This is really cool. What a great way to get guys interested in financial issues. In order to successfully win the game students must answer different levels of financial questions.
You can see how the planets rotate, you can see the constellations, it is a great visual for teaching astronomy and for teaching about the planets and solar system.
The Problem Site is loaded with great games for students. Some of the games are traditional "hang-man" style games, some of the games are traditional games with a twist, and some of the games are completely new. Each game is designed to help students develop problem solving skills. The games are categorized as word games, math games, or strategy games.
When a teacher is looking for a new way to teach a student, a concept, or a lesson, the chances are the best resource is another teacher. On LessonCast, teachers share ideas and resources through screencast videos called lessoncasts. The LessonCast community connects educators with classroom-proven experience and great ideas.
The Ad Decoder is produced by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The game appears on the B.A.M. (body and mind) section of their website. BAM is full of great resources for health and physical education teachers. The Ad Decoder provides students with two virtual magazines which they flip through to see examples and explanations of advertising tactics used to grab the attention of tweens and teens. After flipping through the magazines students can test their new knowledge is a part of Rader's family of educational games and activities. Number Nut provides some great games with which students can practice and develop their math skills. Unlike many other Math game websites, Number Nut includes some word problems that force students to problem solve rather than just recall information from rote memorization.
Really Cool PBS resource called Election Central. It covers all aspects of the election process. It includes lesson plans, videos, virtual field trips, inside the debates as well as an interactive map of the election. There is also a resource called Election Collection which has a variety of historical election information and resources. Great resource of educators and students.
1- Documentary storm
This is a great documentary website that provides over 2000 full length documentaries gathered from several resources all around the web. Each documentary has a short description , there is a download button on and under each video, that is just an advertisement of a video tool and not a download page .
2- Documentaryz
This is another cool documentary resource you can use to search for and find good documentaries to use with your students. It has thousands of videos and they are organized under different categories such as Art, Animal, Nature, Biography, Business...etc.
3- Free Documentaries
This one here streams full length documentary films free of charge and with no registration needed. Some of the documentaries in this website has trailers and can also be downloaded.
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WEB 2.0 Guru provides LFS strategies enhanced with Integrated Technologies. These strategies will not only assist students with core content area proficienty but also 21st Century skills and NETS proficiencies.
Great wikispace with lots of integration strategies for Essential questions, vocab activities, activating strategies, teaching strategies, summarizing activities, and extending and refining learning.
This site has links that provide information about various technology tools: PowerPoint, CPS clickers, document cameras, wikis, blogs, social networking, social Bookmarking, Podcasting, Vodcasting, Online calendars, event management.
NationStates for Educators is a site that allows educators to create a nation to explore issues such as politicking, balaancing coompeting points of view, resolving ethical dilemmas, understanding politics, the nature of freedom, exploring the complexity of society, nature of patriotism.
Different classes use NationStates in different ways. Some have designed their own "game within the game" systems, awarding points for students that achieve particular outcomes, such as being elected WA Delegate. Others use NationStates as a jumping-off point for discussion
Looks like a great site to create and use as an ongoing classroom activity. Please share with anyone you think may be interested in an authentic activity.
"TimeGlider is a data-driven interactive timeline application built on the (Adobe) Flash platform. You can "grab" the timeline and drag it left and right, and zoom in
and out to view centuries at a time or just hours. TimeGlider allows you to create event-spans so that you can see durations and how they overlap. Being web-based, TimeGlider lets you collaborate and share easily.
You can create timelines about the last year of your family, the last century of world events, or about pre-historical (bce/bc) times. Currently, one can zoom out to a scope of millenia:"
This is a cool site to checkout and bookmark the tools that you may be able to use at some point. Timelines are great in that they provide a way for students to organize their thinking about a particular topic. Check out some of the timeline tools outlined in this link.
This site provides a variety of ready to use lesson plans on a variety of topics. The lessons have an essential question as well as an outline of strategies and activities that can be used to teach them. In addition, if appropriate, graphic organizers will be provided for use with the lessons. When you get to the site use the Find a Lesson Plan search feature to easily see if there is a lesson that aligns to your curriculum.