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Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Why Vinyl Records and Other 'Old' Technologies Die Hard - The New York Times - 0 views

    "Disruptions By NICK BILTON MARCH 16, 2016 Share This Page Photo Credit Ellen Weinstein For a glimpse of what teenagers are into these days, all you have to do is visit Abbot Kinney Boulevard in the Venice neighborhood of Los Angeles. On weekend nights, the half-mile shopping drag is packed with style-conscious kids who traipse past coffee shops, ice cream parlors and boutiques, often while taking selfies."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

"Thank you for calling tech support, now please die" | Ars Technica - 0 views

    "I answered calls from the public for a few months so you don't have to by Lee Hutchinson - Jul 17, 2015 2:00 pm UTC"
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