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Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Is Biometrics Technology Safe? - 0 views

    "Biometrics is a step forward, but it increases risks. What happens when the digital code for a fingerprint, iris scan, voice print or facial geometry is hacked?"
    "Biometrics is a step forward, but it increases risks. What happens when the digital code for a fingerprint, iris scan, voice print or facial geometry is hacked?"
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Small Business Project Management Software: A Look at ProjectLibre - 0 views

    "Change happens in every business. Whether it's a move to a new office, a new product launch, or a total restructuring, careful planning is essential to execute changes smoothly. But why use project management software?"
    "Change happens in every business. Whether it's a move to a new office, a new product launch, or a total restructuring, careful planning is essential to execute changes smoothly. But why use project management software?"
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Jazz is open source in nature | - 0 views

    "... There are only a few simple house rules and guidelines that create the right conditions for controlled chaos to emerge. Invariably, time after time, something magical happens. ..."
    "... There are only a few simple house rules and guidelines that create the right conditions for controlled chaos to emerge. Invariably, time after time, something magical happens. ..."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

The Revolution Will Not Be Properly Licensed - TorrentFreak | March 4, 2011 - 0 views

    " Rick Falkvinge on March 4, 2011 C: 104 Opinion We see it everywhere. Corporations are trying to take control over our communications tools, citing copyright concerns. Frequently, they are assisted by hapless politicians, who are also aspiring for the same control, citing terrorist concerns or some other McCarthyist scareword of the day. We should see this in perspective of the revolts happening right now in the Arab world."
    " Rick Falkvinge on March 4, 2011 C: 104 Opinion We see it everywhere. Corporations are trying to take control over our communications tools, citing copyright concerns. Frequently, they are assisted by hapless politicians, who are also aspiring for the same control, citing terrorist concerns or some other McCarthyist scareword of the day. We should see this in perspective of the revolts happening right now in the Arab world."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

What makes up the Fedora kernel? - Fedora Magazine - 0 views

    "Every Fedora system runs a kernel. Many pieces of code come together to make this a reality. Each release of the Fedora kernel starts with a baseline release from the upstream community. This is often called a 'vanilla' kernel. The upstream kernel is the standard. The goal is to have as much code upstream as possible. This makes it easier for bug fixes and API updates to happen as well as having more people review the code. In an ideal world, Fedora would be able to to take the kernel straight from and send that out to all users."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

What Happens in the Brain When Music Causes Chills? | Smart News | Smithsonian - 0 views

    "The brains of people who get chills when the right song comes on are wired differently than others"
    "The brains of people who get chills when the right song comes on are wired differently than others"
Bill Tracer

Will the Internet Achieve Sentience? - 1 views

    A speculative work of non-fiction that explores the idea that as the Internet increases in complexity that it may soon become a self-aware consciousness being. When this happens, what sort of consequences might there be? What kind of relationship could we have with such a being? Will we be at odds with it, or will we be able to establish a sort of symbiotic relationship with this synthetic being?
Spaceweaver Weaver

Evolution and Creativity: Why Humans Triumphed - - 2 views

  • Tools were made to the same monotonous design for hundreds of thousands of years and the ecological impact of people was minimal. Then suddenly—bang!—culture exploded, starting in Africa. Why then, why there?
  • Even as it explains very old patterns in prehistory, this idea holds out hope that the human race will prosper mightily in the years ahead—because ideas are having sex with each other as never before.
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  • Once human progress started, it was no longer limited by the size of human brains. Intelligence became collective and cumulative.
  • It is precisely the same in cultural evolution. Trade is to culture as sex is to biology. Exchange makes cultural change collective and cumulative. It becomes possible to draw upon inventions made throughout society, not just in your neighborhood. The rate of cultural and economic progress depends on the rate at which ideas are having sex.
  • Dense populations don't produce innovation in other species. They only do so in human beings, because only human beings indulge in regular exchange of different items among unrelated, unmated individuals and even among strangers. So here is the answer to the puzzle of human takeoff. It was caused by the invention of a collective brain itself made possible by the invention of exchange.
  • Once human beings started swapping things and thoughts, they stumbled upon divisions of labor, in which specialization led to mutually beneficial collective knowledge. Specialization is the means by which exchange encourages innovation: In getting better at making your product or delivering your service, you come up with new tools. The story of the human race has been a gradual spread of specialization and exchange ever since: Prosperity consists of getting more and more narrow in what you make and more and more diverse in what you buy. Self-sufficiency—subsistence—is poverty.
  • And things like the search engine, the mobile phone and container shipping just made ideas a whole lot more promiscuous still.
    Human evolution presents a puzzle. Nothing seems to explain the sudden takeoff of the last 45,000 years-the conversion of just another rare predatory ape into a planet dominator with rapidly progressing technologies. Once "progress" started to produce new tools, different ways of life and burgeoning populations, it accelerated all over the world, culminating in agriculture, cities, literacy and all the rest. Yet all the ingredients of human success-tool making, big brains, culture, fire, even language-seem to have been in place half a million years before and nothing happened. Tools were made to the same monotonous design for hundreds of thousands of years and the ecological impact of people was minimal. Then suddenly-bang!-culture exploded, starting in Africa. Why then, why there?
Wildcat2030 wildcat

Augmented Social Cognition - 1 views

    We want to understand how people are coordinating through either self-organizing mechanisms or through explicit organizing mechanisms; we want to understand principles by which those things happen in these environments but not in other s.
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Open Source and Its Lost Ideals - Datamation - 0 views

    "Mention the year of the Linux desktop, and you are guaranteed to get a laugh. The six words have become a catchphrase, with the implication that it will never happen. But, even more importantly, the laughter indicates a change in attitude."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

An Open Source World | Freedom, Sustainability and Social Equality through Individualism - 0 views

    "This site is about using the principles of Open Source software development to shape the world and the society we live in. I propose that wherever possible work is organized using these ideas and mechanisms. Whenever something is needed by an individual or a group, they will start a project and make it happen, no matter whether it is a children's playground in their neighbourhood or a law affecting the region they live in. This way, work is done by those who need the results and they are motivated as in open source projects."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Rootkit Security: The Next Big Challenge - - 0 views

    [... It has been sixteen months since I retired - or thought I was retiring - from my monthly column. A lot has happened since. First, my company was purchased by Seagate, and I am now part of the Seagate Government Solutions organization. That, of course, now changes what I write about in this column a bit as I am now a vendor, but I am still going to deal with the big issues facing storage and data movement. I will do my best to continue to not mention vendors unless I am referencing things that are in the news. Secondly, this will not be a monthly column - I'll likely post something every few months. And lastly, I want to thank those who have written in and asked me to keep writing. Thank you! The topic this month is going to be rootkits, which are nasty security issues that I think we all need to start thinking about, as well as what to do about them. ...]
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Open Health: Improving health the open source way | - 0 views

    "Welcome to the Health channel on The stories we share and bring to life here are inspired by health innovation happening around the globe. We highlight how the principles of open source-transparency, information-sharing, community-building, and collaboration-are playing a vital role in the new ways people are thinking about health."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Cultural and Social Values Meaning Differences with Examples | SLN - 0 views

    "Fri, 09/12/2014 - 02:51 -- Umar Farooq There two different types of values Define Cultural Values Cultural values are hereditary and form core of the culture. List of cultural values include customs, rituals conventions, styles and fashions which are remain in the core culture. The values hold supreme position among them. These values give a shape to the culture and the society. These are very difficult to change because they remain in embedded of social institutions and the social norms. These are the ideals of society. These are remain in the memory of our elders, in old books, in religious and ethical literature. These are sometimes, referred as the values of the old people or the values of the past. They can -be said as the traditions of our life. The deviation from cultural values creates serious social problems. If these are ignored in social life there will be a gap between 'two generations and the son will be separated from his father. But it happens seldom in rapidly changing societies. The neurotic conditions develop due to dissatisfaction in social conditions which lead to frustration."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Open source programs to write screenplays | - 0 views

    "While I was putting together slides for my lightning talk at Great Wide Open (happening March 16-17), Not that Weird: Open Source Tools for Creatives, I remembered that in the last half of 2015 we had a bit of a loss from our open source creative toolbox. I think I was little"
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

WikiLeaks Documents Reveal Apollo Program Was A Fraud, Moon Landings Never Happened - W... - 1 views

    "New documents scheduled to be released this week by Julian Assange, founder of WikiLeaks, could reveal damaging information about NASA's Apollo program, believe experts."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

How to prevent community management headaches before they happen | - 0 views

    "This is Part 3 in a series of articles on community management best practices. Also read: Part 1: How community building can help an organization's bottom line Part 2: Why community managers must wade (not dive) into communities Plus 16 resources for measuring open source community ROI"
my serendipities

IEEE Spectrum: MoNETA: A Mind Made from Memristors - 3 views

  • Truly general-purpose intelligence can emerge only when everything happens all at once: In intelligent creatures like our humble rat, all perception (including auditory and visual inputs, or the brain areas responsible for the generation of fine finger movements), emotion, actions, and reactions combine and interact to guide behavior. Perceiving without action, emotion, higher reasoning, and learning would not only fail to lead to a general purpose AI, it wouldn't even pass a commonsense Turing test.
François Dongier

collective iq - 7 views

    ahh! you beat me to it, read this yesterday and was on my list.. thx
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    Not sure I buy the no-training-wheel argument though :-) Even if they impede the learning process, training wheels make it easy and safe to bike around at an early age.
    well, I can tell from experience that the " "wibble-wobble method" works just fine (did with me as with my own youngsters). true enough, training wheels make it easy, however in the long run the ingrained habit of micro-steering as a way of enhancing one's capability to overcome apparent obstacles and innovate in and with the chaotic flow of events is quite the advantage.
    There were no training wheels when I learned to ride a bike in AR - you learned or fell off - and, everyone that I knew learned on their own without any problems at all. Training wheels and the "wibble-wobble method" are manifestations of our over-protective (well-meaning, of course!) nature with our children from the 70s, 80s and 90s and now ... I used training wheels with my son until he insisted that I take them off, so he could ride like the other kids in the neighborhood that were younger and used no training wheels and rode better than he did. I'm encouraged by that recollection (if I remember it correctely? lol) to believe that training wheels are a bit of a waste of time and that the "wibble-wobble method" or other 'throw-in-th'-mix-and-see-what-happens' would serve the person better. Micro-steering must be learned no matter what at some point - the subtly of the motion of a bike require it.
my serendipities

Group Intelligence, Enhancement, and Extended Minds - 3 views

  • What, then, determines how smart a group of collaborating individuals is? The researchers find three individual-level features that correlate in a statistically significant way to collective intelligence.
  • First, the greater the social sensitivity of group members, the smarter the group. Second, the more turn-taking within the group, the better the group performs. And third, the more women in the group, the higher the group IQ.
  • groups with more women are smarter because women tend to be more socially sensitive than men.
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • increasing the information-sharing abilities of group members using “electronic collaborative tools” might enhance the intelligence of the group itself (without necessarily increasing the intelligence of individual group members).
  • increasing the raw intelligence of individual group members cannot guarantee a smarter group. A group of cognitively enhanced individuals with extremely high IQs (because of their enhancement) thus might fail to outperform a group of “normals” if those “normals” prove to be more socially sensitive than their enhanced rivals.
  • the central component of the extended mind thesis is called the Parity Principle. It states that “if, as we confront some task, a part of the world functions as a process which, were it to go on in the head, we would have no hesitation in accepting as part of the cognitive process, then that part of the world is (for that time) part of the cognitive process.”
  • Thus, according to the Parity Principle, inanimate objects like a pad of paper, a calculator, a computer, Wikipedia, an iPhone, and so on, can all, under just the right conditions, constitute a literal component of one’s cognitive system – of one’s mind.
  • another mind can indeed become a feature of one’s own cognitive system (on the condition that the Parity Principle is true
  • Our minds are made in such a way that trauma, and negative experience is slowly buried up, or forgotten. Our minds do seem designed with self preservation measures to try and protect our psyche. Now with a memory that is always accurate, and that is always accessible, what will that do to our minds? My concern is what our limitations add to our selves. I am unsure of what the world would be like if I didn't forget things. There are somethings we choose to forget, or ignore, or believe despite the evidence. Our emotions do seem somewhat disconnected from our experiences, especially as time goes on. Stockholm Syndrome is a wonderful example, despite the worst possible conditions a loyalty and an affection grows between a captor and their captive.
  • With the ability to share memories, or worse, to forcibly access others memories, this wonderful world enhancement will help us build, may be utterly devoid of privacy. A world where nothing is sacred, except knowledge, and that you may no longer own your own life. Simply, everyone's life, everyone's knowledge and everyone's experiences, may simply become public domain.
    Hmmm... I enjoyed this article. My experience of the extended mind is that it is not enclosed in a groups collective intelligence but part of the morphogenic field. Our global brain. We can access any time. There is one piece he mentions about: But there's also the more speculative possibility, not mentioned by Woolley et al, of enhancing the social sensitivity of group members. What would happen if group members took, for instance, a pharmaceutical of some sort that enabled them to be more socially sensitive towards each other? What if some sophisticated technology were available that augmented the individual's ability to better listen to the ideas of others - to let others have time to speak and to be intellectually open to opposing views? I began to test this in group settings with a good amount of success. It is difficult to measure though. I have tested with flower essences. one particular called shasta daisy which supports individuals and groups to achieve an ever deepening sense of community and experience of Oneness. My seminars are mostly about mind (topics like socialmedia, collective intelligence, new economy) yet I try to make them integral and include other body/mind, spirit. We do meditate. In the seminars where I don´t use the flowers there is a different feeling to it. Its very difficult to describe. Its a sense of a field.
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