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karen sipe

Historical Thinking Matters: home page - 0 views

    Welcome to Historical Thinking Matters, a website focused on key topics in U.S. history, that is designed to teach students how to critically read primary sources and how to critique and construct historical narratives.
    Looks like an interesting site. There are student investigations as well as teacher materials and strategies.
karen sipe

History Matters: The U.S. Survey Course on the Web - 0 views

    History matters is a database of coursework, guides, and primary-source documetns on topics in American history, History Matters was produced by two academic programs at the City Unviersity of New York and George Mason University. The site is most useful for high school history teachers and studetns, and educators can use it as a professional-development resource. The Digital Blackboard page offersr curriculum guides with links to third-party reference sites. Another page hosts a series of Q & A interviews with history teachers, who reveal the secrets behind teaching a successful history course. The Students as Historians page links to web-based projects created by high school and college students. And don't forget to check out the primary-source search engine, located on the Many Pasts page. The search enging links to more than a thousand images, audio, and text-based documenets from American history sites across the Internet.
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