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Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

IEEE Software Blog: Dissecting The Myth That Open Source Software Is Not Commercial - 0 views

    "By: Karl Fogel (@kfogel) Associate editor: Stefano Zacchiroli (@zacchiro) Writing a myth-debunking piece for such an informed audience poses a certain risk. The readers of the IEEE Software Blog already know what open source software is, and many have probably written some. How can I be sure that anyone reading this even holds the belief about to be debunked?"
    "By: Karl Fogel (@kfogel) Associate editor: Stefano Zacchiroli (@zacchiro) Writing a myth-debunking piece for such an informed audience poses a certain risk. The readers of the IEEE Software Blog already know what open source software is, and many have probably written some. How can I be sure that anyone reading this even holds the belief about to be debunked?"
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

¡Victoria! Un nuevo y enorme Santuario Marino en la Antártida | Greenpeace Es... - 0 views

    "Entrada de blog por Elvira Jiménez - octubre 28, 2016 a las 13:13 Agregar un comentario Hoy se ha creado la mayor área marina protegida en el mundo en el mar de Ross, en aguas de la Antártida. Esta es una GRAN victoria para ballenas, pingüinos y la merluza negra que viven ahí y para los millones de personas en el mundo que piden la protección de nuestros océanos. "
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Globcal International News: Membership - 0 views

    " Website Blog Membership Membership Benefiting from cooperative membership in other nations. Cooperative Membership Program Opportunities, Benefits and Requirements"
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

P2P Foundation's blog » Blog Archive » How does the idea of p2p and the commo... - 0 views

    "Michel Bauwens 30th November 2010 In the article for the Argentinian national daily "Pagina 12″, journalist Mariano Blejman writes that I equate open hardware with socialism. and this is also the message that is being retweeted. This is not explicitely my position, so I'd like to take up the occasion to republish an earlier article on how our position is related to the historical movement of socialism. What is the connection between the historical tradition of socialism/communism and the contemporary emergence of ideas and practices centered around p2p dynamics and the commons?"
    "Michel Bauwens 30th November 2010 In the article for the Argentinian national daily "Pagina 12″, journalist Mariano Blejman writes that I equate open hardware with socialism. and this is also the message that is being retweeted. This is not explicitely my position, so I'd like to take up the occasion to republish an earlier article on how our position is related to the historical movement of socialism. What is the connection between the historical tradition of socialism/communism and the contemporary emergence of ideas and practices centered around p2p dynamics and the commons?"
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

School cancels reading program rather than promote "hacker culture" | Ars Technica - 0 views

    "Boing Boing editor responds, offers 200 free copies to the school's students. by Joe Silver - June 10 2014, 8:04pm CEST Activism Web Culture 212 Enlarge Cory Doctorow After the Booker T. Washington Public High School in Pensacola, Florida, placed best-selling author and popular Boing Boing blog editor Cory Doctorow's young adult novel Little Brother on its "One School/One Book" summer reading list, the school's administration promptly cancelled the school-wide reading program."
    "Boing Boing editor responds, offers 200 free copies to the school's students. by Joe Silver - June 10 2014, 8:04pm CEST Activism Web Culture 212 Enlarge Cory Doctorow After the Booker T. Washington Public High School in Pensacola, Florida, placed best-selling author and popular Boing Boing blog editor Cory Doctorow's young adult novel Little Brother on its "One School/One Book" summer reading list, the school's administration promptly cancelled the school-wide reading program."
Wildcat2030 wildcat

Social Sciences and Society - TierneyLab Blog - - 1 views

    "Would you be better off paying for online newspapers like this one? Should you feel guilty about downloading free music? Is the Web's "information-wants-to-free" culture hurting writers, musicians and the rest of the "digital peasants," as Jaron Lanier calls us, now providing unpaid content to be exploited by the "lords of the clouds" like Google? In my Findings column, I discuss Mr. Lanier's new book, "You Are Not A Gadget," a manifesto decrying the Web's effect on individual creativity. (You can see excerpts of his criticism at Edge and at Cato Unbound.) Mr. Lanier mentions this newspaper as one of the victims as well as the promoters of the Web's ideology. "The New York Times," he writes, "promotes so-called open digital politics on a daily basis even though that ideal and the movement behind it are destroying the newspaper and all other newspapers. It seems to be a case of journalistic Stockholm syndrome." Mr. Lanier also faults himself: "
Wildcat2030 wildcat

In Search of the People Formerly Known as The Audience | Blog | design mind - 1 views

  • Our friends from the Norman Lear Center in L.A. have put together a comprehensive primer on the "Business and Culture of Social Media." If you're intrigued by social media as entertainment and want to learn more about the notion of "mass self-communication," take a look at the presentation that Lear Center deputy director Johanna Blakley and director Marty Kaplan gave at the Barcelona Media Center. As brands are in hot pursuit of the ever more fragmented group of content generators formerly known as "the audience," the authors pinpoint an interplay of business economy, gift economy, and attention economy. Download the pdf
fishead ...*∞º˙

Connecting the Dots | Blog | design mind - 1 views

    • Kurt Laitner
  • How wedding blogs and brides can help us fight terrorism. In the wake of the failed bombing attempt on the Northwest Airlines Detroit flight, "connecting the dots" is all the rage. How can security agencies do a better job of connecting pieces of data together to head off similar terrorist attacks in the future? Even in small- and medium-sized organizations, corralling, analyzing, and disseminating disparate pieces of information is fiendishly difficult. For a loose affiliation of huge organizations at the governmental level it is much more difficult.
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

How to Deal With Information Overload | - 0 views

    "Up until recently, there was no such thing as information overload, but with 24 hour news cycles, blogs, social networks, viral videos and more, it's hard not to have your mind bogged down with news, messages, trivia and the like"
    "Up until recently, there was no such thing as information overload, but with 24 hour news cycles, blogs, social networks, viral videos and more, it's hard not to have your mind bogged down with news, messages, trivia and the like"
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

5 signs your Web application has been hacked | ITworld - 0 views

    "hacked FREE Become An Insider Sign up now and get free access to hundreds of Insider articles, guides, reviews, interviews, blogs, and other premium content from the best tech brands on the Internet: CIO, CSO, Computerworld, InfoWorld, IT World and Network World Learn more. Other Insider Recommendations Java 101 primer: Composition and inheritance 6 simple tricks for protecting your passwords Free course: "JavaScript: The Good Parts" Free Course: The Dark Side of Technology Careers Website defacements? Database dumps? Mysterious files? Here's how to tell if your Web application has been hacked -- and how to secure it once and for all"
    "hacked FREE Become An Insider Sign up now and get free access to hundreds of Insider articles, guides, reviews, interviews, blogs, and other premium content from the best tech brands on the Internet: CIO, CSO, Computerworld, InfoWorld, IT World and Network World Learn more. Other Insider Recommendations Java 101 primer: Composition and inheritance 6 simple tricks for protecting your passwords Free course: "JavaScript: The Good Parts" Free Course: The Dark Side of Technology Careers Website defacements? Database dumps? Mysterious files? Here's how to tell if your Web application has been hacked -- and how to secure it once and for all"
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

The Top 6 Free and Open Source Project Management Software for Your Small Business - Ca... - 0 views

    "Update 5/16/16: This post has been updated with additional free project management software suggestions based on new software and user comments. The list has also been updated to reflect changes to these software options' features over the past year. We've updated the piece to have 10 options instead of the original "
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Copywriting: 7 errores en las redes sociales | Blog de Host Europe [# ! No Share, just ... - 0 views

    "Las primeras impresiones lo son todo y tu copywriting, es decir, la forma de redactar tus mensajes, es el inicio de tu relación con clientes potenciales. Se interesan por tus perfiles en las redes sociales, probablemente buscando un producto o servicio en concreto, pero, si existe algún tipo de error en tu texto, seguramente no permanezcan durante mucho tiempo."
    "Las primeras impresiones lo son todo y tu copywriting, es decir, la forma de redactar tus mensajes, es el inicio de tu relación con clientes potenciales. Se interesan por tus perfiles en las redes sociales, probablemente buscando un producto o servicio en concreto, pero, si existe algún tipo de error en tu texto, seguramente no permanezcan durante mucho tiempo."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

IT resume makeover: Don't try to please everyone | CIO [# ! Note] - 0 views

    " Become An Insider Sign up now and get FREE access to hundreds of Insider articles, guides, reviews, interviews, blogs, and other premium content. Learn more. Latest Insider tabtops 2 InfoWorld Invasion of the tabtops: The new hybrid tablets reviewed Top 25 Windows 10 Free Tools CIO Your step-by-step guide to repairing Windows 10 ted talk CSO 10 security Ted Talks you can't miss Hashtag chalk marks Computerworld A look inside the Microsoft Local Administrator Password... See all Insider Writing a resume means knowing your audience. If you try to please everyone, you'll only wind up with an unfocused and disjointed document filled with unconnected work experience and accomplishments."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Five Reasons We Need a New Global Agreement on Climate Change by 2015 | Jake Schmidt's ... - 0 views

    "In December 2011 countries agreed in Durban, South Africa to secure a new international legal agreement by 2015. This is not the first time that countries agreed to finalize such an agreement. Cynics point out that countries continually agree to formulate something new"
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Jeremy Corbyn on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership - YouTube - 0 views

    "Published on Jun 8, 2015 Jeremy Corbyn on 15 January 2015 in the House of Commons. He asks "why there is secrecy surrounding the negotiations. Is it because there are ante-rooms on either side of the Atlantic stuffed full of highly effective corporate lobbyists doing their best to develop their own interests? Should we not instead be demanding a free trade agreement that narrows the gap between the rich and the poor, that protects the advance of public services such as the national health service, that fundamentally protects food production, and that ensures that the best standards become the universal standards, rather than engaging in a race to the bottom that results in the worst standards becoming the norm on both sides of the Atlantic?" Category People & Blogs License "
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Globcal International Blog: Universal World Citizenship: Meet the 1st Global Citizen - 0 views

    "Global Citizenship Registration starts October 09th Globcal International Commission's universal world citizenship project begins this month!"
Wildcat2030 wildcat

Carnegie Mellon uses social networking to tap collective intelligence of online study g... - 2 views

    "Taking their cue from social media, educators at Carnegie Mellon University have developed a social networking application called Classroom Salon that engages students in online learning communities that effectively tap the collective intelligence of groups. Thousands of high school and university students used Classroom Salon (CLS),, this past academic year to share their ideas about texts, news articles and other reading materials or their critiques of each others' writings. With the support of the Next Generation Learning Challenges initiative, funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, CLS will be used in an innovative experiment at the University of Baltimore to see if it can help students who are in danger of failing introductory courses or otherwise dropping out of college. "Sites such as Facebook and Twitter have captured the attention of young people in a way that blogs and online discussion forums have not," said Ananda Gunawardena, associate teaching professor in the Computer Science Department, who developed CLS with David S. Kaufer, professor of English. "With Classroom Salon, we've tried to capture the sense of connectedness that makes social media sites so appealing, but within a framework that that allows groups to explore texts deeply. So it's not just social networking for the sake of socializing but enhancing the student experience as readers and writers.""
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Economics of Abundance - P2P Foundation - 4 views

    [ Book: Wolfgang Hoeschele. The Economics of Abundance: A Political Economy of Freedom, Equity, and Sustainability. Gower Publishing, 2010 Contents [hide] * 1 Description * 2 Contents * 3 Excerpts o 3.1 Introduction o 3.2 Oppressive Scarcities (pp. 19-20) o 3.3 Conclusions: Strategies for Change o 3.4 Table 9.1: Coalitions for change o 3.5 Resource Use and Property Rights to Minimize Scarcity + 3.5.1 Contributory resource uses + 3.5.2 Neutral resource uses + 3.5.3 Rivalrous resource uses + 3.5.4 Key References on resource use Description "The "economics of abundance" is based on a critique of our present economic system, which finds value only in scarce commodities - i.e., things which can be sold at a high price because demand exceeds supply. Because this economy depends on demand always outstripping supplies, it also depends on "scarcity-generating institutions" - institutions that either manipulate supply or demand in order to keep us in a constant state of need. An economy of abundance seeks to dismantle or reform these scarcity-generating institutions in such a way as to affirm our freedom to live life as art (self-expression to others), social equity (so that everyone can live life as art), and sustainability (so that all life can thrive into the future). Among other things, this implies a much greater role for various forms of shared property, individual and community-level self-reliance, and participatory decision-making." ( ]
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