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karen sipe

Mathalicious - 1 views

    Mathalicious is really cool site. Users select their math topic and then are given real life situations where the math is used. It appears each situation comes with a complete lesson plan, with essential questions and all informtion that the teacher will need. The lessons are not just for math teachers but go across varied content topics, but relate back to math.
    Cool site. Mathalicious connects math to real-life activities by providing complete lessons for teachers.
karen sipe

Some Very Good Educational Apps and Tools to Help Struggling Writers ~ Educational Tech... - 0 views

  • There are different reasons why struggling writers have problems with composition. Some of them are internal such as a disability of some sort, lack of motivation and confidence…etc and others are externally oriented like irrelevance of writing topics, inappropriate writing strategies and so on. In today’s post we are sharing with you a set of interesting iPad apps to help struggling writers build up their writing confidence and enhance their writing competencies.We have particularly focused  on three main areas:
    "There are different reasons why struggling writers have problems with composition. Some of them are internal such as a disability of some sort, lack of motivation and confidence…etc and others are externally oriented like irrelevance of writing topics, inappropriate writing strategies and so on. In today's post we are sharing with you a set of interesting iPad apps to help struggling writers build up their writing confidence and enhance their writing competencies.We have particularly focused  on three main areas: "
karen sipe

Studyladder, online english literacy & mathematics. Kids activity games, worksheets and... - 0 views

    Study Ladder is filled with free activities created by educators. The activities are categorized by content areas. Within the categories items are broken down by topic or grade level. It's a free resource, thousands of activities are available.
    Study Ladder is filled with free activities created by educators. The activities are categorized by content areas. Within the categories items are broken down by topic or grade level. It's a free resource, thousands of activities are available.
karen sipe

The National Academies presents: What You Need to Know About Energy - 0 views

    The National Academy of the Sciences has launched this new website that gives an overview of the U.S. energy system. It covers 4 main topics: energy uses, sources of energy, the cost of energy (in terms of the environment, national security, and sustainability), and energy efficiency. The site has easy to navigate content and links to source material, and it includes n energy quiz, a glossary, and a source library. The site's producers are also developing curriculum-based materials for high school and middle school classrooms. Two special features--Our Energy System and Understasnding Efficiency--are designed to actively engage visitors and enhance their understanding of energy, including what it is, h ow we use it, and ways to conserve it.
    Looks like a good resource related to the topic of energy
karen sipe

FREE Math Worksheets - - 0 views

    This free math worksheets site has numerous math topics from basic math to advanced math. The printouts are in PDF format and in addition to the question sheet thee is an answer key.
    numerous math topics to choose from on this site.
karen sipe

Viren's Videos Free AP Physics Review Help - 0 views

    "Free AP Physics Help for AP Physics C or Introductory College Physics Mechanics and Electricity and Magnetism" Here are some youtube videos to give you some explanations of AP Physics C topics to help with AP physics.
    Cool site with a variety of science topics videos.
karen sipe

NCSS 2012 - CYAO Video Creation - Google Drive - 0 views

    This slide shows you how to create youtube interactive videos with links to other videos topics.
karen sipe

NCSS 2012 - CYAO Video Creation - Google Drive - 0 views

    How to link youtube videos is a really good step by step to help teachers who create videos and then want to link them together to allow students to click on designated annotations that allow the viewer to move between different videos and topics.
karen sipe

Sync your Apple device - Google Calendar Help - 0 views

    Direction for syncing your apple device with Google Calendar
karen sipe

Sync contacts with your iOS device - Gmail Help - 0 views

    Google directions for syncing contacts your iOs device
karen sipe

Learn Genetics - 0 views

    This free site has a variety of online tours that cover a variety of biology anataomy, human health related topics.
karen sipe

20+ Tools and Apps for Creating Visually Appealing Mind Maps ~ Educational Technology a... - 0 views

    "Mind maps are great organization tools that students can use to structure and visualize their ideas and thoughts. They can be used for a variety of educational purposes. For instance, students can utilize them in pre-writing tasks to brainstorm ideas around a given topic. They can also be used as synthesis tools to enhance reading comprehension. As we have argued elsewhere, Mind mapping is proved to boost a number of key thinking skills that include creating, synthesizing and analyzing information. In today's post, we are re-sharing with you this handy chart comprising some of the best digital tools to use in class to create visually appealing mind maps. We have categorized these applications into tools that work on Google Drive and the web, iPad apps and Android apps. Check them out and share with us your feedback. "
karen sipe

Encyclopedia Mythica: mythology, folklore, and religion. - 0 views

    this Internet encyclopedia of mythology, folklore, and religion is suitable for grades 6-12. You'll find everything from A-gskw to Zveda Vechanyaya,k with plenty in between. the mythology section is divided to six geograqphical regions: Africa, Americas, Asia, Europe, Middle East, and Oceania. The Folklore section contains general folklore, Arthurian legends, Greek heroic legend, and fascinating folktales from many lands. In addition, there are special topics, including A Bestiary, legendary heroes, an image gallery, and genealogical tables of various pantheons and prominent houses.
Anthony Angelini

Michigan State's Virtual History Museum - 0 views

    The Virtual History Museum is a history-learning environment designed to promote the historical understanding. The Virtual History Museum (VHM) enables a teacher or student, who serves as a curator, to develop an exhibit about a historical topic. Exhibits include activities that help viewers investigate the exhibit and then communicate to others the results.
Anthony Angelini

PDE Conference Webcasts - 0 views

    Pennsylvania Dept of Ed. archives speeches from annual conferences by experts. The archives include the video coverage, PowerPoints, and transcripts. The archives date back several years, so teachers have instant access to a number of experts on relevant topics (2012 - grading + assessment)
karen sipe

eduweb: portfolio - 0 views

    Eduweb is a site that provides simulations/interactives on various topics related to science, social studies/history, art, and more.
karen sipe

Lincoln Intermediate Unit #12 - American Treasures Boxes - 0 views

    This is a wikispace link to the American Treasures Box. The students. The LIU 12 in collaboration with Waynesburg University's Teaching with Primary Sources program is now offering American Treasures Boxes and digital resources, each based on a specific topic from American history. The American treasures boxes consist of a resource CD/flash drive, printed documents and images from the Library of Congress and ideas about how you might incorporate the materials into your classroom. Collection currently available are listed on this link.
karen sipe

The Black Death - 0 views

    There are numerous videos that are history related. This site would have some materials that would possibly work to introduce science topics as well. There are a number of links about disease, plague, medicine of medieval times, etc. Very interesting material.
karen sipe

Graphic Organizers for Reading Comprehension | - 0 views

    Scholastic is one of the best graphic organizer providers online. It offers a wide range of graphics covering different topics particularly Reading Comprehension
karen sipe - 0 views

    Plus magazine opens a door to the world of maths, with all its beauty and applications, by providing articles from the top mathematicians and science writers on topics as diverse as art, medicine, cosmology and sport.
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