travel as an educational experience like no other, the project makes use of digital media to promote an understanding of different culture and customs to students worldwide. The site hosts virtual field trips to England, Jordan, and South Africa that include more than 160 fort films that correspond to the destinations. Each video explains more about the region's food, music, culture, and language. Since 2003, project explorer has counted more than a million visitors to the site from more than 40 different countries. Recently, it won a Parents' Choice Award for "Outstanding Web Programming." The site's developers qre not working to add a fourth field trip--this one to Malaysia--the Project Explorer has lesson for upper elementary, middle and high school. They plan to offer lesson specifically designed for the early grades.
karen sipe - 0 views

    many educators are using technology to engage students in project-based learning exercises that build 21st-century skills and motivate students with practical and hands-on-activities. The nonprofit Buck Institute for Education and Boise State University have put together resources to help educators plan, design, and implement such leassons. Guides and planning tools are available, as are a handful of examples of project-based teaching and learning strategies that have been successful in the classroom.
karen sipe - 0 views

    This site contains tons of links to free teacher resources. The home page currently has 6 categories which users can clink on and then go deeper into a specific area. The categories are chatboards which can be by grade, subject and state; classified ads which are free teacher classified ads, classroom projects with hundreds of project ideas, lesson plans, teacher jobs, teacher mailings for teachers to subscribe to for free.
karen sipe

DigiTales - The Art of Telling Digital Stories - 0 views

    Digitales is a great site to assist in the development of evaluation rubrics for a variety of project types.
    Digitales is a great site to use for development of rubrics for a variety of projects.
karen sipe

42explore: Thematic Pathfinders for All Ages - 0 views

    42 explore is a web project that provides resources and teaching materials on different subject areas and disciplines.
karen sipe

Royalty Free Music FREE: Free production music, free copyright free music - 0 views

    Royalty Free Music is am large selection of music that can be used for your educational projects.
karen sipe

The Best Resources For Learning Research & Citation Skills | Larry Ferlazzo's... - 0 views

    "The Best Resources For Learning Research & Citation Skills September 24, 2009 by Larry Ferlazzo | 8 Comments This "The Best…" list is sort of a combination of two lists I had been thinking of making to go along with The Best Online Resources To Teach About Plagiarism (Another list to keep in mind might be The Best Reference Websites For English Language Learners - 2008). The more I thought about it, though, the more I felt that a list of engaging (and even fun) sites to teach research skills and accessible citation resources would make a good combination. Since a graduation requirement in our district is that seniors need to develop a "Senior Project," I've spent some time finding these kinds of helpful sites that might be accessible to English Language Learners.  I have to say, though, that these sites (except for the first one) would probably only be accessible to more advanced ELL's. Here are my choices for The Best Resources For Learning Research And Citation Skills: LEARNING RESEARCH SKILLS:"
karen sipe

Explore Themes | The Art Institute of Chicago - 0 views

    Art Access looks at objects from the The Art Institute of Chicago's permanent collection. This site has a variety of online resources including lesson plans for the classroom and art projects for the home. The site is suitable for grades 5-12.
karen sipe

Mathtrain.TV - 0 views

    Mathtrain.TV is a free educational "kids teaching kids" project from Mr. Marcos & his students at Lincoln Middle School in Santa Monica, CA. It provides student-created math video lessons all in one place.
karen sipe

Science Education at Jefferson Lab - 0 views

    This wesite provides math activities, lesson plans, projects, worksheets, homwork help, videos, games, flash cards and many more.
Pat Kennedy

Picturing America - 0 views

    Picturing America is a project of the National Endowment for the Humanities and the American Library Association. Picturing America is an interactive gallery of artwork related to events, people, and themes in American history. You can browse the gallery chronologically or by theme. Click on any image in the gallery to learn about the artist and the artwork itself. Along with the background information for each image, Picturing America provides links to additional resources for learning about the artwork and artists. Thanks fo Richard Bryne.
karen sipe - 0 views

    This site is a new multimedia project featuring free interactive adventure games set throughout U.S. history. The first game, Mission 1: For Crown or Coloni? puts players in the shoes of Nat Wheeler, a 14 year old printer's apprentice in 1770 Boston. As players complete tasks throughout the city, they meet everyone from merchants to soldiers, sailors to poets, Patriots to Loyalists. The game reveals rising tensions threatening to come to a head, and, ultimately, players must choose where their loyalties lie. Teachers can use the website to manage classes and track student progress.
    Looks interesting. It may align more with the elementary SS content.
karen sipe

Scribble Maps - Draw on google maps with scribblings and more! - 0 views

    scribblemaps lets users create custome maps and share them. Users don't need a login to create a map. Students can add text and pictures to the information boxes, and they can see their project in map view, satellite view, hybrid view, and night sky. They can zoom in and out and find a particular area using the search box.
    Another free tool.
karen sipe

Skoolaborate - About - 0 views

    "Skoolaborate is a global initiative uses a blend of technologies including, blogs, online learning, wiki's and 'virtual worlds' to transform learning. We aim to use these tools to provide engaging collaborative learning experiences for students aged between 13 and 18 years of age. We aim to learn how to use these blended experiences to make learning more meaningful and engaging. The projects we create will integrate curriculum and digital technologies into collaborative global actions. Our virtual learning space is secure and only accessible via invitation. Students from schools around the world are invited to participate. Initiated and manage by Westley Field at MLC School Sydney, Skoolaborate now has over 40 schools and organisations from Australia, New Zealand, Taiwan, Japan, Singapore, Chile, Portugal, Canada, the UK and the USA."
karen sipe

Digital Storytelling Teacher Guide - 1 views

    "The ancient tradition of storytelling meets the digital age. When students create a movie or interactive slideshow to tell their story, learning becomes personal. With digital storytelling, students can: Improve their writing. Show creativity. Have a voice. Digital storytelling projects lend themselves well to portfolio assessment"
    Resource for teachers about digital storytelling.
Pat Kennedy

Website - - 0 views

    Coriolis Effect - This site provides a definition of the Coriolis Effect; talks about air; describes the Coriolis in the real world; and provides a quiz. Caution - some spelling errors but visuals are good.
Anthony Angelini

Weebly - 0 views

    Create professional webpages with ease. Can set up teacher-accounts that can group student accounts together in order to make online projects.
karen sipe

History Matters: The U.S. Survey Course on the Web - 0 views

    History matters is a database of coursework, guides, and primary-source documetns on topics in American history, History Matters was produced by two academic programs at the City Unviersity of New York and George Mason University. The site is most useful for high school history teachers and studetns, and educators can use it as a professional-development resource. The Digital Blackboard page offersr curriculum guides with links to third-party reference sites. Another page hosts a series of Q & A interviews with history teachers, who reveal the secrets behind teaching a successful history course. The Students as Historians page links to web-based projects created by high school and college students. And don't forget to check out the primary-source search engine, located on the Many Pasts page. The search enging links to more than a thousand images, audio, and text-based documenets from American history sites across the Internet.
karen sipe

Engage Your Audience | Text The Mob - 0 views

    The easiest and most entertaining way to collect feedback from your audience: project polls or message boards on a large screen, have everyone send their input via their cell phones and see results instantly!
karen sipe

This Is Mega-Mathematics! - 0 views

    Mathematics is a live science with new discoveries being made every day. The frontier of mathematics is an exciting place, where mathematicians experiment and play with creative and imaginative ideas. Many of these ideas are accessible to young children. Others (infinity is a good example) are ideas that have already piqued many children's curiosity, but their profound mathematical importance is not widely known or understood. The MegaMath project is intended to bring unusual and important mathematical ideas to elementary school classrooms so that young people and their teachers can think about them together.
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