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Roland O'Daniel

interactivenotebook - 0 views

    Mr. Greer's ISN page. Nice example of how to set it up for kids. I really like these two boxes on the page: Why use an interactive notebook? 1. Students use both their visual and linguistic intelligences 2. Note-taking becomes an active process 3. Notebooks help students to systematically organize as they learn 4. Notebooks become a portfolio of individual learning Personal Response Instructions 1. Summarize the new information you have learned from the activity/presentation 2. Relate or connect this new learning to what you previously knew about the topic 3. Tell how you feel about what you have learned. At least 3 paragraphs are needed to meet the expectations for this assignment.
Roland O'Daniel

Welcome to Popling - The Learn Spanish, French, German, Italian, Anything Without Study... - 1 views

    Another interesting spin on drill and practice. I see this as an interesting tool for students in a 1:1 laptop setting. It runs from your desktop so it's not functional for mobile devices (as far as I can tell).
Roland O'Daniel

My StoryMaker : Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh - 3 views

  • My StoryMaker lets you control characters and objects - and creates sentences for you! Once you are done with your story, you can print it out. You cannot go back and edit a story once you have ended it but, if you click "yes" when asked to share it with others, you can print it out again by entering the magic number it gives you in the box on the right. Since lack of space forces us to delete story files older than 1 month, please save the .pdf file that prints to your own computer.
    y StoryMaker lets you control characters and objects - and creates sentences for you! Once you are done with your story, you can print it out. You cannot go back and edit a story once you have ended it but, if you click "yes" when asked to share it with others, you can print it out again by entering the magic number it gives you in the box on the right. Since lack of space forces us to delete story files older than 1 month, please save the .pdf file that prints to your own computer.
Roland O'Daniel

Inderscience Publishers - Article - 1 views

  • The purpose of this study is to identify the benefits that mobile technology can provide in education. From a review of the literature and interviews with individuals in the field of education, we developed an activitybased model to associate the uses of mobile technology with their benefits. The model first identifies the general uses of mobile technology in education and the specific activities that they encompass. Then, the benefits from their uses are identified with overarching themes emerging as follows: greater efficiencies and effectiveness in learning, increased individual support and opportunities for personal development, better methods of collaborating and communicating and greater exposure to technology.
Amber Ylisto

SRTrainingSummer09 / Chapter 6- Group 1 - 0 views

  • seen pages
    • Elizabeth Cloyd
  • kids need to read the whole book to understand the main ideas
    • Paul Rodrigues
      This is so not true. Targeted reading can provide students essential content and save time for other activities.
  • So you have to prioritize; you have to decide to teach a few things well and fully- let some other stuff slide.
    • Elizabeth Cloyd
      I'm glad to know this is acknowledged and acceptable
    • Elizabeth Cloyd
      Also, this is a must with semester long courses
  • ...42 more annotations...
  • Maybe we believe that kids need to read the whole book to understand the main ideas in our subject.
    • Jamie Poff
      I don't believe this at ALL. Quite possibly, I err on the opposite end fo the spectrum, where students don't know WHY they have a textbook. Perhaps, some of these new strategies can make in-class reading more productive and encourage more use of the book.
  • They need you, the teacher, to break the work into steps and stages, and to give them tools and activities and work habits that help.
    • Josh Yost
      Scaffolding, vocabulary strategies really work well with breaking up text into manageable chunks for students.
  • Like the social studies teachers at Stagg High School, you could try to identify the 12 or 16 absolutely key, “fencepost” concepts in every course you teach. You might agree in principle that kids would do better to understand a dozen key ideas deeply, that to hear 1,000 ideas mentioned in passing. But what are the right fenceposts for your subject, your course?
    • Josh Yost
      Finding these fencepost ideas is always difficult in a department where each person feels different topics require more coverage than others.
  • beyond the classroom
    • Paul Rodrigues
      definately a key to motivating readers. They need to know why it matters to them.
  • So you have to prioritize; you have to decide to teach a few things well and fully- let some other stuff slide.
    • Jamie Poff
      Ah. The "selective abandonment" approach. Reminds me of my days teaching Arts & Humanities -- 25 pages of random facts in the Core Content about the progress of Western, non-Western, and other indigienous visual art, drama, dance, literature, music, religion, philosophy, from time immemorial to present...all in 18 weeks of block scheduling.
  • have to decide to teach a few things well and fully- let some other stuff slide.
    • Hannah Cook
      what do you let slide and what to you cover? does each individual teacher decide this or is it done as a department?
  • Whatever our subject, we may believe that “the state requires us” to cover everything in the textbook, however thinly
  • This newer kind of test tries to determine not just whether students retain factual information, but whether, given an authentic problem, they can reason effectively.
    • Josh Yost
      This is the step some students seem to miss: application of knowledge.
  • In fact, the 50 states differ widely in the sort of high-stakes tests they actually administer.
    • Paul Rodrigues
      Do we have any framework for the new KY tests? Like...standards, core content...?
  • But what are the right fenceposts for your subject, your course?
    • Lyndsey Timoney
      good question
  • Sounds plausible, given the current fervor of politicians to supervise us, but we’d better be sure it is the reality
    • Elizabeth Cloyd
      This book must have been written during the Bush admin.
  • So you have to prioritize; you have to decide to teach a few things well and fully- let some other stuff slide.
    • Lyndsey Timoney
      good point
  • Don’t leave kids alone with their textbooks We can harness the social power of collaboration, having kids work in pairs, groups, and teams at all stages of reading to discuss, debate, and sort-out ideas in the book.
    • Josh Yost
      I find this works well in social studies, especially with topics that apply to events in the world today.
  • Don’t leave kids alone with their textbooks
  • to remember ideas, learners must act upon them. Period. You can have students move their noses above any number of pages, left to right, top to bottom, but that is neither teaching nor learning.
    • Lyndsey Timoney
      love this
  • What’s Really on the State Test?
    • Jamie Poff
      in response to selective abandonment, I found in the A & H Core Content that most of it was unnecessary to do well on the test. Most of my students were able to perform at the Proficient/Distinguished level without a text...and without covering every single thing on the suggested list. Highly discouraging for a new teacher...effort, in a sense, wasted.
  • roe of textbooks
    • Amber Ylisto
  • only a fraction (17% in mathematics for example) understand a field well enough to do higher-level operations or performances. (2000).
    • Lyndsey Timoney
      not surprised
  • Sure, we can make students read daily sections of the textbook as a matter of compliance and obedience.
    • Amber Ylisto
      Sounds really boring.
  • NAEP tells us
    • Lyndsey Timoney
      what is NAEP?
  • cussedness
  • the content of any subject field has different levels of importance. There are some anchor ideas we ant students to understand in a deep and enduring way, others that are important to know about, and finally, some aspects where a passing familiarity is sufficient.
    • Lyndsey Timoney
      very true
  • 1.Does the idea, topic, or process represent a big idea having enduring value beyond the classroom? 2.Does the big idea, topic, or process reside at the heart of the discipline? 3.To what extent does the idea, topic or process require uncoverage? 4.To what extent does the idea, topic, or process have the potential for engaging students?
    • Lyndsey Timoney
      i like these questions?
  • the reform movements between1820-1850. There are four distinct strands which emerged during this period- religious renewal, abolitionism, the early women’s rights efforts, and workplace reform- each of which receives several pages of coverage in the textbook
  • making sure your kids can think like a scientist, a mathematician, a historian, or a writer.
  • Many books couldn’t be studied this way because information in earlier chapters is crucial for understanding later ones. But textbooks frequently can be easily subdivided.
    • Josh Yost
      Another way to subdivide the chapter is to have students divide in groups and present their information in a creative way to their classmates.
  • Have empathy. Remember, not only are you a grownup and a subject matter expert, you have also read this textbook five or 10 times before. The material may seem easy to you, but it may really be Greek to the kids.
  • Jigsawing
    • Paul Rodrigues
      You can also pair proficient and poor readers and do a parallel reading in a jigsam format for added differentiation and support for struggling readers.
  • giving students support before and during reading
  • Make more selective assignments
  • Greek to the kids
    • Jamie Poff
      Especially if you teach a course in Greek. LOL. ;)
  • Choose wisely. Make more selective assignments
    • Jamie Poff
      This is particularly important for honors/excel students. Accelerated does not mean "do more of the same."
  • more are using constructed responses, items that present some data (a chart, article, or problem) and then ask students to work with it. This newer kind of test tries to determine not just whether students retain factual information, but whether, given an authentic problem, they can reason effectively.
    • Lyndsey Timoney
      these are the best kind!
  • With jigsawing activities, when kids sit down to find the links between movements like abolitionism and worker’s rights, they are coming pretty close to “doing history,” not just dutifully accepting what the textbook says.
    • Josh Yost
      This does require students to be trained in how to do effective jigsaw strategies.
  • assigning fewer pages
    • Jamie Poff
      Especially important for students in regular-pace and more slowly-paced groups. Do reading in class, alongside practice.
  • focus on making sure your kids can think like a scientist, a mathematician, a historian, or a writer.
    • Lyndsey Timoney
      i like this statement
  • websites
    • Jamie Poff
      I finished a course last year by using my WJHS Wiki, a website with discussion forums you can build, ideas you can exchange, and digital copies of assignment lists, expectations, etc. it was pretty cool.
  • Have empathy.
  • The material may seem easy to you, but it may really be Greek to the kids.
    • Lyndsey Timoney
      very true
  • similarities
  • laboring under tough requirements to “cover” material, having
  • ACCESS: Textbook Feature Analysis Directions: Use this activity to better understand the textbook in this class. Its purpose is to teach you how the textbook works by showing you what it is made of and how these elements are organized.
    • Amber Ylisto
      Likes this.
Roland O'Daniel

hmelo.pdf (application/pdf Object) - 4 views

    Problem-based approaches to learning have a long history of advocating experience-based education. Psychological research and theory suggests that by having students learn through the experience of solving problems, they can learn both content and thinking strategies. Problem-based learning (PBL) is an instructional method in which students learn through facilitated problem solving. In PBL, student learning centers on a complex problem that does not have a single correct answer. Students work in ollaborative groups to identify what they need to learn in order to solve a problem. They engage in self-directed learning (SDL) and then apply their new knowledge to the problem and reflect on what they learned and the effectiveness of the strategies employed. The teacher acts to facilitate the learning process rather than to provide knowledge. The goals of PBL include helping students develop 1) flexible knowledge, 2) effective problem-solving skills, 3) SDL skills, 4) effective collaboration skills, and 5) intrinsic motivation. This article discusses the nature of learning in PBL and examines the empirical evidence supporting it. There is considerable research on the first 3 goals of PBL but little on the last 2. Moreover, minimal research has been conducted outside medical and gifted education. Understanding how these goals are achieved with less skilled learners is an important part of a research agenda for PBL. The evidence suggests that PBL is an instructional approach that offers the potential to help students develop flexible understanding and lifelong learning skills.
Roland O'Daniel

Mathematics Teachers' Subtle, Complex Disciplinary Knowledge - 3 views

    What mathematical competencies must a teacher have to teach the subject well? This has proven difficult to investigate (1). A current view is that teachers' knowledge of mathematics "remains inert in the classroom unless accompanied by a rich repertoire of mathematical knowledge and skills relating directly to the curriculum, instruction, and student learning" (2). Unfortunately, there is no consensus on which "knowledge and skills" might activate teachers' inert knowledge. Two perspectives prevail, neither with a research base that enables strong claims about practice. The majority of current studies focus on explicit knowledge of curriculum content and instructional strategies. Such knowledge might be assessed directly through observation, interview, or written test (2), with a parallel research emphasis on the formal contents of teacher education programs [e.g., (3)]. A second school of thought, presented here, is that the most important competencies tend to be tacit, like skills involved in playing concert piano, learned but not necessarily available to consciousness.
Roland O'Daniel

Illuminations: Counting the Trains - 0 views

    In this unit, students will investigate a relationship between recursive functions and exponential functions. Math Content By the end of this unit, students will: Represent data using tables, graphs and rules Investigate patterns and make conjectures Express sequences with recursive and exponential rules Describe and interpret exponential functions that fit the patterns Individual Lessons Lesson 1 - Trains, Fibonacci, and Recursive Patterns In this lesson, students will use Cuisenaire Rods to build trains of different lengths and investigate patterns. Students will use tables to create graphs, define recursive functions, and approximate exponential formulas to describe the patterns. Lesson 2 - More Trains In this lesson, students will use Cuisenaire Rods to build trains of different lengths and investigate patterns. Students will use tables to create graphs, define recursive functions, and approximate exponential formulas to describe the patterns. Lesson 3 - Recursive and Exponential Rules In this lesson make connections between exponential functions and recursive rules. Students will use tables to create graphs, define recursive rules and find exponential formulas.
Roland O'Daniel

NASA Images - 1 views

    "NASA Images provides photos and video related to space exploration, aeronautics, and astronomy. Topics include the universe, solar system, earth, and astronauts. A space flight interactive timeline shows images and video from the 1959 launch of Explorer 1, the first spacecraft successfully launched by the U.S., to the Mars Rovers and International Space Station. (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)"
Roland O'Daniel

IXL Math - 1 views

    Drill and practice quizzes for grades 1-6 math.
Roland O'Daniel

One to One Computing Blueprint - 0 views

    K-12 Computing Blueprint to transforming instruction.
Roland O'Daniel

educational-origami - home - 1 views

  • Details last edit by achurches May 10, 2010 5:38 pm - 131 revisions - locked Tags andrew churches classroom practice edorigami education examples ict it learning learning styles pedagogy resources teaching Table of ContentsWelcome to the 21st Century Starter Sheets Bloom's Taxonomy Blooms Taxonomy Quick Sheets Other Bloom's Digital Taxonomy resources: Learning styles and ICT ICT integration and Management Managing Complex Change Web 2.0 and other tools Educational Origami is a blog , and a wiki, about the integration of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) into the classroom, this is one of the largest challenges that I feel we as teachers face. This wiki is about 21st Century Learning and 21st Century Teaching.
    Educational Origami is a blog , and a wiki, about the integration of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) into the classroom, this is one of the largest challenges that I feel we as teachers face. This wiki is about 21st Century Learning and 21st Century Teaching.
Roland O'Daniel

Notebook Sharing and Collaboration: Phase 1 « Evernote Blogcast - 0 views

    More tips on using Evernote
Roland O'Daniel

Motion Math - Move, play, learn! - 0 views

    Great new number sense math app. Cost $0.99 at this time but uses: the capabilities of the iPhone well (motion, graphics), multiple representations including linear and circle models, decimals, fractions, percents. Is fast moving and progresses beyond 0 to 1 to have students estimating values like 0.26 on a number line from 0 to 2.  
Roland O'Daniel

Google News Timeline - 0 views

    I think this is a GREAT resource with massive potential. If you teach any current issues/sociology/modern history courses then this tool is a must. Even if you teach courses like 'algebra' then this tool has potential. I spent less than five minutes looking at the query 'regression analysis' and found two valid content related applications of regression analysis that I could easily use with an algebra I, II or precal course. As an example in the first resource I came across this article from that mentions "each (interception) in the minus column costs you approximately six points on average over many years of regression analysis." I can see just having an algebra I course examine/explain what that means mathematically, I can see allowing some students to group, decide what data they would need to confirm that analysis and if you wanted let them analyze the data or look for the analysis that has already been done by contacting the author/NFL. If I can find that kind of information within 5 minutes then imagine what someone with imagination could do! Great resource, a must share with your core content teachers and I firmly believe this tool could quickly vault up the list of most useful very ,very quickly. I can't let this go without thinking about differentiation in the classroom, I search for a topic, let groups look at the timeline and choose their own reading (if I have a group that will be challenged by their choice, I might point them to another reading that might scaffold their understanding), but I've built in choice, built in the ability to manage the sources, opened up the ability to quickly find multiple types of sources (video, blogs, primary sources).
Roland O'Daniel

25 Must-Have Firefox Extensions for e-Learners - 0 views

    These add-ons can help capture information on the internet to share with your students. The information does not have to be text based to share.
    Drag & 2.0.1: Store and share pictures, videos, audio, documents and more without an account, registration or email address. Sharing is private.
Roland O'Daniel

Differentiated Instruction - 0 views

    Four Ways to Differentiate Instruction: Differentiation can occur in the content, process, product or environment in the classroom. 1. Differentiating the Content/Topic 2. Differentiating the Process/Activities 3. Differentiating the Product 4. Diffferentiating By Manipulating The Environment or Through Accommodating Individual Learning Styles
Roland O'Daniel

Pattern Blocks: Exploring Fractions with Shapes - 0 views

    Pattern blocks are great tools for developing conceptual understanding. I hope to continue to see them used in classrooms, but the virtual kind can allow students to share their thinking with other students virtually. I like using screen capture, cut/paste, upload to a wiki, comment on characteristics/size/description of '1'/and sharing with students so that their thikning can be revisited from multiple venues (home, classroom, internet-broader audience).
Roland O'Daniel

100 Digital Storytelling Tools for Your Digital Selves + Natives (Part 1) | Ozge Karaog... - 0 views

    Nice set of digital storytelling tools.
Roland O'Daniel

ChronoZoom - 3 views

    Joint project between Berkley, Microsoft and Russian University that lays out existence in an interactive timelline. 
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