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karen sipe

Leveled Library » Register - 0 views

    "Anyone can use LeveledLibrary without registering for a free account. However, registered users have access to many features that are not availble to the unregistered users. Most notably, registered users can: Everyone Keep an inventories of the books you own and their levels Specify the leveling system in which you want the book levels displayed. Print labels for your leveled books in popular label sizes View book details, such as binding, dewey decimal number, suggested categories, and cover images Keep books in your shopping cart across multiple computers All Educators Search the inventories of colleagues at your school Vote on book levels for books in the system Manage Courses and Track Student Lending Access reports about your classroom library Administrators Purchase and unlock reports: See what books are in your school Analyze how well a teacher's library matches the students in the class Track student reading growth over time See how well your students are picking books on their reading level"
    I have often wondered if there was a tool to organize my own library of books and I think th is may be it.
karen sipe | Start a Online Book Club - 1 views

    Start you own book club. You can invite your friends. Have discussions online or in person. Find other people with similar book interest.
    This is pretty cool. What a great way to share what you are reading with your friends. What a great way for kids to discuss their books. Wouldn't it be cook if a teacher could set up a club and invite their students to it to discuss what they are reading online.
karen sipe

Free Book Notes, Cliff Notes, Summaries, and Study Guides | - 0 views

    This suitable for middle and high school students, provides a comoprehensive guide to free book summaries, literature notes, and study guides (like Cliffs Notes) for more than 1,600 books, plays, and poems.
Pat Kennedy

Website - Thought Audio - 0 views

    Thought Audio is a producer and provider of free audio books featuring classic titles across a variety of genres. Thought Audio audio books are professionally narrated works that you can listen to online or download to play offline. The library of audio books on Thought Audio contains some titles that are hard to find as audio files. For example you'll find titles like Thus Spoke Zarathustra, The Life of PT Barnum, and The Madman. You'll also find more commonly read titles like Alice in Wonderland, and Poe's The Raven. Thanks to Richard Bryne's.
karen sipe

Top 10 tools to create digital books - 0 views

    Check out these 10 tools to create digital books.
    Tech and Learning article about top 10 tools to create digital books. this is a blog that you should add to your RSS reader.
Pat Kennedy

Website - Read Print - 0 views

    Read Print is a free service providing access to more than 8,000 free books and essays written by more than 3,500 authors. The titles available through Read Print are generally works that are in the public domain or have Creative Commons licensing. The collection of works contains many of the classics in fiction and non-fiction literature. In addition to books, poems, and essays you can also find plays on Read Print. You can search by author, title, or quotation for titles on Read Print. Once you've found what you're looking for you can print all or parts of your chosen title or read it online using the Read Print viewer. Thanks to Richard Byrne.
Anthony Angelini

Goodreads - 0 views

    A social-networking style web2.0 tool that allows people to share what books they've been reading and how they like them. Simple and direct, it seems to have potential for fast online exchange of book recommendations for kids and also as a tracking measure to see how much and what kids are reading.
karen sipe

Collections | The Public Domain Review - 0 views

    This is a cool Public Domain Review. Users can go on and browse by medium, images, books, film, audio or by time period.
karen sipe

ZooBurst - 0 views

    Zooburst is a digital storytelling site. Users can make a 3-D pop-up book.
karen sipe

Lesson Plan Idea for Research with the EasyBib Moblie App « EasyBib - 0 views

    Easy Bib mobile app that allows students to scan the barcode of a book, magazine, etc. to create a citation.
karen sipe

ReadWriteThink: Student Materials: Graphic Map - 0 views

    Graphic Map as its name suggests is designed to help students and teachers in their writing and reading activities. It works according to an evaluative system that charts the high and low points related to a certain item or group of items like : chapters in a book , sums of money, events during a span of time, scenes in a play.
Anthony Angelini

Purdue OWL - APA Style - 1 views

    Purdue University's online guide-book to successfully using the APA style in writing professional papers.
Pat Kennedy

Blog post - Read Print - 0 views

    David Kapuler's blog post 9/2/2010 - This is a site that contains 1000's of free online, book, poems, and resources for anyone to use.\n
karen sipe

Solving the Math Curse: Reading and Writing Math Word Problems - ReadWriteThink - 0 views

    "This lesson uses the four modalities of reading (reading, writing, listening, and speaking) on a math word problem to bridge the gap between reading and math. After a read-aloud from the book Math Curse by Jon Scieszka and Lane Smith, students create their own word problems with answers. Students solve each other's problems. As they reread the word problems, fluency and comprehension increase. Finally, students use the skills they've learned creating word problems to complete a crossword puzzle. As students read the math concept words presented in the puzzle and write the correct answers, their reading and writing math vocabulary skills increase."
    Thinkfinity resource
karen sipe

Storybird - Collaborative storytelling - 0 views

    "Storybirds are short, art-inspired stories you make to share, read, and print. Read them like books, play them like games, and send them like greeting cards. They're curiously fun."
karen sipe

Science News for Kids: About Us - 0 views

    "Science News for Kids is a web site devoted to science news for children of ages 9 to 14. Our goal is to offer timely items of interest to kids, accompanied by suggestions for hands-on activities, books, articles, Web resources, and other useful materials. Our emphasis is on making the Web site appealing by offering kids opportunities to comment on and grade the subject matter, get ideas for science projects, and try out mathematical puzzles. At the same time, we offer teachers creative ways of using science news in their classrooms."
Anthony Angelini

FakeBook - 0 views

    Teachers and students can easily create FaceBook-style pages to: chart the career of a historical character, create a timeline of important events, outline the main plot of a book, play or film and so on!
karen sipe

XP Math - FREE Math Games, Math Careers - 0 views

    XP Math is a good place to find math games, math videos, math worksheets, and math e-books. The games section of XP Math offers games for basic arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and probability. Create an account on XP Math and you can keep track of your scores.
karen sipe

Welcome to Open Library (Open Library) - 0 views

    This library of over 1,000,000 free ebook titles has been provided by the Open Content Alliance (OCA).
karen sipe

Game-Based Learning Units for the Everyday Teacher | Edutopia - 1 views

  • She also gives tips about using the game model (2) in the classroom. James Paul Gee (3) has long been a champion for game-based learning in speeches, blogs, and books. Quest to Learn (4),
    • karen sipe
      Looks like some good tips may be available in this article.
    "Game-based learning (GBL) is getting a lot press. It is an innovative practice that is working to engage kids in learning important 21st century skills and content. "
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