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Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

What Could Raising Taxes on the 1% Do? Surprising Amounts - The New York Times - 0 views

    "... By comparison, the band of taxpayers right below them, in the 95th to 99th percentile, pay on average about $1 out of every $4. Those in the bottom half pay less than $1 out of every $10. ... ... Eliminating the preferential rates on capital and dividends would generate $1.34 trillion over the next 10 years, according to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office."
    "... By comparison, the band of taxpayers right below them, in the 95th to 99th percentile, pay on average about $1 out of every $4. Those in the bottom half pay less than $1 out of every $10. ... ... Eliminating the preferential rates on capital and dividends would generate $1.34 trillion over the next 10 years, according to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Company Offers "Fraudulent" and Deceptive Copyright Registrations - TorrentFreak - 0 views

    " Ernesto on October 15, 2016 C: 18 Breaking A ring of misleading websites is charging people to pay for copyright registrations in the UK, Australia and elsewhere, even though it's a free and automatic right. In India, where there's also an official registration office, the authorities are taking legal action to stop the "fraudulent" operation."
    " Ernesto on October 15, 2016 C: 18 Breaking A ring of misleading websites is charging people to pay for copyright registrations in the UK, Australia and elsewhere, even though it's a free and automatic right. In India, where there's also an official registration office, the authorities are taking legal action to stop the "fraudulent" operation."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Apple must repay $14.5 billion in underpaid taxes in Ireland | ITworld - 0 views

    • Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.
      # ! ... Meanwhile, in the #OpenSource / #FreeSoftware development W@rld...
    Apple's tax benefits in Ireland are illegal, and the company will have to pay up to €13 billion (US$14.5 billion) in back taxes, plus interest.
    Apple's tax benefits in Ireland are illegal, and the company will have to pay up to €13 billion (US$14.5 billion) in back taxes, plus interest.
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

BSA Pays Disgruntled Employees to Rat on 'Pirating' Bosses - TorrentFreak - 0 views

    " By Ernesto on May 28, 2016 C: 20 The Business Software Alliance, a trade group representing Adobe, Apple and Microsoft, is known to offer cash payments to people who help them find companies that run unlicensed software. Today we speak with an attorney who has represented more than 250 defendants in these cases, which are regularly triggered by disgruntled employees."
    " By Ernesto on May 28, 2016 C: 20 The Business Software Alliance, a trade group representing Adobe, Apple and Microsoft, is known to offer cash payments to people who help them find companies that run unlicensed software. Today we speak with an attorney who has represented more than 250 defendants in these cases, which are regularly triggered by disgruntled employees."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

You're Gonna Pay for All that Piracy, American ISPs | Digital Music News - 0 views

    "Last month, US District Court judge Liam O'Grady dropped the bomb on Cox Communications by stripping the ISP of critical DMCA protections. This week, he's laying the groundwork for a potentially disastrous level of liability and damages, not just for Cox, but the entire class of US-based ISPs."
    "Last month, US District Court judge Liam O'Grady dropped the bomb on Cox Communications by stripping the ISP of critical DMCA protections. This week, he's laying the groundwork for a potentially disastrous level of liability and damages, not just for Cox, but the entire class of US-based ISPs."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

8 Steps You Must Take to Write a Book - Medium - 1 views

    "If you're a writer, then there's a strong chance you pay a lot of attention to getting your work published. And rightly so. It's important for writers to know their options so that they can make the best choice for their completed work."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Musk: We need universal basic income because robots will take all the jobs | Ars Techni... - 0 views

    "Elon Musk reckons the robot revolution is inevitable and it's going to take all the jobs. For humans to survive in an automated world, he said that governments are going to be forced to bring in a universal basic income-paying each citizen a certain amount of money so they can afford to survive. According to Musk, there aren't likely to be any other options."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Apple must repay $14.5 billion in underpaid taxes in Ireland | ITworld - 0 views

    "By Peter Sayer Follow IDG News Service | August 30, 2016 RELATED TOPICS Mobile Consumer Electronics Business Apple Apple's tax benefits in Ireland are illegal, and the company will have to pay up to €13 billion (US$14.5 billion) in back taxes, plus interest."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

The Corrupting Influence of Money in the Linux Foundation (Bias for Sale) | Techrights - 0 views

    "Posted in GNU/Linux, GPL, Microsoft, VMware at 2:20 am by Dr. Roy Schestowitz When enemies of the GPL (GNU) like Microsoft and VMware - not just GNU/Linux-friendly companies such as Red Hat - pay the Linux Foundation to get their way"
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Rather Than Coming Up With Brand New Taxes For Tech Companies, The EU Just Issues A Mas... - 0 views

    "from the double-irish-with-a-dutch-sandwich dept For quite some time now, we've seen EU regulators talk fairly openly about their desires to harm American internet companies, mostly in a misguided attempt to boost local European companies (and to collect more money). It's why we keep hearing about weird, carefully targeted regulations designed to pump up how much money companies like Google, Apple and others pay. "
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Microsoft Lobbying in India Shoots Down or At Least Weakens Free/Libre Software Policy ... - 0 views

    "Summary: Microsoft's covert efforts (lobbying with the help of public partners like NASSCOM) to eliminate an India-leaning software policy in India is finally paying off"
Wildcat2030 wildcat

Social Sciences and Society - TierneyLab Blog - - 1 views

    "Would you be better off paying for online newspapers like this one? Should you feel guilty about downloading free music? Is the Web's "information-wants-to-free" culture hurting writers, musicians and the rest of the "digital peasants," as Jaron Lanier calls us, now providing unpaid content to be exploited by the "lords of the clouds" like Google? In my Findings column, I discuss Mr. Lanier's new book, "You Are Not A Gadget," a manifesto decrying the Web's effect on individual creativity. (You can see excerpts of his criticism at Edge and at Cato Unbound.) Mr. Lanier mentions this newspaper as one of the victims as well as the promoters of the Web's ideology. "The New York Times," he writes, "promotes so-called open digital politics on a daily basis even though that ideal and the movement behind it are destroying the newspaper and all other newspapers. It seems to be a case of journalistic Stockholm syndrome." Mr. Lanier also faults himself: "
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

The UK's first Tesla Powerwall has been installed in Wales | Ars Technica UK - 0 views

    "But costing upwards of £4,000, it may take a while for a Powerwall to pay for itself. by Sebastian Anthony - Feb 8, 2016 12:17pm CET"
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Cracking Linux with the backspace key? [] - 0 views

    "Anybody who has been paying attention to the net over the last week or so will certainly have noticed an abundance of articles with titles like "How to hack any Linux machine just using backspace". All this press does indeed highlight an important vulnerability, but it may not be the one that they think they are talking about."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Why Vinyl Records and Other 'Old' Technologies Die Hard - The New York Times - 0 views

    "Disruptions By NICK BILTON MARCH 16, 2016 Share This Page Photo Credit Ellen Weinstein For a glimpse of what teenagers are into these days, all you have to do is visit Abbot Kinney Boulevard in the Venice neighborhood of Los Angeles. On weekend nights, the half-mile shopping drag is packed with style-conscious kids who traipse past coffee shops, ice cream parlors and boutiques, often while taking selfies."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Former Pfizer VP Comes Clean About Drug Industry | World Truth.TV - 0 views

    "Big Pharma spends billions manufacturing fake science in favor of deadly drugs and vaccines"
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Annals of imbecility: $5 ISP tax to fund online journalism? - 0 views

    So The Media, Now, request what the Internet Users have been claiming since last 90's to definitively resolve the sharing practices, while -since then- The Same Press criticized all the proposals of The Internet Community to legalize Sharing, extracting some portion of The ISP's Fees to Pay Creation... Meanwhile, everyb@dy know that if Press is... See More Losing Spreading is not for the Internet competence but because the frivolous actual tendency of traditional Media to try to compete with Entertainment, what Have Led Them to Lose Credibility...
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